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Everything posted by pvandal

  1. I love how simple it is to merge and unmerge companies in this universe. Like there are no contracts, rebranding or basic plans needed. Just decide one day and poof! Merger. Then a few months later nah...never mind. Oh okay. We're split up again. No harm, no foul. Good grief.
  2. Alan and Martin both lived in Paris right? Why was he nervous if someone at the bar or on the street might mistake him for Martin. Couldn't that have happened before Martin's death? It just seemed like an odd thing to worry about. And he mentions to Traci about finding where he lived etc...um did the police not give you this info since I assume you're next of kin? Anyway, get it Traci! When they were in the bar just sitting there flirting I was like "make out already!" Then they disappointed me with no good night kiss at the door. Another day about Victoria's kids all getting together and getting along and another day with no mention of Reed. If I remember correctly he was wanting to be a musician last time we saw him. A throw away line that he is on tour, perhaps with a Mr Romalotti, that would satisfy people who are wondering if Vicki/the show forgot about him.
  3. My biggest issue with retrospective shows like today’s Nickfest flashback is, it just reminds the viewers how much better this show used to be. It was fun seeing the intro of Larry Warton as Nick’s cell mate. Who one day was to become Jill’s boyfriend. LOL
  4. Abby, I realize you have a shit family who didn't tell you anything about your mom but phones and cars go both ways. Did you ever stop in just to say hi? Or give her a call to shoot the breeze? Part of being an adult is checking in on those you supposedly care about. You are just as much to blame as to not knowing what has been going on for months.
  5. TSJ has posted to Twitter that Tucker is leaving. Boo!
  6. LOL Yes, Lynne would push her back with her cane. No one was as loyal as Lynne.
  7. Audra seems like a scrappy fighter but Dawn is a sturdy gal. Why did she just not shove Audra out the door and slam it shut during Tucker’s “attack”? I would have enjoyed that.
  8. Of course it’s stupid Victor backing Audra. I was hoping the writers grew a brain and somehow it was anyone else even Tucker hiding behind a shell corporation to steal it back but no…of course Grampire has to win again. In the scenes for next week Victoria’s younger spawn look none to pleased with older sister horning in. I mean they already never get time with their mom & now this interloper is sucking up what time she has. Katie looked especially nonplussed.
  9. But this show’s title is The Young & The Restless. These three aren’t anymore. Actually no one is. There are no teen/young adult stories anymore. Excluding the one regular child on the show, Harrison, the youngest person on here is I guess Claire who no matter how they want her portray is at least 30. And the scenes between her, Cole and Victoria creep me out for some reason. They are so fake cheery.
  10. The stupidest thing about the Victor going after Jack reboot is the reason. Because Jack tried to help his friend stay off alcohol? Oh noes!!! It’s not like they were having an affair or planning anything nefarious together. Yes, they have had a long complicated relationship but geez Victor, for some ridiculous reason Nikki ALWAYS returns to you. So sit down, shut up and play your Candy Crush. And Audra dredging up the "scandal" of Tucker's? Wasn't it already released to the news by Jack & Billy? Does she think US business news doesn't make it to Europe? They probably know of it and don't care.
  11. I have not seen the show yet but after Ninja's review I can not wait! sidebar - I loved Ashley's Paris wallpaper.
  12. Maybe this was answered today but I fast forwarded through a lot of Tucker and Audra because it was rinse and repeat of their last 10 conversations about their relationship, but Audra has always been an employee right? She never even had stock in Glissade let alone owned any of it. How is she able to keep making meeting appointments at Glissade? Didn't he fire her? When Tucker cancels those meetings doesn't he tell them she is no longer an employee?
  13. LOL I was wondering if it was just my computer. I need you all to get me through the self inflicted hour of torture I put myself through every day at 11 o’clock!
  14. I’m watching right now so I rewound to check and they are in the same outfits so I assume it’s the same live show. Dr Biden was on GMA this morning as well so she seems to be making a day of it in NYC.
  15. Is anyone surprised Victor had chloroform at the ready?
  16. That bowl of sprouts were just sitting there on the other side of the bars. I know they supposedly make her gag, but Jordan should have grabbed a handful and pelted Victor with them.
  17. I actually liked a lot of today’s show. I got to look at Tucker and Alan, laugh at Ashley looking like a floral stuffed sausage, watch a nice friends moment with Sally and Audra but most importantly, nary a Newman in sight! Audra talking about her art must be how they are linking her with Noah from long ago.
  18. Tessa has never been a favorite of mine but I really liked her today. I think it was because she was a nice normal caring person listening to a new friend. Her only flaw was praising Princess Louisa because I mean come on...
  19. Off to wine cellar jail with you for putting that out in the universe. You know JG is probably thinking that right now.
  20. Does Claire have an actual college degree? I’m assuming Jordan made up fake credentials for Nikki or Audra to check out before she was hired. Not that I imagine Nikki did that or she might have found out something was fishy. If not, send her to GCU so she can run NE as no one else seems to be helming it these days. Not that a degree is necessary. Looking at you Victoria. Bet they wish Nate was still around to help.
  21. JS Nana, it’s The Gates. It’s taking the place of The Talk. It will focus on Black families like Generations. https://www.msn.com/en-us/tv/news/first-black-daytime-soap-opera-in-35-years-the-gates-to-premiere-on-cbs-in-2025/ar-BB1lObJr
  22. Man Victor is a creepy psycho. Just sitting there for who knows how long just watching Jordan sleep with that smirk on his face. I wonder how it smells down there. I saw no toilet or bucket and is he feeding her? Rats maybe? It’s his prior MO. Does she have anything to drink before he gave her the vodka? How long has she been in there? Don’t make me feel sorry for her Victor. And Jack’s complete lack of awareness of what could have happened. Those scenes with Diane were great. Lastly, it was nice to see Sharon, but the costumers hate her. What was that top and purse? The shoulder pads? Hello 1986.
  23. Maybe he’s hoping they’re hiring for Nikki’s next assistant and he’s trying to impress. Or he just believes in the old adage: There are no small parts, only small actors.
  24. Thanks Js Nana. I totally missed that. Do you think Victor has that title on his business cards? If not he’s gonna once he hears it.
  25. Why would anyone ever stay at the GCAC? Apparently people can just open your room door as there are no locks. Or if Victor did have a key he would have had to get it from the front desk, and then it’s not a safe place to stay as they give keys to non registered people.
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