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Posts posted by quangtran

  1. 3 hours ago, possibilities said:

    She sees what she's doing sometimes, but she still does it. And the same people are not enabling her as much as before-- but arguably Dr. Akopian is enabling her MORE, because she seems to think Rebecca is doing far better than she actually is. Most of her improvements are lip service.

    I'd say she's certainly doing better than before. Having affairs and lying to your best friends for selfish reasons is exactly the kind of kind of thing that normal non-crazy bad people do all the time. Heck, her being able to maintain a steady position as senior partner for eight months would be a huge step up from an earlier Bex who was broke and never did her job.

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  2. I'd say the Triceratops Ballet with Josh certainly counts as a dancing showcase.

    23 minutes ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

    I guess some people might prefer Trent's upfront and honest approach to Rebecca's sneaky manipulations and scheming to insinuate herself into Josh's life

    My take on the episode is that while Rebecca isn't as bad as Trent, she was still bad to Josh and she's certainly still treats her supposed best friend terribly.


    Nathaniel (to Rebecca): I know you really well and you're a good person.

    (instrumental of "Stupid Bitch" plays in the background.)

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  3. 13 minutes ago, 27bored said:

    When celebrities wade into socio-political topics, they tend to have a sort of shield from tangible backlash (not hashtags and Twitter eggs clapping back) because they have money.

    This complaint about outspoken celebs has always been situational and never applied with any kind of consistency. Second, that the downright false. Beyonce was certainly faced tangible backlash. Same as the Dixie Chicks. Same as the Lorde right now. A legit backlash doesn't require people's lives to be in danger.

    Given the cultural zeitgeist, people like Beyonce HAD to have to have a say and others (especially her fans) wanted to know her stance. Taylor Swift took faaaar to long to make a stand, hence she ended up unfairly being accused of being an neo-nazi figurehead by association.

    23 minutes ago, 27bored said:

    Beyonce decided to weigh in and be "controversial", people reacted. It is what it is.

    Being pro-black and being against the shooting deaths of unarmed black people should not be considered "controversial". Saying that "you can see why is ruffled some feathers" uses the lazy "both sides are at fault" argument, when it really just distracts people from wanting to admit that Beyonce was in the right and that her new right-wing enemies she's made were in the wrong.

    45 minutes ago, 27bored said:

    Do I think she's single-handedly responsible for pushing out other black female artists? Single-handedly? Probably not.

    Then why keep brainging up half-hearted topics? I don't think any of these theories are done in good faith.

    28 minutes ago, 27bored said:

    That's not going to move the blogs. Same with Lorde

    But they do. All the women you've mentioned do appear on blogs and magazine covers precisely because they are conventionally attractive.

    • Love 10
  4. On 1/22/2018 at 1:28 PM, 27bored said:

    Resurrecting this thread to pose another theory about Auntie-yonce

    Why does it seem like this thread is always resurrected for this reason? Was she deserving of the racist attacks from racists who didn't like her protesting against police brutality? No. Is she single handedly responsible for pushing out other black artists? The sensible answer is also no, the industry now has barely any room for women, let alone black women. This isn't making theories, this is concern trolling.

    On 1/22/2018 at 1:28 PM, 27bored said:

    You want the larger-than-life superstar who fits all the Hollywood standards of beauty and all the classic ideals of talent.

    Maybe urban dictionary is out of date, but being classically beautiful and classically talented (or fitting those ideals) is soooo not what "basic" means.

    • Love 8
  5. Can't agree with those two paragraphs together. If the show isn't making some heteronormative statement by having Rebecca and Nathaniel together, then the  same applies to them not making a progressive statement with Valencia and Beth. There's no attempts to be fresh and cool given that these are things that Rachel and Arline clearly believes in. They thought Josh SHOULD be Asian because it reflected Rachel's school having an Asian prom king and queen, and that wanted to show an actual Asian bros TV for once.

    And the point to Heather is that she never does any soul searching. Everything she does is on a whim.

    • Love 6
  6. Over the course of the series, Heather's had even less storyline than Valencia

    That's not how I remember it at all.

    The way I remember it, it was Heather who was underused in season one, while the writers gravitating towards using supposed guest stat Gabriel, hence her being upgraded for season 2. But in season 2, they Valencia was being used less because Gabriel was unavailable for the start of the season (she was on her honeymoon) and the shortened season meant she only had three episode with meaningful Valencia storylines.

    Was Paula always the 'Office Bitch' or did that just happen this episode?

    I'd say she was always the office bitch. Back in "Josh and I are Good People" (episode 5) she was acting boss and broke everyone's spirit. Sure the work was done, but any boss who angrily slams tables and sweeps people's stuff off their desk will be dubbed the office bitch.

    And the episode was even internally inconsistent: at first Sunil said the other people were also doing good work, but then at the end he said they were idiots. Which is it?

    They can be both. When Nathaniel threatened to fire them, Rebecca vouched for them as "semi-hard working people". And a case could be made that Jim and Maya were doing good work, they just needed constructive criticism about how Jim needed a better opening or how Maya was too thorough, not told that their work sucks.

    • Love 3
  7. There were some really good bits in there to prevent this from being bad (like White Josh and Darryl's realistically protracted breakup and the thing with the spoons), but I really, really wish this show would stop being gross. Haven't we all moved on from this kind of Farrelly brothers style humor over a decade ago?

    • Love 9
  8. On 05/12/2017 at 2:00 AM, bybrandy said:

    Are we supposed to like Joel?  Really?  They've not sold me there.  But I'm not 1000% sure they are trying to sell me.   Because I think Suzy is right and I think we're supposed to know Suzy is right.  He'd never let her do this.

    I don't think we're supposed to like Joel either. They wrote him as the world's biggest schmuck (being both a cheater and a hack) in the pilot just to get the plot moving as fast as possible, and throughout the series they did humanize him, but not really redeem or rewrite him as a character.  Their reunion in the final episode is treated as the wrong choice, with Midge and her comedy as the right one.

    • Love 5
  9. Five episodes is enough for me to gauge me interest. It isn't for me. I only find a few characters interesting (Nico, Katherine and Tina), individual scenes and stories aren't amazing enough to warrant the slow pacing, and it seems like the teens becoming runaways is will a story saved for the second season. I don't hate it, but I'll read the forums to see if the show finds its groove til I catch up (or if there is nothing else to do).

    • Love 1
  10. 23 hours ago, PumpkinPK said:

    Everyone on this forum loves this show so much that I feel I can't say what I think has become of it.  So I'll just say it is not for me anymore.  This is a completely different show than it started out as.

    Is it because the say been more "depressing" these days? I've been hearing a lot of comments from people who miss the more cheery earlier seasons. Maybe it's because I used to watch shows like the Leftovers, which wallowed in depression and sadness, but I don't think this show is all THAT different. It was always a darker show with a cheerful exterior, and one of the earliest jokes was how Rebecca inconvenienced a lot of people with her first suicide attempt, which directly carries overs to this current storyline. Or maybe is can't ever feel down about a show that can spin depression as a sexy French depression.

    • Love 2
  11. 20 minutes ago, txhorns79 said:

    This is something I didn't like, and brings me back to something I thought last season.  Rebecca's actual mom is the one she needs and Paula is really "the bad mom" to Rebecca.

    I view is the opposite, in that while Paula is sometimes a “bad mom” figure, Naomi is a bad mom. She spent years telling her young daughter that she is weird and is responsible her driving her dad away, and is largely responsible for her low self-worth.

    20 minutes ago, txhorns79 said:

    And yes, during the first season of the show, Paula either urged Rebecca on, or outright participated in Rebecca's crazy stunts to win over Josh, so for her to act now like all she never really knew Rebecca is a little rich.  

    It was very different back then because Paula could easily justify those crazy stunts because they were living out seemingly harmless sit-com and rom-com tropes. Very different to someone who might actually be crazy and institutionalised.

    • Love 5
  12. 1 hour ago, SeanC said:

    Is that the most songs they've had in one episode?  Quite a variety of styles, too.

    I believe so. Four full songs -three oringials and one reprise-is a record for this show. The previous was "When Will Josh See How Cool I Am", which had three orignials. Some episode has had three tunes, but those usaully consist of reprises (Don't settle for Me) or throwaway numbers (Romantic Moments, Period Sex, Where is the Rock, I have Friends).

    • Love 1
  13. 16 hours ago, DarkRaichu said:

    I was wondering if Anubis (the old Egypt god of death) pulled a fast one on her.  His reasoning for being there was basically "well you believe in me sort of when you were young so here I am" (ie. nevermind what you believed the rest of your live).  It sounded thin and full of technicality BS.  We knew the old gods were desperate for souls so at least to me it is not out of bound for them to pull tricks to get 1 to their cause.

    I don't believed he pulled a fast one on her. She said that hers was a Muslim house, not that she was Muslim herself. The way I see it, Anubis was the god she always believed in, and not the one imposed on her in adulthood. Also, I get the impression that these gods wants either sacrifices or living people to worship them to gain power, and neither of these things apply to this woman.

    • Love 2
  14. 7 hours ago, Macbeth said:

    I have a very very hard time with this story line.  This story line pisses me off to no end.  John was a horrible, abusive human being, but once he lost his black wife and married his white wife - he was a completely changed human being.  And tonight's episode brought up that it was his relationship to Laurie that "saved" him.

    He had lost a child, no way should he be at peace.

    Also - it is only white men who are being reincarnated and thought of as divine.

    This main issue these characters face isn't whether they are fixed or at peace, but whether they are better than before. On one hand, Kevin wasn't really healed by his journey to the afterlife and neither was Nora after her magic hug. But on the other hand, Laurie did manage work her way out from the GR, and John isn't angry any-more. He likely is never going to get over losing Evie and probably not truly at peace (I don't many many people are) but he is certainly better than before.

    • Love 5
  15. I personally don't think they will go the route of it being the GR again. Damon said in an interview that it was a risk have the GR be responsible for the missing girls in season 2 because so many people hated the GR in season 1.

    • Love 2
  16. 1 hour ago, scrb said:

    Methinks the producers decided to blow the budget since they were given one more season, to get themselves a holiday Down Under.  Though so far, they haven't shown any scenes filmed in Sydney or Melbourne, which might be expensive to do or even get a filming license.

    Maybe they're in some SoCal backlot, mocked up to look like rural Australia.

    This was only the first episode shot in Melbourne. If anything, that flashback of Kevin Sr on the departure day was likely shot in Melbourne but mocked up and blurred out to look like Mapleton New York.

    10 minutes ago, stagmania said:

    I'm pretty sure that it was a copy of only part of the book (remember, Matt lies constantly, so no surprise if copies of parts of it have been made), and Matt probably sent it before Kevin and Nora got the original copy. But it does seem that the second phone conversation came after Kevin Jr found out, because Matt seemed eager to get it back.

    I'm pretty sure Matt isn't telling the truth when he says that there is only one copy, what with him always freely giving them away to Kevin's and them not likely ever returning them.

    • Love 1
  17. 8 hours ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

    I'm glad Kevin Sr. didn't get the last song, BTW (not glad the guy died, though). But if there is a flood, if it could indeed be stopped by some older white guy putting together the knowledge and the traditions of different groups of brown people is kind of offensive writing. 

    I'm certain that the writers wanted us to see Kevin Sr's actions as crazy and offensive, hence the episode title. And the only reason why the episode gave him some semblance of a happy ending is because he met someone who is just as crazy.

    7 hours ago, LydiaE said:

    As there are far more "brown" people residing on earth than "white" people, an "older white guy" would have no choice but to study the traditions of many different peoples, especially if he were crunching time to save the earth from torrential flood. Your post gives off shades of The White Man's Burden.

    But that probably wouldn't be a problem if it wasn't for Kevin Sr insisting that Chris Sunday's got his own song wrong. He is warping culture just so he can be the messiah.

    • Love 11
  18. On 20/04/2017 at 4:01 PM, Pallas said:

    she married the man her father molested

    I always got the impression that Erika was the one who was molested, especially the season 2 finale where John dismisses Kevin assumption that Virgil did something to him and the confirmation that Virgil is Erika's father.

    • Love 2
  19. 4 hours ago, thuganomics85 said:

    On the flip side, Madeline just made me roll my eyes.  First, Dylan didn't "know" Norman all of his life.  They were actually separated for quite some time.  Even then though, Norman really was good at hiding his true darkness.  Yes, he always seemed a bit off, but I can't really blame Dylan for not truly seeing it until it was too late.  I get Madeline was in mourning, but that was still a jerk move.

    I side with Madeline and thought it was a good scene. Even though Dylan wasn't nearly as delusional as Norma, he did ignore huge warning signs from early on, like when he brushing off Norman attacking him with a mallet in the second episode and forgetting it the next day. Same goes for when Norma outright telling Dylan about his condition when he learned that Norman killed his dad. Dylan saw this all very early in the game.

    Loved the callback to the episode "Norma Louis" when mother said that "Norman's sleeping".

    • Love 7
  20. 21 hours ago, truthaboutluv said:

    So um, have the writers just forgotten about Emma and Dylan?

    I see this as a deliberate choice from the writers, and I base this on the theory that story sections that belonged to Sam and Lilly Crane from the Psycho movie will instead go to Dylan and Emma.

    • Love 2
  21. 15 minutes ago, Lostinthehouse said:

    Last week we saw a brief glimpse of the woman with "David Davidson" in Room 1 of the Bates Motel.  As I recall, she had BIG hair - like 1960's-greaser-big-hair.  It's not hard to imagine that Rihanna (Marion Crane) would have big hair, and it's not hard to imagine that Sam Loomis would be with a woman of a different race.  But it's hard to understand that bit of anachronism -  Since the show takes place in the 21st century, why would a woman have intentionally over-teased hair?

    I was pretty sure that the carefully shot it so that we saw virtually nothing or the girl in Room 1, and going back to rewatch the scene (thus having to rewatch Norman masturbating) confirm that all that was shown was some of her hand and a quick silhouette.

    • Love 3
  22. 1 hour ago, mwell345 said:

    I also am not sure how much Chick knows, but he seems to know quite a bit and Norman seems to be aware that Chick knows something.  But I don't remember the details either. 

    It looks like Chick knew about pretty much everything since bringing over that casserole, and all their interactions since (including the ruse about taxidermy business) was just for the sake of pumping him for details for his book.

    1 hour ago, Bec said:

     I can just imagine Norman reading that to the tombstone engraver, he would spit out the word "wife" as if it's poison.

    In my mind, Norman sees "wife" only in reference to her first marriage.

    • Love 7
  23. 36 minutes ago, Straycat80 said:

    I'm regretting watching this show again. I stopped watching a long time ago because it started to suck and I hated Tyra. I thought I'd give this version a chance. 

    How could they send Paige home? She's never been in bottom two, has had best pictures. I don't understand how Courtney is still there. I also don't like when they bring back voted off people (Tash). 

    I didn't watch the first several episodes. I wish they would rerun them on the weekends, but like some of you have speculated maybe the ratings haven't been good. 

    They got rid of Paige because this show is never really a meritocracy, and looks and god-given stats usually overtake performance. The judges likely didn’t think Paige was pretty enough to be a top model, especially compared to fellow blond Courtney who is far less talented but far more striking. and used their first available chance to boot her so they can keep their favorites.

    • Love 2
  24. I actually thought this episode was pretty dreadful, and given the show's consistency that technically make this the show's worst episode. That Frankie Valli number really grated on my nerves, and it just kept coming back.  That running joke about George was only ever moderately amusing, and here it got to the point of annoying.

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