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Posts posted by bichonblitz

  1. Reza really has issues, doesn't he? I just don't see any chemistry, or anything in common between him and Adam. 

    These people are in their 40's (except Gigi and new girl). The need to grow the fuck up.   

    • Love 4
  2. Kathryn....what a downer. I get the feeling she is really going to unleash the crazy this season.  I've got to give T-Rav credit for not jumping into marriage. He wanted a baby, just not the baby mama. Now he's trying to figure out what to do about that.  

    Did anybody miss the rocker chick? Glad she's gone, it was a bad fit. 

    Patricia: Who has an outdoor party in the middle of August! So correct, my dear. Kathryn has a lot to learn, alright.  I live in the south and you have never seen miserable unless you have been here, outdoors, in the middle of August all dressed up, hair and makeup done and looking like a wet dog an hour later! 

    • Love 5
  3. What I've gathered from some articles is that Stassi accused Scheana of spreading this alleged tape around and wanting to leak it to various sources. Lisa paid off the guy she sent it to originally so that it would never see the light of day and it supposedly is not available online. Stassi basically outed it's existence herself and none of what she accused Scheana of doing was true. Makes no sense to me, really. This is supposedly what her big issue was but the tape never actually was leaked. The only explanation could be this was sent to Jax and he showed it to the others, Lisa paid him off not to leak it.

    My heart just sunk a little. Never thought Queen Lisa would get that involved. Please say it isn't so.  if it is true.. I want to know how much she paid the guy! 

    And if it is true, Stassi should be kissing her ass from here to eternity for doing that. How dare that bitch treat Lisa the way she has this season. Why didn't her boyfriend or her rich daddy pay him off? Nah, it just doesn't make sense. I will go back to my delusional world and believe Lisa did not pay any anybody off!

    • Love 2
  4. Just another note...  I believe Nene thought she was being peacekeeper to the issues between the ladies such as Phaedra and Kenya, Porsha and Claudia, Kenya and Porsha, Kandi and Phaedra and even Cynthia and her.  She was just not even prepared for the issues between her and all of them.

    BINGO!  I enjoyed every delicious minute of Nene getting her ass handed to her. Intentional pile up or not, it was awesome.                                                    

    • Love 14
  5. Even though I suspect Gamble is a serial, aging rich-husband hunter, I hated Janet putting out into the universe that she's essentially a sex worker. That's foul and uncalled for.



    Yea, well, Janet is foul and uncalled for. That is one jealous ,bitter woman. I would love to know the story of her divorce. 

    • Love 2
  6. Just please nobody give Eileen a pass for those black tights with the red-orange dress, no matter how much you like her. Please. We must unite. For fashion.

    Not only that, but it's a big fashion no no to wear tights or pantyhose with open toe shoes!. Speaking of fashion, when did it become fashionable to not wear any panythose? It was cold in Amsterdam, and still no hose. When a woman becomes a certain age (and I am one of those women), our legs just don't naturally look as smooth and blemish, spot and vein free as they did in our younger days. The pantyhose industry must really be hurting these days. I live in Florida so I understand with the heat and humidity but still...  

    • Love 9
  7. I don't understand the purpose of Olvia, Lola and the boyfriend. That story line was not necessary at all. Then random boyfriend winds up in Lucious' house threatening to blow people away, gets shot and killed , and everybody is ok with Jamal not being the daddy. Kisses goodbye to Lola and life back to usual. Huh??? 

    • Love 4
  8. Holy Crap - Wendy forgot her pants today with the top she was wearing.   Dress a little short much?? 

    She has been wearing alot of short dresses lately. It looks rediculous. Her clothes always look cheap and ill fitting. Must not have much of a wardrobe budget. She does wear those red bottom very expensive Loubitan shoes, though. Go figure. 

  9. I feel like Margaret Meade when I watch Brandi and she could just as well be speaking an African clicking language. I just DO NOT get her at all. I think for sure she has a personality disorder (borderline?) because she definetly experiences and perceives the world differently then most. Even when I've really disliked one of the housewives For one reason or other I always felt like I understood what made them tick. Although Jellybean Kelly left me scratching my head a lot . I guess I don't speak model.

    This is the only plausible explanation for that beast Brandi. She is a very sick woman. She needs help. I couldn't imagine being in her skin. It must be hell 24/7.

    • Love 7
  10. And yes although, "Mr. Tony Watson"  did want to unplug Benny I'm sorry -- it HAS NOT -- been established that he ONLY wanted to do it for the kidney. Benny himself admitted he wouldn't have wanted to live like that.  Unless you have Tony saying to his doc...I know where I can get a kidney, my son's in a coma, how much time do I have to get it......to me, kidney issue is technically is irrelevant. The 'unplug' Benny issue was just rushed because -- of course in TP land -- every thing is either d r a g g e d  o u t forever, or rushed in the blink of an eye. HANNAH says Tony wanted to unplug Benny for the kidney. And as for me, that doesn't make it TRUE. Tony say's that's not "THE" reason. I will alwasy be debatable...and given that's the case...What WAS the point of that scene.


    Tony DID tell Hannah he was going to die without a kidney transplant. He believed Benny would never come out of the coma so wanted to pull the plug so he could have Benny's kidney. Judging from last night, he is still alive and looked fine, so there's that. Another one of Tyler Perry's inconsistancies... 

  11. I know Kathryn is all grief stricken, but why doesn't she or dumbass Jim just get the locks changed so Celine can't get in? 


    That John , um, I mean Oscar, bringing a bag o' money to the bar was just too much. Yes, Candy is the most desirable, beautiful, sexy whore that ever graced the earth that no man could resist unless you are gay or David, and it's totally believable that some rich guy is going to be sitting in the lounge staring at her for days before making a move on her. NOT! There better be more to the Oscar story or this is just a total waste of time. Tyler Perry better find a way to tie all this together, aren't there only like 2 eppy's left? 


    Benny and his Daddy... so they couldn't get him to admit the big I wanted you to die so I could have your kidney reveal. So then what was the point of that drawn out scene?


    Oh, and it's nice to see Candy so heartbroken over the suicide of her dear friend. Good god almighty. 

  12. I understand that Nene elicits a lot of strong feelings in folks, both positive and negative. But I think she's smart -- and hungry -- enough to not turn her back on a stream of income without really good reason. It reminds me of Joan Rivers, who never turned down a paying gig, regardless of the fact that, financially, she could have easily and comfortably sat home watching telenovelas for the rest of her life, even if she'd lived to a very, very old age. You can sneer at Nene's posturing and preening all you like, and perhaps deservedly. But the fact of the matter is, she had enough talent to parlay her participation in this show into a viable acting career, which is something that other "Housewives", who didn't possess real talent, weren't able to do beyond a couple of stunt-casting gigs. I can well imagine that Nene's thinking about continuing on RHOA is the same as mine is about keeping a comfy day job while I wrote books: If I can manage to do both and keep two nice sources of incoming coming in, why would I cut that in half?

    Everything you say makes perfect sense except....this is Nene we are talking about. The same Nene that was looking down her nose at everyone  and bragging about all her "Trump  money" and feeling herself being a big star when she landed those 2 tv gigs, one of which is a cancelled show and the other she no longer has a role in.  As far as her possessing any real talent, that is a matter of opinion because I see no talent from her at all. This is the  same woman that told her agent on camera that she didn't need any acting classes. She is basically a 47 yr. old one trick pony with a certain look that is not going to get her a wide range of parts so she better keep her job on this show because she NEEDS this stream of income, and if she had the choice she would not be there.  

    • Love 9
  13. Part 2 will only be good if Andy is not hung over and gets his head out of his ass and starts taking control of these chucklefucks. Start asking the right questions Andy, don't let so many juicy comments and accusations slide under the radar, for chrissakes you're frustrating the hell out of us!! 

    • Love 3
  14. WTF happened to Mike? He has so much rage. He also seems to have lost all sense f fun. Asifa and Bobby are annoying, but they came off much better than Mike and Jessica this episode. They apologized for multiple things and yet Mike was still being a grade A asshat.

    His rage started last season. When he and Reza were on the outs and things didn't work out with their real estate partnership. He really started to lose his shit then and felt Reza screwed him over. That's the thing about Mike. He never takes the blame or responsibility for anything. Now hearing that he tried to force himself on Gigi makes me really hate him. Guy has serious problems. Stepping away from the booze might be just one solution.  

    • Love 2
  15. All of these people are such a MESS! 

    The new girl is gorgeous and I don't like her. 

    Is this whole season going to be about Mike hating on the new girls boyfriend? Boring. Get  a life, Mike. That guy does not owe him an apology for anything. 

    Liked that MJ said they were all "thick" and like to eat! 

    Gigi continues to be my favorite. She is working on her temper, is a spoiled, lazy brat, but she owns it. 

    Jessica is a real Debbie downer. If she has to worry about how Mike is going to act in public all the time, it must be an exhausting relationship. 

  16. Leave it to Andy to drop the ball, He sucks at his job. He should have picked up on that comment about Jax giving Stassi money and made him (and Stassi) explain it. It would have been delicious to hear that story. 

    Also, what did Jax mean when he said that he felt sorry for Stassi because she has had a really rough year? Huh? It does sound like they have been talking, but of course we wouldn't know that thanks to Andy. 

    Kristin looked bloated because she probably got a fresh face full of Botox and Restalyne. Her face was really full, then on WWHL last night, she was back to normal. 

    Oh, and thank you Sheana, for telling us that you don't have wrinkles because you use Botox, you know, for preventative reasons. Honey, you are barely 30, you shouldn't have any wrinkles just because. 

    I still don't believe Kristin has a real relationship with that little boy. Um, I mean James. 

    • Love 1
  17. So who was GiGi's boyfriend that she broke up with 3 days before moving into that apartment?  Nothing else has been mentioned about her having a boyfriend.

  18. My initial reaction to NeNe's idea was "... but if you resolve all your issues, wheat will you all do?", followed by "Is this NeNe's escape plan from this show?".

    Nene needs this show, I don't care how much of a rich bitch she pretends to be. Otherwise, she would have been gone a couple of season's ago. I doubt she really gives a crap about any of these ladies. 



    • Love 12
  19. I think James is beautiful, but I'd like him better in a wool sweater with khakis. Yes, I like traditional men with a homey style.


    Different strokes for different folks, I guess. I don't find him attractive at all. Thin lips and sunken in cheeks. So skinny. Although, he is the type that will probably look better with age and look great when he is in his 40's.  

    • Love 2
  20. I'd be kind of pissed at the beyotch who got my man while I was sitting in prison, not mad at Cookie.

    Cookie sat in prison for 17 yrs. Lucius turned his back on her from the beginning, so he was not her man. Is she hating on all the other women he slept with, lived with, dated during those 17 yrs?  I can't believe she is the least bit civil to the jerk. 

  21. Reza and MJ have alot of nerve criticizing Gigi's decorating. If I remember correctly, MJ's place was a bore and Reza's condo looked so busy and over done. Not to mention the way they both dress. I always get such a condescending vibe from those two. 

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