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Posts posted by akr

  1. "I'mh sick and tired of being sick and tired", while she looked zonked out of her head and wearing her hair in-a-oh-so-fetching rat nest side pony? If this isn't definitive proof that she has a major drug problem, nothing is. Every drug-addicted acquaintance I've ever had contact with (and there's been more than a few...) has uttered this proclamation. It's like the junkie mantra....


    It's a program catch phrase - if you really feel it, it means you're actually ready to quit. Until you can say that and mean it, the pros still outweigh the cons. I HOPE she is sick and tired of being sick and tired, and not just sick and tired of being called on it.

    • Love 4
  2. Thanks for the info!  I still think that for an American-accented person to use the equally incorrect Van Goff is a little like an American copying the BBC pronunciation of Nicaragua or Jaguar . . . pretentious and still wrong. 'f' and 'kh/ch' are sounds that rarely morph into one another, linguistically. I'm used to people trying to use the 'kh' sound in Arabic and only coming up with a 'h', never an 'f' or anything close to it. But I'm sure you're right, that it was a deliberate choice. 

  3. I was hoping the same thing. I guess it was the best they could do when they were looking for people who would want the same thing. Maybe I'm wrong though. Are these people wanting to be on tv so badly they'll take any tattoo?


    One of them pronounced "Van Gogh" as "Van Goff" - I don't think these were art lovers who were so inspired by a painting that they wanted something in particular on their body! Rather, they were probably given a couple of options and picked from among them. 


    Klimt's the Kiss would be hard, I think - color is mostly too close to flesh tones? Well, I went looking for an image to confirm, and it does seem doable - but accidentally hit upon a page full of images of Klimt tattoos. Most of them are incoherent messes, and many of the ones that aren't are pale, sad imitations, far too oversimplified to still have any magic to them, but at least I can tell of what. A few actually work.


  4. I know, but it's not necessarily HIPAA. Many rehabs have a confidentiality about them. Or maybe the producers were telling Dawn to keep the name quiet. Hell, maybe they knew she never even made it so why bother?

    Good point - sort of flowing from the 12-step notion that you don't blow somebody else's anonymity (in part because doing so risks people refusing to get help). She may have over-interpreted this regarding not being willing to tell Corey (if Leah was willing to tell, which she seemingly was not - so not Dawn's decision to make, but rather she is left awkwardly trying to follow Leah's decision not to say where it is she's going except in the most roundabout and euphemistic of ways). Not telling him while the cameras are running is probably even more the right call.


    In addition to the moral (as opposed to legal, i.e., HIPAA) obligation, there may also be something of a contractual thing with the rehab place - they agree to take only those who will abide by their confidentiality rules and not tell people who don't need to know who is there. But it's not as though rehab places turn away celebrities who publicly announce that they're checking into x, y, or z rehab center. They will tell everybody not to disclose who else was there, and maybe will kick you out if you violate this rule, but I don't see how they could punish Leah for Dawn's violating her confidentiality, rather than someone else's. Still, she should have been advised at some point that it is not right for her, as opposed to Leah, ,to be making disclosures about where she went.

  5. There could be 3 reasons as to why Dawn didn't tell Corey where the rehab was. 1. She was on camera and did not want to disclose potentially confidential patient info. All rehabs require a patient confidentiality. Maybe (for once) Dummy Dawn was just trying to keep Leah's rehab out of the TM2 spotlight. [....]

    HIPAA doesn't apply to patients and their relatives, only to the provider, insurance companies, etc. If she doesn't want to talk about it on camera, it's because she's embarrassed or worries that Leah would be embarrassed, or for fear of what someone (Corey, Leah's "fans") would do if they found out it was rehab. But there's no legal requirement on her to keep her mouth shut - it's just a choice. A choice I understand, but if she's not willing to say, she shouldn't be at all surprised that Corey wouldn't just go ahead and sign off on it. 

    • Love 5
  6. Possibilities;

    No bed at the rehab until the next a.m. when someone else checked out, but best way to get that bed is to take the flight the night before. I've seen this done (and the person does not always follow through in the morning, in which case someone else on the wait list gets the bed). 


    Why a plane: rehab is a few hours' drive away, perhaps in PA or VA or OH or something. One plane ticket makes more sense than driving; four plane tickets (Dawn & the three girls ) does not, when they can either drive there and back for the day, or possibly overnight at a nearby hotel themselves as well, and also spare themselves the hassle of dealing with three small children and the flight, the airports, maybe they have to take the wheelchair or if not otherwise have additional hassles due to the one daughter's disability, etc.


    The problem was Dawn being completely off base about Corey's intentions. I'll give her the possibility that she honestly was blinded by paranoia and incomprehension and thought she was doing the right thing by raising q's, but honestly, she could have just had a fuller conversation with Corey to straighten all that out. That part was handled ridiculously poorly.. 

    • Love 4
  7. Re the spice girls' extra fancy artisanal authentic food that requires explaining to the masses:

    And, yeah, get over this $15 for a bowl of chili. You're not using edible gold or caviar or lobster, so please get a reality check.

    Exactly. They bought industrial quality ground beef in big plastic tubes, and frozen corn. 

    • Love 7
  8. If that were what happened, I don't think she'd be suing, as opposed to just pocketing the pills. Suing means Benihana gets to ask all sorts of questions about exactly this sort of possibility. Surely a lawyer crafting her complaint would have made clear what sorts of risks discovery could pose if she does have anything she'd like to keep under wraps (although, that's assuming she found a competent and principled lawyer - if it's a bogus suit, she will have had to lawyer-shop until she found someone willing to do it for her anyway).


    I assume she has some sort of argument that there was a safety issue that caused her to slip and fall (tripped over something that shouldn't have been there or ws a design flaw that should have been corrected because of the likelihood of such an accident; a slippery floor from spilled drinks that weren't wiped up - something), rather than that the grill is too hot or isn't adequately protected under normal circumstances. Or perhaps somebody on staff asked her back by chef's side of the grill for some reason and that's not safe for someone not well trained and not wearing more sensible shoes than she'd likely be wearing. Otherwise, it's hard to see how this is Benihana's fault. However, we've never heard anything like that before, so who knows . . .


  9. I don't think they consciously disregarded Ashley because of her weight - prejudice isn't usually that bald. It's just, they picked who they felt most comfortable with, who just happened to be the other young, hip (in their minds) skinny white girls. Candace had the hubris to think she could be "nice" and mentor Amanda, who she perceived as struggling, and for whatever reason it just devolved to selecting the little clique that they'd probably already settled into. They "got along" with everybody, and maybe even liked and respected Ashley and/or Laurie and Merline as much or even more than each other, but they nonetheless just didn't automatically feel like part of their little club. Not of course because they were overweight or minorities, but just because. This is how it works, subjectively - and objectively, it doesn't make a difference to the person who is perpetually left out because of it.  


    As someone who is no longer young, hip or svelte, (actually I was more athletic than svelte at my best), I would nonetheless like to know where I can get Lindsey's earrings. Maybe that will make her feel less cool for having chosen them. 

    • Love 10
  10. Re the 12 1/2 bathrooms - apparently this is typical of the neighborhood - the four houses listed as close by have 15 1/2, 14 1/2, 5 1/2 and 11 1/2 bathrooms! Somebody apparently needs to work on their data entry skills. 

    • Love 5
  11. Nobody has felt the need to post anything in Chelsea's thread since August 14th. I think that's a pretty good sign that she's doing well! For the rest of them, things are slow if nobody's posted in the last 20 minutes or so.

    • Love 7
  12. He comes off as rather shy and sweet in that video from FIDM, which is interesting. I suppose it is a shock to go from promising young student that everybody is a little excited about and rooting for, to some place where nobody is really all that interested in anything other than what he can do now, not what he might do someday down the road. 


    I was reviewing the final looks pics for each week the other day (trying to remember what Gabrielle had made before week 4), and I was surprised to notice that Blake's week 3 and week 4 looks are very similar to one another - relatively clean sleek basic front piece, with voluminous back parts attach at about the same part of the body. It's just extra flowy palazzo pants in look 3, and the parachute in look 4, attached to a jumpsuit in look 3 and a sheath dress if I remember it right in look 4, but the basic cut is the same.


    Not sure how many ideas he has right now!

    • Love 1
  13. Ok, I guess I mean she's trying to convey I'm a seasoned professional, not some newbie two years into her career. And at 32, not trying to look like her only interests are those she had at 22 or 24. She needs, in some of her professional roles, to look and act like she's a professional generation (10 years) ahead of the 24-year-olds. (Not better or worse or trying to convey excess authority, but not looking to be taken for the new young thing anymore, like, say, Blake, but rather as one who was a new young thing and has since built on that and taken it further). 

  14. I think she just made a mistake in cutting her hair recently. Check out the picture here (Dec 2014)


    The article is good, too, and some of the things that she talks about doing (teaching, mentoring, etc), indicate that she's been a responsible adult teaching others for some time, so she's probably more mature than your average 32-year-old fashion contestant on this show, and may also have found it useful to at times adopt a style that says "take me seriously, I'm not a kid"  


    image:  http://static1.squarespace.com/static/527d1194e4b0c0e55aa2cb1d/t/548fb773e4b057b61054348d/1418704766573/?format=750w (can't seem to cut and paste the actual image here, sorry - but it's cute and she looks much younger)


    article: http://www.21stcenturysavannah.com/news/merline-

  15. Dawn mentioned recently on social media that she works in the school district. Yes, even though "that don't make no damn sense" Dawn is working in education now. I'm going to take a wild guess and assume it isn't in the better-rated George Washington district. She and Lee both worked in healthcare before; maybe her job change had something to do with the divorce.

    Well, she could be a lunch lady or something. Did she indicate what she was doing for the school district? I would think a school nurse would need to be an actual nurse in case a real emergency arose, but maybe she's qualified to hand out band-aids.

    • Love 3
  16. I did like the coat on the last place look, enough that I might have kept her one more week instead of Amanda or perhaps whoever it was with that basketball jersey dress, It looked cute on Kiernan Shipka. The dress was pretty awful, though. I suspect she got dumped not just for being underwhelming this week, but for not showing sufficient promise in earlier weeks. I didn't even recognize her as someone who was on the show, and as soon as they were giving this mystery person air time, I figured she was toast, if not now, then soon, unless it turned out that whatever she was doing miraculously worked out. 

    • Love 3
  17. She's turning out to be so charming that I don't even mind her look anymore! (Just thought I'd say that since I was on record here as dubious early on).  


    It's nice that a number of the designers seem like genuinely pleasant people this time around (her, Laurie, Swapnil, Ashley, Kelly, and probably Edmond come to mind but I could be missing someone - but definitely not including Joseph, Blake, or Amanda, who lost me with her comments about Candice this time around). Kelly is a bit of a pleasant surprise too, to me, but she just turns out to be an individualist goofball, and I approve of that! 

    • Love 3
  18. Yeah, I wasn't a fan of how she talked about Farrah either - not because I endorse anything that Farrah does, but the "sucks to be you" and not having any remorse for being the person who (however inadvertently) started a false internet rumor about her having work done on her vagina - I'm not cool with her being ok with that. 

    • Love 3
  19. I used to want a little pig like that when I was closer to Chelsea's age - not enough to do anything about it, but a little bit. Now that I know how loud they are, I'm over it! It is cute, though, and I wouldn't mind visiting somebody else's pet pig. So, that's one piece of marginally useful information gleaned from this show . . . 

    • Love 2
  20. Not considering the consequences of her actions doesn't appear to have stopped her from actually taking those actions before.She isn't saying things on camera because she is high and can't accurately formulate coherent thoughts, not because she is Clarence Darrow.

    I didn't mean to suggest she was making some sort of deep calculated analysis about this. But probably some combination of instinct that it would be really dangerous to admit this stuff on camera, and perhaps some advice from friends or possibly a lawyer, is just making her wary of saying anything that could get her in trouble.


    The defensiveness about the serenity prayer and such is not a great sign (although it's a perfectly good mantra for a nonbeliever, including one who's not an addict), nor was the leaving the first time (but it's great she went back, and she may have been unable to keep her promise to call the kids every day and worried about that, or the stuff with her Mom about possibly losing custody made her feel she needed to come address something straight away - but she went back). The boyfriend or whatever from straight after - well, it didn't last. False starts in early recovery are par for the course and opportunities to learn from mistakes, if you look at them that way instead of blowing it all out of proportion. Bad move, recognize it as such, move on. Am I optimistic that she's done? Not really. But I hope for the sake of everyone involved that she is. She may just be deeply uncomfortable with being public about any of it.

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