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Everything posted by basil

  1. I think it's fair to point out that last year's cliffhanger was a bit of a nothing. IIRC, our last image of Jay was dire. One leg looked like it was badly broken. Turned out he was fine.
  2. Of course they were based on that. The Palladinos are not known for their original thoughts. SPOILERS!!! Of course: Pallandinos explain TMMM ending
  3. Of course, there will be a movie. There will also likely be a musical.
  4. Thanks for coming out of lurkdom for that. From it:
  5. Right! Thanks so much! I think having Mark and his son around more could be interesting. Mark already kind of knows that something is going on, and if he finds out about the ghosts, we could have some fun Jay-style interactions from him. Maybe his son won't lose his ability to see the ghost(s). Good point. I honestly gave up any kind of rhyme or reason to ghost logic long ago. Another good point! It was just so weird to end the season with "I hope it's Trevor". Was that the first time that he didn't call him "No Pants"?
  6. Brought over from The finale of Season 2, The Heir. There was a discussion about the WGA writer's strike underway right now, and some confusion regarding what the strike is about. It is about losing jobs to Artificial Intelligence. It's pretty scary. Here's Justine Bateman's take on this From the linked article:
  7. I look forward to seeing the restaurant, too - and more of Mark and his son. I like Mark even if Pete is jealous of him. Can't Mark's son see the ghosts, at least for now, like Hetty did Thor - or could Hetty only hear Thor? Did I imagine that Mark's son could see/hear them? Three things I'm curious about regarding the end of this episode: Jay was so sick he was afraid to stand: 1). so why didn't Sam leave him at home and get the Pepto Bismol for him 2). why does Jay hope that Trevor is the ghost Sam thought she saw being sucked off? *that hurt to type* 3). when did Jay stop calling Trevor "No-Pants"? Different acronym, yes, but SWG split into 2 separate and distinct unions nearly 70 years ago. Both unions struck in 2007-2008, but only WGAW is striking right now. No idea what OOC stands for, other than "out of character", btw. :) I apologise if I sounded as if you didn't come up with talking points on your own. That was not my intent - but the fact remains that the ones you used are the same opinions - not facts - that anti-unionists have been using to slur unions for many decades. WGAW is not responsible in any way if TPTB use this strike to extract more money from consumers. For the last time (I promise!), this WGAW strike is not about more money, it's about keeping the jobs that they have. On that note, while I likewise appreciate the exchange, and I hope others have, I looked for another thread to take this conversation further, if you want. This was the best I could come up with. See you over there if you have anything further? Small Talk: Ghostly Chats - Ghosts (US) - PRIMETIMER
  8. Sam and Jay could sue him for malpractice and get enough money to pay off whatever debts they still have on the property. I had thought for a minute that maybe the lawyer and ersatz heir had somehow died (a water heater/boiler accident? Drowning their sorrows in poisoned hootch?) and got sucked off together, but upon a rewatch, I saw they had already left the building. They are pretty bad people, though, conspiring to thieve, so they probably would have gone down, anyway. ;) I agree with that statement, upon the initial inception of unions. They served a purpose once upon a time. Now, they exist merely to perpetuate themselves, their power, their bank accounts, with a few exceptions (perhaps SWG is one). Ok, now I understand a little better, thank you. You are essentially merely repeating anti-union talking points/opinions as facts with no apparent understanding of what the current writer's strike is actually about nor even who is striking. The SWG hasn't existed since 1954. It's the WGA that is striking, because TPTB are trying to take away not only the writers' residuals to keep for themselves but are also trying to replace living breathing writers with Artificial Intelligence. Sorry, I left out a word: cost . The cost of the monetary gains will ultimately be passed on to the viewers. Again, the WGA is not asking for "monetary gains". They are trying to hold on to their very jobs. TPTB want to save themselves the fair wages they are already paying and stop paying any wages in the future. If they are successful, we will be watching tv from scripts written by AI, and it is very unlikely that TPTB will be passing along those savings to viewers.
  9. And you can bet that any monetary gains they get for the writers will not be passed on to the advertisers I am completely baffled by this exchange. None of it makes sense to me. Unions exist to see that people are paid fair wages, amongst other things. Writers are not looking for more money in this strike, they are trying not to lose their residuals and trying to keep WGA members from being replaced by artificial intelligence, which is starting to be a real possibility. ...and why on earth would any monetary gains from the strike be passed on to advertisers? That makes no sense at all. Back to the show: I'm wondering if we might get a twofer with the mean girl and the cellar ghost? I can't believe that any of our more prominent ghosts will be taken away from us. Thor also knew what DNA was but still refers to a car as a landship. He's doing that just to annoy everyone, right? I think he does it to amuse himself, yes. "used longboats"? C'mon! He's having us on. :)
  10. No that was definitely the spotlight on top of the police car when the cops told them to put out the fire on their pond. The writers set it up that way for just that reason too. To fool the audience for 1 second then to show "gotcha" with the pull away to the cop car. While the police car light was definitely there, both of those things could be true. I think that was deliberately left open to interpretation.
  11. You mean the credits that most people never watch? I think you are both correct. Sutton was 100% Laura Petrie. Azaria was a Van Dyke/Thomas combo.
  12. Weren’t those car headlights they all misinterpreted in the moment? I think they left that open for interpretation.
  13. Is it his Nitty Gritty number? Yes. It isn't as on the nose as the trash cab dance, but the scenes from Sophie's telethon and Judy Garland's show are quite similar.
  14. MEA CULPA! I scanned too fast. She does swing a club at 4:30. Please forgive me! Lol. no worries! Who knows how many times she took that shot? She nailed it, though.
  15. My mind was playing tricks on me, so I just scanned the episode on my computer, and yes it looks like she never even picked up a club. Not even like the time she carried around a plunger. Ok, now I have to watch this again, because I remember being impressed with Alex/Susie teeing up and sending a ball off in the stratosphere.
  16. It wouldn't, and I think that's the point the posters were trying to make. Traditionally, a church is considered a sanctuary. But IANAL, and I don't know how old English traditional holds up to 21st century US law. Thanks for your clarification, Quilt Fairy (love your name! I quilt a bit myself). In the US, I don't think it's a law. It's more about respect. I can't think of any arrests that have happened in designated religious buildings. I could be wrong. and speaking of respect... I don't think it works that way, in that film and tv aren't homework assignments where you have to source your references, especially if it is legally distinct. It actually does work that way, most of the time. The Pallandinos certainly don't have to credit where they get their ideas, but it is common practice amongst professionals, as a matter of respect. At the very least, most professionals don't deny their sources, as the Pallandinos have done in the past. I can explain further if you like, but it isn't appropriate in this thread. Not sure where to move it to if you're inclined. Small talk? Let me know and I'll follow you there. The Pallandinos aren't in high school, and they ought not have to be legally bound to give credit where it is due, especially when asked about it. Professionals credit other professionals. YMMV. I loved that Susie and Harry watched Buster Keaton's The Boat in Harry's hospital room. Spend 23 minutes watching it. Harry isn't wrong. Keaton was a genius.
  17. TMMM is chock-full of "homages" that sometimes cross the borderline of rip-offs (imo). The Palladinos do quite a lot of that in this series. There's a dance number in the episode with Sophie Lennon's telethon that is very similar to Bobby Bana's on a variety show in the 60s. The trash can dance is another, from It's Always Fair Weather. In this episode, Midge calling off her wedding played for laughs is very like Katherine Hepburn's in The Philadelphia Story. Often, they aren't at all subtle or clever about it (as the author of the article you linked claims). There's the old adage, "Good artists, borrow. Great artists steal". The Pallandinos borrow a lot, and they rarely credit original sources. It looks like lazy writing.
  18. I was wondering about this too. Would they do that in a Christian church? Why would it be any different for them to effect an arrest in a fictional TV church than in a fictional TV synagogue?
  19. That sounds familiar, thanks. How did they know it had anything to do with Alberta? Was it addressed to Earl? Alberta was only referred to as "you-know-who". I just watched again. Snow Apple is correct. Jay confirms where the letter was found and says it was addressed to "My dearest Earl". Danielle herself describes Alberta as a "narcissist".
  20. That sounds familiar, thanks. How did they know it had anything to do with Alberta? Was it addressed to Earl? Alberta was only referred to as "you-know-who".
  21. Thanks for that, but this is clearly going to be a YMMV situation. From Danielle, in the interview you linked: That doesn't make sense. Hetty is in no way responsible for Alberta's death. Did Hetty literally tell Alberta she was "wrong" "over and over again"? I'll have to rewatch. I can only think of once or twice, and I don't remember her ever using the word "wrong". To be fair, I don't much care for the character of Alberta. She's self-absorbed and shallow. I do think her anger at Hetty is misplaced.
  22. All of this was asked and answered on page one of this thread, possibilities - and Earl wasn't Alberta's manager, he was her bootlegger boyfriend. eta: When Alberta started to get amorous with Earl, he said it would have to wait, that he had business to take care of. The next time we see Earl, he is arguing with Hetty's son Thomas, presumably about the letter Thomas sent talking about getting rid of "you-know-who". The letter was likely the reason for the break-up. How did Jay and Sam get that letter, anyway? eta 2: I think Sam should still suggest that Al Capone did it. Why let the truth get in the way of a good story? What does she have to lose?
  23. I think the question that iMonrey posited was whether ghosts can emit a smell from themselves. We know that Isaac can when someone walks through him, but seemingly otherwise he has no odor.
  24. Well, we know that Isaac can, but maybe it is only limited to his "power".
  25. Thanks. I had guessed that but missed the scene where she found them. Alex/Susie completely broke my heart when a dying Harry looked at Susie and called out his daughter's name. Susie looked at the nurse, and when she nodded, Susie took Harry's hand, saying, "I'm here, Dad".
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