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Everything posted by mamaT

  1. Wow, netfoot, I'm starting to think your doctors are just messing with you. You dont actually need surgery, they just enjoy your company so much that they just keep you hanging around. Seriously, though, all of these delays must be driving you a bit mad. I'm so sorry. So, here's a quick recap of my life since we last "chatted": I've gotten older, and fatter, and much (Much) happier. (These things are not neccesarily related). My luv (8years next week) and I have been traveling the US for the last several years managing B&Bs. It has been a great adventure, allowing us to live in some lovely places just long enough to explore them thoroughly and then we move onto the next cool place. Several weeks ago, we decided to take a "break" from work and we are now spending the next 6 months or so traveling, exploring and relaxing through Mexico. We are having a blast. This lifestyle is so enormously different than my previous one. It's sometimes hard to reconcile. Son1 is still a shit (actually, as a human, he is very cool. Successful, funny, smart....it's just in the son department that he is severely lacking. He still hasn't gotten past the divorce and has decided he no longer needs to be involved with either parent. My heart was broken, but has since healed and I have come to terms with it). Son2 is amazing! Living in NYC with a career he enjoys, politically and socially aware and active and just an all around good guy. I'm very proud of him. Today is Mothers Day in the US, so I dont want to disagree with your Mum, but I think you look very handsome all clean shaven.
  2. Lol, I fondly remember ushering you around NYC. The right/left/right thing made me laugh each time. I'm still impressed that you survived the weekend. (And, hello old friend. I just popped in here for the first time in eons and was so pleased to be able to get a full update on you. Congrats on the weight loss! You should be very proud of yourself. Please give Buddy an extra hug for me!)
  3. I'm so happy for your trip, Netfoot! It sounds wonderful. I hope you have as much fun doing it as planning it (because...damn! You have this thing planned out!) Sounds is if you should be ok on photo memory,and I cant wait to see pictures of your adventure. Buddy has certainly gotten big. Nice to hear that he is still keeping you on your toes. Im hoping that he will also enjoy his vacation (and who knows....maybe you will come home to a mellow, well behaved lad who eats only the food you give him, comes when called and doesnt bring you half alive "presents"). It's hard for me to remember the last place you know of us living. We've moved so much lately, that I sometimes have a hard time keeping up with it myself. Let's see....in the 4 years since me and R have started our adventurous phase, we have lived in New York, California, Playa del Carmen Mexico, Massachusetts, a small town in Texas, the Seychelle Islands (HATED IT!), and for the last 8 months in Dallas. We leave Dallas on Tuesday for a nice 3 week long vacation in Playa, and then we are moving (again) to Salt Lake City. R's kids and grandkids live there, so it will be nice to be around them for awhile. And we are kind of planning on settling there for awhile (although for us "awhile" is a relative term). Im going to get my real estate license again. We feel it's maybe time to settle in and have a "real" job for a bit. As much as I have LOVED our traveling, Im getting tired of feeling so transient, Im looking forward to being in one place for a spell. I miss you and all of the Meet Market gang and think fondly of you all often. It is my goal to one day convince you that FaceBook is not the work of the devil (well maybe just a little) and that you should break down and play with us there!
  4. Netfoot, dear friend, why are you wearing a hospital gown? Is everything ok with you?
  5. Hello fellow TWoPers! I am a little late joining here, but it's awfully nice to see so many familiar peeps here. I don't get to watch the show as much anymore as I would like, but often times, reading your comments is almost as good as watching. Quick update for "The Meet Market" refugees: First, I miss you all and hearing about what is happening in your lives. Netfoot, it is beyond great to hear stories of Buddy ( he has gotten SO big!) I know that you are fundamentally against it, but you really should consider joining FaceBook. Lots of us keep up with each other there, and it would give you a great forum to share the daily exploits of Buddy. Me? Well, since I last checked in me and my honey have moved a few times. Currently, we are living in the Seychelle Islands. We got here in mid-August and are running a little hotel and cafe. The weather is damn near perfect and the beaches are truly breathtaking. But there's not a lot else going on here. Not really sure how much we like living here yet, but it will be an interesting part of our story later on. In the last 3 years, we have lived in 4 US states, 3 countries and 2 continents....who knows where we will end up next...or when. I've come along way from the little suburban housewife of the early Meet Market days! Smooches to you all! Enjoy the season, I'll be looking forward to keeping up with it through you.
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