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Posts posted by Waldo13

  1. This Stuffy we are talking about.  A convicted murder has a better chance of surviving the electric chair than Finn being allowed to have a relationship with his mother. 

    Stuffy has not only taken Finn’s ball but she has fried then and served them to him with Fava Beans and a nice Chianti

    It would be fantastic if Finn and Stuffy divorce, Hope marries Finn, and they have a baby before Thomas returns to LA.

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  2. To comply with the moderators directive, I will no longer use nicknames. 


    You want to make a situation worse, have Summer❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️ and Phillis 🕷️ weight into the situation.  


    Hey Victor, I have info for you. Jack almost didn’t kill Niki. He actually risked his life to save her.  Victor’s animist towards Jack shows no bounds. 

    Even Nick 🦍🦍🦍🦍 saw the truth in what Jack was trying to do. Victor doesn’t realize that sponsors are not infallible. 


    Summer❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️ it’s about her and than in turn Phillis🕷️ makes it all about her.  It’s about Harrison, not them.  


    Summer❄️x6 has turned green once again because she doesn’t want Claire/Eve anywhere near Harrison. Summer❄️x6 it’s not your decision to make. If Kyle wants Claire/Eve to see Harrison that’s his choice not hers.  Maybe Kyle should keep Phillis🕷️ away from Harrison. She could be a terrible influence on him also. Summer❄️x6, after that rant is now Summer❄️x7.  Why doesn’t Kyle remind Summer❄️x7 that she chose her mother over Harrison.  



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  3. Conner with OCD, Ashley with DID, Nikki with Alcoholism, and now is Harrison going to have PTSD.  Well he might according to Summer❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️ because he’s worried more about Claire/Eve than himself.  Harrison has a big heart so why wouldn’t he be concerned more about Claire/Eve than himself.  Summer❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️ jumps to conclusions because she really doesn’t worrying about anything more than herself.  Altruism is another concept the ❄️ can’t comprehend.  Another trait she inherited from her mom. 

    I get it, Summer❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️ is really worried that Harrison is becoming too close to Claire/Eve. As I said before, Summer❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️ is and has always been upset when she is not the center of attention.  

    I still have one burning question.  WHO IN THE HELL WAS THAT DEAD WOMAN IN THE STORAGE UNIT!!  




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  4. Why are Stuffy and Liam acting like Kelly doesn’t see her father all that often.  In B&B time it only seems that Liam only saw Kelly for few minutes than Kelly was sent off to bed without dinner.  


    That was such a convoluted story Deacon and Finn where telling Shiela about why they thought she was dead. Couldn’t they just come out and tell Shiela that Stuffy killed Sugar, in self defense, because Stuffy thought  Shiela was attacking her?  They made it sound that Stuffy killed Shield on purpose. 


    Is Stuffy’s and Finn’s marriage on the rocks because Shield is alive?  Was Ivy the catalyst in bringing Liam and Stuffy back together?  


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  5. What is Stuffy’s malfunction?  I guess Ivy didn’t get her permission to come back to LA. I got news for you Stuffy, Ivy is a Forester by blood and you are a Forester by accident.  

    Why is it any of Stuffy’s business why Ivy is in town especially when it comes to Liam. Oh I forgot, everything is Stuffy’s business.  Isn’t Stuffy married to Finn but she is still pissing on Liam to mark her territory.  

    Does Stuffy have something to prove and show him that she is still in love with him.  Will Stuffy go as far as to play hide the salami with Liam and will need another paternity test?





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  6. Ivy Ivy Ivy you are a much needed beacon of light to this otherwise very dreary rabbit whole TPTB are going down. Fanatic smile, amazing blue eyes, and a sexy accent.  What more can be asked for but, for me, Ivy has gotten a little too skinny.  Ivy’s face was much fuller in the flashback. Liam, are you that stupid that you couldn’t see or didn’t want to see what Ivy was laying down?  How many time did Ivy lean forward to give you a good look at she needed you to do. Ivy was eye fucking you and you didn’t even respond.  Did you see the scowl on Stuffy face when she saw Ivy and Liam.  Stuffy can’t even believe, even for a second, that she is always large and in charge. 

    Speaking of stupid, there is Deacon and Finn. Why would they be asking Shiela questions instead of rushing her to the hospital. Severe dehydration cannot be cured by a small bottle of water.  

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  7. Deacon’s restaurant has a special new dish on the menu. It’s called Roasted Crow. Deacon should be serving a large helping to Stuffy but she is not apt to eat crow. 


    It’s great to see Ivy once again. She looks fantastic but her taste in men suck. 


    Deacon and especially Dr Finn, why are you both there with thumbs up your ass and haven’t called 911?  

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  8. Victor, in being an excellent businessman, has mastered the art of reading people’s faces and body language.  Or in there words, read the room. Victor makes the accusation that he knows where Claire/Eve is being held and sees on Auntie Jordan’s face that he is correct. This is a soap opera, so, for an instant, I thought the storage locker would be a red herring.  I’m glad Claire/Eve is alive and can account fit what happened to her but, what I find most aggravating is that the dead woman is only mentioned in passing with no explanation of who she was or why she was there.  Was she an accomplice of Auntie Jordan helping to abduct Claire/Eve and Harrison?  Inquiring minds should have to wait for answers. 



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  9. In a moment of clarity, which doesn’t happen very often, Summer❄️❄️❄️❄️ is not blaming Claire/Eve anymore for Harrison’s kidnapping. 


    Victoria racking her brain for 5 minutes and we didn’t see smoke coming out her ears?  It’s unbelievable?  I don’t remember Victoria when she saw those keys before. Can someone enlighten me please?  


    The title of today’s episode should be called the blame game. I don’t blame anyone but I do blame the monkeys with a keyboard for writing this crap. 


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  10. Retail therapy Sybil?  It looks like Fenmores is still selling dresses designed by Breathless Mahoney. 

    Lily are you that dumb in passing off a conversation with Auntie M to Nostrils?  The only reason I can think of is that you’re leaning towards taking up Nostrils on his proposal.  Than Lily you will be dumber than dumb. Don’t you realize Nostrils end game is to take CW over completely?  

    Tucker/Audra + Nostrils/Lily = much to do about nothing 🥱🥱😴

    Coming attractions:  No mention of Claire/Ev.  What’s up with that.  Most of next week will be Sybil Sybil Sybil 🤢🤮


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  11. Is there a difference between BlueFang🕷️’s mannerisms and Sybil’s mannerisms?  Absolutely.  Sybil’s mannerisms is the result of some type of trauma. BlueFang🕷️’s mannerisms is a result of being born that way. 

    Banana Breath🦍🦍🦍🦍 are you f….. kidding me?  Is Summer❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️ kept her head strong, I would hate to see her in a panic.  

    Did you see the look on Summer❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️ face when Harrison said that Auntie Jordan hurt Claire/Eve and that we have to save her?  Summer❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️ looked like she shit her pants.  

    Victor lier lier pants on fire. If Auntie Jordan is dead,  then you were the one who drove the stake through her heart. I don’t believe she’s dead, just went to meet Marco.  Check that.  Auntie Jordan is behind bars in Victor’s wine cellar.  Why would anybody doubt that Victor has a jail cell in his wine cellar?  Victor don’t pussy foot around and give Auntie Jordan a truth serum cocktail.   

    MS I’m sure is a fine person but BlueFang🕷️ just turns my stomach 🤢🤢🤮.  I’ve never even thought a person can be as insufferable as her. 

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  12. Hey Stuffy Finn, would feel more like himself if you gave him his balls back.

    If it was a drinking game every time Stuffy said Shiela, I would be drunk in 5 minutes. Stuffy said her name 18 times, but with everyone else saying Shiela, I lost track at 45 times her name was mentioned  

    How many times can I say this, Z TOOK ADVANTAGE OF LUNA but mostly RJ.  

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  13. How screwed up is Auntie Jordan to belittle Harrison’s life of affluence to try to get him to eat a peanut butter and jelly sandwich?  Does Auntie Jordan know if Harrison is allergic to peanuts like his “mommy” Summer❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️.  I have to give Harrison kudos for being able to stare down Auntie Jordan; but I’m wondering was Harrison able to do so in one take. For me it would be hard not to laugh in Auntie Jordan’s face.  Clearly Claire/Eve’s cellphone it turned on because you heard the ding for the voice mail and nobody can ping Claire/Eve’s cellphone to get its location?  Are they kidding me?  Even that fantastic hacker, BlueFang🕷️, cannot track the cellphone. 


    So now Sybil is a southern floozie. No disrespect to southerners because I’m moving to Alabama in July.  


    Summer❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️ you are a blithering ❄️. Doing things by the book is not the be all cure all for getting off from a technicality.  Things were done by the book and dear old mommy got off an a technicality didn’t she Summer❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️?  


    If Claire/Eve doesn’t know where Harrison is does that mean she’s definitely not involved?  In addition the question now becomes where is Claire/Eve?  


    Could someone please tell me why Kyle had to kick the door in when Harrison could have just unlocked it?  Is that the same as Summer❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️ just locking herself inside a car and the GC fire department had to use the jaws of life to rescue her?  


    Breathless Mahoney comes from the way Chelsea delivers her lines.  If Chelsea speaks any more than a few words, she seems to be out of breath.  

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  14. Cry me a river Z, you pathetic POS.  To me you’re lower than whale shit. Your ego is shattered and that’s why you are sulking. In actuality, you are very self satisfied while playing hide the salami and though you were proving you were a better man than RJ.  Be honest Z, you are hoping that RJ doesn’t forgive Luna so you can swoop in and make Luna your girlfriend. 


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  15. It’s quite obvious that Nostrils gets his condescending attitude from Jill.  

    I’m ok with Lily’s decision to keep Smugly Smug Smug off the board of director. Lily still has a 3 person majority although it’s a very small board for a major corporation. 

    WTF!  I have seen enough cop shows to know that Claire/Eve’s phone should be constantly monitored and be able to be pinged as soon as it’s turned on to send a message or check a voice message.  

    So Dave was coerced into complying with Auntie Jordan in obtaining his truck. Auntie Jordan offered him $10K with $5K up front. I have to assume that Auntie Jordan has a rainy day fund under an assumed name and is able to go to a bank to withdraw funds. Now the problem would be is how the cops and especially the FBI or US Marshals not know about her alias?  

    You are 100% correct Jill. This is not the first time Lily had to deal with a cheating jerk; but are you including your own son as a cheating jerk.  Nostrils seemed to take up with Breathless Mahoney pretty quick after leaving Lily.

    Devon may look unassuming but he definitely has Nostrils figured out. 


    As an aside, I read that EB’s cancer is in remission. 

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  16. Summer❄️❄️❄️❄️ is an expert in determining insane people because she has observed an insane person all her life.  Summer❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️ has earned herself another ❄️.  Summer❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️ can bellow all she wants but how does she definitely know Clair/Eve was in contact with Auntie Jordan?  There you have it with Summer❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️’s ranting to Kyle the green eyed jealous monster appeared by saying that Kyle was taken in by Claire/Eve batting her said little eyes at him and telling him horrific stories about her childhood. Summer❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️ you may have been born with a silver spoon in your mouth but your childhood was even close to being saintly. 

    Nikki take another drink and you will see more clearly that Claire/Eve was not an accomplice of Auntie Jordan. 

    Are you kidding me Nostrils?  You would betray anything or anyone, in a heartbeat, if it was to benefit you.  You even betrayed your own daughter by not protecting her. Yes, I know I’m playing the same song over and over again but when I see Nostrils, more than anything else, I see a child abuser. 

    You go Lily rip Nostrils a new nostril. I would say a new ass hole but Nostrils is already a total ass hole.  

    Chance, how did working with you and the GCPD workout with the BlueFang🕷️ case?  You took the EMT’s word as the gospel and you were convinced that BlueFang🕷️ was dead.  Talking about batting your sad little eyes Summer❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️, didn’t you do that to Chance to see if he would give your mother a break after she was known to be alive.  

    I have one big question for the delivery truck/van driver. Why would you leave your delivery truck unlocked with the keys in the ignition?  It’s just like why would Nostrils leave DiDi in a running car?  


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