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Posts posted by Dancingjaneway

  1. While I would LOVE to see the Bills make the Superbowl I know that isn't going to happen. I feel like they got this far on sheer luck. Josh Allen doesn't impress me and I feel like the team is just o.k. I really hope that in the post season they work on their weaknesses and that they work with Allen on how to get rid of the ball sooner. 

    On the topic of the Cowboys(calling them the cowgirls is just STUPID) I think Jerry is either trying to get Garrett to take another job or waiting until his contract expires so that he can say he didn't actually "fire" Garrett.  Jerry's ego is so massive that I can see him screwing over his team to save face. Just so he can have a press conference stating that the contract ran out and they decided mutually to part ways. This way nobody can say something like "I thought you would never fire him. I thought he was the golden boy." No matter what the scenario finding a new head coach is going to be tough. I know that people say coaching for The Cowboys is a great feather in your cap but I don't think that's the case so much anymore. The team hasn't been good in AGES & they aren't looked at favorably anymore. Also coaching under Jerry is a bitch. The mans ego is bigger than his new stadium & he does nothing but micromanage. 

    One team that needs a MAJOR shake-up is the Giants. They need a new GM for one. They also need a new offense & a new quarterback. Whoever they hire as a coach he needs to be good at firing up the talent that they DO have ie: Saquon Barkley. 

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  2. A thought that popped into my head today was that Laurel STILL hasn't learned anything from all of this shit. She should have NEVER called Michaela & she definitely shouldn't have told them that Tegan helped her and Christopher escape. She's not hiding from morons she's hiding from people with connections and the ability to hack into places. 


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  3. Wow! I was not expecting that AT ALL. Did not think Asher was going to be the dead informant & I sure as hell didn't think we would be seeing Wes. I personally think Wes & the funeral are just all in Annalises imagination. I was shocked when Laurel said that Tegan helped her and Christopher. I don't think Frank killed Asher . Asher was murdered with a fire poker which I'm pretty sure Frank doesn't have. I think they made it look like that by using Bonnie's call to Frank. I didn't think I could hate Asher's family more but I was WRONG. I'm also thinking that Annalise on the plane isn't real either. How did we go from her asking the driver to turn back to being on a plane. I feel like something happened in between. I also still want to see who is driving the car. I cannot believe that we have to wait until April to find out what happens! Ugh. 

    • Love 6
  4. Tegan continues to be the best thing about the show. I loved the little high five moment between her and Bonnie. If only Bonnie wasn't a murderer. I would like to know who is driving the car that Annalise is getting into. I don't trust it. The puppies were freaking adorable & I have to say after this episode I'm glad that Ollie isn't the informant. I like him and Connor and the show was kind of making me forget that I did. Gabriel just like his dad is TRASH. The way they have written Michaela this season has been terrible. She was never so mopey & didn't project "daddy issues" 24/7. I loved Annalises Jacket at the beginning of the episode. I'm so upset that her and Frank sabotaged her. She didn't deserve it. I hope she makes it out of this season alive and gets the hell away from this toxic group. 

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  5. Not enough Tegan in this episode. Have to say I really don't care about Annalise and her new dude. Not only because I don't trust him but I don't feel like I know enough about him or have had enough time with him to care. I'm sick of the Gabriel/Michaela plotline. The case of the week was o.k.  If Frank really gave a shit about Bonnie he would stop trying to pursue her. It's so obvious that she is playing second fiddle to Laurel. I was not surprised that the woman who was at Annalises door was a fake. The show really has lost it's momentum this season. I'm wondering if that's because they are trying to tie things up or just ran out of ideas. 

    • Love 3
  6. I feel like the crime scene that Tegan is visiting is not the site of the informants murder but someone else's. Why? Because the informant was murdered with a fireplace poker. Which is in Annalise's house. That would mean that someone would have to take the poker from Annalises house and bring it to the apartment complex.  I briefly thought what if the killer knew that others had touched it so it would throw the FBI off but nobody in this group is THAT smart. I'm also starting to think that just maybe Annalise isn't going to make it. I feel like they are going to throw a curve ball in that she tries to get away but ultimately doesn't make it. 

    ETA: Thank you to everyone who replied to my Annalise/Frank conversation question. 

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  7. I don't think Asher killed anyone and I knew Bonnie wasn't going to be the dead informant. I think Asher witnessed the informants murder. His reaction is added to my list of reasons I think Oliver is the informant. Was anyone else confused by the Frank/Annalise conversation involving Laurel(when she took his pain meds)? What exactly were they talking about and what are they keeping secret? I am SO glad that Tegan's ex didn't sleep with Nate and that she told Tegan what was up. I feel bad for Tegan that she's fallen for Annalise because I don't think Annalise feels the same way & I feel like Annalise is going to betray her somehow. I think it's Annalise's mom that shows up at her door next week. I doubt the Castillos would be stupid enough to show up at her house let alone knock on the door. I was torn on whether I believed Bonnie's story about choosing Connor but in the end I think it's true. It was simple enough & wasn't put forth as a "shocking reveal". I'm glad that Frank told Ollie it wasn't his fault he got beat up. I just wish he would leave Bonnie alone because she will always be a replacement for Laurel. I think the Asher/family storyline is over. I think it was just a way to give the actor more to do and also to bring Michaela & Asher back together romantically. I would love for this to be the end of the Vic storyline but I don't think that's going to happen. 

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  8. This episode really didn't help me shoot down my Oliver is the informant theory. Not only is he a good hacker which means he could take Annalise's money or get her info but the way he's been acting with Connor. Also the fact that he's been spending so much time at home while the rest of the gang goes to work at C&G. Pairing that with Connors reaction puts him at the top of my list with Laurel in second place. 

    • Love 10
  9. The only good thing about this episode was finding out that not only is Tegan NOT the informant she is also not dead. (Insert Kermit happy flailing gif here). Now onto the rest. Annalise didn't owe Gabe a damn thing. He is so annoying. Michaela has been annoying me for a few weeks and continues to minus her taking down Asher's sister. I would love for this to be the end of Frank trying to save Laurel but I don't think it is. His "I love you" to Bonnie was a load of crap. I really hope that Bonnie listens to Annalise and doesn't let Frank or Nate get in her head. Speaking of Nate he is like a bad penny. He keeps popping up and I want him to go away. I can't believe he has survived this long. My biggest gripe of the night is the Cora/Tegan story. Once again bisexuals are shown as being nothing but cheaters who prefer di*k over pus*y. I almost stopped watching after that. It's so frustrating, disheartening & depressing to see. I could say a lot more on that but I won't. This isn't the place. Am I the only one who felt for Ollie during this episode? All of them (Annalise included) were totally wrong blaming him for what happened to Frank. Frank is a big boy he wasn't forced to go to that warehouse. He knew that it was going to be dangerous. This whole Asher/family storyline is CRAP. I hate his family and I don't give two shits about them. I'm glad that there is going to be more to the Vic/Michaela story because at this point I'm SO over it. This episode made me rethink my wishes for another season. The episodes are being dragged down with personal drama that just doesn't interest me and doesn't serve a point. 

    ETA: Did anyone else think when Cora's bike didn't start that it was going to explode? 

    • Love 7
  10. Was Michaela's mother killed by her "father"? Because if so then it makes it impossible for Vic to be her dad. Why? Because he is defending her "father" for murdering her mother. You can't have a baby with a dead woman & the only way he would have met Michaela's mom is through the "father".  I also was thinking about Frank & I think Laurel was with her brother in that warehouse and told them not to kill him. I don't know if she walked in on what was happening or knew he was getting beaten and couldn't watch him be killed so she asked them to stop. She is definitely there because there was a crib there and that would be a weird thing to have at a warehouse. 

    • Love 1
  11. I hate that they went there with Ollie and Connor. Michaela is an idiot & was lucky that Vic knew who she was. Gabriel listening to the tapes is still creepy & I hope Annalise kicks his ass. Sam should have never slept or dated Annalise. He was her doctor & he knew that it wasn't o.k. I don't care how much she manipulated him. Tegan continues to be my favorite person on this show & Nate can fuck off with trying to take her down. Didn't give a shit about Frank being bloodied and half dead. He was stupid to do what he did. He's lucky he's alive. I wonder what's up with Asher's sister showing up. I'm thinking it's just drama of her own & not related to what's going on with the group or FBI. Hated the "case of the week" the guy was a POS and deserved all he got. The app creator was a POS as well. They kind of deserved each other. I knew Bonnie was going to snoop but I'm glad that she came to Tegans defense at the end of the episode. Also I wonder if the money transfer that Annalise did was a red herring to make us think she is definitely faking her murder or if it's something else going down. 

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  12. Man they are doing a REALLY good job of making me root for Annalise to fake her death and rat out the whole gang(minus Tegan). In no way are ANY of them ready for the real world of law and how they treat people is just ridiculous. Frank is a moron and I'm really hoping that they off him so that we can be done with that whole stupid storyline. I don't care about him and Laurel. So Tegan is still technically married which is interesting. I wish we had gotten to hear more about that instead of cutting to Frank & his" journey" to rescue his "damsel in distress". I knew that Bonnie was working with Nate & I hope that Tegan is taking to hart the "keep your friends close and enemies closer" line. I feel like they showed Connor a picture of Oliver but I don't think he's the informant. On another topic can we get a Tegan spinoff? She is just so kick ass & her handling of the immigrant child was heartwarming. 

    • Love 5
  13. One thing I noticed was that when Michaela went in for questioning at the end they were saying that she killed their informant. If it was related to Annalise wouldn't they have said she was being questioned in the murder of Annalise Keating? So either Annalise ends up being the informant or the two crimes have nothing to do with one another. 

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  14. I don't trust Laurel or her dad. I think Frank was a moron for going to him to try to find her. I'm really going to be upset if something happens to Tegan I just love her. I wanted to smack Michaela for her treatment of Annalise. She didn't give two shits about her dad until she started falling for Gabe. It's not Annalises fault she waited so long to find him. I have a feeling we will be seeing all of the Keating 4 in interrogation because they all handled the fireplace poker. Still don't think Annalise is dead. I'm starting to think Laurel is the informant. 

    • Love 10
  15. I really don't think she's dead. I think Annalise is either going to be in witness protection or with the help of someone/the gang she is going to move elsewhere & assume a new id. The woman who was her roommate at rehab is either helping out the FBI or she's helping out Gabriels mom. I'm still hoping against hope that Tegan is good. I just love her too much! Can't wait to see the rest of the season. I still hate that it's ending. 

    • Love 14
  16. I watched this a few days after it was released on Netflix. I don't think anything has ever made me as mad at this did. These boys had their lives STOLEN from them by a crooked prosecutor and her marry band of KKK cops. They didn't give a shit about catching who really did it they just wanted to put these boys away because they saw them as scum. If they had actually done their jobs they could have saved a woman from being brutally murdered in the same house as her child. The scene with 9/11 shook me to my core because it was  such an amazing way to show the passage of time between the crime and when the were exonerated. Linda & the rest of her crew deserve to spend the rest of their pathetic lives in jail. I'm glad to see that she is getting her ass handed to her. Another aspect is the fact that this jury didn't even do their jobs. The DNA evidence didn't match & the victim couldn't remember her attacker. If it had been a white man they would have found him not guilty.  Ava did an amazing job showing each story & giving people a real insight into what these boys went through & what the system is really like. I have to say that I will never hear Moon River again without thinking about these men and their story. 

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  17. Dame Emma Thompson. She is hilarious, smart, gorgeous & is always an amazing interview. Keanu has always had a place in my heart since i saw him in Speed when I was a teen. I always wanted him and Sandra Bullock to get together. 

    • Love 7
  18. That was a great finale. At first I was like "oh shit" because Fuches told Gene Barry did it but then I remembered that Gene knows him as Barry Block not by his actual name. I was really hoping Fuches would get killed because I really hate him. I'm still so upset that Janice is gone. I loved her so much and I loved her with Gene. Speaking of Gene Henry Winkler was freaking brilliant tonight. He nailed that absolute sadness & broken feeling when you lose someone. I'm not a fan of the new detectives there is just something about them that irks me. Sally continues to be an absolute piece of shit. I wish she had bombed during her little skit. I would have loved to see Sally die last season but I know that won't happen because she is Barry's world. She is the person who will end up taking him down(not literally as in turning him in or killing him) in the end because she is his vice. So glad to see NoHo survive. He is just so damn funny. I can't wait to see what next season brings. Bill Hader is simply amazing. 

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  19. "Home" by Julie Andrews was a really good read. I loved the pacing & I loved that it felt like she was telling me stories about her life not just listing events as she remembered them. I'm looking forward to the sequel "Home Work" coming out this October. 

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