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  1. Have you noticed how Noah has emphasized, quite emphatically, that he loves Allison. I never heard Cole say he loved her. So I say it is "love" that gives Noah more insights into Allison than Cole is capable of.
  2. I have hated Season 3 completely, until Episode 5. I watch "The Affair" because of the relationship between Noah and Allison, the main characters. I give the Cole actor kudos, but I do not watch for him. And I certainly do not watch for Helen and her boring sex affairs. I watch for Noah and Allison, and I am disappointed that they are divorced. I love Episode 5 because it represents perfectly what "The Affair" is suppose to be about. It is not about Noah and a French woman or about Helen or about Cole. I did like Helen and Cole having their POVs, but only to a certain point. I loved the trip to Block Island, the time they spent together and Noah saying that he is her husband. I'm not so thrilled with the prison scenes or the Gunther story/hallucination. I think it was important for Noah to tell Allison that he loves her. I think Allison is mistaken about her own feelings. I thought Noah's interpretation of Cole was intriguing, about how Cole will never regard Allison as more than "damaged goods". I think Noah is correct about that. In fact, it takes quite a bit of the shine off the Cole character. How soon we forget that he was a drug dealer and part of a criminal family. The custody judge should know about his past. If they think they can switch out Allison for this French woman, then they are mistaken. And I am not interested in Helen and her lover. I'm afraid that Episode 5 is the last time we will see Noah and Allison together in Season 3. And if this is true, then I rather see the series ended.
  3. I am going to watch again, since I like this episode so much. But my impression was that they still loved each other. It is not an easy love and has a lot of kinks to it. It is imperfect, but that's what makes it so realistic.
  4. I loved the season finale. It was great. They returned to the original format of doing both Noah's and Allison's POV. While there was some good episodes showing the POV of Helen and Cole, throughout season two there was a lack of showing enough about the relationship of Noah and Allison. It was like their relationship became marginalized. I would not cut the POV segments for Cole or Helen. But there was a lot of fat they could've cut out – such as spending so much time on Yvonne and Robert. The worst part of season two was creepy Yvonne and Robert. I love that the whole episode was back in Montauk. I love that we can see the discrepancies between Noah's and Allison's recollections. I also liked Scotty's scenes and especially him singing. I'm glad that they put to rest the truth about the accident, killing Scotty, and about Allison's baby's paternity. I'm glad Allison came clean with Noah. The accident scenes were brilliant. Essentially, no one was to blame, but both woman caused the accident. It was interesting to see Noah and Allison dancing and holding on to each other in the next to the last scene. The writers seem determined to demonstrate that they love each other. It is a hard sell because they didn't emphasize their relationship very much throughout season two. In response to some comments made above, Noah and Allison's relationship – in my opinion – did not wreck anyone's life. Scotty's accident was just that – "an accident". Both Helen and Cole went on with their lives and found other people. It was the hardest on the children. I did expect that Noah would confess, and take the blame for the accident. I predict that both Helen and Allison will speak up to save him when we return in season three.
  5. It comes down to which characters you like. I like Allison. I'm happy for her for buying the Lobster Roll. If you don't like her and you want to see her suffer, then you're not happy about it. Has Noah begun his "Ascent"?
  6. Since when does a parent, even a male parent, who puts his children's needs about his own is doing something remarkable? We don't know yet who is the father of Allison's baby. It could be Noah. I don't agree that investing in the Lobster Roll was a bad decision for Allison. I would argue it was a great decision. She has an enormous experience with the place and how to deal with customers. She will probably be extremely successful.
  7. And what about Noah's choices?
  8. I get your point. However, Allison had no choice over many things. Such as Noah's career. I think she has a right to invest her money wherever she pleases. Where they live or where she lives is a matter they should discuss.
  9. I really enjoyed this episode. I didn't like the last two episodes. Episode 11 had that magic again and I think it had to do with being so much back in Montauk. What I liked: that Allison is acting independently, that Allison went into a business partnership with Cole and they bought the Lobster Roll. I'm glad that Allison and Cole are partners. I think he's the person she can trust most in the world, next to her mother. I don't care what Noah thinks. Since they are not married yet, he doesn't get a say. I also hope Allison is smart enough to put her half of the Lobster Roll in a trust for Joni. I also like the scene with Helen's mother. I liked what she said about a little forgiveness going a long ways. I also liked the scene with Noah and Max. It was rich with feelings and history. That's why you watch "The Affair". I also liked watching The Affair for the Montauk ambience. It's interesting that the POVs was Cole and Noah, and not Allison. It would've been nice to see her POV also. She seems to have been marginalized quite a bit in the latter part of season two. I really don't care who killed Scotty. I'm not going to waste time wondering who is the father of Joni. I'm just glad that they are now back in Montauk!
  10. Slow episode. I found the Noah segment absolutely useless. The best part was Allison and Cole. It seems the glue in the Noah – Allison relationship is sex. As long as they're having good sex, they seem to be good with each other. But Allison does not seem to be as tuned in with Noah as she so naturally seems to be with Cole. Also, I find Cole – Louisa pretty lame. With the way the show ended with the lawyer opening the DNA results on the baby, it does seem the baby is not Noah's.
  11. The problem is the nature of the show has been changing. The charm of "The Affair" was that you had both points of views – the cheating man and the cheating woman – for the same happenings. This season you have more than just those two people's point of view, which has been good. But not necessarily over the same happenings and less so in the later episodes. Last night was a complete break from formula and it was totally plot driven. A plot driven TV show is often of lesser quality.
  12. Whitney was in that pool so that she could be the one to rat Noah out to Allison. We see that Cole has been saving a pile of money from his taxi driving. Maybe that's the money he uses to buy the Lobster Roll, he doesn't take any money from Allison. I don't think he'll take money from Allison because he's guilty about Gabriel's death. Louisa isn't so great. She's just a rebound girl.
  13. Not my favorite episode. The best part was at the end when Allison told the doctor to let Noah wait will she spent more time with her newborn baby. Go Allison! Now she's getting her priorities straight. It was during Cole's segment that I realized why Allison was determined to get rid of the beach house. Too many bad memories with Gabriel and maybe she's afraid of another child drowning. IMO, both Noah and Cole are worthless. Both are creeps. It just is that Cole is more sexy. All the sudden Whitney is age 18? Wasn't it just last episode when Cole was hustling Scotty away because she supposedly was jailbait. Someone has to tell the writers that in New York State the age of consent is 17. At age 17, Whitney was no longer jailbait. Someone also has to tell Helen that the doctor is a creep. But it's good to see that she's moving on, however hard it is as a mother alone. I have a feeling that Noah was screwing around continually throughout their marriage and Allison wasn't the first fling, the way he's going at it now.
  14. Noah did live in the house paid for by Helen's money. I think it comes naturally to him to mooch off of women.
  15. Wonderful episode! It kept me pinned to my chair. "That's our baby." Signifies to me that the baby is Cole's. If it was Scotty's, he would've said, "that's my baby". I don't think Allison would have killed Scotty over this. Indeed, throughout her segment it looked like she didn't even like Noah. I think she stays with him because she has nothing else. I saw no evidence of great love between them. If Noah's book is so successful, then why couldn't he pay for this attorney? I think Allison is paying for that apartment. The best segment was of course Cole's. It was so interesting seeing the family history told. I definitely think he is wasted on Louisa. I believe now that Whitney killed Scotty. Why else do they keep that part of the story going? Like I said above, I don't believe Allison would kill for Noah. Max sure recovered from his brief fling with Helen. I will miss the beach house.
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