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india wilkes

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203 Excellent
  1. Nope. you are not alone. The sheer stupidity of the characters is turning me off. I just can't take it anymore.
  2. Wow! Just finished this show today! So good! I am bad at analyzing and getting deep, but I am glad Kilgrave is gone. Really thought Jessica was under his 'spell' there for a minute. I was bummed we didnt see luke and Jessica clear the air. It seemed unfinished. Left me feeling annoyed. lol
  3. Morgan's character confuses me. Ok, his outlook does. You can only try and talk down a lunatic for so long, but when that lunatic says 'whatever' and decides to do some real hurt, it's common sense to put a stop to that. Correct? I just don't like Morgan anymore. I don't know why the show decided to do this with his character.
  4. I truly dont understand Father Pee Pee's role in the show. What has he contributed? Was he in the comics? Will he turn into a bad ass only to die 2 minutes later? Come on show...
  5. I am not sure why Daryl returned the insulin, seemed to be on the side of this new annoying group and they *still* took his stuff and hit the road. Because......why? I don't know why he wasn't asking "what the hell? I just saved your asses!"
  6. So boring. Sigh.
  7. Do they even know how to use a crossbow? morons.
  8. Blah blah blah. This episode is horrible. Sorry, dont care about Tina or Wade or whoever else.
  9. So abe wants Sasha? ok then. wish I cared.
  10. Daryl looks so gross. Blech
  11. God. always that one character who trips or falls or is too weak...
  12. I missed it. What happened to the giant walker herd?
  13. This episode is boring me.
  14. Show! Please stop shoving new characters down my throat! gah!
  15. Missed this episode, but I guess it was for the best if I go from what I am reading. As I said elsewhere, I can't bring myself to care about all these new characters. It also sounds like the show is starting to have too many characters. Why am I suppose to care about Rick's new love interest? what about her is interesting? She's not bad looking, but what else? she has a bratty son. she cuts hair. Come on show.
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