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Posts posted by akr

  1. I still can't get over Miz Cracker saying she spent more on Drag Race than she did on college. That shouldn't be necessary! (and clearly, it's not enough  but feeling that it might be might have altered, for the worse, how many of them approach being on the show). 

    • Love 2
  2. 1 hour ago, smiley13 said:

    The editing of Samone and Katie in the podcast challenge made me start to dislike Katie.  

    No kidding. It had me rooting for Katie to screw up in the second challenge, but I couldn't deny that she was one of the strongest ones in that. Tough day for Samone - first Katie, then Rebekah using so much time trying to get her segment just right. You gotta be able to roll with the punches, though.  I thought the team should have pulled the plug on Rebekah to give the last two presenters more of a chance, and only circled back around to her for an extra take if they had time (not sure if that would have been allowed or not, though). 

    Oh, well. I didn't see Samone winning the thing, but at least they gave her an edit that indicated her ouster was partly due to bad luck.

    • Love 6
  3. 1 hour ago, Mothra said:

    I can't remember if he was ever convicted of a felony or not.

    Just misdemeanors, so far.  This has come up a fair bit.  

    I'm not actually a fan of barring felons from voting, but David tests my resolve on this. 

    • Love 2
  4. NC does have water moccasins, which are poisonous but not very aggressive, apparently, but I know I was scared of the creek out back of the neighbor's house across the street because supposedly someone had seen them there.  Also, I always hated, as a child, the squishiness of the bottoms of lakes and rivers, compared to beaches and pools.  Still, my major concern about the out of doors around there is that it's a rather squalid-looking bit of outdoors. It's depressing. If that's what Ensley thinks all of nature looks like, she may want to be a city girl when she grows up.  

    • Love 8
  5. 10 minutes ago, SPLAIN said:

    Why was her school information blurred out, but Kaiser's school name was not?

    Maryssa's school info wasn't blurred out the first time we saw this - I looked up the school and saw that it had mixed reviews, with the criticisms coming from those who felt the teachers didn't do much except drill the kids for standardized testing. The school does a bit better than  the local average for standardized tests, but shows poor progress relative to how well the kids do compared to where they start out.  That kind of goes along with the image of all the kids with their little certificates, but given that Kaiser has a bunch of them, too, perhaps it is just a certificate-happy little corner of the world.


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  6. 1 minute ago, IvySpice said:

    If my mom were visiting from out of town for a family crisis, there is NO WAY my spouse could throw a party for me and not invite my mom. "It's for the young people" is not a reason for excluding my visiting mother. If my friends and I want to go to the club or whatever, we can do that afterwards.

    I was sympathetic at first - because I thought it was Ashley's birthday they were celebrating, not Bar's!  Hold off on the party until she's not in town, if you don't want to invite her, or do something that's just the two of you.  There's obviously a lot of history between all of these people, though, so it's hard to assess.  I did appreciate that Ashley gave Bar the time he needed to be ready to make a genuine apology, and that he did so. 

    • Love 1
  7. Shades of Jim Abbot - here's a potential one-armed local role model (Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel piece on a very successful one-armed high school baseball player): http://archive.jsonline.com/sports/preps/lake-geneva-baseball-player-succeeds-with-just-one-arm-qo9sje7-206695211.html

    Obviously there will be things that he can't do or that will be hard for him, but because he will never have known things differently, and his family seems to be taking it in stride, I don't think it will hold him back too much.  (I'd worry more about how much growing up his mother has yet to do, especially with regards to jumping into romantic relationships too quickly and hanging on to questionable ones).

    Another one, from TN: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/recruiting-insider/wp/2018/04/04/its-unreal-one-armed-teen-catcher-gets-call-from-deion-sanders-after-video-goes-viral/?utm_term=.1445a7b1e9d2

    • Love 1
  8. I thought David's mom's laughter might have just been an awkward deflection (was expecting worse after reading it here) but overall I was none too impressed with her.

    As for not being verbally hostile to an elderly woman - we don't pass straight from young to elderly, you know. I imagine she's in her 50s (likely as crass and trashy as the rest of her family and showing the wear and tear of a life not particularly well lived, but not elderly; and no doubt someone who gives as good as she gets, although perhaps less likely to throw a punch than she might have been at 30 ).

    The day somebody tries to treat me like a delicate flower because I'm "elderly" they'd better hope I'm so hobbled I need a walker and an oxygen tank (or, if healthy, at least 80), or they will get one heck of a glare. (I just turned 55. I don't consider myself young but I also don't consider my parents (in their late 70s, but healthy), to be "elderly" either. Neither needs deference. Elderly, to me, indicates frail.))

    • Love 18
  9. 8 hours ago, gunderda said:

    And I keep meaning to look up where Kayla lives. They always show farmland, a small town-ish feel but she seems to be the only white girl in town (besides her mother) which would not be common in small town Illinois.  

    The graphics say Cortland, which is a small town in DeKalb County that indeed is predominantly white (95% per the most recent census). The town's really small, but pretty close to the city of DeKalb, where she went to HS, but DeKalb's very white, too, so - this isn't some African-American prairie outpost, or anything, it's apparently just Kayla's own little social circle where she's the only white girl. 

    • Love 2
  10. 34 minutes ago, Stephanieleigh88 said:


    I researched and she made 20,000, which is more than enough to buy a small house or even rent a house, or heck, buy a double wide.

    Actually, that's below the federal poverty level for a family of three (her & her 2 kids). Most landlords wouldn't even rent you a 1BR unless you make at least twice that because there's far too great a chance you won't be able to come up with rent consistently. People making 20k in most parts of the country need at least one other income in the household to make a go of it, probably two. (And that's contract income, so take out double the FICA etc taxes - let's call it 17k.)

    I thought I heard she made about $30k, though, which should be enough to make her ineligible for food stamps, but still not enough to get a rental on her own (which is why she also has a regular job - but without the MTV money, they probably barely qualified to rent the 2BR they have).

    • Love 4
  11. Unless the school district is supplying all that frippery, I think most of it should be discouraged. This shouldn't be a contest about whose parents have the time and money to win a competitive scrap booking contest - and even the ones who can should focus on having the kids, not the parents, learn something about the subject matter and how to organize a presentation.  

    Otherwise, half the class or more will be focused less on the substance of the project than on where they're going to find the time & money to put it all together. 

    • Love 4
  12. Honestly, I think Dumb Fucks is too generic - I've heard it way too often about way too many people.  It's a perfectly appropriate epithet for them, I just don't think it works as semi-official new names for them.

    Now here's something super specific about another dumb fuck, from the Y&P franchise (Stephan): "crooked jaw cheating ass panty collecting mama fighting pin code stealing no utility having ass" . . . that's how it's done! (from the comments on some photos Kayla posted of her and Stephan with the baby - perhaps not the right place for someone to be making the comment, as Kayla's mom suggested, but so deserved!) (spotted on reddit)

    • Love 3
  13. 54 minutes ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

    Didn't they show footage of an MTV party or something for the "talent" where they were serving alcohol?  I remember David being mad about something to do with beer, and something about shots.  If so, then using mind-altering substances is an accepted part of their work, if not actually encouraged by their employer serving it and filming them at the time.  Of course, they don't have to actually imbibe, or imbibe to drunkenness, but I think this is a very different situation from any of the professions you listed, where employers would never provide alcohol to their employees (or independent contractors) while working.

    And I have no doubt that MTV has any problem whatsoever with the "talent" being drunk or high.  They certainly didn't with Leah or Jenelle or Kiefer or Catelynn or what's his name (I'm blanking) who was high at his first wedding to MacKenzie and drunk at his second, off the top of my head.  They were all impaired while "at work" and I don't see how David is any worse in this instance.

    That's true - and if he were an occasional harmless, loopy drunk I don't think anybody would care all that much.  But David, with or without mood-altering substances, is an alarming presence, and I would want to be around him even less when his inhibitions are lowered.

    • Love 11
  14. Brittany (however she spells it) looks just like her mother when she's being ridiculous.  Not  cute.

    I'm entirely on Kail's side in this situation. It's completely manufactured drama for the cameras from the DeJesus side, and if Kail stands up for herself or tries to decline getting into it on camera, she's well within her rights. That she's done some dumb things before herself does not mean she has to forever put up with whatever nonsense these ridiculous people want to start.

    • Love 24
  15. I think he's actually only doing underwater janitorial work, close to shore, rather than coordinating dives. Thank God. (I'm probably being unkind and unfair to people who clean the underside of boats for a living, but it's David, so I'm going to run with it). Also, I'm not sure I'd trust him with the moving parts. If they're able to make a go of it, well, good, but I'm skeptical. I think he'll get tired of it. 

    • Love 6
  16. I am old enough to remember the Sonny & Cher show but must have blinked and missed her disco phase.  If it's iconic to Ru, I suppose it is, but it wasn't something I recognized or that I think of as something distinctively Cher. All the other phases were instantly familiar to me. FWIW.

  17. I wouldn't trust either of them as a dive buddy at 30 feet in still, clear water on a group dive organized by a great shop - and they propose to plan dives and be in charge of making sure all the equipment is in great working order?  Are you going to tell everybody you just got your basic cert done in your own backyard pool? That's confidence-inspiring.

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