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Posts posted by Leroux

  1. What makes you think that's what happened? It looked as though the production crews were there when Heather and Carol woke up. The rest of the house was not awake yet. The production crews caught Heather moments after she discovered the naked man. Seems simple enough? 


    Why would the crew be filming as this women awake? they have not filmed them getting awake in any of the previous nights? why this one in particular? It just doesn't make any sense.


    If it is true what has been suggested that the crew had a place to stay in the bottom floor, then it would actually require for them to be filming out of their doors for when they awake and for what purpose? Also there is the little pesky detail of the mike, I am sure that Heather or Carole didn't sleep with their mikes on, if it is true that Heather woke up, went to the bathroom and realized there was a naked guy, then there has to be a moment between that, filming crew getting in place, mikes being placed on Heather and Carole and then filming starting, so while I am not denying their right to be upset and bothered by what happened, I am questioning their delayed dramatic reaction.

    • Love 3
  2. The same can be said for Heather and Carole, they have had no story line of their own at all this season.


    Heather's tory line this season seems to be her conflict with the other women, nothing about her real life.


    Carole's story line was that silly board election and her affair with the chef which was heavily downplayed after the first few initial episodes.


    Luann doesn't mind IMO that the others know that she had one of her scapades, she is single and that is not the problem, I think she resents the fact that they made such a huge deal, the way Heather went about it IMO was OTT, did she had the right to be upset? Of course she did. What I am questioning is how was she able to control her anger and wait to be miked, production rolling and everything set in place before that anger found its place (during filming).

    • Love 2
  3. I completely agree with Carole at this point, but I could be proven wrong. Lu wasn't particularly upset about anything at the time. She is making shit up for her storyline with regard to all of her mock outrage. 


    This is were we completely disagree, I do understand Luann's frustration


    She probably went trough a hellish time behind cameras when the affair between Carole and Adam started, her niece was hurt, her family upset and despite of all that she kept mum and acted as if it wasn't a big deal in front of the cameras out of a sense of friendship to Carole and just pretended to move on and probably expected the same kind of loyalty from Carole.


    The fact that Luann acted as if Carole's relationship with Adam didn't bother her at the time doesn't mean that she wasn't bother, just means she didn't show her real feelings on camera. Of course this is just MO.

    They all have their hidden agendas and they all have in one way or another to control their narratives , some are more obvious than others but they all play that game.


    Kristen realized that her douche bag husband hurt her and so he was gone, same with Heather but viceversa.

    Ramona is trying to sell the fact that Mario still wants her

    Sonja is trying to sell the fact that she has paid of her debt

    Carole is trying to sell her young Carrie Bradshaw tale, the fact that she can't finish a book and can't even write her blogs because of that hasn't been approached by anybody.

    Heather will never bring and probably would kill anyone who brought up the fact that she lost a big battle with Spanx.


    They are all trying to control the narrative and know that they are some things that can be shown in camera and others than shouldn't. I still remain firm in my belief that Luann is very hurt that Heather and Carole didn't come to her and just waited to get miked, production awake and rolling and then voila, the rightful indignation properly displayed.

    • Love 2
  4. Is there any chance that Luann believes that Heather and Carole broke girls code because they made a huge deal out of this ergo giving it air time and exposing the fact that Ramona and Luann have had sex with random strangers?

    I mean, if Heather didn't react so strongly this would have totally been a non issue, the trip would have ended as that was their last night. IMO Luann is upset because she thought that Heather and Carole were her friends and had her back, at this point every one in that cast knows that Luann likes to have sex and she said herself in this trip that she wanted to have a line of guys to choose from so there was always the possibility that this was going to happen.

    Maybe Luann expected that if heather or Carole had any questions to come quietly and without alerting the filming crew , without a mike and ask her, if they would have done that, she could have explained that she did bring a guy the night before but she saw him out and that would have been the end of it. heather could had zoom in on Ramona. Heather and Carole were rightfully outraged but I do question their motivations, did they needed to get themselves miked to confront every body else on camera? If they wanted answers and wanted to question and rightfully so, why did they needed to get their mikes on?

    I think at this point it is safe to say that Heather is not a newbie nor is she naive about how filming goes, there are plenty of things that all of these women do not want to air and they have some sort of code about it, by Heather and Carole bringing this kind of reaction they are securing that it is out there for public consumption and viewers scrutiny. IMO that is what really bothers Luann.

    • Love 3
  5. Thank you for saving me paragraphs of writing.   Because I spend way too much time thinking about what ya'll are gonna say lol, I woke up this morning knowing that these interactions were different but wondering how so.  Stick with me for a minute:  the difference is the (legal) demarcation that determines whether an interaction at work meets the standard of sexual harassment or is simply an unfortunate misunderstanding.   That standard is whether or not the attention is welcome.  Why this is important is because in every instance in which Bethenny and Sonja have interacted, it is at Sonja's behest.   Sonja invited B to that sad ass dress marketing meeting thing.  Sonja turned to Bethenny in the club in Atlantic City when no one else would bother with her drunken ramblings.  The next morning, Sonja went to B's room to talk.  Last night Bethenny hadn't said or offered shit, Sonja turned to her and asked why everybody was being so mean.   It's not the same thing at all.   Bethenny has never once asked for Heather's attention nor intervention and, in fact, refused it when it was offered.   

    You nailed it!

    Bethenny has never asked or wanted Heather's advice or fake concern and has been very clear about it since the get go.

    Whether Sonja and Bethenny haven't seen each other in years is irrelevant, they have filmed together for a whole season before, they have reconnected, they have invited to each other meetings, they have had heart to heart conversations, they have bonded about their circumstances , their relationship is completely different that the non relationship that Bethenny has with Heather.

    It was Sonja who included Bethenny in this discussion after Ramona stirrer the pot , it is okay if Ramona has concerns but she should have that talk with Sonja instead of revealing her disgraceful moments for fodder with the others, but once Sonja asked for Bethenny's input she is the one who asked for it, she didn't like what she was hearing but Sonja indeed involved Bethenny in that conversation.

    IMO Bethenny was coming from a place of care and concern after hearing the other ladies talk about how Sonja behaves when she is drunk, she tried to get to her but obviously failed miserably because only Sonja can help Sonja.

    • Love 15
  6. IMO there is a big difference between heather and bethenny approach

    Heather and bethenny do not know each other very well, they are merely cast mates and Heather's attempts to "help" bethenny have always came from a fake and rather self serving place IMO.

    Bethenny and Sonja have know each other and are much more friendly than heather and bethenny are, bethenny herself has said that her memories of Sonja are of that cool lady who helped put perspective to that rather weird situation in Scary Island , she has tried to approach Sonja from an actual place of care, all the other ladies are telling bethenny all this crazy stories about Sonja's drunken scapades, notice how they are all doing it behind her back but no one is talking to Sonja, Sonja is not dumb, she knows they are talking about her, bethenny fathers talk to Sonja to her face and let her know that her drinking is getting out of hand but in true Sonia's fashion she talks in circles, that is something that would drive me crazy.

    Bethenny's mistake was to think that being upfront and coming from a place of care would help Sonja see the light, Sonja is not ready for it and worse yet most of these incidents she can't remember, Sonja , according to Heather, blacks out and has to be carried up to her bedroom, that is very dangerous, put Sonja is a very fragile position, but Sonja just can't see it, she doesn't think she has a problem and nobody will be able to make her believe she does.

    My question is now this, at the event at Boutique (which is a completely different event from the one shown previously in this season) there was Luann, Dorinda, Ramona, who left early, and Sonja, that makes 4 RHNY going to a bar and Sonja getting wasted and sticking her tongue around, where were Bravo's cameras? I want to see this Bravo, how could you let me down like this?

    • Love 13
  7. I'm annoyed. I missed the first 10 minutes of tonight's show yet again. They have stories without her. Because the powers that be have have decided that they're going to make season seven all about how "The B is back!" everyone else gets shafted in service of the myriad ways they can make this Bethenny Starting Over instead of The Real Housewives of New York City. Like, for real. How many THs did Bethenny get tonight? It was overkill.

    The powers to be have decided? Have you spoken to them? As far as I know that is just your speculation, Carole good of bad had the boyfriend and her run for HOA and it was showed, same with Dorinda, her birthday celebrations took several episodes, Ramona had the divorce and Luann the sale of her house and her daughter showings, all of it was showed, so according to you Heather and Kristen both had interesting things going on but Bravo is blocking that on purpose? Kristen had that mess of a meeting and was shown, so I am just not willing to swear on a stone about those two having quite compelling personal stories that are not being shown at all. So far they both have or at least tried to use Betheny and the friendship/lack of as their story line, they both can't wait to peck and peck at her.

    • Love 14
  8. Bethenny apologized to Heather twice, heather none, no acknowledgment of her abrasive behavior at all, no acknowledgement about how overbearing she can be, she just accepted the apologies without ever saying a mea culpa.

    Luann sticking up for Heather (after arriving with her and probably talking about it extensively) is quite funny , I can't wait for Heather to get involved in Luann's business to hear Luann say, "Heather means well"

    • Love 15
  9. I knew it, I knew that Bethenny could see through Heather's fake smile, her eyes say one thing and her smile says another, Ramona nailed it.

    Carole quite the shit stirrer, what did you think Kristen was going to do with that information?

    No wonder Bethenny doesn't warm up to Heather and Kristen, they are annoying as heck and want to be around her only for air time and because they have no story line without her. On the other hand Bethenny has connected with Dorinda with no problem because she can tell that Dorinda is not as thirsty as Heather and Kristen.

    I loved the way Luann and Bethenny handled their conflict, Luann tried to kept it going, Bethenny called her on it, Luann admitted it, backed off and they kept in moving, no major fuss, no major drama. That is the way to keep it moving.

    • Love 22
  10. Heather didn't need to mentioned exactly what article was she referring to, there is nothing about articles about this guy except the ones that mention that he dated Mario's mistress, he is not a celebrity who has articles posted about him every day so it might be about something else, his biusiness acumen has not merited him any articles in the press, at least not in the time frame when this dinner was filmed.


    When Heather mentioned that a journalist had googled him with that huge smile of hers, I am sure that he knew exactly what articles she was referring to; Luann knew, Carole knew and Ramona knew , the rest might not have been aware if they are not into idle gossip but the fact remains that the guy felt unconfortable and he even called it a roast. Heather obviously only did it because she is such a great friend and "cares so much about Ramona" because Heather never has anything but altruistic intention (rolling eyes)  

    • Love 5
  11. When you see the first look you will understand why Heather is no longing interested in being nice to Beth. I'm sure she has thought she was a bitch almost from the beginning, and now she is finally just saying it out loud.


    I agree with you here 100%


    That fake mask about Heather trying to befriend her, trying to bond with her and being nice with her has always been BS to me, Heather herself has made very obvious that she sees Bethenny as an annoying threat and Bethenny has always known this and that is why she has refused to engage her.


    Heather was the HBIC for three seasons and she fancies as the most succesful and level headed of the bunch and she wasn't going to let Betheny steal her thunder. Her attempts to be "nice" couldn't be masked by her harsh words and comments towards Bethenny so I don't think this comes as a huge revelation to anybody least of all Bethenny.


    It is only Heather's apologists who had believed or have wanted to believe that all the attention she was giving Bethenny was coming out of the kindness of her heart and because she is just such a nice person that she had to befriend her at all costs, that is what Heather was trying to sell but I knew since the get go what her game was and I am sure that bethenny saw through her since the get go too.

    • Love 6
  12. Sonja's blog is up




    I know Sonja is perceived as delusional and she mainly is, this blog however has very good points and I can see how Sonja is know seeing Heather right through


    The issues about what Bethenny was going to eat is too ridiculous for words. Like Ramona said, Bethenny is a grown woman and can make her own dining choices. She doesn’t need Heather to mother her all the time. I think Heather would get along with all of the women much better if she stopped trying to control everyone. Controlling everyone around you doesn’t mean you are actually in control--it means you want to be a dictator. I can see why Bethenny doesn’t feel comfortable sharing things with Heather. Everything you share in intimacy with Heather she uses as ammunition against you. It feels like a trap to be friends with Heather!


    That is exactly the way I see Heather, I do not see a poor lady just trying to be nice and being rejected, I see a person with a plan and goal in mind who gets pissy when she doesn't get her way and lets the mask slip off and shows her true colors.

    • Love 10
  13. I totally agree with you that as the show is being aired, that's all we have.  But is that Heather's fault?  We have no idea what Heather is offering - only what Bravo is airing.  So far this season, Bravo is primarily focused on Bethenny and All Things Bethenny.  Secondarily, they're doing Dorinda including John and Hannah; Sonja's craziness; Carole's dating; to a much lesser degree Ramona's coping with divorce; and nothing with Heather or Kristen.  Luann has had slightly more camera time because Bethenny has been willing to interact with her, especially in Miami.


    This doesn't mean that Heather didn't offer them her own storylines - just that they didn't choose to include them.  Might be because what Heather offered was boring - I think it's a bit more likely that it just didn't fit the narrative Andy wanted for the season.  We've all often said that the Lost Footage episodes are more interesting than the regular season ones.  Personally, I would rather have lost Dorinda and Kristen, so we can get more Heather and even possibly a real Ramona story.  


    I also think, sadly, Housewives has a horrible track record of showing "real life" stories - they tend to focus just on conflict, unless it's Bethenny, of course.  I never watched OC but I started watching a few back seasons on Hulu, and I was stunned at how much the show has changed - for the worse.  Back in the day, the women dressed normally (they wore jeans and tee shirts to reunions!!!), they interacted normally, they had real lives.  Gosh, I wish at least one franchise still did that.  With Heather, I believe (and I know this isn't universal)  they could show a real integrated story - like they did with Bethenny, in the early days - and I'm disappointed they're not going that way.  


    But the one thing I think we can't fairly do is blame Heather for what Bravo chooses to air of her.  She has no influence on that.  Right now, the only Heather scenes Bravo wants to show are the ones where she flunks Chemistry 101 with Bethenny and where she refuses to drink the Sexy Sonja kool aid.  I hate that but I can't change it.  I also think that anyone who started watching the show this season would have no reason to like Heather.  But having seen her for a few seasons, and knowing Bravo and Andy as I do, I just see a different narrative in play.  


    I do believe that if Heather would have some compelling story to offer then they would air it.


    So far all we have is her conflict with other ladies because that is what she has done, Heather has proclaimed herself the voice of her castmates, she talks on Kristen's behalf, Carole'e behalf as if they can't talk for themselves.

    She has chosen to give backhanded compliments to her castmates, those backhanded compliments have generated arguments and she is a veteran who knows that arguments will sell far more than anything. She has chosen to be petty about Sonja but instead of owning it she chooses to try to disguise it as actual care and concern. Then gets mad when somebody point this out to her.


    Heather is riding this season on the back of her castmates, she is giving us nothing personal and if that is the case kudos to her , it has worked like a charm for Kenya and it will work for Heather , but then don't go all upset when your castmates do not want to get personal with you either.

    • Love 3
  14. Hey Bethenny - that's what being tough looks like.  Take notes.  And maybe, JUST ONCE, try to reciprocate just a little bit Heather's offer of friendship, even just to be polite.  


    Heather's offering of friendship is the weirdest thing to me. But maybe that is just who Heather is


    Maybe she gets nervious around Bethenny but the scenes that I have seen from Heather are not those directed to someone wanted to become your friend.

    -The jab about giving Luann a car (none of her business)

    -The long talking about Ramona's sheenanigans (none of Bethenny's business)

    -The information about Kristen's hurt feelings (none of her business)

    - The issue she took about Bethenny arriving late when Bethenny did bother to inform the host of the event (Sonja) that she will be arriving late.

    - The shorten of Bethenny's name even after Bethenny has told her that she prefers to be called her full name

    -The issue of teh nagging questions that only a dear friend should ask.


    Heather has a child with healtcare issues so the question could also be why did she bothered to do the show when she has so much on her plate? because she needs the promotional opportunities for her brand. In this sense Heather is no different from Bethenny, the difference to me is who is real and who is fake.


    IMO Heather is fakely crafting a story line of issues with Bethenny were she pushes and prods and then when Bethenny reacts then Heather acts hurt and surprised. Very different from Dorinda who is giving us her personal story and who doesn't make a big deal out of stupid things because she doesn't need to. Bethenny called Dorinda and apologized for not being able to go to her house and Dorinda reacted like a normal person, she didn't go off about how hurt she was that Bethenny was not coming, she understood perfectly because the reason was perfectly understandable.


    Dorinda is not going around trying to push her way into a new friendship with Bethenny as part of her story line, she has her own story line and I am enjoying seeing her real issues. Heather so far has given me nothing except the fact that she likes to focus on other people's problems as her storyline, (pretty much ala Kenya Moore) , if you are going to go onto reality TV show us your real life, your problems. What we have seen so far of Heather is her issues with Sonja, her issues with Bethenny, her love for Carol, her defense of Kristen, nothing about her at all. It makes me wonder if Heather has anything real to offer this season, just from her and not related to any of her castmates.

    • Love 7
  15. I loved the exchange between Carole and Bethenny. 


    Completely uncomfortable and 100% real. That is exactly how I would have reacted. Carole was supportive without being condescending or offering her unsolicited advice about things she cannot possibly relate to, but still managed to defuse the situation with kindness. This is the Carole I want to see. 


    I am annoyed that Carole is going with this ditzy, cougarish persona that she is portraying this season. I always thought that she was smart, educated, intelligent, all things I admire in a lady, this year she has gone back two steps but I still have hopes for her. 


    Heather IMO is not being edited to be a bossy busy buddy, she has always been like that, it got overlooked because she was against hated Aviva so it might seem more evident this season but it is nothing new or edited to look that way. 

    • Love 12
  16. Jason doesn't need and will never go directly to the press, it would be foolish and dumb, total opposite to the nice polish image he has worked so hard to portray.

    Why would he go to give the press and give a direct statement when he can continue doing what he has done for years with no problems at all, Jason and/or his team just call Radar and give then all kinds of juicy information about Bethenny under the disguise of "inside sources" and voila, deed done.

    A simple Google search about Bethenny's divorce for the last three years would give plenty of damning ROL articles against Bethenny most of them with information provided by "Inside sources" and 99% with information against Bethenny, it is quite simple to figure out who the inside sources are.

    I guess in a nutshell that is what bothers me the most about Jason, his desire to have his cake and eat it too, if you have already decided that being a gold digger is the way to go, just go about it , instead he wants to pretend that this is about the daughter when that was decided more than a year ago. He acts like an asshole, embarrasses himself by acting like an asshole, requests money for his golfing trips, even for his clothes, nanny, housecleaner , etc, etc, but yet we are all supposed to think that he is the outstanding character that he played in TV?

    Fuck that! The Jason we saw on TV IMO was nothing but a very crafted and smartly portrayed character who have a goal in mind and came into this marriage with a clear purpose and scored it big, which is fine, kudos to him for his hustle, just don't pretend that after all that has transpire of his shaddy behavior (made clear by a judge ruling to dismiss a trust created by him) that he gets any benefit of the doubt, a guy who creates a trust to clearly benefit personally from it and who uses his own mother to notarized a trust that she should never have does not deserve any benefit of the doubt, his agenda is clear as the day is long so I will not change my opinion about him being a shady, vicious, gold digging , malicious and vindictive POS who doesn't deseve a penny from Bethenny, (but most likely will get a small fortune )

    Bethenny might be an asshole herself, which she had never hidden, she might be neurotic and OCD which she is the first to admit, but she has busted her ass working like a lunatic to made her own fortune, Jason? Jason is lucky that Bethenny was in such a needy state and fall for his hustle, Jason IMO is nothing else but the refined version of a hustler, scam artist who will be rewarded with millions for merely two years of his life yet he is the outstanding guy in shining armor? LOL

    Jason is the kind of hustler our grannies warned us against, smooth but letal.

    • Love 12
  17. Of course she has friends , they have been shown in shows, a couple of them and their kids spend summers In the Hamptons with Bethenny, she doesn't have as many friends as Ramona but the ones she has she seem to have kept from many, many years ago. Terry is one of her friends from Florida but she also has friends in NYC, they were with Bethenny when Bethenny had that encounter with John Parisella's daughter and realized that john had been to that daughter what her own father had been to her. Bethenny was in a night out with her friends.

    Julie started as her assistant and the turn into Bryn's Godmother, now that Julie left to have her own family, Bethenny and Julie are still friends and every time that Julie goes to nyc she stays with Bethenny and Bryn.

    Bethenny's friends are not the socialite type like Ramona or Jill used to have but what is funny to me is that we have yet to see one of Carole's friends, Heather's friend or even Kristen's friend in real life and nobody has any issue with that or assumes that they do not have one real life friend.

    When it comes to friendships it is not about quantity but more about quality IMO.

    • Love 5
  18. I only recall Bethenny ever saying that she (Bethenny) didn't like to celebrate her birthday. I don't remember her ever saying that she never had birthday parties. I remember her saying that a large part of the reason for hating her birthday had to do with the fact that she and her mother shared the same birthday. I always assumed that her mother made Bethenny's birthdays about her (the mother). I could be totally mistaken in that assumption though. But, my recollection was that Bethenny hated her birthday and didn't celebrate it, not that she never had birthday parties.

    You are 100% right in your recollection.

    Bethenny does celebrate her birthday, she just hates the over the top celebrations with the pompous affair that remind her of her mother. She has no problem with intimate celebrations with people she feels comfortable around.

    Bethenny begged Jason to have a small celebration with her friends for her 40 birthday, Jason completely overlooked all that and planned the celebration he wanted so Bethenny lost it, the next year Bethenny, Jason and her assistants went to Mexico and had a small birthday party for her and Bethenny was very happy and said this was the kind of birthday celebrations she enjoyed the most.

    Throughout many seasons of reality TV Bethenny has been constant in the fact that she doesn't like big gatherings, big celebrations with people she doesn't know, she just doesn't enjoy being around people she doesn't know and prefers small gatherings with her friends.

    • Love 2

    It would be so interesting to be able to see Brynn's take on Bethenny's mothering in 20 years. Will Bethenny hold herself to the same standard that she is holding her own parents?  Sometimes we have to be a parent ourselves before we can forgive our parents for the slights we feel we suffered in childhood. Parents are human after all.


    If Bethenny as a mother does the same that Bernardette did, if she creates such chaos and tries to commit suicide in front of her daughter, if she had a screaming and physical match with a man where the police gets call and then within the same day they are having sex making wild sounds , then by all means Bryn should be entitle to tell her story. If that was the case I would hate for Bryn to have other people telling her that it really wasn't a big deal and she needs to let it go.


    Parents are humans after all but there are some people who should never be parents, parents are humans and make mistakes, I forgot my daughter had an early soccer game and when we arrived the game was over, my daughter was upset with me but she will eventually get over it, but if I ever would try to kill myself in front of her or if the police visited my house frequently because of my physical brawls then absolutely that would be something that would be very difficult to overcome.


     Betheny gave some insight into her life as a child but the most remarkable revelations IMO came from Parisella himself , his non chalant attitude and the way he felt it was not a huge deal how the mafia was after him because he borrowed money and then gambled it away told me more than I need to know, the alcoholism, the drug addictions, etc. this coming from the one person in that trio was has ever admitted to give a damn about Bethenny


    Parents are human and make mistakes but there is something called parenting, Bethenny had parents, she didn't have any good parenting.

    • Love 7
  20. Her father was wealthy, her mother is middle class and she went to a private boarding school in Florida.  She might have been starved for attention, but she wasn't starved for money.  All those years of TV therapy should have taught her how not to confuse the two.


    Parisella paid for her boarding school but also after she graduated she went her own way.


    Bethenny explains that her reason for having money "noises" is because all the adults around her gambled, they could be rich one day when they won a bet and they could be broke the next day because they had spent all of their money. The dysfunctionality was not only emotional it was also financial, highs and lows in short periods of time and IMO that is why Bethenny was always so tight with her money.  

    • Love 4
  21. Why is this divorce taking so long?


    Plain and simple because Jason hired a financial auditor/accountant to trace every single penny of her money that is not part of the cocktail line, this could take years because Bethenny has different ventures and diffierent partners for each venture, Jason and his lawyers know that all other Bethenny's ventures are nowhere close to the amount of money that SGC made so IMO the reason for the financial auditor was to twist Bethenny's arm into settling this quickly and giving Jason all he wanted to protect her public image.





  22. Bethenny was offered her spin off show right after the airing of the season 2 reunion back in April 2009, that was the whole reason of her fall out with Jill , up to that point Jill had been trying to pitch a spin off show with both of them and it got rejected.




    Furthermore, at the time of this article (07-09-2009) Bethenny and Jason were not dating exclusively, Bethenny's show was not about a dating show either, it was going to be about a single girl in NYC and of course highlight her business ventures as Bethenny has always been very clear that the show first and only purpose for her was to use it as platform for her products. Bethenny got the spin off show before anybody knew or heard about Jason Hoppy. During the press releases in September it still wasn't clear where Bethenny show was going even though they were getting ready to start filming, when her engagement happened is when they had to change the whole format of the show but the show was going to happen with or without Jason.


    Bethenny and her beam deal was going to happen even if Bethenny and Jason never met, Bethenny had been working for the whole year 2008 into trying to strike a partnership with David Kanbar, she had heard a lot about him and knew he was the guy who could take her to then next level, matter of fact the whole reason why she was sued by her former agency for 100M was only due to the fact that this agency claimed that they are the ones who introduce Bethennhy to Kanbar and being how fuindamental he was in the beam sale, they believe that they were entitled to part of the deal. The lawsuit documents can be found online. Bethenny finally stroke that partnership with Kanbar in October 2008 , before she met Jason , all Bethenny needed was the exposure to make the cocktail even more marketable. Bethenny was going to have that exposure even if she never met Jason, she was signed for a third season of RHNY and she also had been signed to do her own spin off show, she was going to have double exposure even if she never crossed eyes with Jason. She didn't need Jason for anything.


    Did she needed Jason to be more likeable? I don't think so. Bethenny was one of the favorite Bravo HW at the end of season 3 of RHNY, her big fall out with Jill and the death of her father , scary island were going to happend whether Jason was part of her life or not, so technically she was going to have this beam sale happen even if Jason was not there. Contrary to popular belief Jason never quit his job to work for her and he was not part of the negotiating team for this deal , his name is not mentioned at all in the deal




    Whatever the issue at hand , the fact is that Jason signed a prenup that protected any past, present and future money made from the sale, this can also be found online, Bethenny however in another one of her incredible stupid decisions modified her prenup (because Jason whinned that he felt unprotected) to give him a nice settlement in case of divorce (little did she know that he was already preparing himself to get as much money as possible from her). Bethenny and Jason spoke about the modification of her prenup on one of the first episodes of her second season of BEA.


    Bethenny might be a smart business woman but she was an utter fool when it came to Jason Hoppy, she should have listen  to her gut instincts and realize this guy was taking her for a ride, she was dumb enough to modify the prenup to give him piece of mind and maybe she thought that with that if they ever divorce it would be peaceful, how wrong she was. I don't think that Bethenny ever anticipated that Jason would be so invested in getting her money but I think that now her eyes are open. It must be terribly sad for her to realize that her relationship with Jason was a lie since the very beginning and that his real agenda in now shining clearly  Jason played her like a fiddle and I hate to see him being rewarded for that so it is my hope that Bethenny sticks to her guns and gives him only what the law entitles him too. After all Bethenny is not only protecting her assets, everything that Bethenny has will eventually be Bryns' so she is protecting Bryn's assets as well.

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  23. I am not completely understanding this whole foyer-situation.  


    Sonja clearly said that Heather started bounding up the stairs, and "up" the stairs has to mean they gained entrance beyond the front door at some point.  The outdoors stairs to the front door go down. So they had to be inside.  At least inside that little room you enter into.  At least Heather was. 


    It seemed like Heather starting to go up the stairs is what caused Sonja to flip out. An overreaction, l would say, but she did at least let them in.


    But inside the limo Sonja started rambling about not wanting the front door open because her dogs could get out.  Was that just general bitching and defensiveness from her? Because the rest of what she said makes it clear she had already let them in.  


    So did Sonja let them in then start freaking out because as they arrived one at a time, the front door was having to be opened over and over?  And then Heather started to go beyond the area she had been invited into?  And then someone spilled some tea?  And then she kicked them all out into the rain?


    Am I understanding this? 


    This is the way I understand this, just from the blogs and their own TH this is what I gather:


    When the ladies arrived at Sonja's house they were let inside of the house, the foyer probably, maybe the only part of the house that was not a mess , for what I gather from Sonja's blog they were having tea, maybe one of the interns prepared some as part of the "supervised curriculum"?


    Once one of them spilled tea on some antique piece and Sonja had to clean it up , she probablyh had to go upstairs to her kitchen to gather some paper towels but the other ladies followed her and Sonja wasn't having that , why? because if the other ladies are coming then a camera is following them and Sonja didn't want that, she was ready to be filmed only at her foyer and that is it, she didn't want any other part of the house on film.  I am going to give Heather the benefit of the doubt (even though she is a reality tv pro at this point) that she honestly wanted to go upstairs to help Sonja gather some cleaning supplies and help out and might not have realized that the cameras were following her, one thing is clear to me, at some point Sonja might have realized the cameras were about to enter her second floor and she threw a fit, she wasn't ready for that.


    Instead of telling the truth Sonja resorts to lies that are so dumb that everything else gets discredited, so instead of fixing the problem she makes it even worse by kicking them out of her house on such a cold and rainy day, she is so upset that she forgets to communicate to the others that Bethenny has let her know she will be 45 minutes late. This whole mess happened because Sonja thought she could control the location and narrative of the meeting, she probably would had been better suited to ask everybody to meet at Ramona's place or somewhere else but Sonja is her own worst enemy, she has created this imaginary life where her house is a palace and now she can't keep up with it. She is becoming consumed by her own delusions.

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  24. I have never heard Jason or even Bethenny say that Jason wanted them to go to PA every weekend to see his parents.  From what I understand, Jason visited his parents every other weekend in PA.  And IIRC, that's what he wanted (seeing his parents) after he married Beth and had a child.  It was not a case of being with his parents every weekend (them going there and his parents coming to NY on alternate weekends).  I'm sure there will be those who disagree but that's how I remember it.


    Jason said himself that he went ot PA every other weekend and his parents would come to NYC the other two weekends of the month, which means that whether they were in PA or NYC , Jason was with his parents every single weekend. For some people that might seem the norm but IMO Jason needed to ease up Bethenny on this routine much more smoothly, Bethenny wanted to have her own weekends where just the three of them got to do things on their own and I can't fault her for that because usually newly weds want to spend most of their time together without family members around.


    My problem with Jason is that IMO he had planned this all along since the moment he saw her. I mean Jason met her in a bar while she had flashlights in her face and a camera crew filming her ad for her new line of cocktails, did he thought in that moment "this is the Susie homemaker that I will introduce to my parents?" , if Jason wanted a more traditinal wife who wouldn't mind to be with his parents every weekend and who was normal and not damaged like he loved to throw in her face, why did he pursued her so hard even after she told him she was damaged and not good at relationships?


    I remember during season 3 of RHNY when Bethenny and Jason were in a bar talking about their relationship and few things came up during that conversation between them that got my attention:

    1) Jason lived in a one bedroom  apartment that was the size of a shoe and a complete mess (I remember this because it made my raise my eyebrows being that Jason was being presented as this real state mogul - implying he had money of his own, it has been proved he was never in real state and never had a significant amount of money)

    2) Bethenny was not in an exclusive relationship with Jason by her own choice, for 6 months they had an open relationship and were allowed to date other people, basically they were friends with benefits, What part of conventional Susie maker wife did Jason got from this vibe?) Furthermore since they met at the beginning of 2009 Bethenny life was windwhirl, season 2 of RHNY had wrapped up, the ladies were going to interviews doing promotionals, Bethenny had stroke her partnership with Kanbar the year before, she was heavily involved in her cocktail line and her books were on the best seller list, promotional travels, etc, etc, etc. What part of Bethenny's life screamed conventional wife to Jason? Jason said during that scene that he was the one who put his feet down and forced Bethenny to make the decision to date him exclusively. So they started dating exclusively around June/July

    3( During that scene (filmed in September) Jason was asking Bethenny for a stronger comittment and during the talks to convince Bethenny of that commitment Bethenny reminded him that she was not sure about that because due to her childhoood she considered herself damaged goods and not good at relationships, Jason like the knight in shining armor asked her to trust him and to let him love her and that he would make her forget about the pain of her past (heavily paraphrasing here) that was the moment we saw Bethenny heart melting and tears in her eyes, she probably believed that she had found her one, the one who will make all the pains go away. If she only knew. Jason moved in to live with her in September.


    During one of the episodes of RHNY and during another combo between Bethenny and Jason it also came up that Jason initiated the conversation about them stopping taking birth control and "see what happens" Bethenny said this in front of Jason and he never contradicted her. Then during their spin off show again in another conversation between them we learned that Bethenny just wanted to live together and maybe marry until after the baby was born but Jason was not having it, he wanted to marry before the baby and not just any kind of marriage , Bethenny proposed to go to some place (JOP) with a couple of witnesses, his parents and call it a day, Jason wanted the bid wedding.


    Jason knew who Bethenny was, he has admitted this himself, he knew much more about her than she knew about him, there is no way anybody can confuse Bethenny with a gentle, compliant, conventional wife like he seemed to want after they got married, he knew she was a rising star and that her many business ventures were paying off, Bethenny was on her way to be a millionaire and Jason knew it IMO. Why he was in such a hurry to marry her? is it because he loved her that much or is it b ecause he knew that the deal with Beam was coming to an end and he wanted to be sure he was married to her before the deal close? Many articles report that Jason threw a fit when he was asked to sign a prenup that protected the cocktail line, this was done mainly at the request of David Kanbar, after all he was Bethenny's partner 50%-50% , David is a business man and he probably knew that if there were problems in their marriage it could potentially damage the sale that he had been working on for over 2 years, this prenup could be the only thing that can potentially save Bethenny from financial ruin so I have no doubt that Bethenny over Kanbar a life long debt of gratitute. Many articles also write about the fact that Jason signed the prenup only 5 days before the wedding because Bethenny had decided that if the prenup was not signed then there would be no marriage. At least she had clarity of mind to do that little bit.  


    So putting 2+2 together I have a very nagging feeling in the pit of my stomach. Jason introduced himself to her knowing who she was, he put his foot down for an exclusive relationship, he asked her to move in, he asked her to stop birth control, he push for them to marry before the baby was born, why oh why? This all happened between the time they first met (January 2009) started dating exclsuively (JUne 2009) to the moment she got pregnant (October 2009). Bethenny clearly wasn't thinking properly and she will have to pay many millions for her stupid mistake. She should have follow her gut insticts but she didn't and I bet she kicks herself every day for it.


    Call me paranoic but what I see is a guy who had a clear goal and a target, this is now more evident to me by the way he is fighting so hard for money but I do believe that after the deal with Beam closed, Jason changed, he changed towards her, removed his emotional support and started with his passive aggresive comments with the intended motive to drive her nuts until she requested the divorce and then guilt her into giving him a big chunk of her fortune in order to preserve her public image.  Did single Jason saw his parents every weekend or was that move just destined to create more rift between them? The way he has gone about this divorce reveals to me that the Jason we saw on screen is not the real one. He never excelled in the real business world but marrying Bethenny and the dividend that the divorce will generate for him is clearly his best business move, probably the only one he will ever have.  

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  25. As Bethenny said, "Mo money, mo problems..."



    I distinctly remember an interview of Bethenny after she sold the cocktail line, the question was about if money has changed her and she said it hasn't but she was really surprised as to how the people around her had changed and their attitude towards her had changed as well and they acted as if they were entitled to part of that money and would charge her much more than when she was broke for the same. Back then I thought she meant her vendors.


    I now wonder if she also meant how much Jason changed after she made that deal with Beam. There is no doubt that Jason played a very good game and as Bethenny as said before she had her doubts since the get go, she didn't want to marry just live together but he pushed for the marriage, she has sais many, many times that she should have followed her gut and I believe that she if she would had followed her first insticts about Hoppy she wouldn't be losing all of her fortune in the POS.

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