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Posts posted by Panopticon

  1. 23 hours ago, 4evaQuez said:

    Shouldn't Eli be the one to save her. Abe is obviously in no physical shape to save someone.

    How about a gender role reversal and Lani’s father kidnaps Eli and/or Abe to get to Lani, and Lani has to rescue him/them? Bonus points if Chanel helps, since Chanel’s voice is the most interesting one to me in the whole Lani parentage reveal. 

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  2. 34 minutes ago, FilmTVGeek80 said:

    I don't have the history with Phillip/Brady/Chloe, but yeah, it was entirely pointless. I tend to hate triangles in general, but Days has been abysmal with them this year, mostly because most of them aren't really triangle - just one sad sack being in love with someone not as into them while we're really supposed to be rooting for one specific pairing.

    I can’t remember the last time I enjoyed a triangle (if I ever did), but I found the two reduxes this autumn especially awful.  


    I didn't see the Christmas movie yet (may not at all.) Was there an explanation given for that or were we supposed to not notice Will's father not being involved?

    Yes, the in story explanation was


    that Lucas ran off to Antarctica with Chloe. It happened at Christmastime and was one of the reasons Sami hated the holiday.

    It was actually funny. Sonny pointed out that Will was trolling his family with the whole story.


    so I'm not being overly negative? This was a pretty bad year? I'm not some miserable grouch?

    It was a great year if your absolute favorites are John/Marlena and Ben/Ciara. Otherwise, not a season for the ages. 

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  3. Well said. If I were doing a list from scratch, I would have as my top five:

    --Abe's anniversary episode. Congratulations to Jim Reynolds for being part of the fabric of Salem for longer than a lot of us have been alive.

    --Multiple successful recasts. Welcome, NuEJ and NuChanel. And welcome to our first adult Johnny, while I'm at it.

    --The simultaneous implosions of Nicole's and Sami's marriages while everyone played hot potato with Kristen's letter about the Lucas/Sami affair.

    --Bill Hayes, as he inches closer to the century mark, playing a major role that went from "ripped from the headlines tearjerker about the diseases of aging" to the super-campy "possessed by the devil."

    --The episode where Sami framed herself for Charlie's death, driving Belle and Rafe crazy while Lucas tried to pry the truth out of Allie. I love it when Sami decides to be ridiculous for reasons other than her own ego.

    My bottom five:

    --Nicole involvement with Rafe. I can buy that Nicole pined after Eric, had a self-destructive moment with Xander, and was intrigued by EJ. I cannot accept that a talking teddy bear or its daddy should be a part of any of this.

    --The continued worship of the Necktie Killer. If one or two people loved him, that would be fine, but everyone loving him is maddening. I especially hated that Allie was willing to go for jail for him even though he'd "killed" her brother and she barely knew him otherwise.

    --Mrs. Necktie Killer being pregnant. This is never going to end, is it?

    --The resurrection of the Broe/Phloe triangle. I like Brady. I like Philip. I like Chloe. I like Brady/Chloe. I like Philip/Chloe. What I did not ever need was a redux of the triangle, especially if it meant Philip losing his mind.

    --The resurrection of the Lumi/Ejami triangle.  (And a bonus "I hate you" to Will for leaving his own father out of his Christmas fan fiction while featuring the rest of his family.)



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  4. My favorite current friendship is probably Chloe/Nicole, which I concede makes no damn sense. They never should have been friends after the flesh-eating bacteria incident, but they work for me as women from different backgrounds and with different ideals who unexpectedly grew on each other when their lives twisted together. I HATED that baby Holly's origin story was all about Deimos. It should have been about the love between Chloe and Nicole, although their assorted romantic interests would have played a role too.

    Another friendship I liked this year was Allie/Claire. Not Ciara, since others exist only to serve her and prove her superiority.

    I'm glad Lucas/Philip got some play this year, though I'm sorry they're bonding over being damn psychos in danger of being written off.

    Unpopular with this crowd, but I liked the moments Julie/Paulina got when they were taking about breaking Doug out of the hospital. Paulina usually overwhelms anyone with whom she shares screen time. Julie has just as big and loud a personality. So they found an equilibrium. I suppose that's not a friendship but I could accept it as a budding one-- more than Paulina with almost anyone else, since most people just sit quietly and watch as Paulina spins around.

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  5. Quote

    Tuesday, December 28, 2021
    Possessed Marlena toys with Lucas and Sami.
    John, Brady, Belle, Sami, Eric, Allie, and Johnny band together to exorcize the Devil from Marlena.

    Well, you know what they say about the family that slays demons together...

    Seriously, thinking of friendships thanks to the discussion in the other thread, two friendships I miss are Sami/Eric and Sami/Belle. Unfortunately Sami's only interests anymore are owning Nicole and holding onto her husband of the moment regardless of whether either one of them even want each other.

    Maybe the devil could do me a solid and switch Marlena's twins' love lives. So Sami takes a vow of celibacy and worries about things like work and family and being a person instead of a cartoon for a while. And Eric can have reckless revenge sex with everyone in Salem:

    "Hey, Xander, remember how you slept with Nicole? I'm sleeping with Gwen! Hey, Brady, remember how you blackmailed Nicole into dumping me? I'm sleeping with Chloe! Hey, Dad, I just found out that you had a one-night stand with Nicole a few decades back, so I'm sleeping with Kate. Hey, Sami, you just had to destroy both my wedding and my anniversary party?! I'm sleeping with Lucas AND E.J. Not at the same time, though, neither one of them would go for it. Rafe showed up and seemed interested but I had to draw the line somewhere."


    • LOL 7
  6. 7 hours ago, madpsych78 said:

    Why didn't Jessa just spill food on herself?

    Maybe that would have been something she could have been blamed for: you’re old enough not to spill food, your punishment is XYZ. Or, you obviously did that so you could change your clothes, your punishment is XYZ.

    But as long as she didn’t personally pee on the couch (it would add a whole new wrinkle to this story if she did…) and wasn’t “buddy” to the kid who DID pee on the couch, she would be blameless enough to be justified in changing her dress without repercussions.

    • Love 6
  7. Honest question, since I’ve skipped many more episodes than I’ve watched over the past decade: did the show explicitly say at some point that the private living space attached to the Pub is small? I’ve seen it said here several times that it’s a small apartment.

    But in the 80s when we saw the inside of the home attached to the fish market, it was more large apartment/small house. There was mention of it having both an attic and a cellar.  Shawn/Caroline had raised their original four kids there, and even with the significant age spread, they would have had all four at home for at least five years. Then in the 80s Shawn/Caroline adopted in Frankie and Max, plus regularly taking in Rojohn’s three kids and Kim’s two kids (counting her stepdaughter Eve) when the assorted parents were off saving the world. 

    In the 90s, John paid to have the fish market reimagined as the Pub. I guess they could have cut down on living space during the remodel, but why would they? They still had multiple grandchildren (mostly Shawn-D), honorary grandchildren (Belle and Brady), and great-grandchildren (Will) staying there regularly for extended periods of time. 

    If Kate, Roman, and Lucas are the only ones there now, that seems to me like the most empty the place has ever been. And Lucas has specifically said that the three of them have separate bedrooms… which, if it’s still Roman’s childhood home, is the fewest bedrooms it ever could have had (one for Shawn/Caroline, one for Bo/Roman, and one for Kim/Kayla). 

    Or did Caroline or Roman downsize the house at some point when I wasn’t paying attention, possibly to get out of having to take in all the strays? 



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  8. 20 minutes ago, 4evaQuez said:

    Sorry, I can't for the life of me think of you're speaking of. Is it Eve? I'm pretty sure the guy who kidnapped Ciara is dead. But honestly, I sometimes forget as these storylines merge in my mind.

    Yes, I meant Eve. I think she’s in prison? I admit I’m not sure, and of course the stuff she did was criminal… but the whole story didn’t sit right with me. It felt like a heavy-handed way to make Ben the victim, which is ridiculous as long as Paige remains dead.*

    *Not that I want Paige back. I stipulate that she was boring. 

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  9. 2 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

    Well this is Salem, where you likely won’t face consequences for anything lol. 

    Maybe Philip should strangle two or three women? My understanding is that that’s the only way to become truly pure of heart. I know I’m a broken record about this but I have trouble accepting any character facing consequences for anything in a world where the one person who didn’t coo over the local serial killer got sent to prison while the killer himself got wife/baby/universal adoration. 

    1 hour ago, 4evaQuez said:

    As an aside - I didn't realize Kate was living in the Brady Pub now.


    She bounced back there after Jake was through with her. It was actually rather sweet, and I liked the day Lucas was saying Kate/Roman would be sneaking into each other’s rooms and Kate was all “we’ll leave that to you and Sami.”


    Brady may be dumb sometimes but he is very handsome.

    The words “pretty but dumb” have long been Brady in a nutshell.

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  10. Considering that Victor once faked his death so he could torture Kate by appearing as a ghost—even though Philip was a teenager and caught between his parents— I have zero sympathy for him. If the “victim” was anyone other than Brady, I’d expect Victor to pat Philip on the back for this.

    (See also: Victor’s treatment of Kimberly, Diana, Nicole, etc. This stunt of Philip’s is small potatoes compared to  Victor in his prime.)

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  11. I don't get the impression that John Aniston has ever done anything he didn't feel like doing. After the show wrote Victor out with a stroke in the late 90s, there was a period where the show wanted him back on contract and he refused. He wanted total control over his schedule and they let him work on a voluntary recurring basis, which was not a deal most of the actors could have wrangled at that time.

    So I'm sure he'd retire completely if he felt like it. If he did feel like leaving, I'd enjoy seeing Victor get a real exit/death storyline. I think my all-time favorite Days death was Victor's old rival Shawn Senior's, since Frank Parker was there to play out Shawn sacrificing himself for Bo (and Kayla et al) before retiring. It'd be weirdly fitting if Victor did something similar.

    Maybe they could kill Victor anyway and JA could appear as a ghost/vision if he wanted to continue to work now and then? You know Victor would haunt half of Salem just for shits and giggles.


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  12. 38 minutes ago, FilmTVGeek80 said:

    I don't think it's odd. Just because the show might be pushing a certain angle doesn't mean people can't enjoy the chemistry and story potential they're seeing elsewhere and hope the show changes direction.


    I find Rafe/Nicole boring and to say I dislike Ejami would be an understatement. So I have no interest in watching those stories, let alone discussing them.

    I do have an interest in seeing Lucas/Sami/Allie interact, so I've enjoyed what I've gotten over the past 18 months. When Lucas gets shipped off to prison and Sami returns to Europe (or whatever), I'll stop following the show unless there's some other plot/characters that interest me.

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  13. 9 hours ago, FilmTVGeek80 said:

    I liked that Nicole also got to lay some home truths on Sami. It sucks that she tried to be nice and then Sami decided to act five years old and get in yet another catfight.

    I think Sami should hate Nicole forever over the Sydney/Grace switch. I think most characters forgive major crimes too easily (and yes I am pointing at the universal adoration of Ben right now). BUT I'm tired of Sami always throwing temper tantrums when Nicole is around and refusing to have a modicum of inner conflict or maturity. Like Nicole pointed out, Sami didn't care that Eric was collateral damage in Sami's latest revenge scheme. At this point in her life, Sami should have cared! She's not an underdog fifteen-year-old anymore. She ought to be able to balance her hate for Nicole with her love for Allie/Eric/etc. Back in the 80s, Rojohn hated Kayla's romance with Steve and Steve hated Adrienne's romance with Justin. Neither of them ended up sucking all of the air out of every single room and then rolling around in the cake.

    Who Sami ends up with romantically matters to me far less than seeing Sami get back on track as a fully-fledged character instead of as a plot device who shows up, screams like a broken record, gets in a physical altercation, shows no love for anyone but herself, and then leaves.

    Sami could still be snarky, vivacious, clever, scheming, bold, and periodically selfish or immoral without also being violent, desperate, and unable to extend the slightest bit of compassion to anyone else. Could she please get a career she cares about? Support her beloved siblings/children instead of destroying them for her own convenience? Do anything other than cling to a man who doesn't want her while blaming Nicole for everything from the color of the sky to Covid-19?


    The one slight issue I had with Allie and Lucas's scene was her lack of concern for Phillip. She talked about him as if he was some stranger she didn't know and not her uncle. 

    Perhaps Philip is both her uncle and some stranger she doesn't know? I can't remember them ever interacting. Philip/Will and Philip/Lucas, yes, but not Philip/Allie. I wish the show was stronger with family ties.

    8 hours ago, bunnyblue said:

    Also, I still can't shake the feeling that Lucas was behind Sami's kidnapping. There was something in the way he acted during Sami's rescue and the way he interrogated Jason that makes me suspicious. Not to mention that Jason conveniently got away from Lucas as he gave chase. Maybe I'm just paranoid because I've seen this show shit on Lucas for almost 3 decades, and I just can't see them making Lucas Sami's "hero".

    Absolutely. Allie's big speech about how great Lucas is was no doubt a setup for Lucas to fall off that pedestal when Allie finds out that her father kidnapped her mother.

    I just hope that Johnny doesn't learn the circumstances of his conception at the same time as Allie learns about the kidnapping and a "gee, both of our fathers treated our mother equally poorly" chat ensues. Because that would be a horrible false equivalency.

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  14. Aside from the rudeness, and that fact that we already knew this man was a piece of work, and the fact that no one's style is anyone's business but her own... we're at a strange moment, fashion-wise, where it's almost impossible to say that ANY outfit is the wrong outfit.

    The fashion industry was disrupted by the pandemic just like every other business. Clothes didn't get made when Covid tore through factories. Clothes didn't get to stores because they were stuck on ships. People didn't buy the clothes that were in stores because they didn't know when they'd be back at the office, or what the office dress code would be when they got there, or what size they'd be wearing if they gained some Covid weight.

    I think this would be a very difficult moment to do a wardrobe overhaul if a person wanted/needed to, because supply is sketchy and trends are all over the place. Someone in the market for a new wardrobe right now would be limited to "what happens to be in the store in my size?" far more than usual.

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  15. 1 minute ago, RainbowBrite said:

    Not to presume to understand or relate to Josh in ANY WAY, but I smile when I am uncomfortable. That means I often smile at inappropriate times...there is a chance I would smile in a mug shot although I would be extremely distraught if ever arrested. 

    I was thinking along those lines too. I've never had to pose for a mug shot, but I have posed for passport photos, driver's license photos, work ID photos, etc. Often the photographer explicitly says "don't smile" because the ID is supposed to show a relaxed/natural face. But I smile anyway-- not to make a statement or to annoy the photographer, but because it's an instinctive reaction when someone shoves a camera in my face. And unlike Josh, I've never been part of a television show or a public-facing family where I smiled on cue day in and day out.

    (Josh is still a disgusting sex pest even if the smile happens not to mean anything.)

    • Love 16
  16. 6 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

    I actually think they were laying hints that it was indeed Lucas. BD was acting weird when he was talking to the guard, the guard winked at him at one point, he insisted they untie the guard, he didn't call the police, the guard just happened to get away. Either that's some exceptionally bad writing (always possible lol) or Lucas in behind the kidnapping.

    Bad writing is a safe bet either way.

    If Lucas is behind the kidnapping (and I still think he is), that's out of character.

    If Lucas is not behind the kidnapping but didn't call the police, etc., that's plot-driven stupidity.

    But on a show where flowers grow in the footsteps of the local serial killer, who will no doubt save us all from the devil himself, what's a poorly written kidnapping here and there?


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  17. I remember when the spoilers about Nick sleeping with Billie came out. I was pissed because I really liked Nick/Chelsea. But then the Nick/Billie scenes were unexpectedly great-- sweet, vulnerable, raw, character-driven. The image of Billie cupping Nick's face in her hand and saying "God help you" (because he was so quirky-naive) always came back to me throughout Nick's downfall.

    I also liked the scene where Billie told Bo that she was afraid she'd damaged a much-younger man by relieving him of his virginity (without telling Bo Nick's identity). Bo told her he'd been a much-younger man once and he was sure everything was fine.

    Oh! And the scene where Ashley Benson's Abby-- still my favorite Abby-- put the pieces together about the Nick/Billie tryst because she saw that Nick's belt was missing the next day.

    And of course the time Nick/Chelsea were on a plane after helping Shawn/Belle kidnap Claire away from Philip, and Chelsea was teasing Nick about what she thought was his lack of sexual experience, and Nick ended up yelling "shut up about my virginity!" so the whole plane could hear.

    It's really a shame that Nick of all characters was trotted out to be the irredeemable homophobic heavy in the Will storyline. He had so much more to offer as an off-center, but basically decent, protagonist.

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