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Posts posted by teezy

  1. Why would Derrick want to win unless he's afraid someone is gunning for him?  He wins and doesn't use it then Cody/Victoria aren't happy.  He does use it and Caleb/whoever Derrick leaves up is not happy.

    someone gunning for derrick these fools have let derrick suggest literally suggest every nomination, frankie was told derrick and the others were ocnsidering back dooring him and the dumb ass is till in the alliance. No body evens notices how derrick is pretty terrible as a competitor and has done jsut as bad  as victoria in majority of the competions yet he has managed to remain off block week after week. These guys are too dumb to go after derrick


    lol at jocasta,paola and amber talking about wanting to form an all girl alliance in these little clips being showed on AD  yet they all  up on the guy's jocks as soon as they got in the house lol

  2. ugh Frnakie talking to the camera about beeing in the final four nooooooooooooooooo he is so annoying . If i could erase him form existence i would and ughh about him discussing his "charity work" in Africa. Frankie please drive off the nearest cliff and why the fuck would africans give a fuck about madonna or jsutin bieber this asshole is so self asborbed

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  3. It matters in the sense that we MIGHT (I stress might because I think odds are that they all are pretty sure it will be a reset and will act accordingly) see some interesting reactions if Victoria takes herself off the block. Otherwise, yeah, it means nothing. Well, I guess if Derrick actually tries to campaign for Victoria over Cody. I doubt he will, though, as I think he is pretty sure this is a reset week and he knows better not to try to make a big move when it won't matter. 

    Cody on the block


    yesssssssssssssssssssssss  there is a god. Oh yeah this week is do over ughhhhhhhhhhhhhh well hopefully Frankie ends up on the block next week him or caleb. I already know victoria will be back on the block next week unless there are rules against nomianting the same person



    damn I wish this twist had happened the week of Donn'ys elimination then they had the double elimination afterwards that would have been a cool twist. Would have thrown Derrick and the detonators whole game off

  4. why is Victoria still here , i think it would be really fiunny if Victoria won big borther 2016 , I mean she was useless , lost every competion but she really didn't make many enemies on the show and Derrick is basically dragging her to the final two but he needs to be careful Derrick has sucked at majority of the competions nad is only still in the game thanks to his manipualtions and controlling the hoh. Victoria can very outperform she already has in a few competions lol

    I think I don't like TAFY on principle, but it has led to some funny moments. The neighborhood watch was hilarious, capped off with the DR where Caleb called Cody "sniffy". One of my favorite DRs of the season :) I just wish they would do tough ones or enforce them better. They should not have been allowed to call Amber a physical threat and this mouse hunt one should keep them up past 6am - they slept until 3 pm and know that nothing happens Sunday. Also the clue said something like "wear down your opponent". What exactly are they wearing them down for tonight? It should have been pre-veto.

    By the way, the principle to which I am opposed is that Frankie is a part of TA.


    Team America was set up for fail when the first member to be inducted joey was eliminated first.  Joey was so stuupid now that i look back trying to get weak ass mofos like christine, nicole and jacosta in a alliance. She should have skipped the girls and went ot hte guys every year the girls allow themeselves to be used and manipulated like sheep by the guys.


    Only girl this year who was a half way decent competitor was Amber and she was in A alliance with herself and hsot herself in the foot letting that caleb romance go to far instead of nipping it in the bud and befriending other players.

    teezy, the comp is still going on.  We're all hoping it ends soon, so we can know who won!  But, ultimately, it doesn't matter, because of the rewind.  But it will be interesting to see what happens, I think.  No matter what, I hope it ruins Frankie's game and he has to face ChenBot next week.  

    oh ok ,  who was nominated this week  I already know Victoria is on the block so who else ??

  5. So, Derrick is in the Fire Room, saying he didn't do well.  Vic is in the Storage Room, seeming like she hasn't gone yet.  Caleb is in the beehive, and I have no idea what his deal is.  Interesting to --- oh, Caleb just said they might be done with the veto!  So, we may have an answer soon.

    who won the competition ??


    i have no one to root for left.  Was it cody, caleb or frankie please say no to frankie

    why is caleb just sitting  down  staring silently lol dude looks crazy as hell

  6. I guess the comp is a one at a time thing. Caleb & Derrick separately talking on the feeds. I can't stand Derrick pumping up TA like he's doing us a favor. Please!

    I thought Team America died when Donny was voted out and when frankie came up with that lame ass idea.


    They still have Team America on and going lol @ Frankie thinking he is America's favorite player lol  he has a big suprise once his washed up ass is evicted

  7. Speaking of Ariana, has she even breathed a mention of BB or her brother since the 'renom rule' tweet? And if not, why not? I mean, I think we *know* the answer to that one.


    Frankie = liability

    Am i the only one who didn't know who she was before the show. I do not watch nickledon ,i keep up with popp culture but I do not follow gossip blogs neither do i listen to shitty pop music like msot gay guys.


    I like singers who can actually sing and are not cheap poor imitations of mariah carey lol.  You would Frankie's sister was beyonce the way he constantly bring her name up


    last time i checked she doesn't have a fraction of Beyonce,Alicia Keys,Madonna, etc accomplishments and her carrerr will probably be over in the next 5 years I don't see why Frankie keeps acting like she is some superstar

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  8. OMG teezy your post is hilarious, but sadly so true, especially about these idiots not even playing the damn game with no thought of a half a mil on the line. I so agree about Caleb. I feel bad for Amber just because she simply didn't care for that muscle head hick her game was ruined . He is not the least bit funny to me, or entertaining and I don't think he deserves to win NOTHIN! IN! As for Frankie, that guy is pathetic and yes, there are ALOT of us angry at him grabbing the guys, but they aren't and that's what's mind boggling.

    lol and the weird thing to me is Frankie would get his ass kicked in any other setting. Its like he is purposely taking advantage of the cluster fuck of racism ,homophobia etc from season 15



    you can tell alot of the house guest reaction to things are faked Jocasta and Amber even had a discussion early on about being seeing as the loud mouth sassy black woman. I wish they hadn't been so afraid and showed their true personalities. Esepcially Amber i watched her interviews and she is totally different outside the house. In the house she was boring as hell and seem kind of dumb. Outside she seems like a cool regualr chick , I could hang with I don't see why  on the hsow she seemd so bland and forgettable.


    if it wasn't for caleb stalking Amber or Cody using her to make Caleb jealous. I wouldn't even know she was in the house

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  9. Just when I thought Frankie couldn't disgust me any more!  Last night he was laying between Caleb and Cody.  He started rubbing Caleb's ass and Caleb pushed his hand away, so he reached back and grabbed Cody's dick.  Of course Cody then pushed his hand away too.  Jokers has photos of it.  Why don't these guys set him straight and tell him to keep his god damned hands to himself?  Last year we had racists; this year we have a sexual predator.  What's next, Big Brother?

    Frankie is a white male , they get away with anything including murder lol . Which is why Devin  is seen as crazy meanwhile Zach and Caleb two guys who flipped flopped constantly in the house and had weird unstable behavior  had their delusions feeded by the house guests .


    Christine the piunk bitch was crying over Devin the scary black man , yet she was cool with Caleb and Zach wtf ???


    I mean cody and htem only pointed out Calbe's obession with Amber was weird when it annoyed them not how it was weird in general. or How Zach went up to Devin basically told Devin to nominate him then acted suprised when he was nominated, then proceeded to throw his alliance under the bus , then he did it again later on the game.  The hyprocrisy form these people  when it comes to these bitch ass white frat boys kill mee


    especially when these dudes seem to be jsut as unstable as the scary black guy Devin .

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