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Posts posted by FlowerofCarnage

  1. I think Gabi's fate with Sir was sealed the minute she said she already read all the books on the 10th grade reading list.

    Sir seems like such a snob so it's surprising to me that he is a teacher at a run of the mill public high school.  He comes off as wanting to share his "brilliance" at a private school or as a professor at a university.


    Sir says he is not a killer but I think that is total bullshit. He definitely killed his mother. He will try to kill Lacey to punish Gabi for ruining their twisted domestic situation by telling Dhan. 


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  2. So Dhan is ok with killing your abuser but not with giving them a taste of their own medicine?

    Honestly, she didn't even need Dhan if she wanted to off Sir. Did she forget she was fully prepared to kill him with rat poison in ep. 9.🤣

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  3. How convenient that Aisha managed to escape to Zeke's block.

    So nobody kidnaps Gabi but you, Sir?!🤣

    Ok,so Sir thought what...by taking Gabi to the farmhouse, she would love it and that could be their secret hangout spot?  When that didn't happen because he couldn't mind his business about her social life, he resorts to kidnapping her.

    I would think Gabi would already know her father seached tirelessly for her.  Sir was most likely lying or heavily embellishing her father confiding in him.

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  4. I loved how  Teen Gabi politely told Sir to mind his business when it comes to her social life. 

    Sir has such a deep understanding of human behavior, is a master manipulator but has 0 self-awareness.   He is delusional enough to think that because his feelings toward teen Gabi aren't sexual that it makes everything he does ok. And speaking of sex;  I think Sir's puritanical ways came about because the show is on network TV. If this were cable or streaming, we would get a Sir grooming Gabi to be the perfect mate for him. 

    I am not buying Annie's storyline. Her parents were neglectful to the point they didn't report her missing but had her committed?  

    I agree that the case of the week came off as really contrived.

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  5. 13 hours ago, MarylandGirl said:

    Oh, your thought about Annie makes a lot of sense! As thinking that Sir killed Annie would make Gabi be afraid to try to get anyone else to help her, or else they'd end up getting killed, too.

    I still wonder if Sir lost a daughter in some way. Via death, running away, a wife divorcing him and taking off with their child--something to trigger him to kidnap a child. Unless maybe the school fired him, so he needed a student?

    I don't think Sir has ever been able to maintain a romantic relationship let alone marriage and children.  Dude has major issues with women and sexuality that he has to resort to kidnapping to try to form a family.

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  6. I am calling it now;. Annie was never kidnapped by Sir. She was groomed by him into being an accomplice.  The showing up at the cabin, the note in the book were all designed to keep Gabi in line.  

    It was obvious Sir was Gabi's teacher or therapist.  Poor teen Gabi, she trusted him and probably confided in Sir and he used that trust to kidnap her and have her to fullfil his twisted family fantasy.

    Sir wanting redemption...boy, bye!  Loved that Gabi let him know that it will never happen.


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  7. 1 hour ago, cfinboston said:

    Also he finally has a name. I was getting annoyed with him being called "Sir" for no apparent reason. It's especially weird if they were in fact acquainted prior to her kidnapping. 

    His name was revealed back in ep 2; it's Hugh Evans.

  8. 8 hours ago, HelloooKitty said:

    This episode is the one with the highest rating on IMDB. I highly disagree with that. And find it confusing. 

    Probably because we find out some of  Sir's backstory.  Not going to lie, part of what keeps me watching is to learn what makes this monster tick.  

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  9. I call it that Sir's been keeping tabs on Gabi. How terrifying knowing now that he could abducted Gabi again at any time since her escape.

    I think we definintely say that Dahn knows who is in the basement and helped put him there.

    Shanola says the dynamic between them isn't sexual but is that only on her end. This latest ep...I don't know. Sir threatening to kill Lacey if  Gabi "tries to end us" sounded like it had a romantic undercurrent to it IMO. He didn't say " if you try to break up our family again." I don't know or maybe I read too much dark romance. LOL


    Gabi must be a sexual dynamo garner this much dedication from Trent.  A one night stand and he going above and beyond to help catch Sir for her and willing to lose gis job to cover for her. 🤣🤣🤣


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  10. "Did you sleep with him?" 

    Pipe-down, Captain Control Freak! Go read a book or something! 

    I saw some tweets stating that Sir is jealous but I think it's more about control.  Sir's relationship with Gabi is a controlling parent on steroids. He sees her as his and how dare she seek out a potentional suitor without his counsel and approval. 


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  11. 6 hours ago, ScorpioSoul said:

    Two things I am wanting them to explain is how Gabi tracked Sir down after 19 years and also how Gabi and Lacey escaped.

    Maybe Sir tracked her down or has been keeping tabs on her since her escape.  He is arrogant enough to make himself known to her and she turned the tables on him. 

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  12. 10 hours ago, Frisky Wig said:

    I’m curious as to why Sir kidnapped Gabi. I know kidnappers abduct children/teens to use as sex slaves or housekeepers but Sir has stated during flashbacks that he hasn’t touched Gabi. Did he just want someone to sit at his dining room table and discuss classic 

    It's a some twisted mentor/mentee, father/daughter thing with him, IMO!  He sees himself as brilliant and views Gabi as having the potential to be just as brilliant.  He took her because he wants to groom her to be his intellectual equal and companion. 

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  13. Poor Will, the first picture he's ever seen of his mother and it's her dead body. Glad he was able to get a pic of her alive...and smiling. 

    Crazy how Evelyn and Amanda's kids ended up being partners just like they were. 

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  14. I think JP rescues Minna and decides to put her in a home after because she could have discovered George's body. As for her not being at the funeral, she could be so upset with JP putting her away that she refuses to go. 

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  15. 35 minutes ago, MicheleinPhilly said:

    While I am still enjoying this for the most part, I really need JP to just freakin' die already. It's beginning to feel a bit farcical at this point and I would really like that physically and emotionally abusive asshat to just croak. 

    Every time he calls Grace "Mammy", I want to kill him myself.

    And then he he goes and wears his shoes ON THE BED??? Oh no, you must die. 

    OMG! Yes! I winced when I saw the shoes on the bed and just the whole outfit. No outside clothes on the bed.

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  16. The raging germaphobe in me is still grossed out that JP didn't wash his hands after going to the bathroom.

     I couldn't stop laughing at the sisters beingpp colectively grossed out watching JP try to get into the boat with his cash and prizes just hanging in the wind.

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  17. Yeah, Ursala doesn't deserve our pity but  I don't think she deserved to be  exposed by the Prick He isn't doing it out of some concern for Donal, he is doing it to torture Ursula and put her in what he perceives as her place. I wouldn't put it past him to believe that stepping out is a man's perogative. 

    Everytime The Prick calls Grace, "Mammy", I csn't help but think he doesn't call her that when they're...you know! LOL

    I can't imagine winning a dildo in the office raffle.

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  18. 17 hours ago, Blakeston said:

    That makes sense. I took "you did this!" to mean, "you created this situation by beating our child!", but we know Derrick likes to make anonymous calls to get what he wants.

    It was an extremely risky move, because child services breathing down his neck is a recipe for disaster for him in many potential ways.

    I think he took the risk because he knew when she came home, he was going to kill her or beat her within an inch of her life.  Honestly, I was kind of shocked he was able to contain his rage enough to divise another way to keep Keyshawn from escaping.

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  19. Watching the Prick scream "what the actual fuck?!" and looking totally devestated just tickled me! LOL

    I have a feeling the Prick had something to do with Bibi losing an eye.

    Hello Hot Younger Brother with the mesmerizing eyes!

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  20. I don't think I can watch another season of Keyshawn going through hell with Derrick.  It's too much now knowing she is essentially his prisoner thanks to CPS.  And speaking of Derrick, I don't get why he is so hellbent on keeping her tied to him. Keyshawn and those kids being free of him means freedom for him too. Freedom from having to support a family he deep down didn't want, freedom  to go groveling back to his family, admit his mistakes and most likely be foregiven. He is barely what...22?  His life isn't over, he could easily as a young white man, start over..

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