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  1. I just wonder why the prosecution decided to also let the jury consider manslaughter in the 2nd trial? Were they worried about another possible hung jury? Did they feel their case was not very strong? Did they feel the defense had a really strong case, and they were worried about an acquittal? Also, when would the prosecution have had to make the request that the jury also consider manslaughter? Did they have to make that request before the trial or did they have the option to wait until both sides presented their case to decide? I'm not sure how I would have voted had I been on the jury. We didn't hear everything that the jury did, but based on what was presented on the show, I don't know what to think. If the prosecution was able to ask that the jury consider manslaughter after both sides presented their case, I do have a problem with that. The defense presented their case based on a murder 2 charge, not manslaughter. I also don't know if the jury knew what types of penalties Kaitlyn faced for each charge. If a juror felt that she was not necessarily innocent but not necessarily guilty either, did they feel pressured to agree to a verdict and decided to split the difference and vote manslaughter thinking it wasn't as bad a penalty as a murder 2 conviction, but she would still be accountable for something? I thought they said Kaitlyn could get up to 25 years for manslaughter, so it's still a very severe penalty. I'm not saying that Kaitlyn was guilty or not guilty, but I do have a problem when juries are pressured so much to come up with a verdict. If there's a hung jury, then there's one for a reason. Either the prosecution didn't fully prove their case and/or the defense presented a very strong case. If the prosecution was able to request that the jury also consider manslaughter before trial, then everything I just wrote is a moot point. This case still baffles me, and I need to research it a little bit more. I do have a little bit of a problem when juries are almost forced (for lack of a better word) into coming to a verdict when the answer for any particular jury might just be that it's just a hung jury.
  2. In one of his segments, he said that the cops did get a search warrant. He also said they they really made a mess of his house when they searched it. Which was probably why he didn't want them searching his house in the first place.
  3. I think OJ is as guilty as they come. I've read numerous books on the case. I've only heard this little tidbit in one of the books on the case, I think it was the book written by his former agent who stood by him for many years, but now believes he's guilty. Anyway, I don't know if it's really true or not, but he wrote in his book that OJ was under the impression that the children had stayed the night with Nicole's parents. It was theorized that is why he picked that particular night of all nights.
  4. Ashley I has a podcast, and in her latest one she said she had heard that they were going to show the lead up to the incident and the aftermath. She probably heard that from her inside inside sources. What they actually show remains to be seen, but we'll know soon enough!
  5. The link says that Corinne is happy that BIP is going to put some changes in place. I hope she realizes she needs to implement some changes in her own life as well.
  6. I agree with much of what you said; however, multiple sources have stated that the producer filed the complaint without witnessing the incident firsthand or seeing a tape of it. Reports said that after hearing hearsay information second and third hand is when the producer filed the complaint. Just speculating, but I wonder if the producer heard what happened and thought it would ruin Corinne's reputation and chances for her rumored upcoming reality show, so she made the complaint with the intention of only hoping to stop the footage from being aired, never realizing how far it would go?
  7. I first heard that Corinne and DeMario viewed the footage the next day in Reality Steve's column on the day this story broke. I think he might have been the first to report it and then other news outlets just ran with it.
  8. Also, there was a Facebook post from Raven (which she's since deleted) that either radar online (or one of those similar websites) wrote an article about where she confirms Jasmine's account of the incident and goes on to say that Corinne was very coherent that day. Evan Bass (who's marrying Carly today - they met on BIP last summer) also wrote an opinion piece where he said that everyone he has talked to that had witnessed the incident totally and completely disagrees with Corinne's versions of events.
  9. So far the statements made from her side are so vastly different from every other account of the situation that has come out thus far. They are certainly not doing themselves any favors if they are lying about the situation and vastly overstating what happened. At some point the truth will come out.
  10. What's ironic is that Corinne's handler is the producer who filed the complaint against the show. She didn't see the incident firsthand and she did not see the video of it either. How could she then legitimately file a complaint if she just heard hearsay information from other people? As the handler and the producer assigned to Corinne for the show, where was she on the very first night of filming when the whole incident happened with DeMario?
  11. I just think that's Reality Steve's funny little way of saying that her publicist has resigned. I've been reading his columns for years and he has a very sarcastic, snarky way of saying things. The latest is that Corinne has hired a high profile attorney and publicist, so her previous publicist probably wasn't equipped, experienced enough to handle this escalating situation anyway.
  12. True. But he's also probably getting his information from people who were actually there and witnessed the events firsthand. I would bet his sources are most likely the contestants, not TPTB. E Online has a recent article which states that the producer who filed the complaint didn't witness the event nor viewed the tape of the event either. They just filed their complaint based on what they had heard. Also, Reality Steve has a new column up today with some additional information. Apparently, another producer also filed a complaint, and they both wish they could take it back now. Something along the lines that they didn't think it would go this far. Also, RS said that Corinne's publicist has resigned.
  13. The only report I've read that said Corinne was passed out drunk was the one in the Daily Mail. Most of the others seemed to imply that she seemed lucid and a willing participant, even though she's stating she doesn't remember what went on that day/evening. Hopefully the truth comes out at some point, but if there's some sort of settlement, I bet none of the parties will be able to talk about it. Reality Steve had a column today summarizing things he had heard from his sources regarding Corinne and DeMario's interactions. I have always thought he gets many of his spoilers from the cast of the current season, so there may be some truth to what he's reporting if he got it from people who witnessed it firsthand.
  14. Reality Steve has a column up today summarizing the information he's received from multiple sources on what happened on BIP between Corinne and Demario. He also has info on what happened the first 3 days of filming and who went out on dates, etc. It's a lot of info to summarize, but Reality Steve's information is not very favorable to Corinne. It paints her as the aggressor that made out with multiple men both before and after her interaction with DeMario.
  15. I think it could be either Vanessa or Kaitlyn going on DWTS. It would be a Bachelor first to have both a bachelor and a bachelorette on the same season competing against each other. I guess we will find out for sure on Monday night. In the meantime, it's fun to speculate!
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