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  1. Agree with the kids comments.. one of the daughters made a comment about how it's tough in the home. One of the younger ones. She is trying to have a voice in something that she clearly can't get into. :/
  2. I love how someone wrote "the millions you made from being on tv..." HAHAHA *hack*cough*hack* HAHAHA wut?
  3. I don't see the war on Facebook because at this point it's so hard to navigate through the replies and comments. It's all tangled up. I get the gist of it though. As much as we say we will "forget" about these guys... there is a good possibility that this entire thing turns into a big enough scandal if someone erupts the wrong way. Let's not forget how easy it is for something in this nation to go viral. All that's needed is for Danielle to blow her top and try and tackle Mo in the street. I'm sure it will hit the news. And Mo will only welcome the ambience more. In fact, if Danielle loses her top, it can be just cause for him to win the case of the marriage being corrupted by domestic violence.
  4. Yes it is, the Facebooks she starts are new and most of the emails are facebook3, facebook4, facebook5.com.... I caught her immediately.. and it took all my power not to save Danielle by saying "Dani this is that same chick don't fall for it"... but I decided to stay out..
  5. Oh yeah I def agree that he overreacted and approached it wrong. I just figured that would be the only reason to not post the pics.... because he should be grateful that Danielle is at least trying to make the marriage seem legit.
  6. I get pissed when people post pics of me... probably because I hate pictures of me. If you notice.. all his pictures are very "high class fancy shmancy" with photoshopped forests or fancy angles. It could simply be that he looks like crap in most of those pictures hahaha He wants to monitor his sexy level in pics
  7. I saw those pictures but I didn't see him comment that. I don't get it.. if he is going to drop every point of participating in the marriage wouldn't he WANT those pictures up for the sake of ICE? I was looking through them and it actually looked like he was enjoying himself. Unless he actually WANTS drama so his fame candle stays burning.. but that doesn't seem right either Has anyone seen the Laura Balman chick playing secret agent with danielle in the comments?? I wonder if she is the same chick as before with a different Facebook... and Dani fell for it again. She replied "Don't be shy my husband mohammed"..... omg she sounds insane.. All I pictured was that little girl from the Orphan horror movie like "It's okay mommy.. I picked you some flowers" LOL
  8. "Watch the new series premier after Sister Wives, the new show "Hitched With Swiffer.. tonight at 9!"
  9. HAHAHAHA I had to.. sorry.
  10. On that note... I meant "sister".. I can't keep track of this damn family tree.. This disheveled wisdom-less tree.... Grandmother Willow tree from Pocahontas is ashamed.
  11. I can't believe him being gay is a thing now.... if that is on a media page Its probably fake... I don't believe he is gay. Also.. has anyone seen this? https://www.facebook.com/groups/420898254734887/ Its a group to get mohammed deported ...lol... Also I don't think Sara is really writing those comments.. she is on Mo's page commenting that he is going to be deported and arguing that they shouldn't be together.. why the hell would she go on the other page contradicting herself. I think it's still Dani posing as her sister in law.
  12. I have never heard of those.......... Thank you..... this is the golden key to productivity in my world managing my mom's small growing business and mine... Managing multiple pages... I bow and kiss your feet. In other worlds, I don't know if Mo has heard of that you think? Careful, your inner confused danielle is showing. LOL
  13. This Laura Agintiate thing is getting out of control... I don't think it's real.. I think a fan made it up to push her buttons. Some people are even commenting on Facebook that TLC is starting this drama on purpose (which I highly doubt.... no money in that)... They even blamed that reporter from the USWeekly I know. Luckily people caught on and cleared her name. I hope Dani is at least clever enough (she seems to be smarter than she lets on) to know when something is fake.
  14. Weird.. Danielle's sister Sara is claiming that aside from the 2 face books (that we are aware of), Mo has 4 twitter accounts... why the hell would anyone want 4 twitter accounts?!?!
  15. Anyone think Dani is capable of harming herself? I feel like that can borderline be the case.. and if that IS the case, Facebook will probably remove the fan pages if she shows signs of that type of instability.
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