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Posts posted by scowl

  1. 17 hours ago, crowceilidh said:

    The Columbian salsa was really not that great.  The tricks were telegraphed - the steps were missing fire.  I wasn't impressed.

    Lifts always look awkward to me in salsa. The dancers are bursting with energy from the music, then suddenly they stop, they prep for the lift, the guy picks up the girl, she does something and comes down, then there is a pause, then... we're back to high energy dancing. It seems to me like they have to purposely ignore the music for fifteen seconds so they don't go too fast and screw it up. 

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  2. I just watched the classic episode in which a chicken outsmarts Shambo and escapes, then she tells everyone that she didn't know chickens could fly.

    Black Russell: "I'm not calling Shambo stupid...but it's a bird for crying out loud! Something with wings can probably fly."

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  3. Maybe I'm the only one who has this opinion...

    ...I've watched most seasons of Amazing Race and my favorite team has only won once, so I really don't care who wins any more. It's not why I watch the show, so this season didn't bother me any more than any other season.

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  4. On 5/17/2017 at 10:11 AM, wiseguy182 said:

    Ha, North Medford, nevermind.

    North Medford didn't exist at that time. It was Medford Senior High then. Our school system was designed to put all seniors in the area into a single school. Why? To make the best possible football team, of course! Eventually the school district realized they would get more federal funding with two high schools so they finally split them into North Medford and South Medford in 1986.

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  5. 14 hours ago, willco said:

    I wondered about the song as well. I remember years back, Letterman wanted to play a song on his show as part of a bit, then found out the price & it became an ongoing thing where he expressed how dumb he thought it was. I couldn't believe the price, I think he said $250,000 also. Can't remember who he wanted to play, seems like it was The Eagles maybe.

    It was "We Are the World". He found that he could use the first three notes for free, so he repeatedly sang, "We are the..." until an "angry" Paul Shaffer yelled at him to stop.

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  6. On 6/1/2017 at 3:13 PM, Umbelina said:

    You missed quite a bit if you won't read subtitles.  Oleg and his parents were about the only interesting thing on the show all season long.

    I paid some attention to it, but it seemed superfluous to what was happening to P&E who I thought the show was about.

  7. On 6/2/2017 at 8:59 PM, me5671 said:

    Ironic, because IIRC that season of TAR ended in Chicago too, no?  It must be the city... produces horrible winners and subpar tasks.

    No, the Flo/Zack season ended in Gas Works Park in Seattle, which was also the location for the "paint fight" scene in 10 Things I Hate About You.

  8. I was excited about this season when it looked like they were going to focus on the Soviet Union again (oh yeah, that's where P & E are from) so it wouldn't be such a generic spy show. I thought they might focus on poor Martha struggling in a country she knew nothing about. What did I get? A season-long investigation of a Soviet grocery store. Like with the Nina arc I ignored everything that was subtitled and I don't think I missed anything.

  9. 9 minutes ago, Clanstarling said:

    But they've never been as casually bloodthirsty in attitude as Tuan, and we know more about them as people. If all we saw was them murdering, without any nuance, insight into their lives, their family and struggles, then I don't know that I'd find this a particularly interesting show. 

    I never understood why showing P & E as nice people with two kids is supposed to make us feel that they're "compassionate" about anything other than their job. They have left a trail of bodies (they have murdered at least a dozen people, mostly bystanders) and yet they still sleep at night. Worst of all, the constant murdering makes them awful spies. Dead people are not easily ignored except on this show where they seem to vaporize after every murder.

    Tuan is bloodthirsty? Who has he killed? I admit I'm only paying about half my attention to this show when it's on. 

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  10. I think it's strange that people hate Tuan so much for manipulating a teenager while P & E have spent five seasons murdering innocent bystanders who happened to be too close to their spy missions. Telling a kid to fake a suicide is awful, but snapping some guy's neck who was cooperating with you -- that's OK! 

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  11. I'm rewatching this season which I barely remember because all everyone I knew talked about was that Russell was the best player in the history of Survivor and would surely win.

    Best moment so far was when Shambo matter-of-factly said that she didn't catch any fish, but the good news is that there are "hundreds of thousands of fish" in the ocean. The interview with Laura afterwards was classic: "You'll never believe it! There are fish in the ocean!" and covers her mouth in shock. 

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  12. 45 minutes ago, gibasi said:

    And Becca punched Floyd when she found out they were U turned.  I missed it the first time so my roommate rewound it and yep she hit him.  I don't like Becca at all. 

    It was the cutest girl punch ever. That's why you missed it the first time.

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  13. On 4/23/2017 at 6:40 AM, Chyna said:

    Brooke is whiny on the level of Flo.

    At times I could understand Flo. She was scared of heights but early in the season she decided to try to climb down a cliff or something to conquer her fear. It didn't work so she freaked out and started screaming. I thought she was at least trying, before she completely gave up near the end of the season.

    Brooke doesn't seem to try at all. She doubts herself out loud before she even starts things. 

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  14. 5 hours ago, seasquared said:

    I am glad to see Mike & Liz gone, but I did notice that Liz was the only one who told the Bride she looked beautiful (at least the way it was edited.)

    I thought Scott did... oh wait, he told the Greek guy at the pit stop that he was handsome. :) 

  15. 3 hours ago, fishcakes said:

    I was wondering about this with the gondola task. In the past when teams had to sing or recite something, didn't they have to memorize it? Both last night and earlier in the fire troll task where they had to recite the poem, they were able to read it off a piece of paper. I don't remember seeing it done that way before this season.

    During the Blind Date season, the guys had to serenade their blind dates with a German song which was on a piece of paper.

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