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Everything posted by SparkleStick

  1. (Quick note - I'm a CM fan from the beginning who had to stop watching a few seasons in just because, at the time for me, the show became a little dark. :) I picked it back up this season and have been re-watching old episodes on Netflix, too. I've really enjoyed reading this board because I was pretty taken aback at some of the changes and am glad to know so many others have some of the same issues.) I wish they'd been able to make this episode without relying so much on the 50 Shades knock-off - I think the basic plot was interesting but UGH on all the "Bare Reflections" (Carson Bare...really?). I didn't know if they'd go there with the daughter catching the father in the act, but I like that they did. I mean, I didn't *like* it, but it was good story telling. If you're going to go for it, go for it. Not interested in Kate and her family drama although the show clearly wants me to be. I love the original characters, of course, but I'm open to new ones - just don't find Kate compelling. She's fine as a profiler and a member of the team, but I don't need to see behind her closed doors. I'm still getting used to JJ moving to profiler and Garcia taking on some of her role - is she a media liasion, too, or has that kind of just gone away? I really loved JJ in her previous position and miss her presenting the case, talking to the families, and handling the media. She always seemed like a really human contact point in the story and I think this show needs that. I loved when she'd recognize that a victim or family member needed a moment and she'd get it for them. Plus, does being a profiler mean she can only wear black and white now?! Seriously, it's kind of startling to see the old shows and she's in bright colors (which always looked nice on her...I think AJ Cook is pretty, but now she's always in dark colors, darker hair, etc., and I don't think that's as flattering). My biggest beef is with Garcia taking on JJ's old role, though. I actually love her character when she's the kooky tech in the computer lair. She's good at that. Her personality and speech just seem way too upbeat and glib for some of the things she's doing now. When she was presenting the case to the team, she did a funny little bit about Wisconsin and cheese and whatnot and then it was like, and, oh, yeah, there are these three women who were brutally murdered. Who wants some Cheddar? When the team was calling her it was like she had to say something clever and "hilarious" EVERY time before she gave them her information, and there was a LOT of that. When JJ presented the cases in the past, she was more reserved and it seemed more respectful. Garcia just seems too light and airy - she works really well for me in small doses. Having said all of that (probably too much...it's been a long time since I've been able to share opinions on CM!), I do still like the show and am looking forward to the rest of the season!
  2. I'm not terribly opposed to Fin, per se, but the whole annual booty call thing was icky, especially when we saw her pick up a random dude in the last "CSI's in danger" episode. At least twice now we've seen her dump the other girls to go get a little on the side...ugh. I guess she's found the real meaning of love after saving her hookup with her handy dandy tampon, so maybe she'll be redeemed. I usually don't let myself get too frustrated with the characters (it's more trouble than it's worth!), but I was sooooo mad at Russell when they realized who the second shooter was and he said, all indignantly, "SWAT let this guy go!" No, Russell, SWAT did not. YOU told them to turn him loose based on Sara's observation that the shooter didn't match his description. She wasn't wrong, that was a different shooter, but it just ticked me off that he said that! Speaking of Sara, I think Jorja Fox is really quite pretty, but it looks like Sara cuts her hair in the bathroom with, like, nail scissors! It is sooo bad. If that's a choice for the character, they need to change it. Last night I actually thought maybe it was a wig! (It's not, is it?!)
  3. OK, but...did I miss the motive?! Why did the wife do it? How did she know the kid who helped her? Why did she kill him? As the scene played out I was thinking unhappy marriage, affair, crazy scheme, etc. But then it was just over! I liked the twist but, really, did I miss something?! I've watched this show since the beginning but I feel like in the last few seasons this whole glossing over of the end has gotten really bad. So often in like, OK, I didn't expect that, so cool, but...WHY?! And, yup, Nick was stone cold with his comment to the dad! I get it, the guy was dumb, he should have trusted the police, but people do crazy things when they are under that much stress. Have a little compassion there, Nick!
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