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Posts posted by lucy711

  1. Just now, Neurochick said:

    What’s so wrong with what’s her name being a stripper and Catholic?  It’s not like she’s committing a crime, people.

    I agree that it's not a big deal.  I'm Catholic and not offended  But a true devout Catholic (which is how Marta is painting herself) would not be a stripper.  Most serious Catholics are pretty modest. 

    • Love 4
  2. 1 hour ago, Mothra said:

    How old are Stacey's sons?  Darcey's daughters are still young enough to get child support from their father, but it must not be a whole lot if they all are forced to live in that tiny condo together.  Maybe Darcey doesn't have full custody?  Or maybe her sister doesn't?  If they have rotating visitation, I guess three bedrooms would cover it.

    I could be mistaken but I'm pretty sure I read online that Darcey doesn't have primary custody of her kids.  I think the girls live with their dad.  I don't know how often she sees them.

    • Love 4
  3. 15 minutes ago, usernameG said:

    That's a lot of people in one condo. What's the deal with her ex? I wonder if that is where she is getting some of the $$. Didn't she own some sort of boutique? 

    I'm wondering if the sisters make any meaningful money whatsoever or just live off of their father and maybe some alimony from the ex-husbands?  House of Eleven is apparently gone, and the 90 Day Fiance money can't take them that far.

    • Love 3
  4. 2 hours ago, iwasish said:

    Actually that is the one thing about Rachel I like . If this is how she dresses in her everyday life then I see no reason she should dress differently to meet Jon. Or she may be self conscience about some excess remaining baby weight.  Should she show up dressed like Angela or Melissa?  I’m a jeans and top sort of woman myself, so I’m on her side on this.

    I'm with you.  If this is how she looks and dresses most of the time, it's better that Jon know it upfront.  It might be worse for him to see a dolled up Rachel in Britain only to have her become more frumpy *if* they end up married together in the states.  It's like false advertising!

    • Love 7
  5. 3 hours ago, trimthatfat said:

    I come from a Caribbean culture where you absolutely offer your guests food and drinks when they visit your home (you even offer to cook for them and are expected to do so if the offer is accepted), but I am still on Paul’s side. He was wrong to call her family thieves, but he was understandably upset about the loss of a week’s worth of food. He’s the only one who has money in the relationship and since it seems he not only paid for the apartment, the wedding, the reception, and all of Karine’s unicorn onesie needs, money is likely right. In my culture, I would never go into someone’s home and eat all they had...that is just rude.

    He also wasn’t wearing a bullet proof vest - he was wearing a cooling vest. He wouldn’t shut up about it last season so I am surprised people missed that.

    Karine is very irritating and I find myself not feeling bad for her or Paul. They had no business getting married.

    Angela honestly expected a 30 year old man in another country to not get a little frisky with another woman in his town? “I did the BJ”...oh, Michael. I am going to have that printed on a shirt. Angela is abusive with anger issues. I half expected her to call Michael the n-word when they were arguing.

    Yes.  There is a difference between offering food to a guest (I live in the USA and know that is the polite thing to do), versus cleaning out a week's worth of food.  Considering that all that food was most likely purchased with Paul's money, I understand why he would be upset.

    • Love 13
  6. The only person I really like on this show apart from baby Lucy is Ximena.  I liked Karine a lot more during the first season we saw her.  She didn't come across as so whiny and lazy.

    I guess I'm ok with Jon, too.  Rachel annoyed me with her complaints about it being "unfair" that she is separated from her beloved.  One would think that as a "mature" adult, she would understand that the USA might have some problems letting someone with a violent criminal record into the country,

    • Love 12
  7. 1 minute ago, configdotsys said:

    Yep. My husband died out of nowhere  2 1/2 years ago, leaving me a widow at 50. Then last December I was diagnosed with cancer. I'm having major surgery in 3 weeks. So fuck you and your unfair, Rachel.

    I'm so sorry.  You are right.  Life has been unfair to you.  Best wishes on your surgery.

    • Love 3
  8. I'm not as enamored with Karine's mother.  Now that they are married and Karine can pin the (probable) child on Paul (and maybe get child support or alimony), she is laying down the law.  Now, I don't have respect for Paul either, but this really isn't her place.  Karine and Paul are adults.  I really don't like when parents/in laws get involved in marriages.  I think Paul and Karine are both jerks for what it is worth.

    • Love 14
  9. Just now, MegD said:

    He's on a visitor's visa. He can't work while on one.

    Yes.  That and I get the impression that he isn't in Brazil for that long, so he might not even be there long enough to teach for a semester.  I can completely see him running out of $$ since he is paying for plane tickets, the apartment, food, etc.  Now...Karine could theoretically get a job.  I wonder if she did anything before meeting Paul.

    • Love 3
  10. 7 hours ago, doodlebug said:

    Isn’t that just ducky? Israel is already a very anxious kid, a worrier.  Whether nature or nurture, he is who he is. So what does Dillwad do?  When Israel expresses his concern that his father is going to leave him with his sleeping mother, something that obviously makes him even more nervous, Dillwad feeds his anxiety to the point where he is cowering under the desk which we’ve already seen is Israel’s safe space when his idiot parents deliberately heighten his fears rather than alleve them.  And films it and puts it online for the world to see.  Way to parent there, a**hole. 

    My new mantra is ‘Free Israel’.

    I have almost no respect for Jill and Derick, but I can't get worked up over this video.  I didn't see a kid cowering under a desk, I saw him hiding, finding something, and coming out giggling.  My toddler does this type of thing all the time.  I've also noticed (from hanging out in my Moms Club), that some kids ask questions like this even if there isn't a problem.  I wouldn't put it past Jill to sleep in late, but I've seen little kids stress about what they are going to eat for dinner and if they will have food even though mom makes them food every evening.  This honestly looks like regular toddler behavior.  I snark a lot on Jilll's parenting, but this to me is no big deal.  The kid is used to dad getting him up, and hopefully Jill will rise to the task and do her part every morning now.

    • Love 14
  11. 5 hours ago, iwasish said:

    I didn’t think Dean was all that loud or scary. He didn’t raise his hand or threaten her. Tarik  didn’t have to get up and protect her from him, nor did he go overboard defending her. IMO he may not have liked the way Dean asked the questions but he wasn’t upset that he asked. I wonder just what she has told him about the situation with her son. Tarik has expressed his concern about Hazel’s feelings for him. Yes he is hot for her, but he also wants her to feel the same about him. As stupid as we may feel these guys are, both Tarik and Ricky must have gotten the impression that the women WANTED THEM. If all Hazel wants is a ticket to the USA, I don’t think Tarik is  on board with that. He’s looking for a hot wife and decent stepmother for his child. I don’t think he wants someone he needs to prompt to kiss him, or who submits to his sexual advances as part of a deal she’s made in return for passage to the USA. His concern would be that once settled, green card in hand and possibly reunited with her child, she’d dump him. So while Dean was forceful and pointed in his demeanor, the questions were the same that Tarik has and probably doesn’t ask. 

    It will be interesting to see if the confrontation pushes them apart or brings them closer.

    I agree with you.  I don't think Hazel has told Tarik that she only is interested in him for a green card and a better standard of living.  I don't think she is being honest.

    • Love 9
  12. Maybe Karine and Paul wouldn't have communication issues if they actually spoke the same language.

    Paul should have picked up some Portuguese by this point.  And if Karine intends to come to the USA, she should be studying English.

    Paul is a creep and annoying, but even he doesn't deserve to be responsible for the kid that Karine is clearly baking in her oven!

    • Love 22
  13. 1 minute ago, AussieBabe said:

    Karine's pregnancy couldn't be more obvious. Pole has to see it.

    Yes.  I wonder if she's further along then I thought.  I know all women experience pregnancy symptoms differently, but my breasts didn't look different until the second trimester.  I lost weight my first trimester and I didn't even have morning sickness.

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