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Everything posted by bluemosaic

  1. To Rosie P's and Whoopi's point: I get the same reaction when I watch Woody Allen and Nora Ephron films. I grew up in NYC and I'm still in the metropolitan area, and when I watch their films, I'm like...where are all the minorities?? They DO exist in New York, but their films are pretty much "white washed." It's so insipid.
  2. That's my point Marny. These actors with the phenomenal salaries are what is killing the movie industry. Doesn't matter whom Rosie P was referring to. The fact is: the ridiculous expense of paying these 1% actors are passed down to you and me. And the fact is, many of their films bomb anyway, despite the star wattage and supposed draw. Their crazy pay is so unjustified (and catch-22...it went in the red because of the over-inflation of salaries, hence the budget!). And the inflated budgets due to these exorbitant salaries make studios take less chances with scripts with originality and ingenuity, and the studios will try sticking to old tried and proven formulas. And I don't believe they are going to hire less actors. What are they going to do? Start whittling down characters from the film?? If they want to stem the tide of people staying away from the theaters and opting to stay at home and watching streaming movies, then they're going to have to cut ticket prices. That means, cutting budgets, and cutting super star pay...from $20 millions to perhaps $5 million a film? I know...it's sweatshop wages...oh lord.
  3. Yes, all actors are protected by the union. No matter what the budget is, they have to be paid a certain amount. It's the actors that are paid above and beyond the union wages that are the 1%.
  4. Actors' salaries might take a hit?? Oh my god, what will these "1% actors" do without their 10, 15, or 20 million+ dollar paychecks?? Can they survive on that if they never work again?? lol. Maybe the fact that actors' salaries are so exorbitant is the reason why movie budgets are so overblown and ticket prices sky high?? Most people don't even make a fraction of what they make on a single film in a lifetime. I am so sorry a more sensible salary will cut into their entitlement for mansions, estates, private jets, and extravagant lifestyles.
  5. I'm deeply offended that the co-hosts are free to say 'ovaries' without censorship but the mention of the male equivalent of sexual reproductive organs, namely 'balls' must be bleeped. Talk about sexual inequality!! grrrrr ;)
  6. You can't say 'balls'?? (can't say 'tits' either, but 'ass' is OK) Just keeping tabs...lol
  7. It's seems hypocritical and disingenuous to me for someone to scream loudly and stridently for PEACE, proclaiming it all over the place and on all issues, and yet, one does not even know how to act peacefully with co-workers.
  8. Wait...you can say 'ass' on the View TV, but you can't say 'tits'?? lol!
  9. I was thinking exactly that, Roger...and 3 of the 4 days are half days...sweet...for them.
  10. I have to laugh at these celebrities and media figures discussing the issue of whether or not take vacation time, because this question is really relevant to "regular" people who have "normal" Monday to Friday, 9 to 5 (or 6 or 7 or 8 or 9....) job, OK?? lol Even when these co-hosts work, whether it's on a TV show, film, theater, standup, etc., there is a lot of down time between projects or TV seasons. So, it's such a joke to hear them discuss the hard decision-making on whether or not to take vacation time. (and you know The View crew and cast take at least 2 months off per calendar year...snicker). Do a 50-hour work week grind for at least a year before diving into this topic again, OK ladies (with perhaps the exception of Nicole, who had a full time job in the Bush era)?? lmao!! Oh, and not to mention that most working folks are living from pay check to pay check (because not all of us are lucky enough to get multi-million dollar contracts) and are AFRAID to take vacation days because of the fear of being cast as non-essential and replaceable - a very common fear these days since the middle class hasn't really recovered from the economic slump. The fact that this was not discussed begs the question of how much these co-hosts are in touch with your average American day to day reality...just sayin'.... :)
  11. As much as I like Nicole Wallace, I found it appalling that she pinned the lack of climate change dialogue on President Obama when everyone knows her political party has buried its head in the sand over this issue: The elephant in the room is clearly the fact that the Conservatives and the Republican Party are in complete denial of these global changes in our climate, and I was shocked that no one called her out on it, except for perhaps Whoopi, but only half-heartedly. I know they don't want to stir up combative energies, but come on, if there is an elephant in the room, call it out for god's sake! Did lively debates and truth telling take a backseat to the need to be all chummy and sing kumbaya (did I spell that right)?? I don't think these characteristics are mutually exclusive.
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