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  1. I know. I almost cried, I also couldn't believe he was 80.
  2. Damnit.. I'm rooting for you Octavia. Stop letting me down.
  3. OH goodness, I was hoping after that argument that maybe they would change. But maybe not, seemed Octavia was fed up and was about to get real with her weight.
  4. Support that poor baby's neck. Good lord.
  5. Aww girl, Cup O'Noddles is so very bad. Not only all the starch but also sodium. You've come a long way but you are going to go right back.
  6. Hopefully I can get around to watching it tomorrow and I may have seen parts of it and I just don't remember.
  7. That baby was so tiny. I do get the feeling that Betty Jo's husband really does love her and maybe she has been the only person to show him love, kindness and loyalty and that is why he is/was so afraid of losing her. They do seem like a really happy couple but I didn't watch her episode so maybe I haven't got the full picture.
  8. I feel like I wasted two hours on this nonsense. She doesn't want to change so let her be.
  9. I bet she gets put in the hospital for gaining more weight. She isn't ready for surgery unless she does a very drastic turn around with her attitude and eating.
  10. I like this tougher Dr. Now. I think since S.A. he is a bit jaded.
  11. @ShortyMac -- He can't work because he has to obey her orders. But seriously, it's not a surprise he doesn't work and I was wondering how she takes care of him. My sympathy for him is getting less, maybe he's with her cause he doesn't have to work.
  12. I kinda feel bad for Freddy. He seems so beat down. Maybe he is a feeder and wants her dependent on him, but he doesn't seem like it right now.
  13. I'm 5'1. I'd be bedridden or dead at 665lb. I do not see how she can move at all.
  14. Gilbert is just disgusting. Lupe needs to drop his butt.
  15. Ashley's family also needs to be losing weight, especially the husband if Ashley is trying to eat correctly because she is doing some hard work and I'd hate to see that messed up because her family couldn't change to also be healthier with her.
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