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Posts posted by PupCal

  1. 20 hours ago, Twopper said:

    Maybe I didn't word my comment to be clear that while the current medical fix is hormone replacement and surgery, my hope is that in the future as science advances there might be a better and easier way.   I have no clue as to what that might look like. 

    Okay but you said you hoped there was a way to match genitalia to brain and that the HRT/surgery was unnecessary/ potentially harmful. The medical fix for transgender folks is HRT and/or surgery. Science advances will most likely be better surgery options not your plan to "fix" us.

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  2. 7 hours ago, AZ Curls said:

    Did anyone else notice the 2 oldest daughters from the religious  family of 8 calling the dad by his first name? 

    And I had no idea people hire someone to come to their house once a week to scoop up dog poop, these guys must have money to burn.

    I caught that too! That seemed out-of-character for a super religious family.

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  3. I think this gay couple is way too uptight for this kinda show. (It's also hilarious that during the rule switch the switched gay guy is going on about chores and shit when they have just two babies and a damn nanny.)

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  4. Stephanie, honey, A.J.'s not funny. Between his homophobia and his infantile tantrums, you've married a 13-year old. It's not too late! You can still divorce him and find a nice man to date while he gets his corner booth alone with a kid's playmat.

    • Love 6
  5. On 3/8/2019 at 12:43 PM, Twopper said:

    It seems like a medical fix to match genitals and brain would be a better choice than all this surgery and opposite sex hormone treatment and puberty blockers rendering people infertile.  

    The surgery and hormone replacement therapy are the medical fix.

    • Love 6
  6. 2 minutes ago, Cammi said:

    This actually hurt to watch with Luke and Kate. He looked PISSED. Like he was going to harm her. His eyes looked so cold and evil. Cold blooded! This couple is insane. Freaking insane. They are toxic together. It’s gorrible tv. It’s making me sad. 

    Seriously. This is fucking terrifying to watch.

    • Love 7
  7. 7 minutes ago, Lacy4u said:

    Ok, so now I'm kinda on the bandwagon with some other posters who think Luke might be gay. If so, he's doing like so many other men that are trying to conform to societal standards of a man being with a woman. If Luke prefers men then he shouldn't use Kate or any other woman to be his beard. Its 2019, Luke, go ahead & be free, be gay, bisexual or whatever your truth is, so you can live your best life without ruining someone else's via deceit. We see you!!!

    I wish Kate would've called Pastor Cal instead. He would've given her better advice AND would've been there via video conference (Skype) to assist her in having a conversation with Luke about the sex secret or he would've spoken directly to Luke about it...man to man.

    Same here! The gay rumors were actually starting to tick me off but after this confession, I can see it.

    AJ is way too intense and irritated for this minimoon and I bet him drinking that bourbon like it's water is not gonna help

    • Love 5
  8. On 3/3/2019 at 8:35 PM, parrotfeathers said:

    I've never been able to get invested in the show.  I see the ads for it.  I wondered today why Jazz hasn't mentioned getting her nose fixed.  I guess one part at a time is all they can handle.

    Or y'know maybe she doesn't want to get her nose "fixed".

    • Love 15
  9. 5 hours ago, Dobian said:

    She is still biologically male, which means more body mass and a greater need to consume than a genetic female.  So she will always have problems controlling her diet and weight if she wants to look really thin and petite.  That doesn't mean becoming obese, it just means she will always be on the thick side.

    Nnnoope. The only "male" thing about Jazz is her chromosomes. She's been on puberty blockers and then estrogen so her hormones are decidedly female.

    • Love 4
  10. 22 minutes ago, sATL said:

    I missed something why was Amir at the philly conference ?

    Jeanette said she couldn't treat Jazz's relationship like she did with the 3 older ones... I wish she would have said how she did treat the 3 older ones... did she let their "dates" into their bedroom at age 17 ?

    With the way the twins act, their dates were probably each other!

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