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Posts posted by pvandal

  1. 59 minutes ago, Js Nana said:

    Who's that?

    I didn't know Victor had dogs - what kind?

    Chloe is Esther’s daughter.

    If I recall correctly, they were both Golden Retrievers. Best actors they ever had on this show! 

    And Claire, I’d warn you to lighten up on the brown nosing as you’re super obvious, but there is nothing a Newman likes more than having their ass kissed. 

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  2. Really Nick? Adam has screwed up almost every aspect of your life. What were those screwups again? Was it when he saved Faith after the car accident? Or maybe when he gave her a kidney? Oh I know, it’s when he saved your pathetic ass in a tornado. Adam just needs to wash his hand of his trash family and never speak to them again. Ignore Sally’s calls as well. 
    It might not be so annoying if Josh Morrow could act. He’s been on this show 30 years and he still has one emotion.

    And because it can’t be said enough, shut up Chloe.

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  3. Very much miss The Talking Dead. It enhanced the viewing of the show for me. Sometimes the guests or Chris would have an insight or theory that I hadn't thought of so it was great for the different perspectives. Or just to laugh along with Yvette Nicole Brown and her piles of notebooks.

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  4. 15 hours ago, MsMalin said:

    It really is pathetic. If I was a new viewer  (instead of 30+ years) I would delete it from my DVR immediately.  

    I'm right there with you. My mom and I ask each other all the time "Why are we still watching this?" Yet we tune in everyday. It's our 30+ year habit. The grip this show has on us is pathetic (not that we don't fast forward a lot). 🤪

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  5. 3 hours ago, Js Nana said:

    Maybe I'm just too attached to the kind of soaps I started out with as very, little girl back in the 50s - characters whose lives weren't all that much different from the viewership's, but filled with more angst than any mere human could survive - infidelity, unrequited love, amnesia, "my husband isn't the father" pregnancies, adolescents in need of direction, etc.

    Why not both? We need a romance with people from different walks of life. If we never had rich boy Phillip III getting it on with wrong side of the tracks Nina, we wouldn't be have Chance to stare at now.

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  6. 3 hours ago, Snaporaz said:

    With both Phyllis and Sheila as two twisted rotting branches on her family tree, how is Lucy so nice and normal?  Is it a case of nurture over nature?  Does that math rule work the same way with the psycho granny gene, and two negatives make a positive?  Whatever, I like her.  I have no problem with her calling Heather "Mom".  Unlike Harrison, who had a loving relationship with Tara for his entire young life, Lucy never even knew Daisy and Heather raised her.  

    I don’t know…Lucy had some crazy eyes starting so Daniel had to tell her twice NOT to make plans to get him & Heather back together. The psycho gene runs deep. We may see it emerge.

    I don’t care what Tucker is up to as long as he stays on the show. Keep up the good work TSJ! 

    Also I loved Traci’s new cut. It also looks like she is going the Diane route and letting her natural color show. Now, get her a love interest!

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  7. 1 hour ago, nasir jones said:

    Can Adam tell Nikki to shut the hell up for once? You can’t even say that it’s Adam’s fault she’s a jackass to him because she does that to everyone. And considering that Count Dracula is her husband, it can’t be that Adam offends her strict moral code. Her problem with Adam isn’t his actions… it’s his very existence. He’s a walking, talking reminder that Victor loved another woman. Strippi isn’t his mother, so the idea that Adam should stand there as she belittles him is ridiculous.

    Exactly! I’ve often wondered why she will accept Abby even though she is a product of Ashley, her biggest rival at one time, but I think it’s because Abby isn’t involved in the business and isn’t a threat to her precious darlings’ jobs.
    Of course Sharon called Michael because he’s the only lawyer in town. I wonder if he will help her as he has been Victor’s lap dog so many times? Where’s Heather? Here’s a storyline for her other than pining after Daniel. 

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  8. When Nick told Nikki that he and Victoria never got the advantages from Victor that Adam did I swear my soul left my body. Um what you frickin hypocrite?? Your high school grad sister was given what I assume is a Fortune 500 company and you…who keeps coming and going from NE because your feelings get hurt always has an available job at NE when you feel like returning. Also who’s running New Hope? Ugh dork.

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