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Everything posted by SirCrimsonFox

  1. This season seems strangely scripted in the sense that every tribal is awesome. Every tribal they do something unexpected. I know survivor has always been OBVIOUS about who is going home before they even get to tribal. But usually the "bad guys" of the episode often end up winning tribal or else the "what you expect to happen" (aka boring waste of time) happens. Every tribal has been glorious including last week's sierra backflip vote onto Jouquin. That realy told me she was a bit smarter than...well...she had been acting. Then again she was definitely hurt by her dumbass tribe. I really want to see the blue collars go up in flames. I don't think there's anyone there I really like. Dan is a underdog and for that I'd like to see him go further. Back to Jenn. Holy Moly! YES! It has been SO LONG since we've seen an idol used correctly! I can't even remember when it HAS been used properly. But I don't think there has ever been a vote where it's made THAT much impact. Yay! I hadn't been liking jenn much before. Now she is awesome! Love her sarcasm! She doesn't seem to take herself too seriously and the bee thing gave her so many points :) And let's not forget Joe's AWESOME performance in the challenge. SOmeone else here brought up the point about Joe....the fact that people are "SO SCARED OF HIM IN CHALLENGES" when he's only won one challenge. It is obvious that the people who keep saying that (Mike and Rodney most of all) are ALSO huge big threats in challenges and want to get rid of people that can beat them. They also are trying not to have people say that about them. Rod is probably the stupidest player ever. WAit! Wait for it. Will is probably the stupidest player ever. And now they are going to join forces LOL. I'm half expected Rod and Will to vote out Mike next week with the Reds. I HOPEHOPEHOPE that Carolyn and Tyler dump the stupid blues now that their bud Kelly is gone and hang with the reds for awhile. Liking Shirin more. Mike is...yeah REALLY dumb. Mike is the probably the stupidest player ever. okay is there anyone I haven't said that about? really Mike's perception on people has been REALLY GOOD but then he talks to them and starts believing their lies again. I don't know if he truly BELIEVES all of rod's bad lies but really he seems to . Little inlings maybe not as he keeps saying "we need Rodney for these votes". Problem is he thinks he can trust Rod now. Will are you really that stupid. for no reason he jumps ship to be the bottom of the pole in a stacked multialliance . I hope Tyler starts actually making moves. I mean he HAD IT! HE WAS STARING MIKE'S LIES IN THE FACE AND HE REALIZED MIKE HAD NOTHING TO OFFER HIM YET HE STILL VOTED WITH THE BLUES. UGH I'm guessing he was Carolyn's whipping boy there. I like carolyn and obviously that was a tough loss for her. BRAVO to Jenn for ousting Kelly to make Carolyn a complete rogue free agent. Actually it was shirin who brought up her name altho jenn probably would have anyway. That was so good
  2. I am so thankful for the judges of this show. One of the worst things I've found about competition shows is the group challenges because there is always an immovable wall with bad ideas that either is the center of drama or everyone just goes with NOT to cause drama. This show, these judges rightly kick that garbage and that attitude off the show. Actually I totally liked Jason in previous weeks and this week I've truly realized the type of contestant that I cannot stand to watch on the show, not for their personality or anything, but for their tunnelvision and closedmindedness. I speak of course of those that can only see makeup through horror films. SUre it's a given that a LOT of people in special effects were entraced by it and came in through a fascination with horror films and effects. However if they cannot veer from this view of makeup then they will be left behind in the 80s with the slasher and demon films. Thus goes Jason, someone so dim and transfixed in his trite desire to make nothing but grotesque that he cannot see that he's not following the challenge correctly even when three people point blank tell it to his face. It was agonizing watching Sasha and I feel for her having to deal with it. I just wish she would have just said "No, this is wrong " and just started going. She could have made a huge glorious mane and actually changed the color pallette... actually here is what I loved and hated about each... Cowardly Lion - nothing salvagable when Jason steamrollered the design off a cliff. I've heard of the Lion and Cat mashups...Great. That IS a great pairing. TO accomplish that, then they should have taken the ordinary features of the cheshire cat and turned that grin upside down. The Lion is always frowning and worrying so apply the huge grin inverted to make BIG frown. Then make a lion mane and form but color the whole fur blue and orange. The face of course would definitely need to blend the frown into the model's own mouth. I mean really even with Jason's "let's just make a lion" concept he completely covered the mouth and made it immobile. Big teeth look ridiculous and are very hard. Anyway needed big mouth and big eye effects. Totally enlarged worried brow. Drooping fur. Tin Woodman - Glorious! I agree with the comments about costume. The cape and suit REALLY sold him into wonderland. In fact that was definitely the most wonderland thing about him. I've often wondered who handles the clothes. I imagine a room full of designers working round the clock with the models during the 3 days the makeup is being made. I just had a thought about how the Tinman MAKEUP itself could have been more wonderlandy. Why not turn him into a chess piece. Chess did play a big part in things. COuld have made him the rook on top. Flying Monkey - When Flying MOnkey was drawn I thought they were screwed. They got the only character that wasn't even a character. Why didn't they get Glinda? (I shouted). But man they turned in a wonderful concept and design. Very striking and probably the best one of the show so far. The only character I might have crossed the monkey with was the White Rabbit. Having a white monkey flying around with a watch ...now THERE"s a rabbit who won't be late. :) Scarecrow - I like the patchwork idea but they seemed to lose track of what actual PATCHWORK is. it has to be symmetrical and appealing to the eye to come off instead of just random patches. The face ugh...they even said they were worried about facial features and didn't change anything to save it. They should have made the face one color so that it stood out. Or if the face was patchwork then the suit was not. That kind of distinction. They seemed to marry the mad hatter concept into their deisgn. THey should have gone more with that and incorporated teabags and teacups into the design perhaps. The Witch - HOW is this witch any different from any other witch we might see in any wizard of oz movie or play? Answer: It wasn't really. Their tornado hair concept was a great one but they really needed to follow through with that. Totally agree on the color choice. The obvious marriage of characters here was Wicked Which to QUeen of Hearts. Give her a red face or Red and WHite face or white with Red and make the dress in the pattern of the witch with the color scheme and playing card style of the queen of hearts. WIth a big heart shaped broom. DOing the torando hair of fiery red. THAT would have been killer. Their work was solid and professional looking. Both are totally skilled. But they really missed out on wonderland. Judges totally got it right. Still kinda disappointed with this season. People are not blowing us away with style and grace as much as they should. I really blame the timelimits for some of it. It's ridiculous how much they have to do and when one thing goes wrong it sets them back in every other thing. Granted that time management and troubleshooting are also skills that are judged here obviously. But I want to be wowed more like I was with the flying monkey. We need more flying monkeys :)
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