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Posts posted by SusieQ

  1. 1 hour ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

    Second season? Yeah, no thanks. The first one was bad enough. I feel like an idiot for watching all seven episodes. Pure, unadulterated dreck. 

    Everybody, thanks for the update. I didn't watch this episode and now I can save myself the time to do ANYTHING else!

    I thought this was going to happen--- once they said it was renewed. I'm guessing this is not how the book ended. My understanding is that Thomas Perry is well regarded mystery writer. Sure wouldn't guess it by this show.

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  2. 55 minutes ago, peeayebee said:

    No, you're right. Reading Starchild's post just about made my head explode, so I refreshed my memory. 

    Thanks. This isn't the first time I heard that the bodies found in BB were Lalo and Howard. Which just didn't make sense to me.

    But I do agree that the care in storytelling is outstanding! I have not found anything that comes close to both shows. Please, please, please Peter gould and Vince Gilligan get busy. We need a new show!

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  3. 26 minutes ago, Starchild said:

    Oh and not only that line, but I read an article that reiterated that in BB, when Hank investigated the lab explosion, he mentioned finding two bodies under it.

    My god, the attention to detail. The extraordinary skill at weaving these very disparate threads together into a breathtaking television tapestry with such artistry.

    I've never felt in better showrunner hands than these ones. No superlatives are too much.

    Weren't those the two bodies of the guys who grabbed Jesse off the street and handcuffed him and told him to start cooking? Walt shot them and then Walt and Jesse burned down the lab.

    That's the two bodies I assumed Hank meant. Unless Walt and Jesse "melted" them away, but why bother since time wss short and they needed to destroy the lab. 

    Am I missing something?

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  4. 11 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

    The show was in the can before it was renewed, though of course that doesn't mean there won't be some sort of cliffhanger or loose ends.

    Good point, thanks. So maybe there's hope??

  5. I'm guessing the critics who gave this show a good review were only given the first two episodes. The show looked good at first, but it has devolved into pure crap.

    Reminds me of "Your Honor" with Bryan Cranston. Same deal, first few episodes pretty good and then devolved into crap. That one was 10 episodes and I had to bale after 5. I love Cranston but just couldn't keep going.

    Only one episode left for this so I will finish it. But since they renewed it(really!?!?!?) I don't think the conclusion will make sense.

    Thank God for Better Call Saul!

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  6. Wasn't crazy about the first two episodes but this last episode was a total mess.

    So the go go boot girl and the bus driver set it up  (with the girl's grandmother on the bus, too) so that the three thieves would be on the bus and it would get stuck in the snow (thanks to the driver). Too many loop holes, all of it.

    And why would the creep at the mental hospital talk to fred??

    Re Winn, she better have a brain tumor to explain this 180 degree turn in character. Even when she was angry about the money (and she was 100% right about that) she never acted out with such cruelty. Why are they destroying her character??

    Just so disappointing.

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  7. On 6/25/2022 at 11:14 AM, Mirabelle said:

    Kwan's speech at the induction ceremony for the US Olympic & Paralympic Hall of Fame. I read last night they'll be inducting people every two years now instead of the haphazard way they've been doing it.

    Thank you for posting this. My all time favorite skater. Not a very original statement, I'm sure. How I miss her!!

     And what a lovely speech.

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  8. Yeah, the meanwhile intros are horrible. I mute the sound when they come on.

    At least he dumped Midnight Confessions. That was so bad.

    My favorite recurring bit is Recuse Dog Rescue. Love the dogs and love the stories.

    Something bothers me about him. I have been a huge fan from the Colbert nation days, even went to a few tapeings. Also attended LSSC a few times. But lately I'm somewhat turned off by Stephen. Our politics are in tune so it's not that. I can't put my finger on it. 

    Maybe he seems too full of himself?? Believes his own hype a bit too much?? Has to kowtow to CBS brass??

    I've never found him a good interviewer. It seems like he doesn't listen to what is being said, but instead is checking his blue cards for his next question. Also, he's so quick to insert himself into whatever the person is saying. Like when the guest comes from a large family and he insists on naming his siblings. 

    I believe he is a good person, which is a big plus for me. And that he is sincere. But something is off.

    Does anyone else here think something along these lines?

    Oh, I forgot-- those questionnaire are ridiculous.

    And the worst thing he ever did---he had Stephen Sondheim on, STEPHEN SONDHEIM!!! And he spent several segments with some actor and then had Sondheim come on for the last minutes of the show!!! Incredible! The greatest living theater person treated like some second rate comic.

    • Applause 1
  9. Paul said he never blew up at his job. How is that possible? The Paul we saw in the first two seasons raged at EVERYTHING when he was with his family. He was frightening, his rages were scary. I know everyone sometimes blows up, but from what we saw it was a constant thing with him. To me it was abusive.

    So if it's true that he didn't blow up at work, it says to me that he can control himself when he wants to. Which makes his behavior at home even more egregious.

    i said in season two I didn't understand why Ally was still with him. Her come to Jesus moment now is a bit late.

    and that last scene, wow. So sad for Paul's mom.

    • Love 2
  10. 1 hour ago, Bannon said:

    Intentionally trying to tell the whole truth, without regard to setting, can be extremely cruel, and being focused entirely on their own internal feelings, with no regard for the feelings of others, is how that path is frequently chosen. Doesn't excuse Jimmy, of course, other than the same dynamic: he's feeling awful because his brother just burned to death, and he knows he played a critical role in that outcome.

    In the universe created in BB/BCS, there is a human attribute consistently in short supply, that of grace. Hardly ever does anyone seem to grasp that in a world where we are all moral failures, it is critical that we be willing to tolerate the failings of others if the person who displays those failings forthrightly acknowledges them, and makes a good faith effort to repair the damage done.

    It's usually bitter recriminations, and denial of wrongdoing at all costs, perhaps in fear of bitter recriminations. It's notable that two characters who went against that trend, Hank and Howard (the former more than the latter, in my opinion), suffered terrible fates.

    It's grim commentary on our present society, but I can't say it's inaccurate.

    Your comment about "grace" and tolerance in this show and in our present society (especially in our present society) is so spot on. And something I want to remember in my dealings with others. So thanks for that.

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  11. 2 hours ago, peeayebee said:

    Here's an interview with Executive Producer Melissa Bernstein about the episode. Filming the Germany scenes:


    Also from this interview:

    "That entire sequence gave me flashbacks to Todd Alquist’s (Jesse Plemons) unannounced visit to Andrea Cantillo’s (Emily Rios) house on Breaking Bad, so thank you for sparing Margarethe Ziegler.

    See, when Alison and I are in charge here, everything’s fine! It was a flirty romance. That’s all. (Laughs.)"

     so EP Melissa Bernstein says Margarethe is alive. I'm going to believe her😊😊

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  12. On 5/9/2022 at 5:42 PM, Cinnabon said:

    And the opening sequences set  to “Tusk” was one of the most memorable, best uses of music I can remember. They were spot on in their use of music in that show! 
    Ryan Murphy also does a fantastic job with getting the music right in his shows. “Nip/Tuck” hooked me with the music. 







    The "Tusk" sequence was fabulous!! Absolutely memorable and so exciting!

    • Love 7
  13. On 3/9/2022 at 6:08 PM, EtheltoTillie said:

    @Rinaldo  Great story, and I hadn't heard it before.  I had my own related brush with greatness, and I'll tell it here at risk of getting moderated for OT talk.

    Barbara Barrie lives in my neighborhood, and I used to see her at the gym all the time.  But that gym went out of business, and she may be too old to go to a gym now.  She's 91.

    I resisted fangirling and never spoke to her, as that's what you have to do in NYC, but I wished I could have.  Besides her appearance Breaking Away, she's responsible for a favorite bit in Private Benjamin.  Goldie Hawn is walking penalty tours in the pouring rain, and her parents come to see her at the military base.  Barbara Barrie pulls out the back of Goldie's rain poncho and swats off the water in the way that only a Jewish mother could do.  It's brilliant. 

    Do you know the song by Christine Lavin called "The Moment Slipped Away"? One of the verses is about how Christine saw a famous actress and how she wanted to tell the actress what she meant to her. Turns out the actress was Barbara Barrie!!



  14. I've watched parts of WILTY, mainly for the Greg Davies stories. I LOVE him!!! Check out ANY story he tells on Graham Norton. 

    My kid has gone through almost all of Only Connect. Wow, is that a hard quiz show! The contestants are amazing. I can mostly get American type questions and Broadway musical stuff. 

    And the two of us have done the first eight series of Taskmaster. Greg was the original draw for me, but now I love the show for how crazy they all are.

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  15. 1 minute ago, shapeshifter said:

    Not if she's not "under arrest" (School of L&O).

    I couldn't hear anything Carey said because I was so distracted by her looks -- not so much "bad," but the way she used to look and yet still supposed to be the same character.

    Waterston's eyebrows need to be trimmed for large-screen HD TV.

    Thank you! Of course she was a suspect but not under arrest. Duh.

    Yeah, Carey looks -- don't know how to explain. Just weird.

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  16. Was any one else shocked by James story about the woman recording his performance at the theater?? Not only did theater management apologize and give her a free drink, they had him apologize! What goes on in London???? In NYC she would have gotten kicked out. No recording is allowed. And to boot, she was bothering the other theatergoers.

    Boy, I would love for that to happen with Patti Lapone on stage!!!!!


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  17. 3 hours ago, Rinaldo said:

    From back in October, because now its relevant:

    @AgathaC, someone has put Sutton Foster's "My White Knight" (audio only) up on YouTube, for however long they're allowed to keep it there. Have a listen if you dare.

    On the one hand, someone had the wit to restore the original pre-Broadway semi-patter version of the song, knowing she wouldn't be able to carry it on vocal beauty alone. On the other hand, couldn't she have aimed for vocal beauty even a teeny tiny bit? 


    Thanks for this. Now I'm not feeling so bad about not getting tickets! 

    • LOL 1
  18. 9 hours ago, EtheltoTillie said:

    Thank you for posting!  This was mega fascinating. I love to listen to artists explain what they do. 

    You're very welcome. If you like NY theater actors, Theater Talk had lots of interviews with many of them. It was a local PBS show that ran for maybe 15 years. It was a wonderful show. 

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