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Posts posted by teezy

  1. Jamal is set up to be the most sympathetic of the three, but I found myself most interested in Andre. It's tough to be a gay son to a homophobic father, but it's also hard to work your head off and go unappreciated because your talents just aren't what a parent values. The most intriguing thing about him for me was that mysterious pill. What was it? Speculations on the "Pilot" thread included Viagra and something for bipolar disorder. My mind went to some kind of blood pressure or ulcer medication. I wondered if his wife was actually white or a very light-skinned black, until someone commented on her. I guess she represents status to him? I can hardly wait to see more scheming from these two!

    see the whole white wife thing is the one thing i don't like



    every black man who gets status doesn't runoff and marry a white women on top of that dude seems like such a corn ball


    every black man who dates white women is not corny , has no game , or doesn't do it because he doesn't fit into black culture but this show jsut seems to feed into some stereotypes of the black guy who dates primarily white women its cool but its really eyeroll worthy

  2. I think she is gorgeous with her little halle jr looking self but so far her character is boring


    honestly it would be cool if she and Taraji switched roles honestly her role seems so  stereotypical

  3. He's my favorite right now.  I think it was brave to make him gay, even though they messed on "gay does not means transvestite, and vice versa".

    I don't think a man dressing like a woman makes him a transvestite plenty of young gay males in Atlanta walk around in women's clothing but they will be quick to tell they aree still men

  4. Andre is such a pussy and probably a drunk too!  I thought he was this really sophisticated take charge kinda guy, but didn't I see his scheming wife actually threaten to have him COMMITTED if he didn't load up on his bipolar medication?  WOW!

    Andre character is such a stereotype i was hoping he would go against the grain


    He seems like the type of black person that has little to no black friends , probalby got picked on at school for talking white and is most likely a "new black"


    ughh why the black guy married to the white women have to be such a cornball every black man married to white women aint corny lol

  5. when i first saw him  i thought he was suppose to be the gay son lol



    nothing about this kid screams straight to me and he raps are wack  the sahow would be better if he was cut out

  6. Neither did I, although "like" and "dislike" may be the wrong terms. Like it or not, she clearly accepts his sexuality and supports his difference, as demonstrated in the numerous scenes of her fighting for and defending him.  I just think Cookie doesn't give a shiz about being PC.

    do  most black people lol in real life i never hear people apologizing for the things these actors get in the media and apologize for lol  .One thing i love about black people and being black is that we are straight majority of african americans i know say whats on they mind no matter if you offended or not.  This is not always a good thing and sometimes leads to foights and confrontations but at the same time i rather know what someone thinks of me instead of being fake , phoney and two faced smiling like everything is cool  but then dog me behind my back.


    living in a major city like Atlanta everyday i here stuff that would make the average gay rights activist , feminist , disability rights activist etc probably have a heart attack.  real people don't police their language to makes other comfortable. So i kind like Taraji for the fact to lol  she reminds me of alot of sistas I know in real life

  7. cookie is my favorite character jsut rewatching the show and the scene where she beats him with the broom has me me in tears laughing lol


    Also anybody notice Gabby's sidbe glow in the dark wig  im not trying to be mean but i don't understand how this girl keeps getting roles. She is a terrible actress

    • Love 2
  8. But it's something that is fairly common for boys of that age (some of them straight) to experiment with and is just a way of exploring or just because they think the women in their lives are pretty and often doesn't have anything to do with what gender they will grow up attracted to. I know tons of guys who did similar things as boys some are straight, some gay (some flamboyant but many not),and the one I know who is crossdresser in his adult life identifies as straight.

    It's clearly not something he brought into his adult style.

    I thought it was enjoyable trashy goodness and Courtney hasn't even shown up, so I am in for a few weeks.

    I wouldn't say fairly common and growing in a black family the one time my female family members dressed me up as a joke my dad flipped his shit and told me straight up his son is not going to be a "faggot"


    mind you this was me getting dressed up by female family members as  a freaking joke nad that was his reaction. Then a couple years a go a boy in a little leotard was dancing to rihanna music and guess what on alot of the black sites they called him all types of sissies , punks and rants on on single mother hood emasculating young black boys


    i just think in an african american household even if the situation is not as over the top as my dad most people will think a boy dressing up in women clothing is gay. In rela life  majority of black men i know who did it as children all turned out to be gay and not jsut gay but gay and faboulous lol.

    Oh, I think that transcends. My Irish mum would have beat my lily-white ass with whatever was at hand if she saw my face forming the intention to have my mouth call her a bitch.

    I think that interesting there is a stereotype white people don't beat their children and let their children get away with everything short of murder. i see white kids cussing out their parents all the time.


    My mom was sort of like cookieand she did not tolerate disrespect from her children at all  , that whooping scene brought back so many memories.

    • Love 2
  9. That was major yuck for me.  Didn't he say his wife was in the hospital "again".  Yeah, they're both dogs.  I was worried that her wig would be yanked off.


    I thought how everything happened was incredibly stupid.  Why did everyone come running when Rebecca called?  Why did everyone take Rebecca's side when she was breaking into Sam's house and hacking into his computer?  Why did Laurel run when the thumb drive was tossed to her?  I don't buy princess Michaela protecting Laurel. I thought it was stupid the way they managed to implicate almost everyone.   Even poor dumb Frank ends up with his finger prints on the murder weapon.  And wasn't Frank supposed to sneak the trophy back into Asher's room?  How does claiming the trophy was out on the porch equal "hiding in plain sight"?  Unless the trophy grew legs, someone placed it at the scene of the crime.


    I thought Connor came off like a total psychopath.  Hacking Sam's limbs up and cackling.  He's insane.  And then his ridiculous sobbing to the ex - poorly acted, and not consistent with his earlier glee.


    How pathetic of Bonnie to go running back after the way Annalise treated her.  I still like Bonnie, and I've added Asher.

    lol girl you in here preaching to the choir


    you just pointed out everything wrong with this episode


    since when is connor self righteous ass or princess michela  going to take the fall for Rebecca's druggie ass last i checked they both don't really care for her nor do they care for Wes.


    It was weird seeing the whole cast willing to risk their future for a dumbass and his junkie girlfirend


    I pray rebecca trips and breaks her neck like they thought sam did lol  the only time ih ave hated a female character this much was Lori on the walking dead but Rebecca is ten times more annoying than Lori ever was lol

  10. Or did she set the whole series of events in motion....dun, dun duhhhh! 


    I think she has clearly manipulated Wes this season; has likely manipulated Nate (or they were working together all along); and intentionally brought Sam to an insane boil in their fight this evening.  Maybe she didn't expect the murder, but she expected him to be rattled and insane and do something stupid.


    At the end of the day, I wouldn't be surprised if Analisse killed Lila having overheard her on the porch with Bonnie, but who knows.


    Also, I'm expecting these guys to get A's in her class for the semester....unexpected bonus for murder~

    yep you got that right


    I was thinking Annalise was a weak broad letting sam paly with her emotions like that but she has been manipulating Wes dumbass since the time he caught her cheating with Nate


    this was caustrophy waitng to happen  . Annalise use wes do to what she could kill her husband she knew the two idiots wes and rebecca would do something stupid with the little bit of information she gave Wes

  11. Thanks for helping clear up this very murky mess. The thing I'm now wondering is -- when Annalise came home and found her dead husband on the floor, why wasn't she freaking out wondering WHO did it? I read above that she was worried that it might be pinned on her, but that would come later -- but at that moment, how could she know that the whole evening was set in motion by revenge-obsessed Rebecca? What am I missing about Annalise's cool reaction, just sitting here in the study??


    Annalise has been manipulating thse people for a while . Remeber she told wes that little bit of information that caused Rebecca to join up with the Cop and pull the dumbass stunt that she did at Sam's house


    Annalise manipulated Bonnieknowing good in well Bonnie loves her she used bonnie for the information  , she used wes because he is a dumbass and will do anything to prtoect his dumb girlfriend


    she may have not been there for the murder but she is definitely partially responisble and I think she things were going to get ugly

  12. I don't really know why I'm still watching this show. I guess it's entertaining enough, but I'm not all that intrigued by either mystery and most of the characters I don't like. And it's not like there isn't other stuff to entertain in its timeslot. But the show isn't completely horrible, so I'll stick with it.


    The ending twist was clever, but I wasn't blindsided by it/ I thought Annalise calling Sam to apologize was pathetic. But there was some point during the speech where I thought it could be possible that she's not so pathetic and she's trying to set up some kind of alibi and wondered if she actually knew already that Sam was dead. I hadn't figured out how, but there were a couple of moments with Annalise that just seemed off.



    Exactly. I know that they tried to cover up with the whole felony murder excuse, but it just didn't fly. Connor, and to some extent Laurel, really did nothing wrong and could have gotten out of it easily.


    I didn't find the love scene between Nate and Annalise hot. I know it seems crazy but I'm not all that impressed with Billy Brown's body. I thought the directing was too chaotic. I know it was supposed to be a passionate scene, but it didn't work for me. I wasn't into the O faces Viola Davis was making. Plus, didn't Nate tell Annalise some woman (I'm assuming his wife) was in the hospital. So if they were knocking boots while his wife is hospitalized, that's even sketchier.


    I'm officially done with Wes and Rebecca. Now that we know everything that happened, I wholeheartedly agree with Michaela that Rebecca is the one that got them into this. I don't know what the hell she was thinking trying to get Sam's computer then. It could have waited and there were better times to try and do it. I was hoping that by the time we caught up to the time of Sam's murder, Rebecaa and Wes' relationship would be better developed, especially why Wes is so obsessed with her. But, nope, other than a couple of scenes, I still don't buy their relationship. I especially don't buy Rebecca saying things like she'll kill herself if Wes gets in trouble.


    Now that we know Annalise most likely put Wes up to the idea of getting rid of Sam's body, his coin flip manipulation is a little less sketchy. But I still don't like him. I don't have trouble buying Alfred Enoch's American accent, but I still really, really hate the sound of his voice. His character's development is so much worse than the rest of the other students.



    That excuse would have made more sense. Unless he's planning on using the lie later to try and get sympathy points with Oliver.

    it depends on the level of Annalise involvement sometimes on the show she comes off very manipulative but her husband Sam made her look very pathetic.


    Actually extremily pathetic so pathetic that even thought she cheated on him too she was over there crying over their shitty excuse of a marriage . i like that Annalise is a stereotype but her character comes off as very weak at times when it concerns her husband


    i really hope she did pull of this big time manipualtion of everyone if not i will pissed that she was the weak broad i thoguht she was

  13. I can buy the panic and felony murder discussion, from my time in law school where we would be total nerds and over-analyze every situation. And then once they had all pretty much agreed it was sink or swim for all of them, boom he wasn't really dead until Wes clocked him but they don't really stop and think that it is all on Wes now. And very clearly he was defending Rebecca.

    Sadly, I was not surprised by the final scene. Something about the way Wes crept so silently into the house to get the statue I was sure Annalise was there. (And, wouldn't he have seen her car in the driveway?)

    Teezy - it was fine to destroy the flash drive since he knew Annalise was in on it. You can't have Rebecca turn up with the drive but now Annalise can turn his computer over to the police and the same things will be found. Presumably after Sam's DNA proves it was his baby.

    I hope the fact that Annalise orchestrated the cover up means they did something smart with his cell phone. That's what I was worried about the whole time. Where is it? Are they sure it's destroyed so it can't be tracked, or is it sitting in one of those garbage bags?

    I just don't like wes lol


    so i find everything he does wrong including breathing lol


    I mean this dude has literally risjed his whole law career over a freaking junkie who has treated him with disrespect the whole time it is real strange to me. i really don't understand his fascination with rebecca.  She isn't really sexy at all imo and her gothic emo look is so tired and early 2000s it jsut seems forced


    Wes could do way better him and Michaela. I wished shows would atually pair the black characters up for once instead of trying to force chemistry less inter racial relationships that make no sense


    Sam & Annalise wes& rebecca neither one had chemistry


    Wes has more chemistry with Annalise than his supposed girlfriend , Annalise and Nate was just hot together  . I mean black couples can be happy to its like they don't like showing black people in relationships on mainstream tv shit is weird to be its always either inter racial or some ghetto ratchet hood relationship

    • Love 3
  14. The emails are still on Sam's computer which Annalise will no doubt give to the police. Even if the emails/data are not on Sam's computer, they will be stored on the university's server as is all data that sent through its system.

    you are correct but still that means rebecca did all that for nothing and she was ungrateful about the help she received .


    That is assuming Annalise didnt make the compute go missing i saw the the look and wes exchanged near the end . I think she knows Wes and the crew have something to do with her husband's death

  15. After all of that, I hope it turns out that actually Rebecca did kill Lila. 


    I mean how stupid can one group of people be?! And they're supposed to be law students?! 

    yes totally  stupid lol


    that would be funny and i was so mad when wes destroyed the flash drive, meaning he destroyed the only proof they may have had of sam murdering rebecca which also means rebecca ran up in sam's house like a crazy person and risked death for nothing and he killed sam for nothing


    that was so fucking stupid for wes to destroy the flash drive ugggggggggh

  16. Seriously, when she ran up the stairs, yelling for Michaela to call Wes, all I was thinking is I wished this had been a murder/suicide. Sam kills her, then kills himself. I think the moment I actually yelled out "shut the fuck up" at the screen was when Wes, that little shit, had the gall to say that it was Michaela's fault because she accidentally shoved Sam over the stairs.


    The absolute nerve and still, none of those morons - Laurel, Connor and Micheala got a damn clue and thought to call the police, instead going along with the little shit's plans that mostly center around protecting his dumbass girlfriend. The one who thought it was a great idea to come and try to get evidence of Sam's committing murder while he was in the house and knew what she was doing. I also had another "shut the fuck up" moment with her indignant, "I didn't ask anyone to help me." Ugh...just die already. 


    You know, at another discussion board, someone was commenting on not understanding why people seem so intense in the dislike for Wes and Rebecca when most of the relationships on the show make no sense, like Laurel and Frank and even Connor and Oliver where Connor seemed to develop real feelings fairly quickly. Well as one who loathes Wes and Rebecca with the fire of a thousand suns - the reason is that these other relationships are just side stories on the show. They don't really affect the main plots so it's easier to ignore.


    The reason the Wes/Rebecca shit is so nauseating and frustrating is because her annoying ass was largely tied to the larger mystery and because of that, Wes' creepy ass and random obsession with her out of nowhere, also affected the larger story. The point is you can't ignore their shitty ass, chemistry less relationship because it's intertwined with the main mystery of the show. And that's why it's so frustrating because it makes no sense and they suck as hell together. 


    nobody was angry at Wes or his dumbass girlfriend for putting them in this situation . That seemed very unrealsitic



    Michaela aka ms.perfect should had hte ultimate bitch come out of her they just ruined her life . It was so eye roll worthy to me how none of htem turned agianst Wes or pointed out that fact him and his annoying ass girlfriiend piut them in this situation in the first  place. I was seriously wanting to slap everyone on the screen


    yall just let this bug eye fool wes convince yall to help cover up a murder that yall didn't comitt , to make matters even worse was rebecca's comment about not needing help. Wes should slapped her dumb ass he killed sam for her and she was still being  the ungrateful emo bitch she is ughhhhhhhh I really don't like her.

    • Love 1
  17. Ok - they got me. I didn't see the ending coming at all. Or maybe I'm just naive.


    That fight between Annalise and Sam was so disturbing to watch. They made him good and evil before he died.


    Oh and hot hot hot scene between Annalise & Nate. So - yay for that.


    I can't believe it, but the show actually made the students' reasons for the coverup believable. I don't feel let down, though I thought Sam was legit dead after he was thrown down the stairs (I forgot about the trophy)



    the fight between Annalise and sam shocked the hell out of me. I thought she was about to stab his ass for a second. If someone talked to me like that lol  i would ...........................


    Annalise is not as tough as she looks i was shaking when he basically called an easy lay just good for sex .    I was glad he died but the wya it was handled was stupid


    Laurel and Connor had no reason to go along with wes dumb ass plan and they should have let mckayla call the police lamsot all the characters acted out of character to make this contrived murder cover up happen.  I t really pissed me off that it happened defending rebecca who was so stupid she couldn't wiat til sam left home to complete her mission no she runs in the house while he was actually there none of it would happened if it was not for her.



    she is the least likeable character on the show to me and i wish sam had killed her before he died lol

  18. As the season went along, especially seeing the relationship between the four, I knew there was no way the writers could set this up that it made any sense and sadly I was right. I don't even know where to even begin with the contrivances but let's just focus on the most obvious and glaring contrivance here - that apparently none of these people know how to CALL THE DAMN POLICE!!! And if I hadn't said it enough throughout the season, can Wes and Rebecca go burn in a damn fire somewhere.


    I am most disappointed in Connor letting himself be talked into that bullshit when he literally did nothing but happen to be standing there. Michaela accidentally threw Sam over the stairs and Wes whacked him with the trophy. Laurel the dim bulb who seems to have some weird attachment to Wes of course jumps on the plan but I just cannot understand Connor seeing "screw this shit" and calling 911 and telling the police everything. If he is as rich as has been implied, I cannot imagine his family couldn't get him some high priced lawyer that would get him completely off since he didn't actually commit any crimes. Well that was until he became a full on accessory and hacked Sam's bodies to pieces. Plus, clearly the boy is not so bright considering the best lie he could come up with to Oliver is that he's a drug addict. Why he didn't just say he was stressed about finals and took some stuff to keep him up that messed with him, I have no idea. Now Oliver thinks he's a druggie. 


    But back to the stupid of this episode. Let's start with the idiot Rebecca. Because apparently she absolutely had to get the information on the computer right then and there. Sam was bound to leave his house at some point but no, she goes in while he's there, while he already looks rattled and on edge and then locks herself in the bathroom to get information. Then Wes tells Connor and Lila and company Sam killed Lila and Rebecca is trying to find proof and that's why they need to get to the house and again neither idiot says, "um duh, we'll call 911." Because guess what, even if Sam killed Lila, he won't hurt Rebecca knowing the police are at the house or on their way so that was probably the best way to protect her. But no, the dumb squad go to the house and try to handle the situation themselves. 


    Just idiotic behavior all around and of course Annalise knows the truth and boy she made sure to cover her ass, first hooking up with Nate, that gives her an alibi, the frantic  call to Bonnie and the apology message on Sam's phone, I guess in case the police find his cell. Also, I guess we're supposed to assume that Sam really did kill Lila or is that still a mystery for the next season. Because I still say I can't stand Rebecca and Wes but while I just can't stand Rebecca and need her gone as of yesterday, Wes is the one I REALLY don't trust. That kid has a whole lot of secrets going on and he's just gotten the three morons to play a part in his shit. 



    I love you so much you basically verbalized every complaint i had with this episode


    there was so much dumb ass moves made especially during their disposing of the body that im really shocked they didn't get caught I mean these cahracters are freaking stupid


    Mckayala really threw away her dreams of being a lawyer for rebecca's trashy ass seriously


    connor and laurel  acted so out of character to help this piece of shit rebecca ughhhhhhhhhh I hate rebecca  she jsut truns everything to shit and she is dumb as hell. Wes told her to not go through with her little dumb ass plan and she just had to do it while sam was home. I hate that dumb borad


    wes is also a fucking asshole Annalise told him not to reveal thast information to rebecca and he did like an asshole  they both deserve to sit behind bars because they are fucking stupid

    • Love 2
  19. The episode was cool but all the character are fucking dumbasses


    why would connor and laurel go along with this dumbass paln to dispose of the body when they did not even kill the man and really did nothing illegeal. They should have left wes and rebecca's dumbass on their own



    both of these characters have made so many dumb decisions and i am really sick and tired of their shitty emo love story they are the two worst characters on the show.God i wished sma had killed rebecca dumb ass

    • Love 3
  20. There's a huge difference between a spanking and a beating. I know the show was playing it up for comedy but that is a distinction that should be recognized. But otherwise, I thought the show handled what is clearly a sensitive and divisive topic very well. 


    I'm finding that the relationship between Dre and Bow has become one of my favorite aspects of the show. It's so rare to find a married couple on a sitcom (or on any television show, really) who clearly love and respect one another the way those two do. They bicker and they joke and they disagree but underneath it all is a deep and obvious affection. They like each other which, again, is so damn rare in sitcoms. The two actors just seem to have a very natural chemistry with one another that allows me to believe that these two characters are people who have been together for the better part of two decades. They know each other and they're comfortable and they're still weird and in love. I've never really been a fan of Anthony Anderson but this show might just sell me on him. Tracee Ellis Ross can do no wrong in my book and this just solidifies that. 


    I honestly think there are racial and class difference when it comes to views on beatings for white people it seems like they let their children get away with anything . I have witnessed white women getting cussed out and disrespected by their children all the time and all the do is put the child on time out lmaoo. Mom tell daughter she grounded and she walks out the house saying bitch please  lol  only black households you will nonsense like that happening in is probably a upper middle class or upper class but   in most old school households even in single parent households i know the parents spank their kids.



    Growing up in a black household  i got slapped up for the slightest sign of disrespect towards my elders and I would not be alive typing to you if i talked  to my mother the way I see these kids talking towards their parents in 2014. It sure is a sign of the times when a spanking is considered child abuse yet we have 14 yrs old raping and killing people. 10 years old having sex and cussing up a storm and teen girls popping out babies left and right  seems like modern day parents don't have control over their kids like people did in the past.

    • Love 5
  21. Word.



    They're reallllllyyyy reaching in these shows. What a snoozefest.


    Why wouldn't Derrick and Cody talk to Frankie about backdooring Caleb?? It seems logical to me. What am I missing?

    SERIOUSLY all they do is cuddle which is weird


    I have alot of straight friends and majority of them wouldnt be caught dead cuddling with a man let along a gay one. Something aint right in the water at the big brother house


    Frankie gets more dick than Brittany,Amber and me combined and he has the face of 40+ year old man.   As image obessed as frankie is im surprised he hasn't went under the knife.  Lord knows he has a face only a mother and a blind man like Zach could love.


    Am i the only one who never believed Zach was a heterosexual man ???

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