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  1. Meghan is a narcissist. She wants to control the panel conversation. She wants to control the audience reaction. She needs to have her own show, with fake engineered applause. Unfortunately, we are stuck with her for the rest of season, as they sign yearly contracts on this show (hopefully not more than that!!). If they wanted to replace Jedidiah with a Republican, Ana Navarro should have been a no-brainer choice. She was a secondary co-host before, and she should have been asked to join the panel on a permanent basis. Though I don't agree with her on other issues (besides Trump), she acts like an adult (not some brat). Hopefully, the Conservative slot can transition to her. Or hopefully, Meghan would just quit, since she is so dissatisfied with the level of conversation (because she and she alone knows best on what should be said and reacted). And kudos to Ana for that small slap to Meghan ("as long as you're breathing, you're OK" or something like that) for whining again about what a heavy burden she has to make everyone come around to her Conservative views.
  2. I was thinking in the same vein. Meghan is NOT about finding common ground at all, as she claimed in a pathetic, poor-me pat-on-the-back yesterday (reminiscent of Elisabeth Hasselbeck's pathetic whinings). If she were truly trying to find common ground, she wouldn't have spewed Conservative lies about Senator Warren's ancestry, and cut to the real point that "Pocahontas" IS an ethnic slur, regardless of politics. But she didn't. Elsa is full of it...and herself. She wants the "common ground" on her own terms, and will throw a hissy fit (i.e., self-righteous, sanctimonious grandstanding) if she doesn't get it.
  3. Well, I am so happy that Whoopi is so EXCITED about women coming forward now with sexual misconduct allegations, because once upon a time, not too long ago, she was NOT so EXCITED about them. Ahem... http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3152643/Whoopi-Goldberg-downplays-Bill-Cosby-s-revelation-gave-Quaaludes-woman-sex-JOKING-drug-disgraced-actor-s-accusers-speak-out.html And it took a Network and public backlash to make her EXCITED about it..or at least pretend to be excited about it. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3162885/ABC-forced-Whoopi-Goldberg-change-stance-Bill-Cosby-rape-allegations-overwhelming-number-viewer-complaints.html Maybe Whoopi and Rosie can finally reconcile their differences...or maybe not........
  4. I adore Sara. She is smart AND fun. Don't let that bubbly personality fool ya - she's very insightful. Deep (complex) thinking, well-rounded person.
  5. Lol. If I am watching the show live, I have to mute that. On DVR, I hit the skip forward button. That manic, repetitious hollering irks me every time.
  6. Hmmmm. OOOOk.
  7. LMAO!! That's an insult to the character Elsa, who had heart, soul, and manners. Meghan is the antithesis of that character. She is Elisabeth Hasselbeck on steroids. Be rest assured, there will be more of her sniping at her co-hosts, and they will all pretend it's all OK, kumbaya, but as we know, tensions will simmer and boil behind the scenes, and one day, hopefully soon, Meghan will suddenly announce, "I must leave to write a book." But then again, Hasslebeck lasted for years. However, her longevity on the show was attributed to uber Conservative producer Geddes. Who knows if Brian or an ABC executive will stand for Meghan's rudeness and obnoxiousness longterm. I say chuck the ice princess and bring back Jed - has she finished "writing that book"yet?? Or maybe we can have Ana Navarro!
  8. I used to like Meghan McCain. As an independent, I used to find her to be reasonable and likable. Now, she acts like an entitled, arrogant brat, much like Elisabeth Hassellbeck. Why is the rest of the panel coddling her and her self-righteous, grandstanding whims?? And now Whoopi is all of a sudden less strident, just when we need another "Bitsy" smackdown?? So miss Jedediah Bilah. Didn't agree with her much, but she was way more pleasant and likable than this self-righteous brat.
  9. I call bullshit on Whoopi's call for women to stand in solidarity with women who are victims of sexual harassment and assault at work. Where was her support for the victims of sexual assault and rape by Bill Cosby?? None to be heard or seen, that's where it was. It wasn't until she faced a public backlash that she felt compelled to come out against Bill Cosby; otherwise, it was just skepticism and equivocation on Whoopi's part. Remember when everybody at the View table wouldn't take a supporting stand for the Cosby victims, except for Rosie?? The wrong person left The View. Whoopi needs to go. She has 0 credibility, yet she constantly postulates herself as the authority and final say on all topics, and frequently cuts people off and bullies people into supporting her opinions. She disgusts me.
  10. Wow! People are dropping like flies on The View. But good riddance. She created this image of being so pure of a Christian that she couldn't feel comfortable with curse words, dirty jokes, or sex talk. But then she had no qualms about voting for a groping, sexually predatory, racist, narcissistic sociopath. Bye byeee Candace!!
  11. Seriously, barring Rosie O., are these women on drugs or are the elephants in the room sitting on their heads?? lol. 16 women come forward and make similar rape allegations, without cause or potential for material gain (statute of limitations expired), and all they can talk about is the reaction of social media or pontificate dispassionately about the overall tragedy or confound it with other unrelated issues/controversies??!! How about addressing the possibility that these allegations are most likely TRUE??!! Hello??!! How about having your fellow women's backs?? Where is the sisterhood?? Has Whoopi's celebrity suck-up and free pass gone viral on the panel?? And I understand Rosie O's interpretation or misinterpretation of Whoopi's body language, because her whole attitude and facial expression has been: "I don't want to discuss Cosby. I don't want to trash a fellow celebrity, because you know I excuse every celebrity bad behavior from Justin Bieber to Snookie." Get off your meds, ladies!! Wish Rosie O. would have done more truth-telling instead of giving them looks of disbelief and probing questions about their absurdity. If they want ratings, these ladies better do more truth-telling. Too much white-washing.
  12. Can I just say that, as a gay man, I find Rosie Perez to be a total cutie-petutie!! She is absolutely scrumptious!! Love her in that dress today!! Am I in love?? lol!
  13. Nicolle's statement...paraphrasing: "everyone is evolving, including President Obama". I take issue with that. It's sort of a white wash, no ethnic pun intended. First of all, today's Republicans are simply on the wrong side of history, on gay rights, equal pay, climate change, minimum wage, etc.... and still are, might I add. So I take issue with the word "evolving," because I don't see enough of the evolving Conservative voice on these issues at all. Where is she hearing these Conservative voices of evolution?? (again, no pun intended on 'scientific evolution'...lol). Secondly, no one believes Obama was inherently against gay marriage. It was political posturing, because the national climate on marriage equality was not what it is today. It doesn't reflect well on Obama, because it detracts from his image of being the pioneer of change, the main theme of his campaign. But having said that, I am glad Nicolle is adding her voice to marriage quality (and climate change) on national TV. It is perhaps leading a change in the Conservative tide that is desperately needed.
  14. I, too, have been charmed by her. But I was kind of taken aback by her attack on President Obama over lack of climate change initiatives, when everyone and their uncle know that nothing can be done in Washington about it with the Conservatives in control of the House and in total denial over climate change to begin with! It was so reminiscent of a past co-host...lol. I am waiting for the midterm elections and the Presidential campaigns to come around. I have a feeling we're going to have some more deja vu's. It seems to me that being the lone Conservative, she feels she needs to come out punching and be the standard bearer or torch bearer of the often combative and accusatory voice of the Conservatives (not that Liberals have not done the same thing).
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