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Everything posted by EscapeGoat

  1. "I'm going to make a really big move... just as soon as Derrick tells me to!" is the theme of the summer!
  2. Thank you for clarifying! I don't remember that particular exchange and was really confused!
  3. People are saying it's sad that the kids don't have many toys, but what stands out to me is how desperately they want FRIENDS. Kids can survive with no toys, one toy, or all the toys in the world - but what kids really need are peers to socialize with! Play (with other kids, not necessarily with toys) is how kids learn about the world. The little girl especially seemed so sad to leave that park - I think that's why she wanted a dog so badly, she's so lonely! And even though they attempt to visit playgrounds often, the kids are not able to build sustained relationships with anyone other than their family. All very sad to me. Also, it's probably just because I work with children from a high SES - but did anyone else notice that all of the kid's clothes were from CrewCuts. They were not wearing cheap clothes! I wonder if the producers gave them a makeover for the show or what. It seemed an odd choice for a family who is all about giving up material possessions to have such pricey clothes for kids who run around and get dirty!
  4. Sorry, has anyone mentioned Nana's awesome style? She's at least twice my age, but I'd love her wardrobe (cheetah onesie pajamas aside!)
  5. This happens every season (Ok, I've only watched three seasons or so, but still!) and it always irritates me! People also are always getting offended at being lied to - IT'S BIG BROTHER! YOU HAVE TO LIE!!! It's always the person who has told the most lies that gets sooooo upset that someone would actually *gasp* lie to their face!
  6. Why can't anyone realize that the time to get rid of Derrick is NOW?!?!
  7. I agree with this - there was about 1/4 of a theme to this competition. They're finding bones, there is a dog-like mannequin in the bed in the box - but that's it?! Come on, you know they have a dog costume from Ian - make Zach wear that! Or at least a dog collar? Something?
  8. You mean, Christine still thinks she's a part of the Detonators!
  9. I have been lurking and waiting for a reason to register... and here it is!!!
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