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Posts posted by Netfoot

  1. are closing times still heavily regulated in England?


    it's much more open than it was.  You can basically apply for your own choice of opening hours, and there are even some 24 hour establishments.


    The chalk board outside the pub said "Open til 2:30" but it didn't appear that there was much activity in the place (even though there were some lights on inside), and the cyclists were filmed on the pavement outside.  Now, Kym & Alli left the mat 3rd at 12:22, Keith & Whitney 4th at 12:36.  We didn't see team #5 depart, because next we saw the firemen at #6 leave the mat at 1:56 (then came the fall and the injured ankle).  Right after this we saw the cyclists off in search of a pub, but scenes may have been shown out of order from how they were filmed.    The train station was in walking distance, and it wouldn't necessarily take them long to decide they wanted to go to a pub.  They could have got to the pub long before closing at 12:45-ish.  Or if they didn't even go looking until after the firemen left the mat at 1:56, K&A may have got to the pub very close to closing time, possibly even after it closed.

  2. Good episode, but I'm pretty much over Toothy McBlowhard.  Hope he goes in some embarassingly stupid way.


    I like Kym & Alli's attitude.  Free trip around the world?  Enjoy every minute of it.  Finding a pub still serving after 2:00 AM would not be easy, even under the new licensing laws.


    There was only one very brief glimpse of one lonely puffin.  But I guess that's better than nothing!

  3. My issue is that it's the ex-wife who is in the center of all of the photos on his stalker wall, with the kid barely in the frame, so it is the ex who was the focus, not the son.


    Exactly.  Yet he keeps saying stuff to imply it's the kid he wants to be near.  So, is he unwittingly fooling himself?  Is he deliberately fooling the rest of the world?  Or is it simply a screw-up in the props department?


    because where was the dog while he was creeping?


    And any way, dog people can't really be that bad, can they? 


    it seems he did something horrible that she feels lost him the privilege of being a father.


    Which might simply be that he fooled around.  Which I don't condone, but it isn't a world-shattering, rights-depriving sin.  So maybe something really horrible?


    the only reason I decided to give this show a try is Maggie Q.  I'm really intrigued by her character


    Yes, but she needs to unbutton a couple more buttons.  Because you never really need to dress appropriate to your job.


    Well, I watched E2 to see if there was any great improvement, and there wasn't.  This show isn't looking like it'll be with us that much longer.  Reviews were pretty harsh.  Don't know what the ratings did for E2, but E3 is supposed to have a different writer and director, so I may watch E3 as a last chance, hoping for some significant improvement.

    • Love 1
  4. ...one appears to be something of a stalker himself and the other is clearly a victim of being stalked herself.


    Which is why this show is doomed to failure.  Because it is possible to ask too much of the process of Suspension of Disbelief.


    I found this painfully stupid.


    Thank you.


    Who talks to their boss like that even if they're thinking it, especially on their first day on the job?



    Especially on their first day on the job!


    Sheer curtains?  Really??


    Which were carefully and thoroughly closed in an earlier scene, but casually left open just when StalkerBoy comes a-visitin!


    Would someone actually think they could dress provocatively [...] but think that only attractive and respectful suitors should be allowed to take notice and make comments?


    Sorry -- aren't you describing a significant portion of womankind?


    he never really looked longingly or wistfully at his son...


    Most of the photos on his wall didn't even include his son's image.  They depict the wife!

    • Love 1
  5. I didn't notice her butt actually in the water, I thought she was just hovering over the edge.


    Looked like she dipped in to me.  I may be wrong.  Thankfully, they didn't zoom in to close-up range and linger, but as a result it's difficult to say for sure.  I'd certainly have preferred to be actually in the water, and have the currents wash away the bulk of the effluent, rather than end up with the seat of my pants soaked with concentrated urine.  And she had been in the water before, so her trousers were already wet.

  6. She didn't even take her pants down!


    She sat on the edge of the punt, lowered her behind over the edge into the water, and peed her pants.  The pee would have immediately soaked through the pants and into the river.  Bearing in mind how many people and animals have probably peed (or worse) in there over the years I wasn't much disgusted.  But really, I don't see why she had to make such an issue of peeing on camera to be aired (inter)nationally.  That is a little crass, seeing as there was a simple, genteel way to deal with her emergency, with none being any the wiser. 


    I don't think there is any evidence that their was any Charlie Chaplain roadblock that was edited out.  Each team was handed an umbrella and a bowler hat with clues at one point in the race.  I think one of the cyclists just made the connection and did the little Chaplain walk at the mat.


    Kym & Alli were the only ones I saw doing any sort of Chaplain act at the mat with the waddle (more Kym than Alli) and the improvised moustaches.  Sure, they all wore bowlers, but they were given these bowlers at Christchurch College.  They tipped these bowlers to find the clue inside:  "Churchill's birthplace".  This does not specifically say to go to the pitstop, but they would have to go to Blenheim and there find a cluebox which sent them off on a Chaplain-themed RB, after which they'd get a clue saying to go to the pitstop, also at Blenheim.


    Now, given the strongly British theme of the entire episode -- from Tower Bridge and the Perlies to Winnie -- why would they inject a Charlie Chaplain element?  I know CC was British and his early life was in Britain, but in abject poverty, and he moved to America as a teenager.  The vast majority of his career was in the USA. He certainly wouldn't have had any connection with Blenheim palace that I can think of.  I agree that there probably was not any task between Christchurch College and the pitstop, and what we saw was simply a manifestation of Kym & Alli's personal sense of humour.

    • Love 2
  7. Ack! 


    This is strange -- I was all wound up expecting another episode tonight (Sunday).  Then I'm like "Fooool!  It isn't on Sunday any more.  You had an episode only two days ago!"  So now I feel stupid and simultaneously disappointed.


    Well, you can get used to anything, if you give it enough time.  You could even get used to hanging, if it wasn't all over so quick...

    • Love 7
  8. I noticed the Chaplin impersonation and thought the waddly walk was rather well done.  I was going to comment in my last post, but forgot.  Those two seem to have a bit of a sense of humour and are reasonably competent racers, to judge by the two legs we've seen. 


    I don't think SharkBait only took flip-flops.  She took shoes and flip-flops, but lost a shoe, so was forced to wear the flip-flops thereafter.  Until she borrowed a pair, that is.  What I'm surprised at is that anyone took a spare pair of shoes!  I'd carry one pair of proper shoes for cold weather, and one pair of sandals for normal use.  (I wear sandals all the time.  Don't think I've worn anything else for the last year!)


    Speaking of Sharkbait, I'm pleased she isn't being cajoled into beginning every sentence with a reference to the fact that, well, you know...

    • Love 1
  9. I really like seeing Phil introducing challenges in proximity to racers.  Twice now, it's happened, and I think it connects him to the actual racing, somehow. 


    The changing of the guard was interesting.  Verbal abuse is expected at times like that, and I'm pleased it was accepted by all without rancor.


    I'm surprised how well they did on the pancakes.  God knows how long it would take me to cook a pancake, and the chance of running around, tossing it, and not getting it on the floor would be remote.  Well don, racers!


    Always fun to watch the inexperienced punting.  They almost always get wet, but not usually by wetting themselves.  The best part was the three lads in the neighboring punt, driven into a state of pure cataplexy to observe the mom bum-dipping.  Why didn't she just jump in?  She was already wet, right?


    With two teams remaining to check in, and both becoming excessively emotional, I realised I didn't care which team went home.  It's too early to have become aligned for/against any specific teams.  There are some I'm starting to like, and TwinkleTeeth still creep me out, but generally, while I'm enjoying the show, I don't care much one way or the other about any of the teams.

    • Love 1
  10. I'd have ruled that if the last team uses the save the one who came just before gets eliminated.


    That would be awful.  You'd have to send for the team at the stop-over, and say "I know we told you you were safe, but we've decided to eliminate you anyway."  Either that, or the 2nd-last team be eliminated when they get to the pitstop, even with one team not yet checked in, if the missing team holds the Save.  On the reasonable assumption that the last team will Save themself.   Ugh!

    • Love 2
  11. I could probably find them on YT...


    Yes, by searching for Amazing Race 25 Shoeless and then ditto Clueless, I was able to find the two videos mentioned above.  I didn't know what to look for on the other videos, but I'm confident that with a little digital spelunking, anyone could find them all.


    I just don't understand why CBS would make it unnecessarily difficult (even if only slightly) for me to find them.  If the show hadn't aired in my region yet, I might understand, but CBS is broadcast here, and anyone with a TV will get it.  So, if I can legally and properly watch the show itself, why not the extras?  I'm sure CBS have a reason, but I'm willing to bet it's half-baked and completely the brainchild of some bean counter.

    • Love 3
  12. The CBS website has bonus clips that they post after the episode.


    As usual, these are banned in my part of the world.


    Never understood why they'd ban the extra clips when the show itself is broadcast here.  <shrug>

    • Love 4
  13. there are two commonly accepted and commonly used pronunciations...


    There are two common pronunciations I am aware of:


    1)  kah-rib-BEE-an

    2)  kuh-RIB-bee-an


    I believe (and have always been taught) that the first is correct, and that the second, although common, is incorrect because there were no Cuhrib indians, only Carib indians.  (ETA:)  I find myself using #2 myself from time to time, if talking to someone who uses that form, where I just follow suit.  But otherwise, I use #1 because, as I said, I believe it to be correct.


    However, it is of little importance, and I was only teasing Phil anyway.  (He does read this forum, right?)

  14. So good to hear from you, mamaT!  You've moved a bit, from last we spoke.  The Seychelles sounds pretty exotic!  Has TAR ever ventured there?  I'm trying to remember.  And yes, I agree with Yells -- we must organize a TARCon Seychelles edition!  (The drinks will be on you!)  Again, it's so good to hear from you.


    Little Buddy is here with me now, quite literally burrowing under my legs and going to sleep.  He is a very pleasant little boy.  Wicked as an imp, but very sweet.  I still miss my old boy Dotty and think of him often, but that doesn't prevent me from loving my little Bud. I have just returned from my annual physical (all well, pretty much), and my doctor tells me she has just acquired a new puppy she named "Buddy".  I told her my boy is Buddy, short for Budweiser.  Would you believe her pup is also Budweiser?  Who would have believed my boy would start a trend?


    Uhh, I'm reasonably confident I won't be joining FaceBlot any time soon.  That whole Social Media business of Twitting and Twatting and Pinning and Poking simply doesn't appeal.  Where I come from, Friend is not a verb!  Even Google now wants me to "share" everything, and (worryingly) "tag" everyone's face.  Now, why on earth would people voluntarily tag photos, thereby helping the faceless, jack-booted secret police, by constructing a free, online, facial recognition database for them?  Two years from now they will be analyzing your coffee-buying habits by scanning Starbucks security cameras, and before you know it you'll be facing a tax audit because of the number of lattes you drink!  (Don't get me started on Bigfoot, aliens, of the Apollo moon landings!)


    Anyway, it's lovely to see your post, and I'm looking forward to more of them.   Regards to R!

  15. I will be going straight to hell for thinking, as soon as I saw that teams were being assigned hastags, that theirs should be #sharkbait.


    Apparently I'll be joining you down below.  I've been thinking of them as Team SharkBait since the team identities were announced.  I haven't said anything for fear of being run out of town on a rail!


    Understand, I've nothing against the team.  He looks like a guy on a reality show who doesn't really want to be there, but is doing his bit to support his quasi-famous girlfriend who was invited and couldn't go on her own.  She genuinely seems to be enjoying the race, and I do find her story somewhat inspirational.  I admire her for the way she bounced back from what was obviously a horrific experience.


    But SharkBait is just too apt to ignore.

    • Love 2
  16. Do you suppose TPTB select the occasional team for comedic effect?  I'm thinking of TwinkleTeeth with the orange face and inflated bod, here.  Surely, someone on the selection committee said "The background check turned up canibalism, but they are just too weird to reject..."

    • Love 3
  17. As others have pointed out, the penalty starts when you reach the mat, not when you declare it.


    Others have said so, but is it actually true?  Rules change, but in previous races, teams have had to wait it out at the point of the challenge before moving forward (example:  MeatBlock).  The pitstop is not always going to be the next port of call after a penalty.  But supposing the new rule is that the penalty is sat out at the mat, all the more reason to take it before the other teams rather than persuading them to take it with you.  You whisper "Penalty!" to the production boss, and quietly slip away to the mat to start your penalty. You'd be halfway to Phil before the others notice you're gone!  Point being that either way, you want to jump first.  You don't persuade the others that everyone should jump together, and hope you'll finish yours first.



    Next week, punting on the Cam!


    ITYM the Cherwell.


    Of course, they could be punting on ANY river, but I thought the surroundings looked like Cambridge, and the Cam is famous for punting, so I just took it for granted. (Yes, I know what they say about people who ass-u-me.)  We'll see where it is next week, when we actually go there (on the show).



    I wondered if there was more than one float plane taking them to the ship...


    There were two planes tied up alongsied the wharf when the first team arrived.  More planes may have been out of shot for all I know.  It doesn't automatically follow that more than one plane was used for the show, but I think it's likely they were.


    It was nice to glimpse Season-One-Phil but Season-Now-Phil still looking good!  Uh, Phil, that's not how you pronounce Caribbean...

  18. So, presumably you don't opt for the penalty, unless you think you are unable to complete the task.  Then, if you go for the penalty, the thing to do is stroll nonchalantly over to the production chief and quietly whisper "We're taking the penalty from right now, so note the time."  It might be several minutes before any other team notices.  In that time, you go to the other team and try to persuade them to take the penalty too.  But either way, your penalty was started first, and will end first, giving you at least a minute or two head-start to grab a cab or head for the mat!  The last thing you want to do is persuade everyone to come with you and start their penalty at the same time you do.  That only guarantees a footrace -- which you might lose.


    There is always the risk that the remaining teams stick with the task, complete it, and head for the mat while you're still on penalty.  But if you've already decided you can't finish the task and must take the penalty, this is the risk you're taking.  Which is why, after you've taken the penalty, you try to persuade at least one other team to do likewise.

    • Love 2
  19. TwinkleTooth guy (who obviously suffered an accident in a tanning bed) creeps me out.  He looks like an apprentice serial killer or something.  His companion isn't much better.  He may be a good guy, and a good racer, but he's got to go.


    The Dumb Blondes with the bad attitudes were a good First-Out.  It wouldn't have hurt my eyes if they'd stayed for a few episodes, but karma will have it's way.


    Have not had enough time to develop any likes or dislikes among the other teams, so I'll say no more at this time.


    Ex-racers at the start?  I saw who looked like Frank, tall and bald, and Terrence was right out front, and I couldn't make out who it was right behind him.  And it was good to see YOU there, as well!  You know who you are!  ;-)  Now you can truly say you were on TAR, even though, alas, not (yet) a racer! 


    The boats were flat-bottomed monstrosities made from bits of plywood tied together with string.  I'm truly surprised they didn't all sink.  I certainly would never venture to cross 20 feet of calm water in one, if I had the choice.


    Next week, punting on the Cam!  It's as good a way to get soaked as any other...

  20. It's quite possible that the team who gets the "Save" won't ever face elimination.  This means the total number of episodes can't be known in advance.  


    Unless the one-before-Saved team gets called back to the pitstop and eliminated instead?  Surely they couldn't do that.

  21. I just NEW North Carolina would be involved!  I just couldn't think of anywhere beginning with W.  And despite Google's two West/Western hints I didn't put it together.  See?  Need foooood!


    Popped back in to say that Rex/Bob need to go home.  If they can't be eliminated then a meteorite needs to land on their useless asses!!!


    ETA:  I could have taught Nicole to shoot that rifle with five practice rounds or less.  Don't they get at least rudimentary training when faced with challenges like this?  "This is the dangerous end, don't put it in your mouth.  The bullets go here.  That thingy is the trigger."

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