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Posts posted by teezy

  1. Zach mom is so dumb i can't beleive this broad said being on big brother was her son's biggest accomplishment lmaooooo



    i would jump off a cliff if my biggest accomplishment in life was being on a shitty realtity show that should have been canceled ages ago. Zach is lame and a cornball with his tired ass phrases . He wouldn't ugh I wish D have the balls to pull half the stunts he pulled on the realith shows were the contestants actually are allowed to fight

  2. omg Victoria is such a fucking dumbass I can't with this dumb ass broad


    why has she survived Amber,joey,paola,jocasta etc


    she has this snake derrick all in her ear, derrick literally is the devil I hate his evil lying manipulative ass

    The BB rat?



    a rat would be better than thse crappy house guest. I watched one episode of utopia and it was more entertaining than anything that has happened this entire season on big brother. I wish big brother let the house guests fight lol that would be epic utopia had sex,fights,racism and a would be sex offender

  3. They cast people on a television show that are too afraid to go to the DR and ask for something?  How does this happen?  No wonder this season is this way.


    That is what makes me uncomfortable about Derrick (and Frankie for that matter).  He doesn't just vote someone out for game.  He sets them up as the enemy and says a lot of derogatory stuff about them and then pretends that he tried to save them in the goodbye clip.  The affront that someone dare interfere with his game seems real, entitled, and way blown out of proportion rather than feigned to control the others.  


    He and Cody have started in on Caleb now.

    I heard Derrick killed some before , they had an article about dude does remind me of the typical cops I see on the news . I am sure he has bashed a few heads in before or beat some confessions out of a suspect he looks like the type of officer to try that as tactic. He is so aggressive and virtually brow beats and intimidates everyone into nominating who he wanted on the block

  4. Would that be Frankie?

    that is an insult to rat's


    Frankie is..... shit I don't know what he is I just know if I could take an eraser and erase his ass off my tv screen I would lol.



    Frankie is like a cockroach in a nyc apartment building , no matter how many times you spray his ass, stomp on him, poison him, burn him etc thae motherfucker just want lay down and die dammit


    I've been wanting him to get voted off since the time Nicole and Donny's dumb ass put Jocasta up on the block for the thousandth time but they were too scared and put up easy targets like jocasta and amber

    I am loving this analysis of Derrick's game as joyless. I had never looked at it like that before. It's so true, and it's also eating at him. Caleb and Cody were randomly chatting about nothing and every time Derrick talked, it was game. He is not enjoying it at all, but he is winning. It's just a lot of work for him.

    Frankie was trying to convince Caleb today that Derrick is a threat because he is a "family man" and he would get votes because people are sympathetic to his family. It's true, and I can't believe it took almost 3 months for someone to say it out loud.

    you would think Derrick was poor the way he keeps making comment's about needing the money and playing for his family looking at majority of these contestants they all seem to be privileged white people with Donny ,Devin and Amber added in to throw in some diversity. This show pisses me off because it looks like none of these fools need the money shit you have me competing for half a million dollars I would make sure America was entertained thse fake ass model/actor wanna be's are boring as hell and this season has been dry so far.


    Not one of the cast acted like they was playing a game for $500,000  if you put everyday people with student loans,  and shitty low paying jobs this game would have gotten bloody in week 1 literally.


    Big brother keeps casting these lame ass over privileged college frat boys who apply to every reality show job on the circuit trying to find their 15 minutes of fame.I wish they would cast real everyday people for once

    • Love 10
  5. To me it seems that Derrick is the Varys (Game of Thrones character) of this season, whispering in the ears of others and slyly getting his way. Varys' power in part comes from the fact that he's not a threat - he'd never attempt to seize the Iron Throne for himself. To last as long as he has, Derrick has in some ways "neutered" himself in the game (although ironically his HOH was responsible for taking out one of the most hyper-masculine players, Devin - but it was never a he-man showdown, Derrick shrouded himself behind the House's Will.


    I really hope Derrick makes it to the Final 2 just to hear his speech (which I agree he's been practicing from Day 1.) Can he really convince the jury that he's not a ghost, a goat, a hanger-on - that it's all been an expert masquerade? Revealing his true identity as an undercover cop will definitely shock and awe the jury, but it definitely backfire (as so many have pointed out.)


    I also wonder how some of these people would have done in last year's cast. I think Caleb is very malleable - would he have gone along with all of the racist/homophobes from last season, or stood up to them?


    I'm always fascinated by each season's house culture. It's not typically set by the winner of the game, but by the biggest bullies. Last year Aaryn and Amanda determined the environment, opening the floodgates and saturating the house with racist/disturbingly sexist comments and behavior. How would Frankie, this season's biggest bully, have fared?


    the comment you made about in comparison to last year really interested me I think Nicole,Caleb,Christine and Brittany would have had a good ol time last year. Honestly if it wasn't for last year pc nightmare I think some of the comments made about Frankie ,Jocasta, Amber and Devin would have been different. Christine and her whole scary black man thing with Devin was weird , some of Brittany comments were a little funny also .  Nicole even said something silly like Aaryn was just misunderstood. I wouldn't put it past her dumb blonde ass to make dumb ass comments about people of other races she seems sheltered and has very little life experience.  I would love to throw her and Christine in the hood because if a crybaby like Devin can have you in fear then  I guess these too ugly broads would be petrified seeing some black men in the hood lol


    Also I still think Caleb is a racist piece of shit , him having a creepy obsession with a mixed race woman does not mean he is not racist. I never understood this train of though of people having interracial relationships = they are not racist  that is really silly line of thinking seeing as white racists have been fucking blacks since we stepped foot in America.


    His obbession and the way he seem to treat Amber as if she was his property was really odd and creepy as hell . Yet nobody seem to comment on that women basically laughed at Amber so I was happy  when Nicole the punk bitch and her ugly ass friend Christine the with got  eliminated lol they both deserved it and seemed to be bitter as hell a black girl was getting all the attention from the men. While Cody said Nicole needed proactive to be attractive and Christine lol the bitch knows she is ugly


    Cody is the most attractive man she can get  and she clung to him like the thirsty little troll she is

    • Love 2
  6. I can't believe I stayed up to watch the rat mission, but I'm actually glad I did as it did not disappoint. Probably the most entertaining thing to happen all season. I gotta give it to Frankie, he sold it. Throw in Victoria trying to lure the rat with a honey/gummy bear concoction, Cody standing on the table and refusing to come down, Caleb swearing he saw it and it was a monster, cheese poisoned with toilet bowl cleaner and so on. If I was voting I'd give it to them. Well done. LOL.

    lmaoooooo cody really stood on the table and refused to come down he is more of a punk than i thought.


    Cody is sooo feminine he gossips alot , keeps up with pop culture most straight men I know would not be very interested in there really is something in the water with the dude's on this show.  very first season of big brother where i will say it seems like every male in the house is gay , some of these guys make Andy and Marcellus look masculine lol .


    Donny is the only straight male this season , no cuddling with frankie , no frankie groping , no twerking , no gay work out contests , no gossiping lol  thats not a suprise based off the stereotype of Donny's look i wouldn't expect him to be cool with just about any of that dude has nothing in common with the effeminate guys on this show.

  7. In addition to what wings707 said, there was the following from Jokers:

    Victoria " I have learned alot about sexual things in this house". Derrick "Like what?" Victoria "Like, how oral sex is not considered sex"

    More sex talk. The guys are schooling Victoria on .. things.

    ugh what............ she must be a catholic school girl or some shit last time i checked you could possibly receive an std from oral sex


    ugh this bitch is so dumb but there are alot of women like her who think ofthemselves as virgins even though they have had dick after inside there mouth or ass it's dumb as hell to me but whatever floats  hr brainless boat lol


    I always thought how Derrick sat up in that bed with Victoria alone a good portion of time was weird as hell and im starting to sense Derrick may have actually liked Victoria.

    Where the hell does this logic even come from? I'm pretty sure if I gave another guy a blow job my husband would consider it sex and cheating on him. Thanks for that legacy, Bill Clinton.

    Victoria a virgin


    lmaoooooooooo i don't know if i believe that lol

  8. lol @ these dudes thinking they would get $25,000 to walk out the door lol

    watching them discuss getting 15 grand to go on the block proves majority of these asswipes are recruits , ugh why can't big brother get actual fans to play and not people like christine who watch one season but real fans who not about Dr.Will,Mike boogie and Danielle 

    • Love 1
  9. Frankke will probably just win HOH again how many times has he won now it has to be like somewhere to between 5 and 7 times lol. Frankie seems to be competing with Donny but instead ogf winning the msot POV's he has won the msot HOH's


    if they don't go after frankie next week they are stupid

    i haven't voted for a team america mission since it was obvious team america was virtually Team Donny . I din't like Derrick or Frankie and it seemd they was constantly trying to get donny out of the house and failing.


    I wish Donny had made more friends dude was actually decent at comps , and a beast at battle of the block and pov challenges


    He would have had a guarantted win if he made final 2. It was silly of him not to try and form any allaince while he was there and jsut go through the motions

    i haven't voted for a team america mission since it was obvious team america was virtually Team Donny . I din't like Derrick or Frankie and it seemd they was constantly trying to get donny out of the house and failing.


    I wish Donny had made more friends dude was actually decent at comps , and a beast at battle of the block and pov challenges


    He would have had a guarantted win if he made final 2. It was silly of him not to try and form any allaince while he was there and jsut go through the motions

    • Love 2
  10. I think this entire season deserves an asterisk! They've been playing as a team pretty much. Cody had 2 wins handed to him on a platter.

    I have never seen a comp worth where  500,000 dolars was the prize played like this. These people act like they were life long friends . I would be palying so dirty getting blod on my hands if i was in the house. It hilarious seeing them all ucddly acting like life long friends and half a million dollars is not the line


    these people are boring as hell from watching the show I don't understand how big brother has more fans then real house wives of Atlanta, bad girls club, real/road rules challenges , love and hiphop etc


    especially seeing the houseguests don't fight it almsot standard on the other shows  i mentioned for something offensive or not politically corect to be said yet none of them ever got the same outrage big borther 15 got its weird to me. Zaach would never be a top contender for entertainment on the more rough and gully reality hsows but I guess big brother has never had people like Nene , Tnaisha (bad girls club), Stasi (bad girls club) , Joseline (love and hiphop) etc

    RedheadZombie, they have to keep the other HGs up all nite (until 6am) looking for the rodent. That's about it.

    why does America keep voting for these lame missions.


    I wish America was given the option to make them try and get Caleb or Cody out of the game. I remember caleb was suppose to be going home the week after Amber but that was ruined by Donny & Nicole beocoming HOH, then the target was changed to Frankie

    • Love 1
  11. ugh I wish we could do a rewind of the season bring Devin,Amber and Hayden back and watch magic happen


    if hayden was still here he would definitely throw upsets in Derrick's plan and Amber not only won hoh's but she was like a BOTB  Queen , meanwhile Donny is POV king  i mean what donny did was nothing short of amazing


    there were so many weeks i was scared he was going to go home and he would just pull himself off the block either through botb or pov

    • Love 1
  12. Derrick has been throwing challenges since the beginning, it's his strategy to be underestimated.

    Derrick is in a house full of idiots


    I would say what he has done is impressive but then  if Derrick was on a show with people who actually acted like they  were playing for $500,000 he wouldn't have lasted so long


    shit if the battle of the block twist didnt exist i think Donny probably would have been like fuck team america and camee after them the week he was hoh



    Battle of the block really ruined this season it basically encouraged house guests to get out all the weaker players first

    • Love 5
  13. So, would Derrick & Caleb "vote" to evict Cody? How far will Derrick stick to his plan to keep Victoria?

    i thought there was the twist this week so even if they vote , the whole week is being reminded so there votes don't matter at all.


    If derrick was smart he would keep victoria , Cody is friends with virtually everyone in jury with the exception of Donny so  that would be a guarantted win if Cody made it to final 2 with Derrick. I'm suprised Derrick has allowed cody to make it so far seeing as cody is a threat to him and performs better at challenges than him

  14. Derrick has won HOH 3 times, he's really not that bad of a competitor considering he hasn't wanted or needed to win. 


    I hope Frankie brags nonstop about having all the power in the house and tries to BD Caleb.

    most of the comps derrick wins are flukes


    even in the physical challenges he was like the weakest male next to Zach , Donny a 40 year old man was constantly showing him up and that is sad.



    Donny a 40 year old man performed better than him on the barrel challenge .  notice he didnt start winnnig into after half the cast was gone and when he did win it in competitons were his allaince instead of thinking of there own game would gun for making sure jocasta, donny or nicole werrn't the winners.

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