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Posts posted by belligerent

  1. On 3/7/2020 at 7:13 AM, ElectricBoogaloo said:

    Dahlia seems like she's going to be a shit stirrer. She has a very sour demeanor.  And she thinks Fosse is the main female character in Chicago?

    The name on everybody's lips is gonna be "Fosse" now I guess but I wonder how that makes Roxie feel.

    I don't know if it's because I read the FB post about what Sherry did before watching but I had a lot of trouble watching this episode. It doesn't help that she's in it a lot. I would almost prefer they pull the season and redo it without her and Brita, or at least re-edit the show to minimize their screentime, because if either of them get very far, that's a lot of odious people I'm going to have to fast forward through. If I'd known that prior to buying the season, I might not have bothered.

    • Love 3
  2. I'm so shallow and am incredibly attracted to Jimmy for some reason so I hope he wins based entirely on that. I won't call him Snaz Daddy, though. Well, okay, maybe if he asks nicely and wears the America pants. I am a man and probably not his type however, alas.

    I really don't like Jason and I knew they'd save him. Goddammit.

    • LOL 2
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  3. 13 hours ago, palmaire said:

    Putting his piece here just because of the canvas' other tattoos. The guy must be absolutely thrilled with the upgrade in quality!


    The anatomy is so incredibly weird on this. Yeah, there's a lot of details but it's a bunch of well-rendered parts that don't add up to a cohesive image. Probably the thing that throws me off the most is the jacket on the viewer's right/pirate's left is drawn in such a way that it creates the illusion that her left bazoom is disproportionately larger than the right. It's also up higher on her chest, which doesn't help.

    I'm fine with the Laura win because she seems pretty good but I liked Dani's tattoo better.

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  4. Has there been at least one alien themed tattoo or flash challenge on every episode? I'm sure there have been a few without one but I guess everyone is getting ready to raid area 51 and needed their alien tats??

    Ready for the finale where we have three alien back pieces.

    • LOL 2
  5. I put off watching the last five minutes or so of this episode because I was sure they were going to send Dani away despite ruling in favor application every other time, and I was annoyed enough to just stop. Then I watched the rest and was pleasantly surprised.

    I'm rewatching now and it's interesting that Dani is getting advice on drawing an eagle in the flash challenge. Later Oliver describes that eagle in positive terms as "the toughest eagle in all the land," and I'm thinking that it's probably the second toughest now. Also Pon says something like "there are no losers today,,,,except for Cam!"

    There was a lot of foreshadowing in this episode. What it could have used more of was proper foreshortening.

    • Love 1
  6. 2 minutes ago, TVbitch said:

    It might be best that Alexis went as the show seemed to be stripping her of any confidence she did have. 

    Yeah, I just kept feeling bad for her every time they had any criticism because she seemed to keep getting more and more teary and broken down.

    • Love 5
  7. So is it the judges that are supposed to demonstrate these words of the day that don't seem to mean much? For instance, showing "adaptability" in judging arbitrarily with different rules depending on how even the teams are. Like the judges totally showed adaptability by switching up what they've allegedly been using for criteria.

    I thought it was bad luck to have a horseshoe upside down in a tattoo. I thought Pon had done that intentionally to fuck someone over and would turn the horseshoe around when he tattooed it himself and yet...

    • Love 2
  8. On 8/4/2019 at 9:23 PM, Wandering Snark said:

    Ah the King of Reference Art gets taken down, in part, by NOT looking at a horseshoe reference? That's pretty funny. As for how bad the mistake is it's up there with adding extra fingers and/or putting thumbs on backwards. Rookie mistake.

    Yeah, I agree. I would rather cut my own arm off than have a tattoo with an incorrect horseshoe. That’s about as bad as when people draw cloven hooves on horses. I’m an artist, myself, so it’s bizarre to me when some of them don’t draw at all. He didn’t even make pleasing shapes from the reference he copied. 

    I wish he’d been able to talk the canvas into something else. 

    • Love 1
  9. Isn’t one of the “rules” of tattooing that horse shoes should never be “upside down” (aka actually right side up when the hoof is placed on its back) because the luck would fall out? I can see his mistake making sense if that’s the only familiarity he has with horse shoes, but why wouldn’t he ask? Or look it up?

    Although who knows, if he’d had it on the right way, maybe the judges would have dinged him for that, too. 

    • Love 1
  10. Jason lost me as a fan by intentionally misleading people for “humor” purposes although he wasn’t necessarily giving advice to make the tattoo look bad, he was giving advice that changed the style of the tattoo so it wouldn’t meet challenge parameters. Still a hugely dick move but it’s not quite as bad as telling someone to draw a backwards hand on something. 

    I was also really unimpressed with Jake obviously talking shit in front of a canvas and then trying to say he wasn’t. “I didn’t say it was bad.” Stop splitting hairs over your exact wording when you know full goddamn well that what you were doing wasn’t cool. Say “yeah, I agree it wasn’t cool and I won’t do it again” like a mature individual instead of throwing a tantrum and stomping off. “I did a tattoo so I would be safe.” Only because your bearwolf tat was slightly better than Tito’s. 

    Also, weren’t the judges just telling Cam to draw a front view wolf a few episodes ago? Now a front view wolf is a bad idea? 

    • Love 1
  11. 12 hours ago, Absurda said:

    Is this really biased judging or producers wanting to blow up Cam's head so he's a bigger ego monster than he's been? 

    If they absolutely must give this guy a bigger head, they should concentrate their efforts on his chin because it seems to be falling behind proportionally.

    This episode was pretty much bullshit after bullshit after bullshit. The only enjoyable part to me was Sausage being nice to people.

    • Love 8
  12. DJ doesn't bother me as much when he's coaching a team of people who are listening to him. He just gets really competitive when his artistic integrity gets questioned. I have a feeling he wouldn't have been as stoked to get the men's team. I wouldn't consider Katie a shrinking violet by any means but some of the side eyes she was giving the men on her team while keeping quiet said a lot about how difficult some of them must be to deal with in person.

    I loved the moose tattoo from the second someone asked for it. I'm sad that's so far up the thigh because unless that guy routinely wears a speedo, nobody will see it. I would want that displayed prominently. The only thing that slightly bothered me about it is that the moose's arms were lighter so it looked like a person with a moose head rather than an anthropomorphic moose.

    I have one tattoo and it probably falls into this category (it's a stylized portrait of one of my black cats, with some ropes) and I like mine better than the tattoos on this episode but I am biased. This was still my favorite episode in a while because I like pictures of animals.

    A couple things:

    Otter guy's placement went from "you can do my back" to his arm. Did I miss where they switched it again or did they just do it? I'm also surprised they didn't blur out his lion king or pokemon tattoos.

    How did we get away with an Honest John (the fox) tattoo? I looked up just now to make sure paramount isn't owned by disney and it's not, so.... ???

    The suggestion to put blue in the hedgehog was also something that made me wonder, but I guess paramount IS responsible for the sonic the hedgehog movie so maybe that would have given the hedgehog bonus points. I'm surprised it wasn't alluded to on camera.

    Did they find a bunch of furries for this challenge? I'm sad that the bigger dude didn't get a bear tattoo but the otter is funny enough.

    Edited to mention that I wish they had used the opportunity to get rid of Cam. That tattoo was really terrible. I thought he said he could draw? Apparently not.

    • Love 2
  13. 8 hours ago, Wandering Snark said:

    I feel that coaching doesn't help the people doing tat of the day type work. It helps the people who with one suggestion may pull their quality up enough to stay safe... so I disagree about the way they are moving the coaches on to the showdown at the end.

    Also, is there anyone likeable in this cast? Hard to care about this bunch imho.

    Unless they bring coaches back, with the usual number of episodes of this show, that seems like they're going to be bringing back quite a few people for that showdown? But yeah, I agree that the coaches don't really help the tat of the day people. Really, the coaches just seem to kind of be given the task of herding cats on the experimental arts and crafts challenges for control of the skull pics. Additionally, in the "battle of the sexes" season, it seems kind of like taking half of what's allegedly interesting about seeing single gender group dynamics by just being like "okay, the boss is the one person on your team that is the opposite of the rest of you!"

    Also I'm not sure if there's anyone terribly likeable but the sooner Cam goes home, the more watchable this season will be, IMO.

    I really, really hope there's no "hooking up for strategy" on this season because that's incredibly tedious to me.

    • Love 2
  14. 19 minutes ago, AntManBee said:

    I tried hard to read between the lines.  Sounds like Brooke is a commitment-phobe and/or wanted more than monogamy.  Vanjie seemed into a more traditional relationship model.  They realized early that they wanted different things, and called it quits. 

    Vanjie, while possibly the more hurt/spurned/emotionally invested one in their relationship, seemed heart broken at that moment, I think she will recover well.  Brooke, I think, might be too narcissistic or walled-up for the intimacy that Vanjie sought. 

    Yeah, Brooke said some stuff through the season that struck me as him having difficulty in a situation where you need to be emotionally intimate with someone. Then in the last episode when he revealed he's never had an actual boyfriend, I wasn't that surprised.

    I unfortunately tend to date cluster B kind of individuals (not intentionally, they're good at hiding it until it's too late) and Brooke had some of the traits in common with a couple of my exes.

    Vanjie will find someone who will want the same thing. At least I hope so.

    • Love 5
  15. I don't understand how Silky got to skate by on 15 seconds, where maybe ten of those were of choreographed dancing, when, for instance, the camera was on Vanjie for 35 seconds and she did choreographed dancing the whole time. Silky is being held to completely different standards.

    I've watched the video several times now and Yvie makes all the stuff she does look so effortless, it's really hypnotizing.

    • Love 9
  16. 4 hours ago, smores said:

    Michelle and Ru both said the padding problem was it appearing lumpy and the way to fix it was by wearing more tights.  I'm thinking the problem was that Silky might not have the right foundation garments? '

    Maybe if she’d remember to take the fried chicken and holiday inn irons out of her pads, they wouldn’t be jacked up. 

    • LOL 2
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  17. 6 hours ago, ashleylm said:

    I can't remember a worse LSFYL than Silky's ... even Valentina, despite not knowing the words, didn't seem drunk and deranged.  Silky's aimless flopping around (and not even desperate flopping around, casual out-of-time flopping around) had me in hysterics.

    Her lip sync reminded me of Kennedy Davenport's drunk character on the Bitchelor.

    I can and yet can't believe Nina was sacrificed to keep silky around. I was hoping Brook Lynne had pulled off some brilliant strategery because Silky looked rattled in the workroom when Ru was coming through, but of course Ru won't let her darling dr reverend attorney at law, jr go home. We all have to be subjected to her angry ranting while pretending to be charming while Ru is in the room. Jesus.

    What's the "dream girls" thing they kept talking about? I don't remember it coming up before. Do they talk about it in Untucked? I've watched those except for this week's and may have tuned it out if it came up previously.

    I was slightly uncomfortable with Nina bringing the trans flag into this because I'm not sure that equating trans people with drag is the best idea. A lot of cis people already view trans women as men in dresses. I know she was trying to show solidarity and her heart was in the right place, but I question it a little bit.

    The slapping challenge seems like a more entertaining version of the reading challenge.

    Scarlet still reminds me of my ex-bf and I'm annoyed that I apparently have a type. 

    I still want Yvie to win.

    • Love 6
  18. I don't know if I'll be able to watch the Da Black Magic segment of the show again because I was embarrassed for them. I feel like it was such a disjointed trainwreck that it was painful to me. Sometimes things can be a trainwreck and still funny because the people involved are still having fun (or are so delusional that you don't feel that bad for them because they didn't feel bad about what they did) but I could tell Vanjie and Yvie were watching things go up in flames and felt powerless to stop it and their desperation showed through. The Mighty Tucks was a hard act to follow. If Nina doesn't get offers for writing gigs after that, there is something extremely wrong with the world.

    I'm not sure the judges are properly conveying what they're after to Vanjie. She's trying really hard but I don't think they're really speaking her language as a performer. She killed the lip sync because she built it up. She started at a certain level to match the music, and as the song rose in intensity, so did she. That's what they want her to do with every performance, and now that they've seen her do it in a lip sync, they're going to be after her to do it elsewhere. She does happen to be a dancer, so maybe they should approach what they want from her in terms of that performance. I think it's the judges' failure to be able to give people critique that's meaningful to a specific queen who is obviously trying very hard but still struggling to get what they want.

    I wish Yvie had thrown Silky specifically under the bus for that challenge. I don't think she's actually a villain, though, just honest and awkward about being honest tactfully. But Silky already doesn't like her, it wouldn't have been "off brand" for her, and saying something to the judges about Silky steamrolling them when it came to improv would have been a very lucrative maneuver. It would have grown the seed that Silky doesn't listen to critiques, kept A'Keria neutral because she wasn't being grouped with what took away from the performance even if she was part of the "let's improv" stuff, and not falsely implicating Vanjie would have kept their relationship more positive.

    It also would probably have had the effect of making Silky more pointedly angry at Yvie. Silky loses a lot of her "charm" when she's angry at people or being mean, and that really throws off her "brand" of trying to be America's Sweetheart. Figuring out how to make Silky get in her own way I think is the only thing that will stop Ru from just handing this to her, and while Yvie might be smart enough to do that and clearly understands how shows like this work, I don't think she's cutthroat enough. I don't think most of the queens on this show use enough "strategery," but I feel like it's a legitimate and intelligent way to play the game when authenticity only matters if you're Ru's favorite for the season.

    I also feel like Shuga being in the bottom was bullshit but I think Vanjie has a better chance of bringing down Silky in a challenge than Shuga. And if the next episode is making over the eliminated queens, I think the elimination kind of makes sense. I don't think Shuga has been doing this long enough to have enough feel for how she'd create a family resemblance, and I like her and think she's perfectly lovely and competent, but she doesn't bring as much of a unique thing to the group as the other queens have established themselves as doing. She didn't run with the one thing that the judges liked about her early on (the black panther challenge) and that hurt her by making her less memorable.

    A'Keria has one of the most pleasant voices I've heard on Drag Race, so I'm glad she's stuck around.

    • Love 4
  19. On 5/2/2019 at 4:42 AM, Kaboom 2.0 said:

    The library may have been open but it's clear this group of queens need extra tutoring in reading. These were the worst reads I have ever heard!

    Well, we already knew that most of them were somewhat illiterate after that teleprompter challenge.

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  20. 1 hour ago, zenithwit said:

    I think one of the issues with both Silky/Shuga's and Brooke/Nina's skits was that they started off with the cops meeting the more outlandish character (i.e. Silky & Brooke) first.  It almost feels like you could apply the complaint for Vanjie (that she starts at 10 and has nowhere to go) to both of these scenes.  By having Fortune & Cheyenne meet the "crazier" character first, the scene didn't have much room for growth.  And then by inducing the more "straight" uptight character mid-scene, the tempo dropped slightly.

    They should have started with Fortune & Cheyenne meeting the more "straight" character (i.e. the person who registered the complaint) first and then introduced the other character.  This would have helped build the scene and overall storytelling.

    Then again maybe those scenes didn't need a conservative/uptight character at all?  For example: what if both Nina and Brooke were the nudist neighbors?  Not sure how much control the queens have over their characterizations but perhaps Nina/Shuga would have benefited if their roles were defined differently?

    Yeah, I definitely agree with this. Like, what if the "weird" character actually ended up being the less weird of the two? Like you think that the nudist (for example) is weird, but then the "straight man" ends up being even weirder?

    It seems like everyone who lobbied for the weird role ended up doing better except that in the skit that won, it just happened to be two of the same character? I don't know, some of the skits seemed to be worse premises than others. I'll admit that the skit that won I actually tuned out for somewhere in the first half and I need to rewatch it.

    Silky does well at challenges like this because she literally approaches life as an improv where she happens to be the star. When she came into the work room, she immediately started trying to do call and response things with all the other queens, setting herself up as the central fixture that others will "yes and" to. Someone needs to be setting up the scenarios for her to be saying "yes" to or they're not going to stop her. Her reads were atrocious, so it's not because she's funny, it's because her comedy is based on her aggressively pushing herself into situations and onto people and those people not knowing what to do. When people clapped back at her reads and said they weren't funny, she was exposed as not funny at all. Her act is 100% about her and she can't shift focus to anybody else for even a second.

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  21. 1 hour ago, ladle said:

    Also, can we talk about the mini challenge? How on earth did Silky win that? It would be great to have a big queen on the show whose go-to schtick isn’t “I’m so fat because I love to eat!” Other queens get dinged for relying on the same trope over and over. How is she Teflon?

    I'm so, so, so, so tired of Silky in every aspect. I'm tired of her talking heads. I'm tired of her tiny glasses. I'm tired of her mugging for the camera. I'm tired of her hitting on everyone she's not actively physically assaulting. I'm tired of everything being about how much she likes to eat. I'm tired of her being offended at everyone who is tired of her while being subjected to her much more directly than I am. Someone, please stop her. The only thing she did this episode that I enjoyed was giving Plastique Tiara's character an enemy.

    Speaking of, I don't think it's totally fair that Plastique got hit with criticism about doing a nail technician type person twice considering the role was assigned to her in black panther and she presumably had prepared this snatch game character before the show.

    I was hopeful for this snatch game based on previous episodes, but wow. I was very let down. It's not like Ana Gasteyer hadn't done a Celine Dion character on SNL that Brooke couldn't have just basically used. And I had no idea who half these reality people were AND they weren't funny, with the exception of Nina (who should have won imo) and Shuga (who should have won before Silky did).

    I also hope that Yvie didn't injure anything in the lip sync because that would really suck.

    • Love 5
  22. 7 hours ago, amykay9377 said:

    Rachel M was trying way too hard to be funny in the taped segments, but she didn't land. I was amazed at how many of these folks couldn't f'in read a teleprompter, but... benefit of the doubt - I have bad eyes, so maybe I couldn't read it either.

    I feel like a couple of them (Silky, at the very least) were probably screwing words up on purpose to get more screen time. I have a hard time believing she could make the KFC connection if she wasn't deliberately mispronouncing "colonel." The mini challenges don't always come with a great prize, so you can either win those and maybe get saddled with being put in a leadership role (and going down with the ship if it sinks) or you can do something funny and hope it becomes a meme.

    Scarlet still reminds me of my ex-bf.

    I'm very, very tired of trumpf but I understood more of this than the kardashian themed one. I don't think the jabs they're taking are barbed enough to be funny, though, so I'd rather they just do something else. It seemed more like a roast than anything.

    • Love 2
  23. Scarlet reminds me of my ex-boyfriend for some reason. I had that thought immediately on seeing him out of drag and that hasn't gone away yet.

    I'm very glad that the Britney team did so well. That gives me hope for Snatch Game.

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