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Posts posted by FlowerofCarnage

  1. I suspect that Maci goes overboard with the structure and activities because she knows it's a free-for-all over at Larry and Jen's. Also, Kudos for keeping Bentley and the little ones off the tablets and such. Now, that is out of the way! Fuck that with the starvation diet. The boy is telling you he is hungry. At least try to find recipes for nutritious, lower calorie, filling foods.


    MacKenzie, if you can get off your ass to film, you can get your kids up on time for school. Also,  get your ass on Pinterest  for tips on organization so you can have your kid's clothing planned out for the week. 

    Every adult at Vaeda's part looked like they smelled like Corona(the beer) and stale Marlboro's. 

    Bubby, no one from Western Europe is clamoring to move to the States!

    Does Cory really think he is the one the got away for Cheyenne? 

    • Love 11
  2. She needs to quit while she is ahead. She thought it was going to work out Community Property Chris because she got pregnant with Lux. Carrying his seed was going to magically make him want quit his promiscuous behavior, settle down and play house! Jokes on her!

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  3. I watched this while mess unfold yesterday. Lol Kail really should have kept her mouth shut but I totally understand what she was trying to say. Basically, for future reference, don't fat shame me when it's obvious your wife has also gained weight. Of course, that point went right over Cletus and Jenelle's head and they doubled down on the shaming. Lol Now, Kail had to an ruin it by pulling out her degrees and ghost-written books. It wasn't necessary and made her look insecure; it's Jenelle and David after all. The custody of the kids dig was enough.

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  4. 10 minutes ago, Mr. Miner said:

    Yes! He has always been a brain dead POS, Mac isn’t much better. What about the name Broncs?

     I’m just hoping Amber punches this idiot from Belgium and goes back to prison for 5 years.

    These fucking people! 😡🖕🏻

    Broncs is bad but Jaxie...that name is only suitable for an 1980's Saturday morning cartoon character.

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  5. Cate doesn't have a job that requires her to be away from home for 8+ hours and Nova attends pre-school, yet making her own baby food is too much for her.  

    Bentley having a little girlfriend is cute but I am not comfortable with that part of his life being broadcast on TV. Also, could his dope-feind dad being any more of a douchebag. Mocking him for being upset over breaking up with his little friend?  Thank goodness Bentley has Taylor as a role model for non-toxic masculinity.

    And now for my weekly "can I please have Ryder or a Ryder-clone " post. She is just too freaking adorable.

    How long does Belgian Bae plan on staying here? Does he have a job back in Belgium?

    I haven't really paid attention to Mac McKee over the years but was Josh always human Ambien? Also, I can't get over the fact that their daughter's government name is really "Jaxie"! 

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  6. I want to speculate that Becky sees that Kail is fast approaching bunny-boiling level of obsession with Chris and bowed out of the friendship.

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  7. Someone said she left 30 comments on his live. Talk about being unhinged. If this was an attempt to malign Chris and fish for sympathy, then she failed spectacularly. That man doesn't want commitment; he doesn't want to play house and no amount of parking lot and kitchen countertop conceived babies is going to change that!

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  8. Lol! Carly will be in Junior year of college, planning for her future. Kids will be the last thing on her mind.

    I hate to say but I don't think Cate has what it takes to complete a Vet Tech program.

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  9. I think it was someone on Reddit who describe Maci's glasses as  "serial killer glasses" and now I can't unsee it.

    Catelynn has offically run the word, "trauma" into the ground!

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  10. Apparently, Carly's aunt posted it to one of her social media pages that isn't set to private. Someone went looking and found a recent pic. Sucks because the cat is out of the bag and it's all over the net. 

    Ok is this a case of "if you feed the long enough, they start to look like you" because IMO, resembles Teresa.

    • Love 6
  11. To quote Barb, " your high...high...high!"  Ryan was high as a kite during his segments. Honestly, I don't think he will ever get clean and McKenzie better prepare herself to raise 3 kids by herself. And speaking of her, what the hell was she thinking bringing another child into this mess? 


    That sad ass birthday was strictly for filming purposes.  The Edwards know Ryan needs the money so they continue to participate in the fuckery and Maci needs a story. I mean, come on..the Zoo? For an 11 year old boy who is into multiple sports, most likely is popular and has a ton of friends? Then you take into account the restraining order, the most sensible solution would be for separate celebrations.

    Vaeda is not cute...there I said it!  Also, her parents need new friends. Is there anyone in their circle who isn't  trailer trash, on drugs or has extensive involvement with law enforcement? 

    MacKenzie M. and I have the exact same glasses and I am pissed about it. Lol

    Amber talking about how she doesn't want to be away from her kids ...umm... aren't you on tape, ranting about how you never wanted your son?

    Can I get a little clone of Ryder? She is just so freaking cute! 

    • Love 8
  12. Have a seat, Bootleg Suzie Orman! This is basic financial literacy 101. Also, who would even want to take financial advice from someone who lucked up into wealth and spends her money foolishly( the McMansion to be closer to a man you're not in a committed relationship with,  Scandinavian Pony Porn photoshoots, and the gazillion trips a day to Starbucks)


    • LOL 5
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  13. 22 hours ago, Mkay said:

    Y’all.  Look at the lid on the juice drink. 



    When mommy insist on dressing you like that man she has a restraining order against.

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  14. 4 hours ago, TheRealT said:

    Plus, she's pregnant. You'd think she'd be concerned about how contracting the virus might affect her unborn child, since there's even less science on that than on how it can affect people who've already been born. Maybe she thinks the virus is a hoax (like vaccines). She does have that PhD in science from IG University, though, and she backs up all of her scientific theories with posts from their library.

    Her degree is from the University of Netflix Documentaries, I believe. Lol 


    Are we really surprised by Kail' s response the COVID-19 outbreak? She doesn't get that it's not about what  disease can do to her and her kids as much as it's about but her and her little Typhoid trio can do to someone else. 


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  15. Not like her  little representative of the Lollipop Guild would be vaccinated against COVID-19 once one becomes available.





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