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Posts posted by Waldo13

  1. What is Smugly Smug Smug’s malfunction?  He’s looking to be rehired but he’s being combative with Devon and Lily.  Of course they took him back. What would be CW without a backstabber. 

    Devon should tell Smugly Smug Smug he should show just a little gratitude for taking him back, but his brain just can’t overcome his ego. Are Smugly Smug Smug and Nostrils brothers from another mother?  They both throw the same temper tantrums. 


    Speaking of malfunctions we have Nostrils wanting to jump ship to help mommy.  Nostrils’ reasons doesn’t even make sense because it’s all based on what ifs.  Nostrils’ proposal for CW and Jabot to work together to defeat the mighty Tucker makes a much sense as Taz🌪️ coming up with the cure for cancer. 




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  2. I guess today is more about boobies than Eric.  All except for Hope and Luna. 


    So Brooke gave us a clue today by saying Eric was seen by an Oncologist.  So it’s cancer which was obvious when Eric was spitting up blood. 


    Once again we have the obvious omission at Eric’s party. Where is Finn and Eric’s great grandchildren?  


    Stuffy’s and Katie’s dresses 🤢🤢🤮.  Bald headed Zende, in a turtleneck looks even more prickly. 

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  3. Smugly Smug Smug just can’t control himself from being totally smug to Lily.  It’s like he is demanding a second chance to screw over CW once again. 

    Lily you ARE smarter than the average bear asking Smugly Smug Smug where his true allegiance lyes; but you can bet it would be a smug answer.  Well, I was right, a non answer is a smug answer.  Lily calling Smugly Smug Smug pompous has the same meaning but I like Smugly Smug Smug much better than Pompous Pomp Pomp which was considered to call him. 

    If Victor really wants to fight for Nikki’s sobriety, then why does he have vodka, Nikki’s go to, out in plain sight?  

    It’s now confirmed that “Great Expectations” has come to GC. Aunt Jordan (Miss Havisham) uses Claire (Estella) to wreak havoc on the Newmans.   In the end, of Great Expectations” Estella redeems herself from her evil ways. Let’s hope that the monkeys with a keyboard allow Claire to do the same.  Claire was also a victim.  In doing a DNA test, Claire will find out if Cole and Groucho🥸🥸🥸 are her parents, and if not, Claire might find out she’s the daughter of some other prominent family looking for their kidnapped daughter.  Could you imagine what would happen if Claire is Eve?  Victor 🤯. Victor would have to refer to Claire as “that granddaughter” instead of that woman in his dismissive way. 

    Why does Nikki’s bedroom look more like it belongs at a am Super 8 motel than in a multi million dollar mansion.  I guess only double beds are available at Mattress Firm in GC.  

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  4. I figured out why Zende is without hair.  It makes Zende look like more of a prick that he has become.  Zende if you’re suck an amazing designer, strike out on your own and leave FC. 

    Let me ask you Zende did Eric or Ridge go to design school?  Eric went to college but where does it say that it was design school?  Did Ridge go to design school or did he learn how to design from Eric?  OK, so now Zende knows Eric is dying but he’s still a prick. 

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  5. Go F*** yourself Chelsea by encouraging Summer❄️❄️❄️❄️ to go after Chance and don’t give 💩💩 about Sharon once again. I’m not a fan of Sharon but even a less fan of Chelsea.  Chelsea was a heart attack way from jumping Rey’s bones in Chicago.  

    I got a kick out of Groucho🥸🥸🥸🥸 saying that they enjoyed seeing them terrified and at their mercy.  I guess the Newmans don’t like it one bit when the shoe is on the other foot. 

    Hey Taz🌪️, I got news for you, work harder!  You’re still an insufferable antagonizing combative unsympathetic miserable creeper 🤢🤮.  Taz🌪️ giving Summer❄️❄️❄️❄️ advice on her love life 😝. I rather take advice from a homeless drug addict strung out on crack. 

    Jill have you spoke to Lily and Devon about bringing on Nostrils and Chance?  Like Smugly Smug Smug, Devon and especially Lily aren’t all that too fond of Nostrils because of the way he last left CW. 

    Stop the presses, Groucho🥸🥸🥸 is capable of being somewhat sympathetic towards Claire. Here again the Newmans are being hypocritical. Did Victor raise his family to be elitist shit heads and to believe they are entitlement.  So why can’t they believe that Claire was raised to believe a certain way by Aunt Jordan.  Groucho🥸🥸🥸 if you want to know the truth, have Claire take a DNA test or maybe your brain can’t wrap around the idea that Claire could be Eve. 

    🍇🍇, Banana Breath🦍🦍 should be eating 🍌🍌🍌.  I guess his mom was too hung over to peel his 🍌 for him as usual. 

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  6. Prick of the morning to you too Nostrils.  Kyle, let me piss in your cup of coffee and we can start the day.  Nostrils is the last person to call Kyle out on being late to work. 

    Chance is such a great guy that he’s willing to give up what he really likes to do for a mundane life just to please everyone else.  It’s hard to tell if Sharon is happy or said, her face remains unmoved. 

    Abby has become such a bad ass. Is she channeling her iner Newman pedigree to deal with Tucker. What does giving Abby a seat on the board of CW have to do with the price of tea in china?  What would that accomplish?  

    Chloe is talented and smart 🤢🤢🤮?  That’s like saying Chelsea is a good designer on anything but schmattas.  Chelsea, Harrison is not Summer❄️❄️❄️❄️’s son. I still hope for the day Tara swoops in and takes Harrison away from those two dolts.  Chelsea you definitely know how that would work out if Chance was available. Summer❄️❄️❄️❄️ would jump his bones but not as fast as you would have jumped Rey’s bones given half the chance. 

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  7. Eric are you slipping?  Of course he is. Eric doesn’t want anyone else to know that he’s dying but he sends Carter legal documents that has every indication that he’s dying.  These people are such incorrigible ass holes.  Why is having a celebration of life so wrong?  It’s a much better idea of a memorial after Eric’s death.  


    What would Katie be without being able to give an opinion even if it’s not warranted. 


    I guess Eric’s big party is not in the budget 😇


    I guess Quinn doesn’t qualify for a ex-wife. 




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  8. All this quibbling about job titles is really just much to do about nothing.  The COO is just as important, to a corporation, as a CEO. The CEO is at risk if he doesn’t have a good COO. I was  CFO and the CEO told me that I was his protector in making decisions that actually benefited the company and kept him from being blindsided.  The same goes for Groucho🥸🥸🥸🥸.  She was only demoted in her mind because she was not calling all the shots anymore. The NE dynamic doesn’t need a Co-CEO because either Victor or Grouco🥸🥸🥸🥸 is the ultimate authority.  In a Co-CEO dynamic, they both discuss what’s best for the company and come up with a beneficial solution. 

    Has anyone else noticed that when Nostrils tries to match wits with someone, it only proves more and more that he’s a dimwit.  Nostrils is so weak minded that the Jedi mind trick works on him all the time.  

    Are flashbacks the new norm for Y&R. They seem to be a new character in GC that appears on a daily basis. I think flashback should be included in the opening credits.  

    If Nostrils is such an amazing poker player, how did he loose the Jaboat to a sexy young lady. Maybe he was looking at her cleavage instead of her hands.  Nostrils you are an idiot. Highly skilled professional poker players will make sure they don’t have any tells.  Tucker is a highly skilled 🐂💩 artist so he wouldn’t have any tells.  

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  9. Why does B&B even need writers?  I’m sure a better script can be written by Chad AI. Every day is like Deja Vu all over again. It use to be Liam and Lurch repeating their lines and now it’s all about Eric dying with what they want vs what Eric wants.  My wife would say that if you don’t shut up, I will kill you and I would serve a very short life sentence. I think she was kidding but I didn’t want to find out 😉

    Katie STFU. Why don’t you lie in a hospital bed waiting for your heart to give out.  If the doctor is worth his salt, he would be looking into life savings treatments to save Eric’s life even if he’s not in the hospital.  My wife’s oncologist was looking into every experimental treatment program that there was. Unfortunately she didn’t qualify for any experimental treatments.  

    Stuffy you dumb ass hat. What’s keeping you or anyone else from telling Eric how much he is loved and are there for him.  Another thing Stuffy, if Shiela had her way, you and Finn would have been dead before Eric so you wouldn’t have seen either Ridge or Eric basking in applause and admiration after a show. 

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  10. The proof is now in the pudding that Aunt Jordan is Eve Howard’s sister. They are both an ounce short of a pint. 

    I’ve always wondered how many times a soap opera scene needs to be done before the final take is in the “can”.  I thought about this a little more today when Groucho🥸🥸🥸🥸 was begging Claire to help them and call an ambulance. I was wondering how many times Claire laughed in Groucho🥸🥸🥸🥸’s face as she was trying to be pathetic.  On the other hand, Smugly Smug Smug and Nostrils can do their scene in on take because they are natural smug pompous ass holes. Instead of a pissing match, they are having a smug off.  Can any of these idiots realize that there might not be good cell reception where they are in Oregon.  (Traveling by Blue Lake on the way to Mt Hood, my AT&T cell reception was very spotty). 

    Is Groucho🥸🥸🥸🥸 going to keep her promise and try to help Claire?  I don’t think so but the least they can do is to give Claire a DNA test to make sure she’s not Eve.

    Like Tara, Claire is going to be sent off to jail never to be heard from again.  What a bummer.  Both of them were very likable flies in the ointment.  

    I have to disagree with Victor calling Claire crazy. Her Aunt Jordan raised her to hate the Newmans much like Miss Havisham raised Estella to take revenge on men.  I have to give Claire empathy though, because her misguided wrath was directed at the Newmans.  One other thing is that none of Victor’s children is without their own issues and malfunctions due to how they were raised. 



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  11. 2 hours ago, Js Nana said:

    Hayley Erin is the actress playing Claire, and this is her second stint on Y&R, having played Abby Newman from 2008 to 2010; she also played the character of Kiki Jerome on General Hospital from 2015 to 2019, and the character of Taylor Hotchkiss on Pretty Little Liars: The Perfectionist in 2019.

    Colleen Zenk is the actress playing Aunt Jordan, and she took over the role of Barbara Ryan on AS THE WORLD TURNS on 9/1/1978 and stayed in that role until ATWT's last episode on 9/17/2010.

    Please let me clarify. I knew who the were because of a Google search. I just never saw them act before. 

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  12. I know I’m beating a dead horse when I say this but it’s up to what Eric wants and not what anyone else wants.  I’ll use my wife as an example again. She didn’t want to discuss her cancer with me or how she felt. The only way I knew how dire my wife situation was came from her oncologist.  I’m sure Eric feels, like my wife, that sympathy and other ways that you are treated just makes you think about your death more.  


    I’m still wondering how Luna affords all those clothes as a lowly intern.  


    Ridge is dropping a lot of innuendos that is not leading Eric to believe that Ridge knows that Eric is dying.  Eric is not dumb so I guess Eric is choosing to ignore them. 

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  13. I find today’s episode very interesting. Far and a way from the usual mundane crap that’s usually fed to us. 

    I’ve never seen the actresses before who play Aunt Jordan and Claire before but they are very compelling and excellent actors. Even Nikki is at her best when she is acting drunk instead of her usual acting with my shit don’t stink attitude. 

    It’s seems that Aunt Jordan or should I say Miss Havisham shit the bed with revealing that Claire was stolen and not given up by Groucho🥸🥸🥸🥸 and Cole.  What I don’t understand was that really Claire that died in Groucho🥸🥸🥸🥸’s arms or was Claire already replaced.  This sounds a little to familiar with history repeating itself with Banana Breath🦍🦍’s or should I say Adam’s and Sage’s baby Christian. 



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  14. Audra is a good student of human nature except when she uses her heart instead of her head. I do believe that Audra has more feelings for Kyle than she’s willing to admit especially to herself.  Audra had Smugly Smug Smug pegged and she called him out on the fact he was making a power play on NE. 

    Sally and Adam still and always will be 🔥🔥🔥. Sally just admit it that you still love Adam.  I guess that kiss proves it 🔥.  When Sally kisses Banana Breath 🦍🦍 it’s 🥶.  Above the bed , instead of a mirror, there is a picture of a 🍌.  

    I’m really enjoying Aunt Jorden. She sinister in a very enjoyable way.  So Claire is Groucho🥸🥸🥸🥸’s and Cole’s undead daughter?  Is that the daughter Groucho🥸🥸🥸🥸 lost when she was “involved” with Neil was she was married to Cole.  

    As an aside, Camryn Grimes is pregnant.  I would imagine that this wouldn’t be written into a story line for Mariah. 


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  15. Hope Hope Hope, you see that Lurch has changed but you can’t see that Shiela might have changed.  What has Shiela done to you personally?  Lurch has done a lot more detrimental things to you than Shiela ever did. You are 100% wrong that Lurch is a saint as compared to Shiela.  

    What is Hope’s malfunction?  Every argument that she uses on Deacon to dump Shiela can be used by Deacon in her to dump Lurch. Lurch is a psycho and Hope is the beauty that keeps him in check. 

    Did they have to turn Hope into a shrew like Stuffy?  A blonde and a brunette, complete opposites. Lite and dark but now there is basically no difference. 

    As an aside, I know this from RL.  When you know you’re facing death, things become more urgent. Eric might seem manic but in a race with the Grimm Reaper that scythe constantly looming. Sympathy most likely becomes a reminder of that fact.  When my wife had a very painful death from cancer.  My support group told me that their pain is over and “your” pain has just begun. 

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  16. First of all Happy Thanksgiving!  There are many theories as to why Thanksgiving is on a Thursday and even why it’s in the month of November.  The Pilgrims first Thanksgiving was actually in October at the end of the harvest. Abraham Lincoln first declared Thanksgiving to be on the last Thursday in November in 1863, but in 1941, Thanksgiving became a Federal Holiday to be celebrated the last Thursday in the month of November. 

    Personally I would prefer a cheeseburger and mashed potatoes over Turkey and mashed potatoes for Thanksgiving.  I guess Audra is too much of a lady to pick up that hamburger and bite into it 😉.  

    Jack is absolutely wrong. Thanksgiving is the time for family conflict especially when talking politics and sports. Christmas is the time for family unity and love. 

    When listening to Mrs Chipmunk all I hear is nails on a chalkboard.  You just got to give it to Gloria because she is always entertaining when she is in a scene.  It’s totally believable that Gloria stole some clothes but having an affair 🤯.  Mistaken identity, that’s also a stretch. 

    Auntie M is fibbing about Jill because she wanted to get rid of her as much or more than Tucker.  Auntie M isn’t it a little more your hatred of Jill than family unity.  Will Devon and Lily turn their back on Jill. Jill is not actually family but Devon and Lily would be hypocrites because they would be doing to Jill what Smugly Smug Smug has done to them. Besides, it was Jill who gave Lily the opportunity to run CW. 

    You go Aunt Jorden. Watching her is going to be very enjoyable next week. 


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  17. Does Kyle want back into the plan or into Audra 😉.  


    How many jets do NE have?  Wouldn’t the pilot be waiting to take Nikki to her sister?  I guess Nikki told the pilot, via her stolen phone, to take Claire back to GC to get some paperwork.  Victor tells the pilot to ready the plane to go to Oregon but one would think that the pilot already knew the closest airport?  I’m I being too logical again?  

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  18. I know I’m beating a dead horse when I say this but Hope is in love not with Lurch but the idea that Lurch loves her and only her. At best, Hope is infatuated with Lurch.  Is Hope wearing pajamas?  It sure looks that way and it also not very figure flattering. Along those lines, Zende, some men do look good bald but you’re not one of them. 

    Could you imagine if Bill and Poppy became an item what it would do to Li 🤯🤯🤯🤯?  Or maybe they already have.  Is it coincidence that Li told Finn that Luna doesn’t even know who her father is. Is that the lead in to Bill being her father?  

    “We” brought back HFTF back from the dead. Does Zende now speak French?  Did I miss something? When was it the three of them?  If I remember correctly Zende, your and Eric’s HFTF designs failed in the marketplace. Zende, RJ didn’t design but they couldn’t tell him that RJ only put Eric’s designs on paper. 

    RJ is a terrible actor. His acting becomes only acceptable in scenes with Luna. 

    So it now seems that Zende is turning into a Lurch in showing he has no boundaries when it comes to other people’s relationships.  

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  19. Nina please STFU and treat Chance like an adult and not as a teenager that’s still under your thumb. Nina, you are getting on my nerves.  In her own way, Nina is almost as annoying as Taz🌪️. Chance could be walking in front of Rexx Ruggs and get run over by a drunk driver.  Chance could be trying to break up in a cat fight between Summer❄️❄️❄️❄️ and Sharon and inadvertently get hit over the head by a coffee pot and die. Chance stands a more probability of dying from Nina’s nagging than in the line of duty.  So Jill wants to teach Chance how to be a businessman. Why not give a nepotistic opportunity for employment. It works for the Newmans and Abbotts. 

    It’s funny that it’s only blackmail, in business, when Adam does it. Devon blackmailing Auntie M to bring Smugly Smug Smug back to CW is perfectly fine. 


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  20. WTF!  HFTF is being benched in favor of Eric’s new line. Please tell me how the wonderful fantastic profitable line, that Lurch single handily resurrected, has to be benched unless it’s not really making that much of a profit not to be self sustaining. 

    Zende, you are 100% correct about Ridge pushing everyone aside for his children.  Zende you are lucky you are family because you would be out the door for confronting Ridge with a hissy fit.  Beside Zende, you had your chance to collaborate with Eric on for HFTF and you came up short. 

    Ok so Bill comes over to Poppy and Luna asking if he knows her.  They were not in a cone of silence where Bill couldn’t hear Poppy’s and Luna’s conversation about Luna meeting Stuffy and Li being Poppy’s sister.  


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