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Posts posted by ikmccall

  1. It amuses me that the cannibals apparently have reports and paperwork.  Gareth was walking around with his notebook like some asshole mid-level micro-manager.


    Which would truly be a living hell.

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  2. Two from comedy routines that I think more than I say:

    From Dave Attell: I don't have to drink to have a good time. I have to drink to stop the voices in my head.

    From Ron White on being arrested while drunk: At that point, I had the right to remain silent. But I no longer had the ability.



    And I'll add Bill Engvall's line "Here's your sign" and I'll admit I say it to myself when I do something stupid.

    • Love 1
  3. A bit out of topic: as The Walking Dead is now on its 5th season, it is going to be a rather long marathon, as AMC will air all previous episodes of seasons 1 - 4. That is why the marathon will be run on two days. As of why Hell on Wheels is suspended, I do not know. The next weekend after this is going to be movie marathon of Tremors.


    Actually, because of the four seasons, the TWD marathon starts tonight and will be every night this week starting at 7pm. 

  4. So I'm going to fly my freak flag at the highest possible point here, fellow PTVer's.


    Am I the only freak sitting here reading about the Ebola outbreak in Dallas and surmising that paying very close attention to every episode of The Walking Dead for survival tips in case this outbreak goes to a cataclysmic degree is probably not an entirely bad idea?  


    I take little comfort in the CDC's half-hearted reassurances...I remember all too well all of the misinformation they doled out when AIDS/HIV came to the forefront.  Yeah, not trusting their info right now...


    Thinking maybe I should get myself a semi-automatic, a cowboy hat, and start hoarding bottled water every time I look at the headlines.


    And, of course, because I'm anal-retentive and OCD beyond any rational comprehension, I'm also wondering how many cases of Ebola will have cropped up before October 12th and TWD premiere.  


    I almost always think "Global pandemic with 90% fatality" when a new virus pops up in the headlines.  All thanks to Stephen King and "The Stand".

    • Love 5


    I don't think this is discontinued, it's just nearly impossible to find in its original form: Spumoni. Oh sure, they sell the bastardized version with strawberry, chocolate and vanilla, but the original pistachio, cherry and chocolate is pretty rare these days. It's a pity, because the chocolate, strawberry, vanilla version is like the Wonder White Bread of actual spumoni.



    There's a pizza place in Brooklyn that still sells the original Spumoni. 

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  6. Yeah, Eva was looking pretty cutthroat at her.  I'm glad the woman had a heart to heart discussion with her about Elam and I thought it was nice of her to tell Eva that Elam was thinking about her.  I think Eva's going down a dangerous path, with the gambling and drinking.  Maybe she can become friends with the woman and go down a different, less dangerous path.  The thing I wonder about is since Eva took the woman to the hotel lady for a job, why couldn't Eva have gotten a job there herself?  Did she think the woman wouldn't want her because of her past, or is it because she doesn't want to do respectable work?  At any rate, I'm tired of "bitter" Eva and I hope she's turned the corner. 


    Loved his staredown with Sidney.  I'm still holding out hope that Ezra is the one who is instrumental in taking the Swede down.



    I think that because of her face tattoos, it would be hard for her to get a respectable job.  Back then, they would see the tattoos and know that she had been kidnapped by a Native and most likely raped. 

  7. Devil In the White City is one of my favorite non-fiction book reads. If you're into serial killers I highly recommend it . It's non-fiction that reads like fiction. 


    I liked it too but I wish there was more on the serial killer and less on the professional men (architects, engineers, etc). But I imagine there's not a whole lot of info on the killer.

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