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Posts posted by pvandal

  1. Chris Evans is most likely on to promote the Netflix series "Scott Pilgrim Takes Off". He was in the original movie it's based on. He was also Captain America so that will probably come up.

    Friday might be interesting since they have discussed Fetterman's clothing and how people should dress for work several times.

  2. Nate looked good in his casual clothes. I also think Tucker looks good in his turtlenecks & tight pants (what?). I want to see less suits on the men. Yes, most of them are businessmen but they aren’t always at work. It was a nice change of pace with Nate. If I saw Jack in slacks & a sweater I’d probably faint dead away.


    Also as much as I am looking forward to Nikki being stabbed with a syringe, could the dialogue leading up to it today be anymore boring and stilted? And I’d like to know, if that was tea Claire was pouring, why did it look like plain water. Toss a tea bag or two in the pot for reality. 

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  3. My building has 3 bed 2 bath condos all on one floor. Sadly unless they build new sets we’ll probably never know. 😃


    I’m not a Nate fan, but when he was yelling at the Newmans…his likability factor with me shot up a bit. Anyone telling them what creeps they are makes me happy. 

    And now we know Sharon is the reason Summer knows so she has only herself to blame for Summer’s bedside vigil. 

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  4. I am not much of a Cricket fan and definitely not Phyllis but I was such a sucker for today’s show. I was a teen when Nina rolled into town and that is when I started watching. I saw actors my age on the show (and Phillip III was dreamy).
    This proves one of the things wrong with this show. No younger people/stories. If they want new viewers to get hooked, get stories about them. 

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  5. 59 minutes ago, Js Nana said:

    Who's that?

    I didn't know Victor had dogs - what kind?

    Chloe is Esther’s daughter.

    If I recall correctly, they were both Golden Retrievers. Best actors they ever had on this show! 

    And Claire, I’d warn you to lighten up on the brown nosing as you’re super obvious, but there is nothing a Newman likes more than having their ass kissed. 

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  6. Really Nick? Adam has screwed up almost every aspect of your life. What were those screwups again? Was it when he saved Faith after the car accident? Or maybe when he gave her a kidney? Oh I know, it’s when he saved your pathetic ass in a tornado. Adam just needs to wash his hand of his trash family and never speak to them again. Ignore Sally’s calls as well. 
    It might not be so annoying if Josh Morrow could act. He’s been on this show 30 years and he still has one emotion.

    And because it can’t be said enough, shut up Chloe.

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  7. Very much miss The Talking Dead. It enhanced the viewing of the show for me. Sometimes the guests or Chris would have an insight or theory that I hadn't thought of so it was great for the different perspectives. Or just to laugh along with Yvette Nicole Brown and her piles of notebooks.

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  8. 15 hours ago, MsMalin said:

    It really is pathetic. If I was a new viewer  (instead of 30+ years) I would delete it from my DVR immediately.  

    I'm right there with you. My mom and I ask each other all the time "Why are we still watching this?" Yet we tune in everyday. It's our 30+ year habit. The grip this show has on us is pathetic (not that we don't fast forward a lot). 🤪

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