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well the black british and black australians tend to be directly from Africa as in they can name the tribe, ethinicity and area their family is from and since the european conversion of western africans to christinaity lol they are ten times worse. From my what i've seen Africans and blacks in the carribean have attitudes toward homsexuality that would make some of the most die hard antigay republicians cringe. They embrace some of british culture but are still very traditional especially Nigerians , Ethiopians,Somalians, etc the younger ones may be a little more open minded but only to a point. I agree with everytihng you said at the top due to media gossip a large amount of people would already known about jamal's boyfriend michael probably had photos of him in a fictional people magazine , national enquirer , and there would be some naive people who say oh there just friends but others would know they were a couple. So that kind was unrealsitic to me everyone being shocked he was gay
That would be an ideal world lol but jussie himself obviously doesn't agree he pulls the queen latifah stunt everytime he is asked about his sexuality basically saying he's gay but not saying it , In someone his storyline on empire is ironic seeing as it seems to mirror his real life at least the life of being a clebrity male hiding his sexuality.
i honestly find Annika boring as hell and very unrealistic for a hiphop wife the type of women who marry these men aren't generally as naive and have alot more street smarts than she does. Annika is the girl the rapper marries after he already becomes successful sand a multimillionaire and has baby momma or two. But the real life version of her has alot more street smarts than this chick and knows how to play her position. being cheated on by rapper is not a suprise they all fuck groupies,video vixens etc and she married him for his status so i don't feel any sympathy for her
but you forget cookie is a woman not just a woman black at that so she gets even less of a pass lol people hate the black characters on mostly white televison shows even when the black charcater is the one who has the most sense. Male characters can rape a woman , murder a child, murder people endless and still be fan favorites and have women shipping them with other characters while female characters get bashed endlessly for the most stupid shit. Alot of this is because of dumb shipping wars and fans having their favorite couples and i thank god empire does not play into shipping it's clear Andre has way more chemistry with cookie than he does Annika every fandom i've seen from breaking bad to game of thrones it is always the female who is the most hated character no matter how evil or cruel the actions of the male character may be it always either a wife (breaking bad) , child (game of thrones -sansa) who seems to get criticized for the dumbest shit
lol yes it is i know in real life they had real og gangster working behind the scenes of the early hiphop record labels p.diddy running with black mafia family suge knight with bloods 50 cent with supreme it seems most rappers have shady backgrounds where they might not have been actually doing dirt but seem connected to a well known drug dealer or dope dealer who everyone in the hood knows was doing dirt for real
this whole scenario is probably based off the stereotype alot of black families seemed to dismiss mental illness i see this alot in real life to the go to answer for black families dealing with thoughts of suicide , depression etc is always pray on it instead of going to see professional help. I use to work in the church and every time anyone had these type of issues htere would be a let's pray for them not let's refer them to a professional who can actually help them with thewir problem. it doesn't help the term "mentally ill" has a stigma associated with it that nobody wants I loved that scene but honestly i thought Andre was going to harm his brothers like seriously talk about a horror movie when they were first in that elevator dude look like he could snap at any moment. The whole expression nad look he had would be perfect for a horror movie
Jane the virgin is built off an offensive and very dumb ass premise . If the show really had balls the storyline wouldn't exist. Seriously in real life no woman i know would be cool with that scenario but i agree with you that other shows handle being fast pace better than empire its a little to melodramtic for me actually 90% of tv shows geared towards african americans are way to over the top for me and i'm black lol. It like black tv shows forget that its not either hood, or super religious black people their are regualr everyday black people dammit. Even this show is just stereotype after stereotype and it supposedly produced by a black man. Andre is interesting but without his bipolar disorder dude would be very boring he could gain alot more depth if this show had better writers.
lol it would take dallas ten whole season just to move through half the plot points covered in the past three episodes lol yes i loved this episode onyl thing i wish is that htye did a little more character development i mean damn this show doesn't give you time to breathe. everything happens at breakneck speed
i thought that was hialrious because someone made a joke on another board about the cure to Andre's illness was him getting a black woman lol He has never looked at Rhonda the way he was with jennnifer hudson in them clips, him and rhonda have this weird cold demented sexual relationship that whole scene where she had him call her another woman's name said alot about her mindstate nad i don't like it.
LOL I was like did this white guy just say that . I wish luscious had got gangsta with his ass
lol stop dude is gay in real life in thats not a bad thing its funny how alot of raven symone inner circle are all gay/lesbian not a bad thing but its interesting seeing as they tried to pretend he and raven was a couple at one time btw anyyone who thinks this guys is straight is really naive and i see why some women end up with dl men lol this dude has plenty of pics on tumblr and online clearly showcasing he likes men and there nothing wrong with that but lets not be blind to the obvious it reminds me of how female fans were shocked clay aiken was gay.
im sorry but i just dont see Rhonda seems like an opportunist and the way she has constantly tried to pit Andre against his family me dont like her. Everything about her screams stereotype of white goldddigger trying to leech off rich alck man and like i said before she wouldnt look twice at Andre if he was a regualr black guy.
bonnie innocent have you seen all the shady stuff she done on the show for annalise she may relatively have her hands clean but if they had showed bonnie killing lila that would not have been shocking. Alot of the things Annalise has had her do during this sam/lila/rebecca trial was shady , alot of the things annalise had her do during the various triials has also been shady and sometimes unethical. bonnie just like frank has shown she will go above and beyond the call of duty for annalise . Asher has been the only one who has actual kept his moral compass working for annalise. Mainly because Annalise has never asked him to do anything shady her relationship with annalise is just weird its like she want's to be annalise boyfriend or something
Also his wife keeps trying to get him to destroy his family which is crazy to me . Luscious is not dumb he sees right through Andre luscious empire owuld be all white in less than 2 generations if it got in Andre hands. His wife rhonda is desperate for that money
lol all the college educated black women i know be complaiing about there barely being any brothers on campus at some schools there are like 10 blacks for every 1 black guy so yea i think thats funny. Even at alot of the hbcu's the male to female ratio is ridcculously skewed some of these schools have a 70% female popualtion so you can't tell me a black man has a hard time finding a sister in college because there are plenty of them.