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Posts posted by lucy711

  1. 1 hour ago, Mothra said:

    Nobody's saying they can't.  But what they--and maybe you--need to understand is that other women will judge them, often with scorn.  The guys we see on this show aren't going overseas for love because of a lack of datable women here; they're going overseas because overseas they are believed to be rich and/or famous.  They are thus able to interest young, pretty, child-free, nice women with good manners and great values (although I snort at your "great values"--haven't you read the posts here?).  IOW, it's the same story you describe:  they are unable to find these women here unless they are rich or famous.  So they go abroad where they will be considered at least rich, maybe famous (for all Hazel knows, Torgo is the next Tupac).  It's pretty sleazy either way.

    Maybe the men you speak of need to stop believing that they are attractive enough in body and spirit to interest the kind of women they aspire to.  I know men who are not all that sneer at the idea of dating an overweight woman, for instance, while such a woman might be the greatest thing that ever happened to him.  He'll never know, and she will have dodged a bullet.  Who needs a guy that shallow?

    Edited to add:  Eric, do you watch this show?  If you don't, why do you post here?  I don't mean to be antagonistic with my question; I'm genuinely curious.

    Yes, yes, and yes.  I don't think Eric has watched this show much at all if he thinks that the foreigners shown have such "great values."  These men are free to look for younger, prettier women overseas.  But the man will have to wonder for the rest of his life if that woman cares for him or if she is with him because she would be "homeless" otherwise (to quite Hazel).

    It's funny in a way.  I'm an American woman and am much less maintenance and less dramatic than some of the foreign women depicted on this show (Anfisa and Pao spring to mine). 

    • Love 12
  2. Regarding Marta's physique and her "career..." my husband is involved in state law enforcement and has gone to a few of these "gentleman's establishments" with the FDA while the latter organization was looking into food safety violations (FYI- never eat in a sleazy strip club).  Anyway, he told me that most of the women are not in top physical shape and don't look like they hit the gym at all.  He said they were all on the "thick" side.

    • Love 4
  3. 12 minutes ago, floridamom said:

    Help me out here ladies....my children were on formula so I don't know this. Since Jinger is nursing Felicity, is it a good idea for her to avoid carbs? I notice during the shower and gender reveal she ate NONE. She was expecting at the time. Would Felicity be getting enough nutrition from a stick-thin mother who's nursing and not eating any carbs?

    I would say no.  A nursing mother should eat a healthy and balanced diet and someone thin like Jinger should eat more than usual to keep her supply up.  I'm built like Jinger- I am petite and slender.  I lost weight during nursing while eating as much as I did before pregnancy because my body was using so many calories to produce milk to keep up with my hungry son.  If Jinger isn't eating carbs, she will waste away to nothing and probably have milk supply issues.  I was eating a lot and was down to 95 lbs at one point (I'm normally 110).  I looked sickly.  She needs to eat!

    • Love 11
  4. 7 hours ago, AmyBre said:

    Because these proposals are encouraged by the production team and are non-binding.  They are fake and only done to attract drama/viewers.

    In the US, Tarik and Ricky will run away from a girl remotely thinking about marriage or getting engaged.   In foreign territory, while having vacation sex (not Tarik), they forget themselves and fall for anything.  If you add up the real time they were actually together having meaningful conversations, Ricky's proposal was a couple of hours.   Even dumb Ricky knows that a ring "don't mean nothing" that it's all being done in the name of quick fame and getting your face on TV.

    I totally agree that the producers want them to propose.  I don't think for a minute that Ximena and Rickey will get married.  But the disturbing thing is many of the couples on the show do indeed get married....we'll have to wait to see what happens with Tarik and Hazel.

    • Love 2
  5. Almost every married couple I know dated for multiple years before their wedding.  I am amazed and horrified at how things speed up in 90 Day Fiance land.  Tarik knows she is the one after a few weeks, and Ricky proposes to Ximena days (hours?) after meeting her...

    The Paul and Karine scenes were heartbreaking and slightly confusing.  She was 4-5 weeks pregnant last week, and it felt like 2 days later she was 9 weeks.

    I think Rachel is pretty.  I never noticed until tonight how she is negative about everything and has quite the downer personality.   Good luck with that, Jon.

    • Love 7
  6. Just now, Rabithed said:

    I’m wondering if this is a re-enactment now?  That could explain the doctors rudeness and monotone delivery of the sad news? “We have to get rid of ...it now”

    I've run across plenty of doctors like this.  I had a doctor talk about my baby's abnormalities as a fetus in pretty harsh terms.  I ended up having a healthy baby incidentally.

    • Love 8
  7. Just now, Baltimore Betty said:

    I will never understand why anyone would persue someone from a different religion when that person is so devout and their religion is the most important part of their life.  I would think it would have been drilled in to them that they know to stay within their church that looking elsewhere would never happen.

    Yes.  Some things in life are dealbreakers so you don't even start a relationship.

    • Love 6
  8. 49 minutes ago, usernameG said:

    I have heard the maintaining your fitness program through your pregnancy (if possible) is really helpful with being able to rebound after. Is that accurate?  Rachel doesnt strike me as someone who was already hitting the gym pre-pregnancy (or during).

    It was for me.  I exercised as long as I could (I had to stop by 36 weeks because my ankles and feet were so swollen), but even then I walked around the neighborhood up until the day I gave birth.  I only gained 20 pounds so that made losing it really easy because half was gone after I had my giant 9 lb baby.  Needless to say, gaining less makes losing easy! (I think genetics help, too, and I got lucky).

    • Love 3
  9. 5 hours ago, Mothra said:

    I'm 99% sure Rachel's wedding dress shopping was producer-driven, to give her something to do besides sit around and whine and wipe her eyes.  Plus they had to find a way to get her friend's eye makeup on the tv.  And I thank them for it.

    Yes to everyone who suggested better places to find a dress, better dresses than virginal white.  She used to be a size zero?  She must really have packed it on with Lucy, then, because the photos we saw when she was pregnant made her look pretty slim with a big belly.  Did she gain a lot in the last months, or since Lucy's birth?  I'm having trouble understanding her weight gain, especially since she was "seeing" Jon throughout the pregnancy.  Not to body shame--I think she's fine the way she is, but she clearly doesn't--when, exactly, did that weigh accrue (she's in accounting, and I'm speaking her language)?  In my own experience, when I'm in love I tend to lose weight; maybe she tends to gain?

    One reason that dress was so unflattering, btw, is that she had an unmatching back-buttoned jacket on over it.  We saw the dress itself being zipped up without a hitch, but then when she came out, there were unbuttoned buttons on the back, and the strapless dress had grown sleeves.

    I hope she is able to lose her baby weight, and soon, because I think a lot of her weepiness is misery over her body.  She's really cute, I think, and not used to being frumpy.  I've criticized her for wearing baggy clothing, but if she's never been this heavy before (and again I don't think she's all that heavy), she really doesn't know how to dress a bigger body than she's used to.  She isn't breast-feeding, so there's no reason she can't diet the shit out of it.  And if she has maintained a size 0 body, she knows how to diet.  So why isn't she doing it?

    I got the impression that she was a size zero in high school.  It is possible to be tiny without dieting too much.  I'm a size 2 and I admit to doing little to maintain that, even after my baby.    But who knows- that may change as I get older.  It is conceivable that Rachel had some metabolism issues after her second pregnancy.

    • Love 2
  10. 18 hours ago, HappyDancex2 said:


    Pole is certainly the gif I mean gift that keeps on giving.  Those angry huge pus filled zits raging on my screen were gross....she didn’t even think to pop them with a warm compress before filming on national TV?   He’s sucked the life out of her...which is rather an ironic comment.   Pole inserteth......




    She also is not trying in the least.  She would look so much better if she took a shower and used some foundation.  I've been pregnant too and, unlike Karine, worked a full-time job (like so many women) so I don't think it's asking too much for her to get up out of bed and maybe shampoo her hair.

    • Love 8
  11. Angela's fashion choice get worse each week.

    Rachel may not be a size zero any more, but she's not 300 pounds, either.  If she stopped wearing such frumpy clothing, I think she'd look quite attractive and cute.  Since it is her second wedding, she should forego the large white dress and find something stylish and affordable that she can wear on other occasions, too.

    So Karine's baby will be Paul's (whether it is or not) and now she can count on 18 years of financial support.  I think that must have been her mission because she is clearly disgusted by Paul and was even at the wedding.

    I hope sour-faced Hazel doesn't end up in the USA.  I couldn't imagine her taking care of Tarik's autistic daughter.

    • Love 6
  12. 1 minute ago, Pepper Mostly said:

    Hahaha, good point.

    I will say this.  I used to be a size zero and am still fairly thin.  I get compliments for being "skinny" all the time.  It bothers me. So if I gained a lot of weight, it would mess with my head.  But I'd like to think I'd handle it better than Rachel.

    • Love 1
  13. 1 minute ago, ECM1231 said:

    A devout Catholic would not have had two out of wedlock children, either. I know that sounds hopelessly outdated being that premarital sex is no big deal nowadays but in the Catholic faith premarital sex is a no no.

    No, you are right.  I am not a "devout" Catholic, but I had sex before marriage and had major guilt about it.  I only did it because we were planning on getting married (and we did)!  If I had a child before being married my whole family would have been horrified. 

    • Love 2
  14. Just now, Chickabiddy said:

    Using I as the subject instead of me is hardly college English.  If it is, this country is in way more trouble than I thought. 

    The bolded portion of your comment kinda proves  my point.. n’est ce pas? ;-) 

    This is not related at all to the show, but I have to add this. I used to teach high school, and there is a trend to not teach grammar anymore in English classes.  I taught history and my students (and their parents) told me that I should not have graded or corrected students for grammar usage in their papers since I wasn't an English teacher.  Oy.  Yes, we are doomed.  Back to the show!

    • Love 24
  15. Just now, AussieBabe said:

    There's NO way in hell Angela is only 52. It's just not possible.

    I was thinking that too, but it is possible.  If you look at photos of people years ago they looked like they were 50 when they were 30.  That's what happens when the sun damages your skin and you don't take care of yourself (and eat a crappy diet). 

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