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Posts posted by ikmccall

  1. Yup. He was more attractive than the average bear, but not swoon worthy in my book. I liked some of his movies but was never blown away by him in them.

    The only movies of his that I truly enjoy and will watch any time of day are Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid and The Sting.

    • Love 3
  2. I feel the same way about surviving the regular world. I'd last as long in an apocalypse as I had canned goods squirreled away and boards for my windows.  We're having yet another snow storm, and I feel like just getting to work and back on days like today should earn me a damned medal!   Also, I've been relegated to a tiny room that is not an office, which at first made me angry, but now makes me happy because none of the herd can find me to eyeball me anymore.  As long as I don't get put in the basement and stop getting paychecks, as in Office Space, I'll take my little cramped hole I suppose.  Other people--bah!


    As an introvert with borderline anti-social and OCD tendencies, I must say that job sounds perfect.

    • Love 4
  3. I worked with a woman who was an alcoholic and her drinking would be in cycles. We knew she was drinking again when she would come into work with a 5-lb bag of red licorice and that's all we would see her eat (with coffee). I no longer work there and she was fired long before I quit but I can hardly look at licorice without feeling sick to my stomach. I'll probably never eat it again. Not to mention, she was a vile creature, to boot.

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  4. Ooh; eeeerie! My mom did the same thing with horsemeat. Only she didn't tell me till I was completely finished.

    At least that explains how we turned out like this!  :-)

    My mother did this to me for fried eel (we were in Japan).

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  5. When I was a kid, we went on a few school field trips - one to a hostess factory and one to Sunshine Biscuit (they made Cheez its at the time). Hot off the line mass produced baked goods are delicious, but Twinkies and Hostess cupcakes are gross now. Part of it is being an adult and part of it is they cheaped out on all the ingredients. Nothing tastes like it used to anymore.

    Food manufacturers have cheaped out on ingredients and added more chemicals (to extend shelf life).

  6. In the 80s there used to be these microwave cake mixes by Betty Crocker (? maybe). They came with a plastic pan and you mixed the cake mix with water and bunged it in the microwave. Six minutes later when it was done you took it out, let it cool, then squeezed the packet of frosting over the top.


    I would SO SO SO buy those now if they still had them! The cakes were moist and tasty, and you could save the plastic pan to use later. Win/win.



    I still have the plastic pan!  I use it for the egg wash when I fry fish.

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