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Posts posted by Netfoot

  1. Season 8 (The Family Edition) - Past the classic era.  In fact this season ended it.  It's a terrible terrible concept that worked out terribly.  Traveling around the USA primarily in campers is like watching someone else's home vacation movies.  Nothing good can come from it.  And if it is sometimes hard to hear what a team of two people are saying talking over each other imagine a team of four all shouting at once.  But I added it here to say there was, amongst the boring, a few interesting casting choices I would have liked to see on the regular Race.  I LOVED Mama Paolo and her good-hearted trash collector husband and sons.  The quiet one posted a lot on one forum where Mama Paolo had taken on cult saint status complete with Photoshopped pictures of her kicking ass on past seasons of the Race.  She and loud-mouthed but race competent older son would have been good on the real TAR.  Especially when she voiced all our thoughts in one when she read a clue returning the teams from their very brief Costa Rica/Panama jaunt back to the US again.  Something like "Arizona?  Who wants to go to Arizona?  I want to go to New Zealand!!!"  You and me both, Mama Paolo.  You and me both.  The other interesting cast member was the conservative, religious though also scantly-clothed online dubbed "trailer trash Mom" (Linda was it).  Her son (Rollo???) was the together one on that team and would be too young back then to do the regular race but now he would be old enough to race with her.  They were totally real people and not some mactors and I'd like to see them on the real race too.  Rankings - interesting to see the horror people speak of in person I guess and Mama Paolo is awesome but otherwise avoid like the plague.


    Just wanted to comment on Season Eight:  Most people disliked S8 in part because there was so little of the race shot in foreign countries.  But for me, the USA is a foreign country, so that was not an issue.  Also, the Weavers were pretty unlikeable and their self-righteous superiority stunk up the entire series for me, especially since they were clearly not superior to anyone, in any way.  Worst of all was the break from TARs standard teams-of-two format, and the accommodations this forced.


    There were a few redeeming aspects, such as Mama Paolo, and also the Gaghan family, particularly Tammy "Ban Red Beans" Gaghan and young Carissa, who at single-digit age, showed more maturity and common sense than many racers before and since and went on to do her own mini-reviews of the next few races.  (How old would she be now?  I'll bet she's one helluva girl!)


    Alas, the few bright lights simply can't repair or compensate for a badly broken race, and Season 8 is the one season I would ever recommend that a TAR newbie simply miss.  Even the likes of J*n*th*n of S6 and the Horrible Hippies of S9 with their A-Ass tee shirts don't make those seasons unworthy of a look-see.  (it was A-Ass wasn't it?  If not, it should have been.)


    And for the record, I love Flo.  And the sainted Zach.

    • Love 3
  2. Tim Daly needs to make some wardrobe changes.  He should consider a Spy-vs-Spy hat, and a cape he can throw over his face.  That way, he'd be less obviously suspicious when out on an NSA gig.


    Matt/Daisy continue to annoy.  Remarkably, they weren't both fired for today's performance.  If only Téa would send them on a fact-finding mission.  A long fact-finding mission.  One could go to the Galápagos Islands and the other to Fernando de Noronha. 


    Well, Téa finally had words with the Chief of staff, but it turned too friendly too soon for my taste.  I'm not sure if American soldiers can be deployed on foreign soil without the President being involved, but at least some teddy-bear General was consulted about it.  I'm not sure an ex-CIA spook -- even the Secretary of State -- can just put a CIA operative to work like that.  Don't these guys have Controllers and Handlers and, you know, bosses that will wonder where they've got to, and why they aren't working on their current assignments?  (Annie Walker being an exception, of course.)


    Still, I liked the show, and I liked Téa's performance.  I was ROFL when she was on the video-call to General Wossname, because I couldn't help but picture him asking Hillary Clinton to show him her legs!  Woot!


    WTF are Soccer Cleats?  Any thing like Football Boots?

  3. BTW, which season was He Who Shall Not Be Named in? That was the one I would recommend skipping, just to not subject yourself to him.


    S6 may not be the best season, but I wouldn't let J*n*th*n stop you from watching it.  There were enough memorable characters therein such that it isn't the sort of gap you want to leave in your TAR coverage.


    For instance, you don't want to miss Lena & Kristy, whose battle with the Haybales from Hell must surely be regarded as one of the toughest, and unluckiest in TAR history.  Or Gus & Hera.  Guss cried when he reached Gorée Island and many viewers cried with him.  Also, Gus really wanted to drink that beer in Berlin, but Hera said no, so...  There was a famous eating challenge -- a huge bowl of spicy soup, which had to be consumed to the last drop, while a band played loud folk music.  Particularly difficult for those who threw up into their soup, but still had to finish the bowl!


    Plus many other memorable moments you ought to enjoy, from Adam's stuuupid hairdo -- the most ridiculous in race history, or just ever, to Hayden losing it over the padlocks at the roadblock in China.  There is so much to not-miss that I can only advise you gird your loins for exposure to HWMNBN, and watch Season 6 to enjoy all the delicious TAR goodness that you may find therein.

    • Love 1
  4. The only real nitpick is the Save instead of making the game more exciting it really does the opposite.


    I so agree with you!


    You know, this is one of the best races in recent years, with good racers who behave decently towards each other, other teams, and the public.  The challenges are pretty good, the tiny little gems like Phil popping up from time to time mid-leg, like the the little party laid on by production this leg, are all great.  Even the racers stopping to enjoy the sunset in, of all places, the airport.  (Best sunset I've ever seen was from a hospital ward, so with sunsets, you never know.) Just a great race.  Then just as I'm getting invested in how the various teams are doing... I remember that none of it matters -- thanks to the Save, Jim & Misti are a shoe-in for victory.

    • Love 4
  5. I really don't have a clue what day we are suppose to be on after the Thursday Danny was found dead, but in-and-out tides are a daily event, right?


    Two high and two low, every day.

    • Love 1
  6. I don't think they called Misti nasty.  I think I would have remembered that, because she seems like a real sweetheart.


    Kym:  They... have definitely not been our favourite at all.  'Cause, I think they're our biggest competition, and they had the safe-pass from the very beginning, and then they got the non-elimination round.  So, like, they've got nine lives.

    Alli:  And Jim is a little nasty.

  7. No way would the townspeople say, "well, that's ok then" after learning the truth about Jack.  It might have exonerated him in the murder investigation but his reputation was ruined.  No one was going to trust their kid around him again.


    At 38 years old, he fell in love with a girl 16 years, 11 months.  He spent two years in jail over it, and when he got out, they were married.  A child was born -- we don't know how long they were married before the birth.  At the age of nine, the child was killed.  The marriage dissolved some time thereafter.  All this, 20 years ago.   I'm not sure that makes him a danger to the precious little darlings of Gracepoint!


    Vince was trying to provoke Mark into going after Jack. That doesn't help Mark.  If Mark goes to jail for doing something, Vince is out of a job. 


    I still have yet to see that old lady use that skateboard that she has hidden behind the door.  That is just another thing that was thrown into the air, that was never followed up on.  Maybe it means something, maybe it doesn't.  Maybe she is teaching her dog to skateboard.


    Danny's skateboard was never found.  We're supposed to assume the skateboard is his, and that CreepySusan is somehow implicated in his death.  Her possession can easily be explained away by having simply found the skateboard, but where it was found might be informative.


    Oh, and Vince might be happy to see Mark dragged off to jail, if it leaves Vince as the only plumber on town!

    • Love 5
  8. After they collected their tambourines, TPTB had bread, cheese and wine to feast upon, and a band to provide music for dancing.  That was the best thing I've seen on TAR for years, harking back to ye ESM of olde.


    A hill-sprint on a windy, Italian road?   How lucky they are!  Of course, I'd have killed myself, safety barriers and all, because I'd have driven that like a lunatic!  Of course, the carts were fitted with lots of safety gear, to the point where leaning out was impossible, but in a sprint like that?  There's only one place for your right foot -- flat on the floor!


    The guys chauffeuring the carters back down the mountain in the classic cars seemed very enthusiastic, for the most part.  The driver of the maroon saloon with the black roof and the suicide doors (#28) in particular seemed very proud of his car!  I couldn't place it.  Anybody know what it was?


    I didn't expect the NEL since I was sure there is one scheduled for after leg#9, in case the Save gets played.  Now, I don't know.  Could there be three NELs?  Any way, I'm OK with T&T being saved.  I would have been OK with them (or the wrestlers) going.  I don't actually dislike any remaining team, but I think that of the remaining six teams, T&T and the wrestlers are the least capable.  So, since I'm not rooting for either of those teams to make to final, I'm OK with them going.


    I'm now firmly in the Cyclists camp.  I like the way they snark on Jim, but keep it friendly and not nasty.  Jim seems to be pretty snarky about them too.


    I still think Jim is scary to look at.  He's done nothing but race well, and be courteous and friendly -- even helpful -- to the other teams.  I have no reason to believe it's all some sort of act to disguise any anti-social tendencies.  I believe Jim is just a nice guy with a really scary face, and Koi in his ancestry.  The only thing I don't really like about Jim is the complete lack of modesty or humility.  People who endlessly blow their own horn never appeal to me very much, hence: 


    Kym & Alli FTW.

    • Love 5
  9. Am I the only one who thought what a tragedy it was that Gemma left the beer flowing out of the taps after Beth left the bar?


    Am I the only person that's never seen beer taps installed without a drain under them to collect drips and spills?


    They found a burning boat, and they never canvassed boat people to see who was missing a boat?  The police seem to be making no effort to solve this crime!  Carver is no exception -- all he does is snap at people for being incompetent while doing SFA himself. 


    They suspect Danny had a SmartPhone because Tom said Danny had a better phone than he did.   Do they bother to ask Tom what type of phone Danny had, and what the number is, so they can triangulate the phone?  No.  Owen's Mom says she saw something.  Do they take her in to the station and shine bright lights in her eyes while she "assists them with their inquiries?"  No.  CreepySuzan threatens a leading citizen with rape.  Is she promptly arrested and subjected to the Third Degree?  No. 


    So, what progress did the cops make this episode?  Well, they timed a kid on a skateboard.  A kid traveling extremely slowly, it looked like, to me.  A kid who may not want them to have any accurate picture of Danny's movements.  Oh, and Carver made a completely artificial 'move' on Gemma, that I thought he was sarcastically trying to show her how inappropriate her behaviour was, but apparently... he was serious.


    This show is rapidly approaching the border with Crapland!

    • Love 3
  10. What a tremendous little show!  I'm so sorry that it's over, and thrilled to hear there will be another series next year.


    Best moment [ETA: of the series]:  Andy returning from the bar to find Sophie drenched in beer.

    • Love 1
  11. I do hope they show all ten episodes, since they are filmed, and not pull the show early, since now I want too see where it goes. But I have a feeling eight would have been plenty, like the original and may end up causing the show to go away early...


    At the rate they're progressing, it'll take 30 episodes before they have a suspect in custody.  I should just duck out now, and rejoin the series in February/March when they finally begin to close in on the killer!

    • Love 1
  12. The explosive situation between Donald McDuck and the Röhmbot finally detonates... with all the force of a wet firecracker.


    Case-of-the-week highly predictable -- it couldn't be the ex husband, his new girlfriend was an obvious red herring, I discounted the possibility of the new assistant, so that left only...  The arrival of the pool-side lovemaking video only confirmed my suspicions.


    Late entry of the boy-toy for hire was a little Deus ex machina for my taste. Indicates a weak plotline.


    So, am I supposed to come away from this feeling sorry for McDuck?  Because that ain't gonna happen.

    • Love 2
  13. They've understandably tried to avoid that since, though one later race (can't remember which) did have a two-guy team make a bad air travel choice from Asia and end up in third place about a day behind the others.


    Do you mean Uchenna & Joyce, who missed their flight to Kuala Lumpur in All Stars and ended up nearly a day late?

  14. How do you train a chicken to sit on your head, and then a dove to sit on the chicken? In the end I suppose there's also a missing Colonel Sanders joke in it, so heck.


    I assume the guy with the chicken & dove from the Berber tent detour is the same as the greeter?   Or is chicken/dove headwear a Morroccan thing?

    • Love 1
  15. Not saying she'd be an Olympic level marksman, but she'd probably be able to hit something.


    It's a shotgun.  It fires 400+ pellets at a time.  It's designed for people who can't shoot.


    (Full disclosure:  I'm a former competitive rifle and pistol shooter.)

    • Love 1
  16. It is weird that nobody thinks it's strange the kid was off on his own all the time.


    What I find weird is that after five episodes, the police have made absolutely no progress at all.


    And, they seem to have completely forgotten about the cut fence, which occurred the same night as the murder, bounded on the ocean (Danny was found on the beach) and has Chekhov's fingerprints all over it!


    Frankly, this show is circling the drain.

    • Love 1
  17. I'm betting that if the Save is used, then that leg becomes a non-elimination leg, and a later non-elimination leg will become an elimination leg.


    That would be easiest.  If the Save can be played up to end of leg#9 (is that correct?), then leg#10 will be planned as a NEL.  If the Save is played, leg#10 immediately ceases to be a NEL and there is an elimination instead.


    This means we can predict leg#10 will be a NEL unless the Save is played.

  18. Best thing the show has going by far and what a coincidence, it's one of the few stories that is actually about stalking!


    Actually, it's a little silly that the only two close-to-real-stalking cases we've seen involve the two key officers in the Stalker-squad.  Because the Stalk-of-the-Week cases are a real stretch to pass for any sort of stalking!


    Maggie Q is being stalked by a teenage kid who seems to be pretty darned good at it, if you ask me!  Slow, subtle, and nuanced.


    Donald McDuck on the other hand, is such a clumsy stalker, it's hard to believe.  Given his professional position, the bumbling about in the dark under windows, surreptitiously following on the street only yards away, hiding behind lampposts and a domino mask (for Gods sake), and approaching the kid directly so he can be identified at any later point of contact?  Frankly, his behaviour should legitimately end up with him under arrest when it comes out.  And given his clumsy bungling, it can't help but come out.


    Whatever dark secret ex-wife Amanda holds over his head can only make matters worse, unless it's something stupid like "I caught him kissing my sister under the mistletoe!"  The only possibility for him to come out of this clean, is if he can show that Amanda somehow had the son at risk, and he had to "investigate" in order to save the child.  The "investigation" would be off the books, of course, because she had a restraining order against him, issued immediately after the mistletoe incident!

  19. The Matt/Daisy thing is really annoying.  It doesn't ring in the least bit true, and it's taking up more and more screen time each episode.  Now, it only takes a turn for the worse, with additional relationship complications, which can only demand even more screen time down the line, to play out and resolve.  I like this show, but I'm starting to skip forward through all the awkward, rubbishy scenes, where these two try to pretend that there is an iota  of chemistry between them.


    When I saw those huge vats/tanks at the opening of the plant, why did the word "Bhopal" keep echoing through my brain? 


    Eldest daughter Stevie really does need to grow up.  She only suspects dad of having an affair and she's off on a bender, instead of going to the job she's already late for?


    Middle daughter Alison -- how old is she supposed to be?  She's got a distractingly enormous set of boobs for a supposedly mid-teens child she otherwise appears to be.


    Youngest son Jason.  Somebody call Mark Twain.  It's time to plug up a bung-hole!

    • Love 4
  20. Carver, I think, has some sort of heart condition. It looks like ventricular aneurysm caused by silent heart attack, maybe?


    That would be pretty damned major.  Wouldn't that have shown up in his physical exam?  I mean, he's just started a new job, which surely would have required he get a physical?  Especially being a policeman, the test would be fairly rigorous.

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