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Dave Mallonee

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Everything posted by Dave Mallonee

  1. I have a hard time thinking it is as simple as Wells being the Reverse Flash. The final scene was a fake out of sorts... he is the most obvious choice so it can't be him. I still believe that he is Barry from the future who was stranded in the past 14 years ago when he traveled back in time to try and stop his mother's murder. The yellow suit in the stinger of this episode could be a RF costume he recovered during his battle with RF in the Allen living room back in 2000 or his own Flash costume turned yellow somehow by the energies unleashed during his battle with RF and run through the time stream. My alternate theory is that there are two Harrison Wells, one who is future Barry and another who is RF (they have the same face in the comics. Long story) and that is how he was able to pummel "himself" tonight. I might just be in denial because I was certain it was Eddie. Hooking up with Iris is exactly what RF would do if he was trying to make Barry suffer.
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