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Posts posted by NewDigs

  1. 7 hours ago, Jaded said:

    Sometimes it seems like NBC would like to forget MSNBC exists. 

    Mission fucking accomplished.

    Like all upthread, I've been appalled by the lack of coverage. I got home last night eager to see "Breaking News" not Dateline. And this white bread wave the flag approach to what they consider news is beyond troubling.

    I was thrilled to hear RevAl this morning. 

    Most of us find other sources but people tuning in for LockUp  won't know anything is happening!!! Even if they cared.

    If they dismantle the evening lineup ... ... my had just spun.

    • Love 4
  2. 1 hour ago, oakville said:

    Wasn't there controversy when Rachel Maddow refused to speak up for Keith Olbermann when he was suspended by MSNBC?

    HuffPo reported it this way.

    Wonder how she'd react today. CNN could certainly be included in her "tirade". And MSNBC? Sad.

    I have not viewed the video but PoliticsUSA (?) also reports:

    'On her MSNBC program tonight, Rachel Maddow explained that Keith Olbermann was suspended for breaking a rule that forbids hosts from making political donations without prior approval, but she urged that Olbermann be put back on the air. She thought Olbermann should be held to the rule, but “I also personally believe that the point has been made and we should have Keith back hosting Countdown.”'


    'She also explained why people at Fox News can do it, but MSNBC can’t, “They can do that because there’s no rule against that at Fox. Their network is run as a political operation. Ours isn’t. Yeah, Keith’s a liberal, and so am I. But we’re not a political operation — Fox is. We’re a news operation. The rules around here are part of how you know that.”'

    ETA: more "tirade" at 2nd link.

    • Love 5
  3. This is all so horrible. All the shit that's going on and "journalists" are relitigating Hillary's loss! 

    Hey! Look at Hillary, pay no attention to the int'l. crazy that's raining down! 

    Ooowee! That Hillary really blew it! With no mention about her close to 3million votes win.

    I've pretty much given up on Fox's newest iteration MSNBC.

    How much longer 'til Joy's besties with Greta?  And Chris shares wine with KAC?

    Fuck them all! The same way they're fucking this entire country by refusing to actually, you know, REPORT SOMETHING!!


    ::deep breaths::

    • Love 14
  4. 3 hours ago, slensam said:

    I continuously  see this on CNN and they disgrace themselves by doing this. And by doing this they miss the story that history will recognize; that during this period of American History we were ruled by Caligula.

    And now, while MSNBC reconfigures itself as FauxFoxLite, CNN is about the last so-called liberal media outlet!

    And they seem intent on normalizing shit that's just not normal!

    And I bet we continue to hear the liberal-media-bias drumbeat. For barely reporting even vaguely negative GOP "news".

    • Love 5
  5. Picked the wrong song. (You're) Having My Baby might have played better to the trumpsters. ::swoon::

    I'm worried about TRMS. Too much, imho, cozying up to, I dunno, the other side? It's different and I don't like it. I don't want her to be friends with Greta. I don't want her to allow KAC to prevaricate. She's supposed to be a safety net, of sorts. 

    And if I hear, The Liberal Media, one more time ...  

    • Love 6
  6. 53 minutes ago, Mumbles said:

    The only thing this show brings to the table are its occasionally good guests.

    Who Joke talks over and belittles.

    Pompous ass knowitall.

    20 years from now:

    Barnicle: Wow, those Sox! Joe, you know what the difficulties of being a member of Congr ...

    Joe: Mike, nobody knows the troubles I saw and managed while I was a member. Here. is. how. it. is. done. It's how we did it. 

    Mika: Where's my truck? Roll Tide! ::gazes at Joe::

    • Love 2
  7. I managed about 3 minutes of this mess this morning.

    I listened on radio so don't know who was talking but Joe was practically giddy that everyone can now relax and breathe a sigh of relief 'cuz Trump's appointees aren't Trump. Much chortling all around until some brave soul went against the tide and said that he wasn't all that unconcerned and relaxed because ..., and Joe interrupted and talked over him asking, "Would you rather have John Bolton nominated and answering quesions?".

    That was NOT what that person was trying to say but once Joe started bloviating I knew this guy's opinion was a lost cause and switched stations.

    And I'm going to have to stop using "tide" in conversation because my mind now goes to Mika saying "Roll Tide". ugh and eyeroll 

    • Love 2
  8. Double post because Greta? No way no fucking how.

    She just let Preibus get away with the lie that it was Trump's tweet that got the Repugs to reconsider their "ethics" reversal. No phone calls? Really?

    And the McCain tongue bath was, well, I thought I was watching Fox.

    I bet MJ has to change his panties.

    • Love 2
  9. 2 hours ago, DeLurker said:

    I'm so glad you do it at that point.  I like noodles in general, but HATE how they slurp up all the broth in a soup if left in too long.  My Mom would make the best turkey bone soup post-holiday meals, but those damn noodles always sucked up the yummy liquid so I had to get some early to save it from the noodle sponges.

    I feel very strongly about this point - more so than I should admit.

    My mom similarly abused rice. The thought of her chicken rice soup still makes me gag.

    I'm reheating the navy bean, hambone soup I slow cooked last week. With a couple of slices of warmed rye bread and some slaw? Yum.

    • Love 2
  10. Had MSNBC on this morning. After MJ. 

    Is Steve Kornacke now playing a kind of pro-trump devil's advocate? I don't remember seeing this scenario before and saw it at least twice this morning. 

    Apparently because Streep's speech did not change votes the panel's conclusion was, Why bother? Geesh, maybe to make a values statement? Is that worth nothing these days? And why is that now a rhetorical question?

    And the attempt at normalizing these surrogates and new right-wing hires by proclaiming, We're great friends!, is, imho, disgusting. And a horrible diversion from the debate.

    OT 'cuz it was on CNN but Cuomo interrupted his grilling of KAC to joke about what good friends they are. Did Rachel do that too? Hope not. It was disgusting and I thought less of Cuomo because of it. Bad enough with Greta whose countdown clock (gag) is making me nervous.

    • Love 8
  11. 39 minutes ago, Spunkygal said:

    Someone here may convince me otherwise, but I do wash raw chicken. And then I clean up the sink area with a Clorox one-time use bleach scrubber. 

    I do too, except for the bleach part. I try to stay far far away from bleach and antibacterials.

    But I remember many "spirited" wash-or-not discussions over the years and forums. And having my way sometimes shown on the teevee. And sometimes not.

  12. 7 hours ago, Blergh said:

       That makes some sense, NewDigs. However; do they think showing them will somehow reap benefits that will overcome viewers considering the network to be laughingstocks and/or hypocrites? I suppose it's cheaper in the short run than just giving the plugs back to Tarek and Christina to use for their own home movies or dart boards.

    I almost have to think they're counting on viewers who either don't care or don't know. 

    We watched T&C's show because we like real estate and it was a half hour show. And it didn't involve people who HGTV decided were huge personalities. Tired of PropBros, Chip and Joanna wear me out and it seems like that's about all that's on anymore. Endlessly. 

    I felt bad for T&C. I hope Tarek is okay. But it doesn't keep me from watching. The repetitive nature of property problems, the really high end properties and all of that gray has turned me away more than their personal issues.

  13. 5 hours ago, Lana X said:

    well i am over in the morning joe thread a lot. hope to see some of you all there! ?

    Me too. And Rachel and Chris etc.

    I can barely remember where I posted before TheDebacle. I can barely remember what I used to watch! Got some catching up to do.


    Very verklempt right now. Actually, weepy. 

    Thanks! All.

    What a help this has been for these desperate times.


    • Love 5
  14. And Vincente Fox had some choice words for Twitler last night.

    '"Sr Trump,the intelligence report is devastating. Losing election by more than 3M votes and in addition this.Are you a legitimate president?" Fox tweeted Friday night.'

    I somehow missed his February 2016 comment:

    'And most famously, Fox cursed on live television in February while talking about Trump and his proposed border wall, telling Fox Business, "I'm not going to pay for that f---ing wall."'

    • Love 13
  15. On 1/4/2017 at 3:59 PM, Morgalisa said:

    The View and the MSM keep reporting that T***p had something to do with the reversal of the Ethics committee decision. Congress said they received a storm of calls. There is a movement on Twitter called #TheResistance. We get names, phone nunbers, issues to call about. It was the people only. Next is Obamacare. Joy seemed to know where it came from.

    Brought this post over from a View thread.

    I don't remember seeing info about #resistance and it looks interesting.

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