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Posts posted by revbfc

  1. Why don't more people just flat-out murder GR members? It's not like the police or any government organization will do anything about it. At least call the cops if you catch them trespassing. I just don't buy the conceit that they're just there and there's nothing that can be done. I don't in any way condone religious oppression, but the show has given us a world that does.

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  2. You know what I loved about the old Extended Universe? It was just cool stories that were canonical to each other, but not to the movies. The "Tarkin Doctrine" seems like a way to explain away the writer's inability to think up something more terrifying than "more Death Stars."

    Sure, the old EU parsed other issues, but it was way after fan-wanky debates needed to be put to bed (Kessel run in 12 parsecs, or Han being allowed to step on Jabba's tail because they had that kind of relationship, for examples). This Tarkin Doctrine stuff just seems like they're telegraphing their a explapology.

  3. The only thing that is worrying me about this movie is the planet-sized Death Star. We've already had two DS's, why is a an even bigger one not a retread? If it's because the First Order is using the planet and the inhabitants as sentient shields, then I'm cautiously more upbeat. I just can't accept the good guys destroying a whole planet and having it be a "good" thing.

  4. Do actors negotiate deals themselves? I thought agents did it.

    Walker and Yard are the two strongest people on this show, whether on the panel or in their skits.

    I can imagine scenarios where agents and lawyers would council a client that "This is the best you're going to get," or "You don't want to make these people mad enough to never hire you." Point is, it's not as cut and dry as an actress sicking her dogs on the patriarchy in charge of not paying her enough. Sometimes her dogs are unwilling to go to bat 100%. It seems counter-intuitive that people who are paid a percentage of income would drop the ball for a client, but it happens all the time. Many people just want to get shit done and work on the next deal.

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  5. People depart this world every day via death, and we have no answers as to what happens to them.

    No assurances whatsoever that the promises of religion are fulfilled, none. People continue to follow religion, they continue to speak for a God who refuses to speak for itself.

    They interpret events to match the narrative of their holy texts, and go right on praying to a silent God, who absolutely refuses to make its existence known in an indisputable manner.

    No, you will get no answers that will make sense.

    Besides, I see the mass departure as a plot device, perhaps a weird metaphor for 9-11, or some other catastrophe that fundamentally changes society.

    The show is about broken people coping with a world that suddenly changed and facing the unknown.

    I think you focused on the second half of my comment while ignoring the first part. I already said that I'd expect no answers if it was a natural disaster. This show is peppered with things that, on any other show, would be considered clues. On this show those hints or insights can only be considered red herrings that distract from the theme of facing the unknown. Now that ANOTHER departure has occurred (we think), there's even more emphasis put on the supernatural. The question of "why" does not go away, and the show has no urge to stop bringing it up. If there is no "WHY," the show should simply drop it. Even the theme song for this season has lyrics about not looking for answers while teasing us that there are answers. The show wants it both ways and it doesn't work.

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  6. Are the Daily Show people scared of something? Trevor can be funny, the writing is funny, the correspondents are funny. So why isn't the spark there? Do they all feel so beholden to the format that they can't bring themselves to change it? Are the people not getting along? Is Trevor still trying to figure out his own unique take? OK, I know the answer to the last one (yes), and that's not a problem for me. Anybody who has a new act needs time to work out the kinks in front of an audience. The problem is that Trevor isn't just responsible for 30 minutes of funny. He's responsible for the entire CC late night programming block. I wonder how the rest of the shows are doing while Trevor et all find their footing.

  7. Took a break from non-fiction to read Ernest Cline's new book (Armada). Awful. I enjoyed his first book (Ready Player One), though I was often put off by it being over referential of 80's fandom. Still, RPO was fun as hell and kept me interested from start to finish. This one had all the fandom homages and none of the fun. I really hope this is just a sophomore slump, and not an indication that Cline is rapidly running out of other people's ideas.

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  8. First impressions: I am in for the duration. You see, True Dectective? It isn't so hard to start a compelling new story within the same series.

    Love the cast, and the characters are more layered than onions. My sneaking suspicion is the older man in the trailer that Michael went to visit is John's father.

    Was anyone else surprised to see Anne Dowd's name in the credits? Is she going to be a recurrent hallucination of Kevin's, or will she show up as a completely new character? Which ever it is, I'm looking forward to seeing her again. Hopefully, she'll get to wear more than just white.

    She'll be a constant hallucination, and she won't shut up.

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  9. The end was pretty awesome with Mr Poopy Butthole.. he better be wrong, 18 months is far too long to wait to see how Rick gets back to the family!

    I'm not happy about it either, but I'm used to far longer periods of time between Venture Bros. seasons. All AS needs now is another two shows on the same level as those so we can have something guaranteed every year.
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  10. I hate to disclose that I know this, but poppers usually are more useful for the bottom because it relaxes the body. That whole sequence was just a great sight gag. "we're doing this" huuuffff.

    Dilating that guy's sphincter would have made the act less painful. Not what Garrison was going for.

  11. I heard the theme this morning, and I am not into it. I really liked Skyfall, so it would've been hard to live up to that, but this one seems like a complete miss to me.

    Same here. Of course I was just as underwhelmed by "You Know My Name" until I heard it in context with the opening credits. Now it's one of my favorites. Not saying the same thing will happen here, but it's not out of the question.

  12. Something occurred to me when watching License To Kill and Goldeneye back-to-back. Bond is not above three ways where the other dude is a colleague.

    My evidence is thin but here goes:

    LTK - Leiter's bride is WAY too affectionate towards Bond on her wedding day.

    Goldeneye - Trevelyan, while attempting to seduce Simonova, says that he and Bond shared "everything."

    Now, we all know Bond is a freak, but this adds a new, fascinating wrinkle to the legend of 007.

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  13. I first got into RHPS back in the 80's when I was 11 or 12. It was just such a strange experience and I was fascinated by the lack of logical sense anything in the movie made. I think my favorite memory was when I was in Germany in 87 and saw the home video version of the film. Seeing "Super Heroes" in its entirety was amazingly cool, though even at such a young age I understood why it was cut out of the U.S. version.

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