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  1. Damn. Okay, well, there goes that idea. Still some hope that they might alter it or reframe it somehow. Otherwise, it's going to be such a mistake for them to have crammed so much into one episode and essentially have her be raped/nearly raped twice in one day/episode then beaten by Jamie the very next day/night. Although, the long hiatus might help to separate that in the viewers' minds.
  2. After the way that the show is condensing the timeline and cutting out the extended honeymoon scenes in the book, I'm starting to think (and really hope) that they'll skip or greatly alter the strapping scene in the book. Also, watching it again now, it does seem like they're setting it up so that Jamie (and probably poor Willie too) will feel extremely guilty for leaving her behind. That could just be wishful thinking on my part. But there's also this Ron Moore interview he did with EW about the mid-season finale: That gives me a little more hope, too, that they'll forego the strapping scene.
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