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Everything posted by jibbity

  1. Re: Michelle talking about dick size and "we fucked all night in every corner of the room"..... And women say men are shallow. Another thing, reverse this and have one of the guys talking about how tight a girl was or good of a blowjob one of the girls gave, etc. and that he "fucked her in every position all night long" and imagine IF that would air and/or what the fallout would be.....but her being a female I guess the double standard is ok and not to be overly judged??? Listen, I'm no prude but she says this with little or no concern on how it makes her look (although I'm sure she'd say anything for more camera time) but the WORST thing is she has no regard as to whether her 9 yr old daughter (not to mention family, friends, etc) MIGHT hear it or have it retold to her (and possibly teased about her mother being a slut) by a classmate, etc. who watched the show. So then she goes from the days/weeks before unsure & questioning whether she and Cody could ever possibly have any future together and then is transformed overnight apparently by Cody's Magic Staff of Enlightenment into saying he is the one, they are now boyfriend/girlfiend and in LURVE!!! .....How sweet.....I'm not buying it though....I think someone upthread nailed it, these two entered into some sort of silent agreement to make to the end and maximize their camera time and publicity (btw....do they get more $$$ by making it to the end/FR ?? ) I also got a bi/gay vibe from this Cody dude.....in any case, him & Michelle in no way seem to be a match.
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