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Posts posted by Leroux

  1. I am placing the blame of all this shitfest where IMO needs to be , at Adam's feet


    Adam who was willing to sign a disclosure form so his face would show up in the show, he obviously had an agenda.


    Adam who probably had a relationship of "friends with benefits" with Nicole and who used her when he wanted, even going as far as to use Nicole's connection to further his career, used her aunt to gain entry on the show. He led this young woman to believe that a relationship was still possible, if he would had been completely honest I have no doubt that Luann would had never taken any interest in helping him showcase his cooking skills.


    Adam who probably lied to Carole and told her that the relationship was only of good friends and nothing more when he knew that the "benefits" part of the friendship was not convenient to tell. Was Carole naive to believe this? I believe so, was she uncaring when she made the comment that she didn't care about Nicole's feelings? I believe so, she could have handled this so much better


    Adam who is probably laughing at these two dumb ladies making a big fuss out of this ordeal and who is loving every minute of it because it gives her infinitely more exposure that he first imagined. Adam could easily end up all this mess by posting on some of his personal social media his version of the story, he could clarify what Luann has alluded as "they were still seeing each other", he could apologize to Nicole if in any way he misled her and how he will always appreciate her friendship, he could also do some damage control to Carole's image by revealing how neither intended to hurt anybody with their relationship, he could do many things but he won't, he won't because deep inside he is loving this mess. That in itself tells me more about the kind of person Adam is and if I was Nicole or Carole I wouldn't want any part of this.


    Luann is hurt because unintentionally she hurt her niece , that I can understand and sympathize, now it is time for her to drop it and stop giving that idiot more exposure.

    • Love 5
  2. Perhaps the reason Bethenny or more likely Bethenny corporation is required to maintain the apartment is because that it is by default Bryn's primary home. It seems like a pricey place to live and now that Bethenny has a new place with plans to buy the place next door perhaps when the dust settles the Skinny Girl apartment will be sold.  If Jason can't afford the apartment on his own without Bethenny footing the entire bill perhaps he needs to find a more modest abode. 


    Jason will never be able to afford that apartment on his own, that is why IMo he fought tooth and nails to get split custody, with him being the lowest earner, it doesn't matter if they split Bryn's time 50%-50%, he will receive child support and he was banking on that to maintain the life style he had become accostumed to.



    To me, the first several hundred thousand of attorneys' fees of Jason had more to do with a custody battle that never needed to be.  Interesting that in New York there are interim payments made to less wealthy party for attorneys' fees.


    The custody battle has been over for more than a year now, in reality Bethenny has to pay for his attorney fees not because the judge is siding with him but because she has more money and the judge wants to be sure that he was proper legal representation, probably at the end when the assets are divided the money she is paying for lawyer fees will be susbtracted from the total amount.



    I have always thought Jason contributed to the fairy tale lifestyle Bethenny was putting out there prior to the sale of Skinny Girl Margarita to Jim Beam brands.  I distinctly remember Bethenny saying "our money" when it came to the sale.  Oops!!  It probably would have been cheaper for Bethenny to have just paid Jason for his role on "Bethenny Getting Married?" and "Bethenny Ever After"


    The key to Bethenny selling her cocktail line to Beam had not much to do with the show except maybe for the exposure , which is something that Bethenny was doing before she even met Jason. The key to this sale is in the hand of David Kanbar, a very well known and reputable figure in the spirit industry, without him Bethenny's cocktail would have been just like any other of the wines ventures of any other Bravo HW. David Kanbar was the guy who took her cocktails to the next level. Bethenny stroke a partnership with him in Novemeber of 2008, she never even met Jason until the beginning of 2009. By the time that Jason and Bethenny got married in 2010, Kanbar was already working on the distribution and growing of the brand, just enough to sell it to the best bidder. If Jason provided certain image to Bethenny that has no bearing on the fact that the cocktail line was going to be huge with or without Jason as Bethenny had been offered an spin off show before anybody let alone Bravo knew that Jason and Bethenny were an item.

    Of course Bethenny is going to say our money, our success, our, our , our. If she dared to say "my" or "mine" it would look like she was belittling him, but the reality is that Jason had nothing to do with the transaction that ended up in the famous sale. Jason knonws this and that is why he signed the prenup that protected all past, present and future earnings coming from the sale, of course he know hired a financial forensic auditor because he would love for  Bethenny to settle , she has offered him at least 7M and he hadn't accepted so he is fighting for more than that. The forensic auditor is tracing all the money she made during their 2 years marriage so they can split that in half. Jason figures that 10M would be his number but if it is true that Bethenny's network is 25M that is almost half, he is out of his mind.  




    I am not certain why Bethenny has such disdain for Carole and Bob other than perhaps they came off too likeable. I did think it was odd Bethenny wanted to start new traditions with the family and do things like have Christmas in St. Barths. Surely there is some in between taking the only grandchild out of the country for the holidays and spending weekends in PA


    I wonder how Carole and Bob did when they just got married and had their first child? Where did they spent Christmas? With Carole's family or with Bob's family? where did they spend their weekends?  I love my inlaws but since I got married we have spend Christmas with our own family and then do visits on that weekend to their home, same with my parents. I don't think is unreasonable to create your own family traditions, isn't that what every newly married couple does no matter how nice their inlaws are?  

    • Love 7

    Kim and Kyle are actually not fighting but pretending they are


    I don't think so


    Neither is such good actress to pull it off. Kim can't act like such a vicious and hateful woman, what would be the gain in that?


    Kyle's sadness and disbelief when Kim blamed her daughter for the dog bit and threatened to talk about her daughter's problems was 100% real.  IMO

    • Love 10
  4. Remember though, that while Bobby was having this surgery, Jill was partying in the Hamptons, so it's not like Jill treated it as a high risk surgery either. It only became a high risk "throat cut from ear to ear" surgery when the cameras turned on for filming. That was one of the things that really bugged me about that entire feud. Jill was exploiting Bobby's cancer as a way to gain the upper hand in an argument that she created for story line purposes. Bobby on the other hand, was grateful for the flowers (Bethenny sent them to Bobby not Jill, which is as it should have been), and thought that Jill was being silly by fighting with Bethenny over any of it. 


    The way Jill used Bobby's cancer scare against Bethenny was awful and only speaks volumes to the lenghts that Jill would go to get rid of Bethenny.


    Jill dared to send emails to her other castmembers to request they isolate Bethenny and refused to film with her as a way to punish Bethenny because she got the spin off and Bravo rejected the idea of a spin off with both of them that Jill was trying to pitch. Jill just couldn't cope with the idea that Bravo wanted no part of her as a solo act and then tried to fabricate a feud against Bethenny to have an excuse as to why she was not filming with her.


    When Jill realized that she had gone too far, it was too late, Alex and Ramona probably told Bethenny about the e-mail and Bethenny realized that behind all this was a horrid woman who was never her friend so she broke the friendship clean. Jill can try to explain her behavior any way she want and try to rewrite history but by her own mouth we learned that she came to Andy with the idea of creating a fake fall out with Bethenny (without letting Bethenny know) and that Andy tried to talk her out of it but Jill already had a plan and she went for it.


    I know it must have hurt Jill that every single venture she took on the show went south all while Bethenny's products were selling like crazy but the way she went about this whole friendship was the true mark of her character and how low and dirty she is willing to fight when things do not go her way.

    • Love 3
  5. Bethenny mentions in her blog she doesn't think Sonja is putting on a "persona" as others have.  I believe that.  So who is B referring to when she says that?


    IMO Bethenny is referring to Heather.


    Heather who wants to pretend that the reason why she was mad at Sonja for not inviting her was because she cares so deeply about Sonja when anybody with eyes and ears can tell that this is  BS.

    Heather who pretends she cares so much about not hurting others' feelings but when she hurts others feelings always finds an excuse.

    Heather who acuses others of being a bitch but who is rather bitchy herself

    Heather who slammed Sonja and Ramona for drinking so much last season but who laughs when her bestie Carole tells her that she is eating "gummy bears" and puking in a guy's lap.


    I do think that Heather is very cautious of her TV persona, she always wants to show her good side and so far she has been able to get away with it due to Aviva's presence but the real Heather is IMO far more bitchy than Bethenny herself, the difference is that Bethenny does it to the person's face and Heather waits to do it behind their backs or to send passive aggressive messages to get others riled up while she just keeps smiling. Heather IMO wears a mask and hides very well who she really is or at least she thinks she does, this seasons however her mask has start to slip off.

    • Love 9
  6. I am not sure that Heather was prepared for Bethenny's childish response, pretending to sleep, considering Bethenny is a successful business woman. LOL


    This "fight" is coming out of nowhere. All was fine between LuAnn and Carole until right before this aired, Carole even said that on WWHL. IMO, LuAnn is ramping it up for fans and not because of her niece. She is pulling a JillZ move IMO.


    I think Heather was upset because clothing is her thing/business and Sonja only asking Bethenny was a slap in the face after all the detailed work she and her team did for the stupid, never gonna happen, toaster oven.


    Sonja is not much better than KimR, Sonja gets her digs in all the time and her claws are long and sharp IMO.


    That would be the case if you believe that Heather was coming from a good place and not a self serving place. I do not believe that, however I do believe that:

    1) If Sonja would have invited someone like Kristen, Heather wouldn't have cared or even made a big deal out of it

    2) Heather wanted to highligh her business skills and has no desire of helping Sonja at all, if anything she wanted more food for her fooder.

    3) The fact that Sonja invited Bethenny and not her irked her to no end because out of all the other women she thinks of Bethenny as her only competition.


    So IMO if Heather wouldn't mock and slam Sonja at every turn and openly laugh at Sonja's delusions (which BTW she is entitled to because Sonja is delusional) I would be more inclined to believe that she cared a little bit about Sonja and she is coming from a place of concern. So far all I have seen Heather do is basically mock, slam, talked about her, repeteadly laugh at Sonja, so I do not believe that at this moment Heather had any interest in Sonja but rather just wanted to use Sonja to showcase herself.


    Heather wants to pretend to care for Sonja but on the other hand she mocks her relentessly so I can totally understand why at that point in time Sonja didn't feel like inviting her. Sonja has given many reasons to others to believe that she is making many, many mistakes but at this point she also seems harmless so I think is in bad taste that Heather wants to pretend that she has good intentions when it is obvious to me that she has nothing but contempt for Sonja.


    I would respect her more if she would just say that she learned her lesson and wants nothing to do with Sonja's imaginary businesses and just move on instead of that she goes crying murder about it and again makes a huge deal about something so trivial. That in itself is what I find annoying.  

    • Love 8
  7. ITA. I was beginning to think I was the only one who liked her. She's the only HW who doesn't make me turn away from my television in secondhand embarrassment.


    I felt second hand embarrasement when she was rubbing herself against John and giggling like a school girl while her husband was two feet away from her, but that was just me :)

    • Love 4
  8. I know.  I was thinking - Jealous of what?  Jealous of Bethenny's broken marriage, her vicious custody battle, her dysfunctional childhood, only seeing her kid fifty percent of the time, her gaunt body, her thinning limp hair, her "homeless" status?


    I agree that Heather is extremely comfortable in her own skin.  I think these are two alphas circling each other.  Bethenny immediately dismissed Heather, Dorinda, and Kristen, and possibly would have dismissed Carole if she hadn't enjoyed flirting with her so much.  Bethenny is trying to get by on minimum effort, and seems to resent the new ladies.  Who knows how she would have treated Carole if the sex dream hadn't occurred.


    Bethenny is being pretty kind about Sonja's business - to her face.  I wonder what Sonja thinks after seeing Bethenny and her assistant talking, as well as Beth's THs.


    I saw it differently, Bethenny was direct to the point with Sonja's shady business partners, she asked them directly several things. Bethenny was flabergasted by them, not so much by Sonja even though I would be because there isa point in your life that as a grown up woman you should know better.


    Even as she was walking out Bethenny said "I am afraid she is going to get screwed again" meaning those shady guys were going to take off with Sonja's money.


    Even in her blog of this week, this are Bethenny's own words about this


    Aaaah Sonja. The truth is I love her. There are times during this season that that will be difficult to believe, but I simply do. Some people are cunning and have a malicious or shifty or disingenuous side. Sonja has none of that. She is a good person. She is just often misguided and misdirected


    IMO Bethenny was concerned about Sonja being taken advantage of, as oppose as Heather whom I saw as being upset about not being invited because she fancies herself as the one with most business experience but it is obvious to me that Heather can care less about Sonja and openly mocks her and blatantly dishes her constantly.


    Sonja is delusional and she is throwing her last pennies to the wind, but IMO she is a harmless drunk as opposed as a vicious one like Kim Richards. I feel sorry for Sonja while I despise Kim.

    • Love 4
  9. Heather is just trying way to hard to stay relevant and keep that apple. It's very unbecoming to see her like that. 


    I don't care how together Ramona pretends to be, I think this divorce has shaken her to the core. It's sad. She wants a relationship, not meaningless hookups with young studs like Lu, Sonja and Carole are happy with. That is what she was trying to say at the party to Kristin in her own screwed up Ramona way.  


    Dorinda's boyfriend needs to go away. Who cares about that greasy slob? The man has no class. 


    I think Heather has always been like this except that last year it got brushed off because of how nasty Aviva was, everything got overshadowed by Aviva and her father.


    Heather is a busybody know-it-all who can't help it to get involved in everybody's business, even if it is none of her business she makes it so.


    I just wish she would stop pretending that she cares about Sonja or her nonexistant businesses because it is very obvious to me that she doesn't care for Sonja at all. The only reasoon why she was mad was because Bethenny was invited, had nobody been invited Heather would had just laughed it off as another of Sonja's delusions but being that Bethenny was there and it was taped then Heather realized that this a lost opportunity to show her business skills.


    At the end it really doesn't matter because Sonja's business is not going anywhere, but it does highlight how abrasive Heather can be.

    • Love 14
  10. Heather is just a nosy busybody who has to be all up in everyone else's business.


    I agree that Heather is a busybody. The way she goes about friendships and "defending" her friends makes me think of her as being condescending and thinking that these grown up women can't take care of themselves without her help. Totally annoying.


    But in this case I think is a combination of both, is she a busybody? absolutely and always; but in this case I do think that Heather was reeling about Bethenny's return, probably as much as Ramona was, except that Ramona had a reason to be, there were rumors of Ramona being demoted to a friend of RHNY, that has to hurt, especially being one of the original ones, Ramona was fearful of her status and to make matters worse they bring back Bethenny, Ramona probably saw the writing on the wall and had to step up her game.


    Heather was different though, Heather came with a systematic plan IMO, she went as far as doing some digging into the first season, she probably watched and rewatched that scene between Bethenny and Luann when Bethenny first introduced her skinnygirl margarita, she thought and thought about it and decided that she was going to dig Bethenny with it and demand a rolex or a car for her "friend" Luann, as if that would be well received by anybody let alone Bethenny. I think that was the first incline that Bethenny had about what was Heather's game. Bethenny played it cool and just brushed it off , then came the second time and Heather is talking and talking about Ramona, as if Bethenny doesn't know or has ever met Ramona, why? Heather probably wanted Bethenny to say something against Ramona and then Heather as the "good friend" she is would go running to Ramona and use this to make their feud even bigger. IMO Bethenny totally saw through Heather and decided to put a stop to this, she very clearly told Heather that she was done talking about Ramona.


    Did that stop Heather? of course not, now she has made a big deal out of Kristen's hurt feelings, even through Kristen didn't seem to mind that much. Heather not only gave her the heads up, and if that was her only intention she could have done it in a much different way, just as much as Bethenny is critisized for her overreaction, I want to poin that if Heather was so worried about Kristen's feelings she could have also done it in a much different way, more subtlely or even just give Bethenny the heads up without the other castmates around, Heather stopped the whole conversation at the table, she made a silent preamble to give it even more suspense and then she spilled it as if it was the news of the day. I could tell that Bethenny totally saw through her game at that moment , but instead of ignoring her which would have been great , she decided to fight fire with fire which is never a great idea with someone as passive aggresive as Heather. Bethenny played into Heather's hands, but that in no way blinds me to the game that Heather has played for the last three episodes.


    Bethenny never started and argument with Heather, not in any of these first episodes, Heather has been the one trying to stir shit with Bethenny is almosty every episode, she is lucky that she got the reaction she wanted, but then again at that point I probably would have told her to Fuck off in a much direct way which these women cannot do, so I do understand Bethenny's reaction.

    • Love 4
  11. To deny Bethenny's business acumen just because her marriage didn't work is petty IMO


    You are not by yourself, I have always thought that if all you need was to be popular then we would have had many more stories of financial success in the Bravo world but so far Bethenny seems to have been the exception to the rule, some Bravo HW have had some level of success but not one of them has had the level of success that Bethenny has had.


    Another common myth is that Bethenny has had this incredible success due to her marriage to Jason , so I ask, how come Kim Z hasn't been able to capitalize on her husband Kroy who seems to be painted as the perfect husband? How about Jacqueline Laurita, her husband is also a well liked guy. How about Shanon from OC, the guy is likeable, so where are the million deals?


    Following that logic I guess we can expect at some time now that Eileen will close a deal with a multinational company for many millions, right? she is wildly popular and well liked (deservingly so), she has a wonderful husband and a well rounded life, isn't that all that is needed to score in the big leagues of our financial world?


    Of course like any person Bethenny would have been happier if her marriage would have worked but it didn't, just like more than 50% of marriages in the U.S. do not work. Marriages are very complicated and even the sweetest and patient women/men sometimes end up in divorce, so I do not understand the label of "incomplete" or "not well rounded" as if getting divorce was an indicative of your character or personality.


    No wonder a lot of women end up being trapped in loveless and unhappy marriages for life, the fear of being labeled as a failure, as didn't try enough, as in maybe she was a bitch and couldn't make it work is somehow most times attached to women than men. Men divorce, create new families, move on, divorce again and it is all good, a women divorces, remarried, divorce again and then everytbody starts wondering, what is wrong with her? how come she can't make her marriage work? I call that BS.


    Marriages work because two people care enough to make it work and the fail for the same reasons, it takes two to make it work and it takes two to make it fail, yet somehow women are judged harshly for it, the worst? the ones who judge women the worst are other women. SMH

    • Love 12
  12. Heather has always meddle in things that are none of her business and I find that off putting, she was Carole's defender last season and she seems to be gearing towards being Kristen's defender this season. I find that in itself quite condescending to be honest.  Why does Heather thinks that these grown up women can't handle their own battles? Let them handle themselves and let us viewers see what they are made off.


    I would like to see Carole , Kristen or anybody take on their own issues without a meddlesome friend, I guess my standards for RHNY are quite high but I assume that if you are in a show about NYC women, then you better be able to handle yourself in all kind of stressful situations. Heather needs to involve herself in her friends' disputes indicates to me that she probably think she is better than them  and so she has to take them under her wing. Have they asked her to do so? I don't remember Kristen asking Heather to say anything to Bethenny about it, so why did Heather felt obligated to do it if not to start some shit?


    IMO all the ladies were shook to the core when the return of Bethenny was announced and specially when they knew how much money she would be making so they were mostly interested in figuring out who she was going to be her antagonist, Heather and Kristen seemed happy that it would be Ramona but then Bethenny quickly moved on from that, so my real question is, what was Heather trying to do? was she offering Kristen as the sacrificial lamb and ended up in the line of fire herself?


    Heather is way too savvy to not know what she was doing, Bethenny shut it off quickly but this is the second time in two episodes that she has done this, last episode she gave a lenghty speech about Ramona and Bethenny shut it down, now it was Kristen who was offended and Bethenny shut it down as well.


    My problem with RHNY the last seasons was that the conflict seemed fabricated and lingered for way too long, it didn't feel organic at all and I quickly lost interest, Heather seems to think that this is still the way to go even though the drop in ratings would tell her clearly that this was not, I do not want petty fabricated conflicts, the conflicts that are most compelling are the organic and authentic ones, I hope for the sake of the show that Heather gives up on trying to create some fake conflict where there is none, let's keep it moving, in a group of 8 women conflict will arise, just let it happen naturally.

    • Love 10
  13. I guess the law is different when actually applied due to practicality issues. Thanks for taking the time to further explain.


    No problem, I went through my own custody nightmare and had to learn a great lot about it. My lawyer was extremely helpful and patient helping understand.


    When you are in the middle of it , it is sad and depressing, it seems like a dark tunnel that will never end, fortunately it does. Now years after and with all the unresolved feelings gone, my ex and I have had to learn to get along for the sake of our child.


    Last month we celebrated her birthday and were able to have a shared celebration, there was a moment when we were altogether sharing the same table while eating birthday cake and I just smiled thinking, "who would have thought that this could ever be possible?"


    I wish nothing but the same for Bethenny and Jason, it will take many years but hopefully they too will get to the place were they can be in the same room with peace. It will be the best gift the could ever give Bryn.

    • Love 6
  14. I've never heard this re: one parent having "primary custody" even if the custody agreement is joint in NYS. I will admit that I only reviewed family law while studying for the bar, but I pulled out my bar review books and I don't see it either. Are you thinking of parents as primary caretakers (that is, how one parent may be thought of as the "primary caretaker")? Perhaps I am misunderstanding your point?


    Maybe I didn't explain myself very well. I will try to better explain.


    I am not saying that a judge in NY will not give shared physical custody, specially is both parents request for it because of a non contentious divorce, if they can make that work then by all means the judge will probably approve. A complete split 50-50% percent of time is usually tricky though, it is very hard to split the time evenly all the time, for that reason judges have been known to name one of the parents as the primary physical custodial parent even if the time allotted is 51% against the non custodial parent having 49% . 



    That is just a matter of physical custody (time that the child spends with each parent) , both Bethenny and Jason have requested primary physical custody yet only Bethenny has been crucified in the press for it, nobody has said a peep about Jason requesting primary physical custody.


    Legal custody as you are  well aware is not about the time the child spends with each parent, it is about who get to make the ultimate legal decisions for the child.


    Physical custody refers to where the child lives. Physical custody is sometimes known as residential custody. Legal custody refers to which parent has the legal authority to make decisions involving the child



    Joint custody means joint legal custody, and not how much time the child spends with each parent. Joint custody gives both parents equal decision making authority. Joint custody will allow both parents an equal role in rearing their children, provided both parents can work together to make joint decisions. However, equal authority also means that each parent has an absolute veto over the decisions of the other parent, meaning that complete deadlock on decisions involving the child will result if a mutual agreement cannot be reached


    Joint custody is very difficult and can only work when both parents are willing and have to unresolved feelings which is not the case here. I don't fault Bethenny one bit for requesting sole legal custody, Jason requested shared but instead of trying to smooth things with her was making her life miserable so how would that have ever worked. It doesn't matter now because they have agreed to have joint legal custody but I can foresee a litany of court hearing for every little crap they can think off. i.e Jason requesting that Bethenny is not allowed to wear Bryn pajamas, Jason requesting that Bethenny is not allowed to introduce her BF to Bryn, Jason requesting blah, blah, blah.


    They both need to understand that they are on this for the long run and need to work together , not only Bethenny, Jason too needs to understand this.

    • Love 3

    Bethenny wanted sole custody and move to LA


    Bethenny has never requested sole custody as in wanting to eliminate Jason from Bryn's life . There are two parts in custody battles: physical and legal 


    Bethenny wanted primary physical custody because in the state of NY one of the parents will have primary custody even if that means a split of 51- 49% , It would had been legal suicide and her lawyers would have strongly advice for her to even request that being that Jason wanted to be involved and her divorce petition clearly says that she was requesting for primary custody which is exactly the same that Jason requested but nobody went ape shit on him for requesting this.


    Where they differ was on the legal custody, Jason requested join legal custody and Bethenny requested sole legal custody. Both parents have legal custody of their child during the time the child is spending with them, the parent who has sole custody is the one who has final say on matters of health care, religion, school choice, etc. One parent can't use their sole custody to move the child away from the state without violating the judge order for visitation so if Bethenny wanted to move to the other coast she would have needed an explicit order from the judge and she knew that would had been a lose battle so since the beginning she has said that she was staying in NYC, the rumors about her wanting to uproot her daughter to LA come from when she was talking to Jason about moving there as a family. Sole legal custody is sought when the divorce proceedings are in such bad form that both parents can't agree on the simplest things and it turns into a contant visit to the courts, in order to avoy that, the judge gives one parent sole legal custody but it doesn't mean that the other gets to do whatever he/she wants.


    They both have agreed now on joint legal custody and one of them has primary physical custody (we don't know who does so it must be an almost even split) and as long as both work on it it can go on forever but if one of them (at this point it seems to be Jason) keeps going back to court for everything I wouldn't surprise me if the judge finally rules and changes that to sole legal custody to avoid the contant legal quarrel. Jason and his lawyers with the help on their "inside sources" and media friends (ROL) have made an excellent job in misleading the viewers and readers about the issue of sole custody to the point that now everyody quotes that as a fact and thinks that Bethenny was trying to eliminate Jason from Bryn's life and that has never been the case.


    Custody arraignments are exhausting, there is a lot at stake, and most people are not familiar with it, unfortunately when you have battle for custody (like me) , you quickly learn a lot about it. I wouldn't wish a custody battle on my worst enemy.

    • Love 10
  16. Total PR move on Kim Richard's part.


    She will admit to this relapse and cry how hard it was to be sober for THREE years and then this incident happen. Total BS


    Kim is not only an alcoholic but she is also a pill popper whether she wants to admit it or not, many documented instances just by watching the last seasons.


    Kim popping pills at the airport.

    Kim getting the pills confused in Paris.

    Kim crawling all over the bathroom floor looking for "something" (cough - pills)

    Kim popping Monty's pill during poker night

    Kim and the patches that Brandi mentioned that were never addressed on the show.


    Until and unless Kim admits to alcohol abuse and abuse of pain killers on Dr. Pill then I know that she is not interested in her recovery at all, all she wants is to rehab her image and soften the criticism she has received. Kim is nothing but a manipulative liar who lies so nothing from her surprises me at this point.


    If she surprises me and finally admits to both of her addictions I will gladly eat my words.

    • Love 17
  17. What did she do - fuck the dog????  The splits on the wedding cake?


    I'm just not buying it.  There's nothing Kyle could have done at that wedding to get the side-eye from me - not in that whacked out family.

    Was Brandi invited to Brooke's first wedding? I don't remember seeing her there.

    If Brandi wasn't there, then she is only going by what kim has told her and Kim is a liar who lies, for all we know kyle asked kim, how are you doing? Or is everything okay? And Kim just blurted some nonsense about how Kyle was questioning her sobriety and that is unforgivable.

    Brandi and Kim are exhausting..,..

    • Love 8
  18. I am okay with the episode

    Bethenny is rentering the scene and doesnt have a house so of course that is going to be part of her storyline. It is what is happening in her life at the moment , same with Ramona, her divorce is what is happening to her so she obviously is going to talk about it the whole season and I am okay with it.

    The scene in the limo between Bethenny and Frederick was sweet, he was not his usual snarky self , the scene between Ramona and Dorinda had me in tears.

    I am liking Dorinda so far and I feel so much for Ramona and that POS Mario trying to make it her fault that he cheated, he is a jerk.

    Sonja, what can I say? Delusional doesn't even begin to cover it.

    Carole? If you don't want to write a book then don't but don't commit to write one and then bail out, it really doesn't portray her in a good light.

    • Love 14
  19. Bravo, Bravo, Bravo,

    Bravo is nailing Kim and Brandi to a wall and showing them for the liars they are, by showing these flashbacks they are showing us that they are the biggest liars ever.

    I am not sure how could anybody have any kind of conversation with Kim or Brandi when they twist, lie or rearrange the events to fit their agenda.

    Kim probably doesn't even know she is lying, she has convinced herself of her alternative reality. I feel so sorry for her children and any person that has to deal with her in real life.

    • Love 21
  20. Absolutely not, Bethenny didn't push for a commitment, Jason did and he said it himself

    There is that scene at the bar where they met ( RHNY season 3) when Jason puts his foot down and wants a more committed relationship because he feels it is the right time, that is when they decided to live together, Jason made all the moves towards her and this doesn't come from Bethenny's mouth but from Jason's own admissions on their four seasons together.

    Jason is the one who approached her at the bar, Jason is the one who asked for a committed relationship because their first six months together they had an open relationship and he wanted a exclusive relationship, he asked the to live together, he moved into her apartment, he proposed, he wanted to get married before the baby was born , he wanted the big wedding as opposed to Bethenny who wanted only his family and some close friends, by his own admission he is the one who proposed they stopped birth control and see what happened, if there has been one driver in that relationship it has always been Jason. Until the very last day of the wedding Jason feared that Bethenny would get cold feet, there is a picture of a runaway bride iirc to illustrate her doubts about this marriage.

    I remember that because there was one particular scene very early on before they got married that told me clearly that this relationship was never going to work, Bethenny had mentioned to Jason that she wanted to get married after the baby was born and she wanted a very small wedding, Jason insisted that he wanted a big wedding so he could invite all his frat boys so Bethenny agreed, yet when it came time to get to work at it Jason completely bailed and left Bethenny to prepare everything by herself, he couldn't even be bothered to stop watching his football game to check with her the menu options and that is when she had a mini meltdown, Jason felt guilty so to make up for his lack of help he went and got the marriage license, big whoop. He wanted the big wedding but he was more than happy to left Bethenny to deal with all of it , he never considered the fact that she was pregnant and probably tired, she was writing a book and working on her cocktail line, she was working her tale off and he was just nonchalant putting more on her plate.

    That is when I knew they will never make it, Jason was more than happy to sit back and warm the bench and Bethenny is a go getter, she wants something she goes and gets it done, Jason wants something but he expects someone else to pick up the tab, no wonder professionally their paths have been so different. Jason is not a bad guy, he is just like many guys whose mother has probably done everything for them during their whole life so their idea of a wife is a woman who is probably completely different from Bethenny.

    I would like to believe that they both made a mistake and married too soon like millions of other couples but the way Jason has handled the divorce and how hard he is fighting for every cent just makes me believe that he might have had ulterior motives, the picture of this poor, innocent, naive man who was seduced, raped and forced to get Bethenny pregnant and marry her for a show IMO is laughable and just illustrated how manipulative Jason really is because he has sold that image pretty well, he is the poor victim of a deranged woman so while he is trying to milk her for millions , who cares? After all he is the nice guy.

    Those "nice" guys are the worst, they are smooth and charming but they are lethal.

    • Love 7
  21. It is so evident that Brandi came to this party with an agenda, it is laughable.

    Brandi wanted and needed that all the ladies cuddle her and she was more than happy to make them feel guilty for not reaching out to her, again this had nothing to do with her dad, it was all about her.

    She wanted to guilt Lisa into some kind of friendship, I am glad Lisa let her know that the door was closed.

    I am glad that Eileen and Kyle didn't fall for it or brandi would have gone of the rails on them, twisted everything around as she so excellently does and force an apology out of them just because her father was "dying"

    Kim Richards if she was any normal person would feel so stupid right now and with so much egg on her face in lieu of the evidence of all the things Brandi has said, but she is not normal so she will cling to her version of the truth where her sister is the devil and Brandi is her best friend, she is and never was interested in the truth, she was only interested in punishing Kyle for buying that glorious house in Palm Spring and daring to sell her mother's house where she had unlimited access, wasn't the old house sold and the new one bought just this last year? No wonder Kim started this season with reinvigorated hatred for her sister and who better to complete her agenda that Brandi. These two had a pretty good agenda against Kyle since the get go and they worked steadedly on it.

    No wonder Brandi was gloating before the season started, she was so sure that everybody would be on her side and would see the kind of evil that Kyle was, Kim was going to use the house to call her sister a thief again and double whammy. The cherry on top was the poor dads illness, that was going to highlight how awful the other women were to her, no wonder Brandi is still in disbelief, she just can't believe that this time her twisted web of lies hasn't worked, I mean for someone who was so bold as to make up a whole lawsuit and get away with it, this should have been a piece of cake, she screwed everything with her drunken behavior and her aggressiveness, I am afraid to think that if she was able to remain sober and had somehow behaved she would have gotten away with her manipulations yet again.

    I am as happy as a pig in shit to know that a good 80% of people can see through her for the evil, narcissistic, manipulative, sack of shit she really is and are not falling this season for her mind games. Brandi deserves Kim as a friend and Kim deserves Brandi , let these two have a happy life together far away from my screen.

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