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Posts posted by KarenX

  1. 1 hour ago, Redrum said:

    It definitely tasted like chemistry.

    The one I tasted back in 1979 tasted like cigarettes, because that is what adults did in the 1970s at neighborhood picnics around children: use soda cans as ash trays at the table, before the Soda-Environmemtalist-Industrial Complex swapped out the pull tabs for the push tabs and the drink hole got too small.

    The Boomers really hated GenX, even then. Our ST Gang has to survive so many hidden dangers!

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  2. 59 minutes ago, Taryn74 said:

    Hence One being shock-collared after getting too friendly with El.

    Unless Papa was doing that on purpose to make El trust One even more. I could see either scenario, tbh. What a piece of shit that man is.

    Owens is also a piece of shit, but at least he’s a no-nonsense, sorry kid yer all just numbers piece of shit instead of mess with your head pretend we’re family Mother Gothel piece of shit. Owens is more honest and respectful to El in that way.

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  3. 21 hours ago, Dev F said:

    We see it at a slightly later point, when Brenner demands of young El, "What have you done!" By then it's just a spidery brown mark on the wall—more "closed" looking than, say, the gate in season 3 after the portal drill blew up.

    Of course! No one ever thought El killed those kids, and Hawkins Lab didn’t really even care that much. The rip to the next dimension is the real horror.

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  4. 4 hours ago, Eliza422 said:

    In real life, sure - but in tv / movies, 99% of the time vomit = pregnancy. That was my first thought, but then when they had the mother talking about her being fat, I was like, ah! Bulimia!

    Adult women on TV and in movies, and maybe teenagers now but in the 1980s teens vomiting signaled bulimia. Back then, eating disorders on TV were as ubiquitous as quicksand was in the 1970s.

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  5. On 5/29/2022 at 6:22 PM, DearEvette said:

    I am a little annoyed that Mike won't call them to let them know that Owens has El or that they don't call Mike to let him know that the upside down is happening again.  You'd think Nancy would call her brother to give him a heads up or that they'd wonder if maybe possibly El got her powers back and could help.

    I think Hawkins crew has been trying to call California crew but have been getting a “weird busy signal.”

    I liked the junkyard scene but I am not sure how they really weren’t followed there.

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  6. On 5/31/2022 at 11:50 AM, Ilovepie said:

    Ok, I've read through all of the comments, but can someone clear this up for me: Jonathan, Nancy and Steve have graduated from high school. Robin is a Junior or Senior, and the kids are freshmen, except Erika who overtly stated she is in 6th grade but I'm convinced is actually a 30 year old woman in a child's body.....

    And then she grows and marries…. Frozone!

    • LOL 5
  7. 17 minutes ago, arc said:

    I don’t think it was explained explicitly, but he did say he was divorced, right? Deborah’s lucky he didn’t have a race car bed.

    I assumed for no particular reason that it was an adult child and child’s friends.

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  8. 7 hours ago, raeb23 said:

    Loved this ep; great to see Debra hitting her stride.

    I kept thinking her hookup looked familiar but was surprised to see that it was Devon Sawa in the credits. It's been a while since I've seen him in anything.

    Ava's mother continues to annoy me but I'm glad they were able to reconnect somewhat.

    I think we saw some switch flip in Ava’s brain. I think she saw her mother’s many issues as her mother’s issues, and not Ava’s lifelong failure to please her mother. I think Ava can see herself differently now.

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  9. 1 hour ago, aghst said:

    Will this tour end in some triumph where she becomes critically acclaimed for her material and wins a new audience, maybe younger than the audience which gravitate to traditional Vegas casino acts?

    I hope not! It’s too boring. I would like to see Deb expand as a performer, build on something really new. Be inspired and excited by possibilities and opportunity instead of just fighting to hold rank where she’s been for so long.

    I suspect we will see Ava and Deb’s daughter be the sources of new networking. I don’t think Marcus wants back with Wilson. I want him to find another ridiculously attractive and smart workaholic he can love. And I want to see more of his mother and her friend!

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  10. 46 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

    She specifically said that she was going to try her classics for the cruise, though, because it was a high-paying gig. 

    But she got careless/cocky. She won them over the night before, was waltzing around complimenting boobs, and only ever had a superficial interest in the people on the boat. She was half-assing the set with no preparation, and as soon as they cooled on her lackluster performance she lashed out at them. She got huffy with her AUDIENCE. That’s not professional. It was disrespectful and disdainful, and shows how much work she has to do to rebrand herself. 

    Ava knew as soon as Deborah came onstage “doing Ellen” that Deborah was going to fail. Putting them off the boat was amazing and hilarious. I love that the boat lesbians stood up for themselves as a group in such a witty way. What. A. Trip! The cost of the little boat and flights back to the shore completely worth it for the good will and PR. 

    The Ava molly stuff was awesome.!The whole “I was only pretending to like you because of my wife’s leggings” was a very weird plot choice, though.

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  11. On 5/18/2020 at 9:51 AM, blackwing said:

    My biggest complaint about him is that he looks so much like Tom Cruise, and I despise Tom Cruise.

    OMG yes. Although I love Sci Fi Tom Cruise, this is a huge distraction/detriment because hecis not tapping into the Tom Cruise energy that I expect when I see him.

  12. 9 hours ago, Cinnabon said:

    Julia Season One executive producers Daniel Goldfarb and Christopher Keyser have stated that one of the questions the series explores is if Julia Child represents feminism or traditional values of femininity.

    Huh. I don’t see it that way. I see the dichotomy of “feminism” vs “personal fulfillment.”

    What isn’t clear to me: is the show airing, in Boston or anywhere, during the workday or in the evening when everyone is home? Is it explicitly targeted at women?

  13. I’ve read The Feminine Mystique once and it made good points. Burdens in the book were things like fresh baked cookies after school EVERY DAY and no one made beds in the morning because you were supposed to launder sheets EVERY DAY.

    A once a week television show about challenging yourself to make art—which was alluded to by Paul in the episode while Julia was writing her speech—is not about performing drudgery.

    But it’s likely that then, as now, the show or assumptions about the show were talked about more broadly to prove other people’s points, for and against “housewife” as a concept. Possibly caught up in a larger conversation about what public television was for and whether public money should be spent on boring things like women and children (Mr Rogers), and the plebes with “TVs.” Also against a backdrop of civil rights ascendency (which itself is concurrent with a withdrawal from taxes as public duty and civic-mindedness.

    You guys! There is so much packed into this episode!! I didn’t mean to end up in this place when I started typing with one thumb on a phone about cookies.

    What Real Julia and Real Betty actually thought was not the point of the scene. The show is adding things for temporal color, to put Julia in a context for modern viewers.


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  14. 8 hours ago, marybennet said:

    I don't think the Betty Friedan/Julia Child encountered actually happened.  I think the writers of the show are using them (writing a fictional encounter) to discuss possible different approaches to or understanding of 1960s feminism, imagining them in conflict when they may or may not have been.

    It was a thinly disguised dig at modern-day lifestyle influencers, and I have a rant prepared if anyone needs to hear it and now is a very good time for us all to brush up on our Backlash by Susan Faludi, which keeps being relevant.

    That said, I find great joy in good food and appreciate Julia’s efforts to elevate something ordinary into a ritual. I don’t really think she was presenting her food for daily consumption. She was a visionary. She was demonstrating what was possible in ordinary kitchens. And I have some 1960s cookbooks and the recipes are generally horrific and unappetizing and I am grateful for our improved cuisine. I’m no chef and my mother was a perfectly fine cook but we (my current family) eat much more interesting dinners now than I ate with my childhood family, even in the 1980s and 1990s.

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  15. 10 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

    It doesn't seem like the ghosts even had a TV set before Jay and Sam moved in. Trapped on the Woodstone property would have given Sass very little opportunity to learn and perfect his English.

    I don’t know if that is true. The house was only recently desolate; Alberta was partying there. Over time there has been lots of opportunity to observe/watch (like TV). Flower and Pete and Trevor are all opportunities to actively practice modern English, too. 

    I’m sticking with “Sas has a natural affinity for languages and was probably a multilingual child. So, he can pick up accents seamlessly.” Hetty and Isaac probably knew French but if they didn’t speak it regularly… that’s why those two middle-agers haven’t caught up.

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  16. 1 hour ago, BaggythePanther said:

    Aside from @iMonrey point that the writers don’t want to offend Native Americans, what do you think a 16th century Native American accent should sound like? It’s easier to develop the character as someone who’d keep up with the changes in language and sound modern. Now I’m hoping at some point next season we hear Sass has started picking up slang from the shows he’s been watching.

    Some people are just better with languages. I also think that the younger you are when you learn your second language the better you are at becoming fluent. I am sure that Sassapis was multilingual. I am not sure that Thor was. I don’t expect Thor to speak like a local. 

    We also have seen Sass use modern lingo. Remember when they were discussing the chambermaid? Sass described her to Trevor as “so hot.” He picks up slang. 

    I love him. Robin from UK Ghosts is appealing but Sass is a treasure.

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  17. 2 hours ago, SmithW6079 said:

    "Blue collar" has specific connotations. Jay and Sam's contractor is a blue collar worker. Dan Conner from "The Conners" is a blue collar worker. Sam and Jay aren't wealthy, but they still have privileges and access to funds that a Dan Conner wouldn't.

    Starting with actual ownership of a mansion and its land. They aren’t selling and bathing in tubs of money right now because they think running a BnB will be fun. No part of this story ends up with them “losing” although I do think Sam would miss/grieve loss of her ghost family if they sold and moved away.

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  18. On 4/9/2022 at 2:24 PM, peachmangosteen said:

    This happened at my school, too! 

    At my school, yes.

    ETA: This was all in the early aughts so perhaps this kind of thing is more damning now, I don't really know.

    OMG. Early eighties yes. Our eighth grade science teacher took us on a field trip to his girlfriend’s kindergarten class at another school while his wife subbed for the classes left behind!

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  19. On 4/7/2022 at 4:58 PM, mrsbagnet said:

    The bane of 3rd grade parents' existence. 😆 I still have my recorder from almost 40 years ago. It's in a box in my closet.

    My two kids both brought their recorders on a Hawaii vacation, which turned driving around the island into some kind of hobbit movie hellscape.

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  20. 13 minutes ago, Sakura12 said:

    I think for most of them it's not always about how they died its what they missed doing while they were alive. Sam's mom got that chance and was able to get sucked off. It could be anything and that's why they are still stuck hanging around. 

    Also, Sam’s mom was bored out of her mind. No one was happy there. Our ghost family not only likes each other they have a huge mansion with outdoors and chirpy birds to hang out in. Plus they have a fun living to talk to now, who goes out of her way to engage them with marvels from the current world.

    Maybe they are just lucky, like the airport people got lucky in Station 11. Our ghosts won the ghost lottery.

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  21. 2 minutes ago, kwnyc said:

    Since we are all overthinking this, if the douchebros had thrown Trevor into the lake (and didn't weigh him down), he would have come up a floater, and they could have plausible deniability: we didn't know he was so high. He must've gone outside after we all passed out. (And again, rich dads who could cover the whole thing up.)


    He could have been thrown in the lake AND been found/buried by his family.

    I wonder if ghost friendship/community/interest in the world is enough to keep a ghost on earth. Thor had an option to get sucked off and didn’t take it. I hope none go involuntarily. I can see Trevor having good friends and too much fun to want to leave, even if his life/death had full closure.

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