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Posts posted by belligerent


    They're all so focused on the drama and just hanging out with each other and drinking too much that we never see them working on their modeling in the house like they used to in previous cycles.


    Yeah, by the same token, if I were Will, the second I had seen that the other guys in the house were X% more cut than I was, I would have started doing whatever I could to drop BF.  This doesn't include drinking alcohol out of coffee mugs.  Are they even set up for the models to exercise in the house?  I lift heavy five days a week.  There's no way I could be in a competition that long without any outlet for physical activity.

    • Love 2

    What the hell do they have Denzel in?  Elvis wasn't a Marine, so why did they leave the EGA on his cover?  General stars and captain's bars?????  Uhhhhh...really??  Pretty sure he hasn't earned any of those. 


    Tyra must really want a male model to win it, although how did we get to the final five with two models never having best photo?


    I also liked that they proved how planned the judge scores are by having Kelly score for people.  They're not even pretending anymore.

    • Love 1
  3. I would go with that from what I see onscreen, maybe, but I have a problem reconciling the nationally famous for gaybashing while drunk thing. And his explanation for that was

    _So chalk this up as me being a drunk asshole, a frat guy with too much testosterone, or whatever you want to call me I really don’t care. I just want everyone to know that that’s literally all it was, that’s the honest truth. I’m not some ignorant bigot looking to bash homosexuals, so please don’t think that._

    Because there's a direct link between testosterone and calling someone a faggot while you have them in a headlock.

    So, no, on behalf of the nerds, including the one he assaulted, not seeing it.


    I'll quote your whole post because you didn't quote any of the relevant parts of mine. 


    I said:



    I still think Adam is way too short but knowing that he's not ACTUALLY party monster, but an introverted math nerd, makes me get him a lot more.  My brother and I are like that, too, so I get it.  He really is very socially awkward without alcohol.  It's like he starts drinking and becomes Superman, so it makes sense that he would be hesitant to go without.  If you're an entertaining drunk, too, people are a lot more willing to let you continue.  The fact that the other people in the house seem to like him so much means I guess he is probably not as much of a douche as some of the shit he's said or done would indicate.  But people who aren't REALLY assholes are still capable of asshole behavior and don't get a pass for those behaviors.


    I'm not sure where you think I'm giving him any kind of pass on the gay-bashing.  I said that his using alcohol as a social crutch makes me get him more, not that I like him or that it excuses his past behavior.  He's also said some pretty messed up things about women.  I don't think he gets a pass for any of this just because he is putting on a front.  If you punch somebody in the face to impress your friends, even if you wouldn't normally do that, you still have to deal with the repercussions.  Maybe he's learned some stuff since then, maybe he hasn't. 


    I don't predict you will have to come out as Boris Biff, but start thinking of a new persona when Keith wins.


    It's up to Tyra to give me a makeover into what she wants.  I look better with a fake beard than Denzel ever did and know how to apply one, so Her Tyness can do her worst.  I predict a gender change.  "Biff, you're getting a total makeover so that you will now be competing as a girl because the boys find it a bit threatening for somebody without a Y chromosome to be competing with them. So now you are a male model who is really a woman but competing in drag as a woman"  "dammit"  "Also your new name is betty booch"  "DAMMIT"



    I continue to LOVE Ivy's photos each week in the photo-post page.


    I thought Ivy would go really far based on what we saw in the "pre-season" semi-final episodes.  She is really stunning and I think with the right direction takes very good photos.

    • Love 1
  5. I can't believe that I was yelling at the television for Adam over Chantelle last night.  If you would have told me at the beginning of the season that I'd be doing this by the end of it, I would have called you out awkwardly in front of everybody for lying. 


    I still think Adam is way too short but knowing that he's not ACTUALLY party monster, but an introverted math nerd, makes me get him a lot more.  My brother and I are like that, too, so I get it.  He really is very socially awkward without alcohol.  It's like he starts drinking and becomes Superman, so it makes sense that he would be hesitant to go without.  If you're an entertaining drunk, too, people are a lot more willing to let you continue.  The fact that the other people in the house seem to like him so much means I guess he is probably not as much of a douche as some of the shit he's said or done would indicate.  But people who aren't REALLY assholes are still capable of asshole behavior and don't get a pass for those behaviors. 


    Will is a national treasure and I was going to throw things at the TV if he got eliminated over being too tall in Korea. 


    I find it interesting that the two models of Korean descent didn't do as well as the more "exotic" ones who fit the clothes.  To an extent, Shei's makeover screwed her over but I wonder if there were some other factors going on.  I can't remember if Shei is considered biracial or not (I know her genetic test mentioned Irish and some other things), but Adam is, and I don't know how most Koreans feel about mixed-race Korean people.


    I would be ecstatic with three of the five remaining people winning, annoyed but would ultimately deal with one of them, and utterly baffled if one of them won.


    If Adam wins, I am trying out for next season as my drag persona, Boris "Biff" Stroganov, Russian mail order husband.

    • Love 5
  6. I'm somebody who didn't mind Romeo but after seeing this, I'm surprised he passed the psych evaluation.  I think if he hadn't been constantly doing other troubling things, the headbutting probably wouldn't have gotten him kicked off.  It all could have been an attempt at being a tv villain but I think he really didn't know when to stop.  It's unfortunate, because I still think he had one of the more interesting looks and I would have liked to see how they would have posed him in more shoots, since he doesn't fit the same mold most of the other men do. 


    The only thing in the clip show I found particularly entertaining was Will and Shei pretending to be Adam.  wtf???  That was inspired.


    More and more it's looking like the spoiled F3 of Keith, Adam and Shei may be a reality, but more and more I am dumbstruck by how Lenox and Will do not end up there with Shei, instead.


    Well, Tyra's not attracted to Will or Lenox, and they probably should have one legitimate model (Shei) in the final, so I'm guessing that's how that final three happens.


    The comeback contestant returns without any challenge or panel scores, and the winner is determined by the average of all episode scores.


    Maybe they have them do the challenge, too, who knows.  Or they could just give them an "average" score for the ones they didn't complete.  It would be easy enough for the judges to score their photos on the same mysterious and nonsensical criteria they use to score everybody else.  Lenox is the one who is really screwed, because that 1 Tyra gave her for no particular reason could be the difference between her winning and losing if she gets to the final.  Let's say she got a "normal" low score (6), and she loses by less than 5 points.  I would be super pissed.


    I don't think fairness is really any kind of factor on this show, though, LOL.  It's basically whatever Her Tyness wants. 

    • Love 3
  9. This was such a strange episode. 


    I'm not sure I understood the challenge.  Walk through a crappy haunted slaughterhouse and then at some point this guy with a weird name will pop up and take your picture.  Um, okay. 


    Will's parents visiting was nice although slightly awkward.  How is Will that tall??  Where did he get that bone structure from?? 


    Mirjana just doesn't know what to do when she doesn't have a man to play with, I guess.  It's like she just got really confused and aimless.


    I am also not sure I understood the photoshoot.  And why are they bringing up Will's body at this point in the competition?  Shouldn't that have been brought up beforehand when he could have possibly done something about it?

    • Love 2

    Also Tyra talking about ribs during their nosh session made me think of that one Cycle were she wouldn't believe that one of the contestants was naturally on the skinny side. Tyra couldn't resisting poking fun by saying the reason she looks good and has a booty is because she eats ribs. Anyone else remember that?


    Yeah, that happened in cycle 3, when that one girl (I forget her name...) everybody was saying had anorexia told Tyra she was drinking protein shakes to try and gain weight. Tyra was like, I didn't get this booty by drinking protein shakes!!!!!!!!  I got it eating RIBS!!! or something. 


    Well, Your Tyness, not everybody has magical caterers to bring out a large amount of ribs whenever they feel like eating ribs.  Sometimes protein shakes are just more convenient for the common folk.


    I'm stunned that Ben beat out Matthew. I honestly don't understand that at all. Ben has had a few good shots, but so has Matthew, and I find Matthew to be far more attractive than Ben.


    I much prefer Matthew to Ben, as well, but most of the people who voted on the photos are probably 12 year old girls, and beards haven't really caught on with that segment of the population yet, unfortunately.  Ben has stubble sometimes but that's different.  He looks "younger" and more "all American."  Matthew has been kind of played up as this exotic "euro model" which you may have to be a little older to appreciate. 


    I also think that if the social media had been allowed to vote on the pairs pictures (Will x Matthew) for the spider commercial instead of individual, or if they'd chosen one of the more sexually-charged shots from the Corybot shoot (there were some where Matthew was really up in Cory's business), his scores on those pics would have shot up and it might have given him a boost overall. 

    • Love 1

    I really don't understand the concept of separate photos for judges and social media vote, since the quality difference between the photos was pretty big, with IMO the social media photos overall being much better for most of the contestants.


    I'm guessing it was to keep spoilers at a minimum.  Since they only paired the models with models who were there, it would have been more obvious as to who had been eliminated up to this point.  Like, let's say they had paired Ivy with Ben.  Well, anybody who voted probably would have caught on that Ben and Ivy were both in the elminated camp as soon as Ivy was out.


    There were also an uneven number of models with Romeo's departure, so that could have been a factor as well.  Romeo didn't participate in any of the shoots after he was removed (again, I'm not sure how bapping somebody with your head when he won't stop touching you/instigating is grounds for removal when unsolicited dickpunching ISN'T, but ok).


    Or it could have just been that the photos they did do were such a grueling undertaking that they just said "fuckit" and made everybody take solos rather than go to the trouble of making all the losers take the pairs shots.



    He is not that much more muscular than either Keith or Adam


    He's not that much more muscular in general but his arms are incredibly disproportionate to his body.  Watch the scene where he's lying on top of Mirjana and Will is about to vomit as a result.  His biceps are huge.  A jacket that would fit his torso probably isn't going to fit his arms.  Keith and Adam are also muscular but they're much more proportional to themselves.  Even if Adam is too damn short to model, it's easier to get him a different length of pants and look okay than it is to give Denzel an ill-fitting jacket.  He would need tailoring.


    I have a similar problem because I have big arms but no torso or chest, and most women's shirts that fit me in the arms are hugely baggy elsewhere.


    Also I am at the point where if anybody other than Shei, Will, or Lenox wins, I will throw things.

    • Love 4

    Well I'm out for the season.  I like Lennox, Will and, to my surprise, Shei, but I was really only watching for Matthew.  Tyra completely screwed him over.  There's no way that the photo she chose for panel was his best; they showed us better poses during the shoot.


    That photo really screwed him over.  I was looking for the voted on photos and found them on somebody's blog, and the actual photo that people voted on for Matthew was kind of a long shot where you can't even really see him that well.  If it had been cropped more closely, I think his social media score would have been higher.  People don't vote for tiny figures they can't see.

  14. Not sure.  I actually looked her up on fb last night (without seeing this thread) because I was rewatching her cycle and was curious about how she was doing.  I'm glad to see she still has some sight, even though apparently a lot of people are giving her flak about it.  I donated some cash to her fund because ouch.  Hopefully she gets her stuff fixed and hopefully there will be a way someday to restore her sight, as well.


    I don't know where Mirjana is from, but I have friends witch accents that are really strong when they get upset.  I think there's a "mainstream" way people try to sound in America when around mixed company, but that goes out the window when people are heated.  Mirjana seems authentic to me.


    Yeah, in my experience, too, accents usually come out when people are upset or passionate about something, so Mirjana's doesn't sound put upon to me.  I have a friend who lives in Boston and has no accent at all.....unless she's talking about the Red Sox, and then all of a sudden, she gets so regional I almost can't understand her.


    I love how Tyra makes the last segment of the show about her.  Unless my math is off (which is possible), wasn't there 1% percent missing?


    The missing one percent is that one of her ancestors is literally a forehead.


    I find the Mirjana/Denzel thing so tedious.  If Matthew and Will had gone any further, then I think Matthew would have stuck around longer.


    I looked into that Ancestry DNA thing but I'm not sure it goes specific enough for me personally.  There are only 26 regions.  Like it lumps all of Eastern Europe together, which is....not correct, really.

    • Love 6
  17. I was an art major in college, and I went to school with at least a dozen Sashas, if not more.  There was always at least one person in every class who would kind of basically ignore the entire assignment and do whatever they wanted, only putting in the most minimal amount of effort to relate their work to the actual prompt, but the professor would never fail them because their work was decent technically.


    Dina was my favorite in week one and horrific reindeer nonwithstanding, I am glad she has done so consistently well.

    • Love 3
  18. Denzel is one of those people that looks like he'd be attractive and then he opens his mouth and totally ruins it.  Just shut up and wear your beard weave.  I don't understand why your friends will mock you if you're beaten in a modeling competition by a guy who wears heels if he legitimately does a better job than you do, but NOT because you're wearing a dead hamster on your face or sleeping with a barely-legal teen girl with a boyfriend but who is obviously a lesbian because she made out with a girl once?  Also it would be awesome if Denzel would quit using "woman" as an insult, or really it would be awesome if he would just go home.


    I still think Adam is a douche but I guess at least he's slightly less of a douche in some aspects than Denzel is.  My favorite moment in this episode is when he's rubbing Will's shoulders, because of the way the shot's framed, he just looks so tiny doing it, like he has to reach up sooooo faaaaaar...  (granted, Will is super tall and he is super short, but I thought it was hilarious-looking) 

    • Love 4
  19. I was hoping that Denzel would be the one to get the beard weave but that was not the beard weave I was hoping for...  I have put fake beards on myself that have looked way more real than that.  I think he'd look good with a longer, natural-looking beard.  It wouldn't work for all shoots, no, but I like beards...


    Speaking of beards... I can't believe that Matthew and Will might actually turn into a thing, since I said I would like to see that.  Rarely do things I want to happen actually happen on television.  I just hope the other people in the house will leave Matthew alone to let him figure it out.


    The buzz is a much better look for adam but he's still a douche and he's still too short...

    • Love 3
  20. Oh, that makes sense.  Romeo is a different niche anyway, I would think.  The same people that would book a Keith wouldn't book a Romeo (and I doubt an agency would try to send Romeo on a Keith job, unless they're horribly managed...).  I would not mind seeing pictures of either of them in a magazine, to be honest, though I actually liked Denzel's picture a bit more than Keith's if we're going purely on "why yes, I quite like the aesthetics of this young, lightly dressed gentleman."


    My favorite male body type is "musclebear," though, which I don't think we will see on this show anytime soon, although I could be wrong...  I do appreciate that Tyra continues to pretend that a variety of body types will get modeling work so that we can see a variety of them photographed.

  21. This seems to be a really unpopular opinion but basically I registered at these boards to say I like Romeo, help.  He reminds me of a friend of mine.  Also the mustache-twirling on his part is more entertaining to me than the hooking up... (unless Matthew and Will get together, and I am okay with that.)  But it would be nice if they focused more on the photoshoot aspect of things, since the secret real reason I watch this show is because I'm a cosplayer and the posing advice is sometimes relevent to that interest (moreso now that they've included guys).


    When they said Romeo's tattoos might hurt him in the modeling industry (or whatever they said), why are Keith's tattoos also not a negative?  Because there's not as much contrast?  He has a bunch of ink, as well, so I thought it was a weird comment.



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