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Posts posted by FlowerofCarnage

  1. 28 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:

    Forgive me, was this the "fantasy" Corbin described to Uncle Clifford? I may have missed some dialogue. (If it was my apologies, but that would surprise me given the number of black directors and writers on this project)

    But I didnt see it that way, Corbin is free to indulge in his kinks, but I saw it very differently, there was a lot of submission and homoeroticism in the scene, and we have no indication that Corbin is a product of rape and he does not perform agricultural labor. Uncle Clifford is a black non binary person whipping him, someone he has known from childhood and we as the viewer trust implicitly (we know Uncle Clifford is trust worthy and very respectful of boundaries). If there was anyone Corbin should be engaging in those things with it should be someone like Uncle Clifford. 

    Again, I am sorry if I missed some critical dialogue! 

    Derrick is "happy" right now with this new job, so he is less suspicious of anything (he has something to occupy his mind)- but I don't like the way Big Bone was looking at her. Pure jealousy. They cast the actress to play Big Bone for a reason, she is gorgeous and sexy and sensual, but KeyShawn has a "sweetness" and "innocence" to her face that Big Bone could never have. I also think that was her and Diamond's first (and perhaps only) kiss- he was her rescuer/ knight in shining armor, with an automatic weapon. Yeah..

    Katori Hall tweeted that Corbin is the product of his white father raping one of his black maids. Also, last ep we saw him.working on his land trying to get the water irregation system up and last season we saw him riding the tractor around the land.


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  2. Corbin's kink made me very uncomfortable. A mixed race man who is the product of rape, who works the cotton fields and gets off on being whipped...nope...not cool!

    I am Team No One when it comes to Andre and his wife. Just end it! He checked out long before Hailey, his wife knows it and that's why she sought comfort with her co-worker.

    I love domestic Cliff and Murda.

    So Derrick got the job he interviewed for which I am assuming is the same one he went for after he almost maimed Keyshawn with the iron. Now,  he could calm down enough to sucessfully compose himself in a professionally for an interview, he can keep himself together and not beat the shit out of girlfriend and their son.  I am on edge til the finale because I hope Keyshawn and the kids gets away from him.

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  3. In season one, Keyshawn mentioned her mother had Jayden presumbly so she can Derrick could work. So there is a relationship there. I assume she doesn't go to her mother because it would be the first place Derrick would look.

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  4. 21 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:

    Why was Derek self harming, hitting his head? We’ve never seen him have issues like that before. Is it the alcohol abuse?

    Regarding Whisper & Roulette- no sex worker goes to a job high. It’s not safe or smart. Also, Mercedes isn’t old by any means, but 30 is at the end of a dancers career. I’m terrified she’s going to hurt herself for real on the pole trying to do stunts when she’s not healed. 

    The writers explain why Derrick is self-harming

    10 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

    They really sent Teak home in style. RIP!!!

    I do not like Andre and Hailey this season- they bore me to tears. 

    How is KeyShawn going to get the babies away from Derek long enough to get to an airport when she’s supposed to be headlining??

    I think there is more to Operation: Free Keyshawn than what's been discussed. Hailey will pobably give Keyshawn something to make sure he doesn't wake up during the night so she can slip out the house with the kids.

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  5. Keyshawn and Derrick aren't married, thankfully. When he went full male-Karen on the phone with the manager at the Dolla Sto, he referred to Keyshawn as his girlfriend.

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  6. Believe people when they show you who they are! If Griff treats his own daughter like crap, what makes Lex think he wouldn't do the same and worse to her when she no longer catches his fancy? 

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  7. Ashley keeps acting like Bar's legal issues are just a minor inconvenience. Girl, get a clue before you end up being charged as an accessory at some point.

    Jade's parents can't even clean up after themselves, why would she trust them to care for her?

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  8. So why couldn't they pick up Jade's prescription on the way back to the Air B-N-B? Also, why couldn't the doctor call in the prescription  to a local pharmacy?

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  9. Kail isn't fooling anyone! She invited Devoin on Coffee Talk or whatever the fuck it's called to be messy! 

    Jade brought a bunch of drug addicts to Miami to help care for her while she is basically incapacitated? What could possibly go wrong? 


    Leah's period talk should have ended with her discussing it with Victoria and then Leah giving a follow up that the talk with the girls went well.

    Ashley...Ashley...Ashley. First, it's a DUI, then it's gun charges, then it's you putting money on Bar's books and taking long ass car rides to the prison to visit him while he does a 10+ year bid. 



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  10. We all know it would be WWIII if Jo bought Isaac a phone without consulting Kail first.

    Leah fashion and make up choices...from that Coffee Talk get up she had in that scene on the phone to those Groucho Marx brows she sported while talking to the girls in their room! YIKES!

    Ashley appears to have some drive and is wasting her time trying to play Build-a,-Man with Bar. Holly is adorable and you can tell.you is she very bright child. Ashley would do better focusing on herself and maximizing Holly's potential.

    Sean will fully moved in by the end of the next episode.


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  11. 2 hours ago, edie3 said:

    For the love of Pete, Leah, it is not a tumor! Please don't say that around your kids, they will flip out. 

    Did I read that in Arnold Schwarzeneggar's voice? Yes...yes I did!


    Somebody please give Jade some Cymbalta or something!





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  12. Briana's garage looks like something straight out of Tidying Up with Marie Kondo.

    When the show is over and the opportunities dry up, Kail is going to be pissed at all the money she spent moving every 5 minutes! 

    Drug abuse is so normalized for Jade that she doesn't realize that she needs to cut her junkie baby daddy out of her life and never look back.

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  13. If my wife's druggie deadbeat POS ex called her names and picked on the child that I am raising as my own, I would be livid too! 

    If Amber's 300 grand salary weren't at stake, she wouldn't give a damn if Leah wanted anything to do with her, matter of fact, she would be relieved. 

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  14. Love how Carol reiterated to Gary that Leah is completely justified in feelings regarding Amber.


    I don't know about other communities, but in the black community there is a running joke that with silver capped teeth are wild as hell. 😂😂 Broncs having a majority of his teeth capped and shitting on people's floors...well!!!!

    I wish Tyler and Catelynn would stop having children and focus on the two they have. Nova is already lagging behind academically .



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  15. Zack's brother, Conner...call me! Boy is finer than frog hair!

    About damn time Kristina put Amber on blast. She has gone above and beyond for Amber( i wish I would clean another able-bodied woman's home) , treated Leah like her child, supported Amber through her legal trouble and Amber in true Amber fashion gives Kristina her ass to kiss! 

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  16. Someone said that Amber is trying her hardest to imitate  the mom from Beetlejuice  with her swatches and now I can't unsee it! 

    Poor Bentley. The sex talk especially the mechanics of it has to be addressed especially if he is going to a religious school but not on TV. 

    Was that a rare moment of Ryan not being high as a kite? I don't think we've seen him this animated and engaged in years!

    Ryder continues to be so adorable.

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  17. I can't with Sargeant Sloth.

    Sounds like Bentley has had enough of Ryan's shit and is over it. Ryan isn't going to put in the effort to see Bentley  so it's time to stop forcing a relationship. 



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