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Posts posted by SailorGirl

  1. 59 minutes ago, kariyaki said:

    Also, Sheldon has been proven to be an unreliable narrator. He doesn’t always perceive things the way they really are. 

    yes, but dead is dead. He may not have been the alcoholic cheating bum that Sheldon described but its going to be difficult to ret-con a dead father -- Its not like it was mentioned once in passing. Sheldon's father being dead was a running part of his and Mary's character. It was also one of the big elements contributing to why Georgie didn't want to attend Sheldon's wedding. 

    • Love 2
  2. The Great British Bake Off episode featuring the cast of Derry Girls FINALLY dropped on Netflix in the states today. Its titled "Great Festive Bake Off" and is absolutely a riot. 

    Dylan is just the cutest thing, and Siobhan is a freakin' riot. The bakes were definitely entertaining and you can tell they all truly enjoy being around each other. 

    Good way to spend an hour! 

    • Love 6
  3. Not sure whether to post this here or in the Derry Girls forum -- probably both -- just watched the episode -- laughed out loud many times, just as with the show. 

    Dylan is just the cutest thing, and Siobhan is a freakin' riot. The bakes were definitely entertaining and you can tell they all truly enjoy being around each other. 

    Good way to spend an hour! 

    • Love 5
  4. 16 hours ago, Arynm said:

    If we want to be fair, the jewels belong to the Crown, which means that they don't own a fair bit of them. The Queen Mum got a huge bequest called the Greville jewels from a friend and I think the family owns those. So while Camilla might be able to wear all the jewels, she can't actually keep them. She can keep the teeth (I think)

    I can't tell you how much I want to see the jewel vault of the Royal family. I bet it is beyond anything I can even imagine.

    When I went to London, I did the Tower of London and the Crown jewels. You can't take any pictures, unfortunately. Even seeing it in person it is hard to imagine and take in -- it just doesn't seem possible that its REAL! That was pre-Crown so what really got me then was the coronation regalia -- I want to go see it again with the wider understanding of what's what, who wears it, etc. 

    Its one door in, one door out, and a slow-moving sidewalk that rotates you around. And if you try to stop for even a second the guards are on it. I wanted to loop it 3 or 4 times but unfortunately I was on a bit of a schedule and I don't even know if they let you go around more than once. 

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  5. On 11/30/2020 at 6:59 PM, cherrypj said:

    I think this episode is airing this Friday, 04 December 2020, on Netflix. 

    You are correct, and I'm SO EXCITED!! I just discovered Derry Girls a few weeks ago and was on a desperate hunt for their GBBO episode!!


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  6. On 7/30/2020 at 9:22 PM, turbogirlnyc said:

    I've watched this show in it's entirety about 6 times now and it will never get old. I still LOL every few minutes. Excellent cast!! Hope for season a 3 soon!

    OMG -- best six hours I've seen in a good long while -- I watched season 2 on a flight (properly masked of course) and I was cracking up -- the escaped polar bear underlying their sneaking off to Belfast was priceless . . . and when there was a knock at the door and the parents thought it was the polar bear . . . "yes, it'll maul you to death but it'll be polite and knock first. . . " That's when the other passengers gave me side eye because I was laughing so hard. 

    Fuck-a-doodle-doo must now be incorporated into daily conversation, and Sister Michael is just beyond words awesome and the mediator priest with the perfect hair . . . . every little thing about this show is hysterical. 

    Is there a season 3 in the works???

    • Love 6
  7. 9 minutes ago, sATL said:

    This is a smart move on Robyn's part -- seems like she has enough self-awareness to know she's got a good product/something that is missing in her target market but doesn't have enough knowledge/know how to run the actual business side of things. Not knowing how to run the business side of things is a big part of why a lot of companies fail, especially ones that deal in creative offerings.  

    And wasn't it their original business manager who stole their money and caused all their problems in the first place? I'd be hesitant too of going to an individual again too if I were them. 

    • Love 3
  8. 5 hours ago, carolinagirl81 said:

    This is pretty amazing, like despite the things that he said, I didn't watch the clip with the hologram but to be able to have your loved one back in a sentence it's pretty awesome, like I don't know what he could do to top this gift. 

    Am I the only one who thinks this whole hologram thing is a little creepy??? 

    • Love 16
  9. 16 hours ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

    From your link - 

    Bethenny Frankel became a household name thanks to her headline-making (and oftentimes volatile) stint on The Real Housewives of New York City, which began in 2008. Since then, she's become, as she states it on her website, a "self-made businesswoman, TV producer, multiple New York Times bestselling author, and mother."

    I can't help but notice that Bryn comes last.


    That's pretty standard bio format. How many male executive bios start off with mentioning spouse/children first? Many bios don't reference family at all, and really, nor should they. 

    I like Bethenny, always have. Even if I didn't, though, it's unfair and rather sexist to criticize her for a bio adhering to standard business format.

    Being a mother is not the be all/end-all for most women, and it should not be the first/most significant identifier of a woman's achievements. Its diminishing. 


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  10. 13 minutes ago, Primstone said:

    now that the baby is born and Morgan is passed out, time for Issac to get that bullet out

    Thank god -- no more Emo Morgan -- time for some old school Morgan axe-kicking! 

    WTF -- a submarine? 

    Time for TWD: 90210 . .. 

    • Love 1
  11. Well, I for one sure believe they're not trying to take over Clearwater, how about you? This is all coincidence! Clearwater will never have a viable downtown area until the Cult is gone. Its such a shame because the downtown area is really cute and there's lots of potential to make it into something. There's also a lot of empty land/vacant overgrown lots that no one is doing anything with. Why? Because they're owned by the Church. Its really sad to see as you're driving through. 


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  12. On 10/1/2020 at 8:00 AM, Pepper Mostly said:

    If you have't already, google "Alfie Boe and Matt Lucas youtube", you'll find some great clips! Here's my favorite, they're hanging out doing karaoke at Matt's place: 


    I did not realize who Alfie Boe is -- I mean, I know who he is from the 25th Anniversary of Les Mis, but I guess I just never knew his name/knew HIM. And I am utterly in love. And I never expect Matt to have such an amazing voice and its always such a wonderful surprise. 

    • Love 3
  13. 1 hour ago, dosodog said:

    Particularly because it brought negative juju to him like (I. E. Tax problems, the "Uncle Ben" nickname, where do you live, etc.).


    The show did nothing to bring on the "negative juju" of tax problems. He did that all on his own. The rest, fair point, but saying him being on the show somehow caused the tax problems diminishes the crime of tax fraud he committed long before this show was on.

    That would be like saying, oh, I don't know, another (former) reality tv show individual claiming a loss of ~$100M on a property he bought in NY for about $2 million just a few years before to cheat on his taxes and saying his current job is the reason why that overinflation happened. 

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  14. 2 hours ago, Legalbeagle421 said:

    Agreed. I get a lot of flack for this myself. I'm an attorney. I am not marrying someone who is not comparable.

    Add me to your table, ladies. I am 52 years old, single, and financially secure. I am not going to date someone who is not in my socioeconomic status and who doesn't at least hold themself to some sort of standard regardless of their income. I've worked my butt off my whole life, since my early 20s having me and me alone to rely on -- everything I did I did by myself for myself, because I had no other option. 

    I want someone who is going to take care of me a little bit -- not someone I have to support or mother, or someone who is going to try to put something over on me because he thinks he can because he has money and/or charm. Sorry son, that does not make you special.

    I did briefly date someone who "USED" to have money but went through an extended divorce and basically has nothing. He has a job but not one that was comparable to mine financially. He had also just moved to the area and the place he was renting was run-down ratchet. He could have found something nicer for what he was paying but it became clear very early on that he didn't care very much about his surroundings. His car(s) are older, which is fine, but they were messy and dirty -- which is not fine -- there is nothing wrong with an older car, but take care of your shit! And all he would talk about was what he used to have. How about leave that in the past where it belongs and do what you need to do now to get it back in some way?  He would talk about how much he didn't like the job and only took it to be able to move to the area but was he sending out resumes or looking for another job? No. Just going on about how much he used to make and how much better of a job he used to have. 

    More and more he would ask, "does it bother you that . . . " (this house is the way it is, that my car is old, etc.) and didn't like my honest answer. I didn't like staying at his house or taking his car anywhere, and when he asked, I answered him honestly -- why yes your house does bother me and I would prefer you come to my much nicer house that is well taken care of and that I own all by my lil' ol' self. Or that I would prefer to drive wherever we were going. And you can dress casual and still look very well put together. He dressed casual and looked sloppy.

    Apparently all of this makes me a snob.

    If having standards and expectations makes me a snob, then you know what? Raise a glass ladies, because I am a snob, and damn proud of it. 

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